
Yuki Okano's page

1,009 posts. Alias of Justin L. Warren.

Full Name

Yuki Okano


Human (Tian-Min)


Oracle of the Waves 6/Fighter 1 - HP 34/46 - AC 22/T: 16 /FF: 17 – Resist Cold 10 - Perception +1 - Fort: +6, Ref: +8, Will: +6 - CMB: +6, CMD: 21 - Speed: 30' - Init. +5






Chaotic Good




Common, Tien


Captain of the Calamitous Intent

Strength 12
Dexterity 20
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 11
Charisma 18

About Yuki Okano


Yuki is descended from a long line of Tian-min Naval greatness, but a series of military setbacks and scandals left the family disgraced and scattered. Her grandfather eventually settled in the Shackles in the Ushinawa Isles and turned piracy into the new family business.

After a number of relatives had perished by various ignoble watery fates, a superstition began to spread in the family that their ancestors were cursing those who became pirates for dishonoring the family name. Thus, Yuki's family sought to keep her out of the life, but the girl grew up to be headstrong, gregarious, and adventurous, convincing her parents eventually to allow her join the same pirate crew as her father. The elder Okano sought to teach Yuki everything he knew about piracy, although he focused primarily on the crossbow and other ranged weapons to keep her from danger of front line combat.

After a few months, Yuki's time with her father came to an end one night when a sudden storm hit their ship. A series of lightning bolts sheared the mainmast, causing it to plunge into the hull and sink the ship. Yuki's father did his best to save the girl, but the storm was too strong and both father and daughter drowned. As her lungs filled with seawater, she asked the oceans for another chance to live.

When she awoke the next day on a nearby island, Yuki had mixed feelings about having her prayer answered. Sure, she was still alive, but her father was gone and she had become both physically and spiritually altered by the experience. Her eye color had turned to ice blue and she now felt a divine connection with the sea as if she had absorbed some of its essence. This affinity gave her access to strange new powers, but now she was haunted by the spirits of her ancestors, who were angry that she had somehow evaded their deadly curse and her rightful watery grave.

Eventually discovered and picked up by a friendly pirate crew looking for her father's ship, Yuki discovered that she was the only survivor. Picking up the pieces of her life and coming to grips with the Mystery of the Waves that has been thrust upon her, she heads to Port Peril to find a new start.


Age: 18
Height: 5'3”
Weight: 90 lb

An attractive young woman of Tian-Min ancestry. Her jet-black hair is kept in a bouncy ponytail under her worn tricorne hat, but her most striking feature are her ice blue eyes. Her slender figure is clad in a form fitting pirate outfit when not wearing her armor. Friendly and adventurous, she smiles easily, especially when getting into trouble.

Game Statistics
Initiative: +5 [+5 Dex]
Senses: Perception +1
Speed: 30 ft. (Light)

AC: 22 (10 + 5 Armor + 1 Shield + 5 Dex + 1 Deflection)
Touch: 16 (10 + 5 Dex + 1 Deflection)
Flat-footed: 17 (10 + 5 Armor + 1 Shield + 1 Deflection)
Hit Points: 46 [6x(d8+Con) + 1x(d10+Con)]
Fort: +6 Ref: +8 Will: +6

Base Atk: +5; CMB: +6; CMD: 21

MW Cutlass: +7 to Hit; Dmg 1d6+1 (S); crit 18-20/x2
Dagger: +6 to Hit; Dmg 1d4+1 (P/S); crit 19-20/x2

+1 Composite Longbow (Str 12): +12 to Hit; Dmg 1d8+2 (P); crit 20/x3; range 100ft
Dagger: +10 to Hit; Dmg 1d4+1 (P); crit 19-20/x2; range 10ft

+1 Mithril Chain Shirt: +5 AC, No ACP
MW Buckler: +1 AC, 0 ACP
Ring of Protection +1


Skill Ranks Per Level: 5 x Oracle (4 + 0 Int modifier + 1 Human bonus + 1 Favored Class) + 1 x Fighter (2 + 0 Int + 1 Human bonus) + 1 free rank at 1st level
Acrobatics +10 (2 ranks + 3 class + 5 Dex)
Appraise +0 (0 ranks + 0 Int)
Bluff +4 (0 ranks + 4 Cha)
Climb +5 (1 rank + 3 class + 1 Str)
Craft +0 (0 ranks + 0 Int)
Diplomacy +15 (7 ranks + 3 class + 4 Cha + 1 trait)
Disable Device +18 (7 ranks + 3 class + 5 Dex + 1 trait + 2 tools)
Disguise +4 (0 ranks + 4 Cha)
Escape Artist +5 (0 ranks + 5 Dex)
Heal +0 (0 ranks + 0 Wis)
Intimidate +14 (7 ranks + 3 class + 4 Cha)
Knowledge (Nature) +6 (3 ranks + 3 class + 0 Int)
Knowledge (Local) +5 (1 rank + 3 class + 0 Int + 1 trait)
Perception +1 (0 ranks + 0 Wis + 1 trait)
Perform +4 (0 ranks + 4 Cha)
Profession (Sailor) +11 (7 ranks + 3 class + 0 Wis + 1 trait)
Ride +5 (0 ranks + 5 Dex)
Sense Motive +0 (0 ranks + 0 Wis)
Spellcraft +5 (2 ranks + 3 class + 0 Int)
Stealth +5 (0 ranks + 5 Dex)
Survival +5 (2 ranks + 3 class + 0 Wis)
Swim +5 (1 rank + 3 class + 1 Str)
Languages: Common, Tien


Point-Blank Shot: +1 to ranged attack and damage rolls within 30'. (1st level Feat)

Precise Shot: No penalty for shooting in melee. (Human Bonus Feat)

Rapid Shot: When making a full-attack action with a ranged weapon, you can fire one additional time this round. All of your attack rolls take a –2 penalty. (Fighter Level 1 Feat)

Weapon Focus (Longbow): You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using a Longbow. (3rd level Feat)

Deadly Aim: -2 to attack rolls, +4 damage if hit. (Increases every fourth level)

Extra Revelation (Icy Skin): You gain one additional revelation. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this revelation


Besmara’s Blessing: Besmara the Pirate Queen has marked Yuki for a greater destiny. She gains a +1 trait bonus on Perception and Profession (sailor) checks. In addition, once per week she can reroll a Profession (sailor) check and take the higher result (you must announce that you are using this ability before the results of the check are known). [Skull & Shackles Player's Guide Trait]

Friend in Every Town: Yuki has no problem making friends and learning information from them wherever she goes. She gains a +1 trait bonus on all Knowledge (local) checks and Diplomacy checks. Knowledge (local) is a class skill for her. [Social Trait]

Vagabond Child (Urban): You grew up among the outcasts and outlaws of your society, learning to forage and survive in an urban environment. Select one of the following skills: Disable Device, Escape Artist, or Sleight of Hand (Disable Device chosen). You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks with that skill, and it is always a class skill for you. [Regional Trait]

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Fighters are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and all armor and shields. Oracle weapon and armor proficiencies are included within Fighter proficiencies.

Oracle Abilities


0-Level Spells Known:
Create Water
Detect Magic
Enhanced Diplomacy
Purify Food and Drink
Ghost Sound (DC 13)
Mage Hand

1-Level Spells Known (7/Day):
Cure Light Wounds
Divine Favor
Obscuring Mist
Touch of the Sea
Liberating Command
Protection from Evil

2-Level Spells Known (6/Day)
Burst of Radiance
Cure Moderate Wounds
Resist Energy
Minor Image

3-Level Spells Known (4/Day)
Cure Serious Wounds
Dispel Magic
Water Breathing


Water Sight (Su): You can see through fog and mist without penalty as long as there is enough light to allow you to see normal. At 7th level, you can use any calm pool of water at least 1 foot in diameter as a scrying device, as if using the scry spell. At 15th level, this functions like greater scrying. You can use the scrying abilities for a number of rounds per day equal to your oracle level, but these rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Fluid Travel (Su): You can walk on liquid as if it were a solid surface. Walking on the liquid does not harm you; you can walk on acid or even lava (as if walking on a solid temporary crust), though you would still take fire damage from being near the lava. You can move across this surface at your normal land speed. At 7th level, while this ability is in effect, you can instead go underwater, gaining a swim speed of 60 feet and the ability to breathe water. You can use this ability for 1 hour per day per oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-hour increments.

Icy Skin (Ex): You gain resist cold 5. This resistance increases to 10 at 5th level and 20 at 11th level. At 17th level, you gain immunity to cold.


Haunted: Malevolent spirits follow you wherever you go, causing minor mishaps and strange occurrences (such as unexpected breezes, small objects moving on their own, and faint noises). Retrieving any stored item from your gear requires a standard action, unless it would normally take longer. Any item you drop lands 10 feet away from you in a random direction. Add mage hand and ghost sound to your list of spells known. At 5th level, add levitate and minor image to your list of spells known.


+1 Composite Longbow (Str 12) [3 lbs]
Efficient Quiver [2 lbs]
--200 Arrows
--60 Blunt Arrows
--60 Cold Iron Arrows
--60 Silver Arrows
MW Cutlass [4 lbs]
Dagger [1 lb]

+1 Mithril Chain Shirt [10 lbs]
MW Buckler [5 lbs]
Ring of Protection +1

Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2 [1 lb]
Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 [1 lb]
Cloak of Resistance +1 [1 lb]
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds [11 charges left]
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (CL 3) [50 charges left]
Farglass (See Below)
MW Backpack [4 lbs]
-- In Backpack
--Cure Serious Wound Chocobar (3d8+10)
--Compass [1/2 lb]
--MW Thieves Tools [2 lbs]
--2 Alchemist Fire [2 lbs]

Current Wealth: 157 gp

Total Weight carried: 36.5 lbs (Light)
Carrying Capacities: 50 lbs / 51–100 lbs / 101–150 lbs
(Masterwork Backpack gives effective +1 on Carrying Capacity Strength)


This telescoping brass spyglass functions as a normal spyglass and allows clear vision to the horizon 3 miles away at sea level. From atop a typical crow’s nest or 70-foot-tall tower like Tidewater Rock, this vision extends to over 10 miles.

Once per day, the user of a farglass can activate a clairaudience/clairvoyance effect upon any location seen through the farglass’s lens. As long as the location is kept in sight through the lens, the clairaudience/clairvoyance sensor can move with the location. This effect lasts for up to 5 minutes.