DM Davy Jones |

Ayre does in fact get bumped over the railing and falls ten feet to the floor below.
Bahrin's dagger slashes the alchemist as she passes while Nymph's chop just barely misses.
Yuki lets fly another arrow.
Attack (Longbow): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
Damage (Longbow): 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
It misses as well.
Flames lick up the sides of the walls as the alchemist flees while the guard gratefully accepts whatever task is set to him as long as he too can get out of this building alive.
In a first you now have two live maps.

Nymph |

Nymph chases down after the poisoner.

Ayre |

Dm did I have any idea how to out this flame out when I learned water was bad?

DM Davy Jones |

If you could create a vacuum you believe you could starve the fire of the air it needs to continue to feed. Since you're on the first floor killing the alchemist and/or exiting the building with your newest lackey would probably be best.

Ayre |

I think if I move 30 I can get into range for a lightning bolt
7d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 4) = 22 DC 17

DM Davy Jones |

Coulda sworn I posted but OK.
Reflex: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24
Zarskia tries to avoid the lightning bolt fired at point blank range but is slammed by the edge of the arcing blast.
She staggers to the ground as the fire spreads to the first floor, falling on her face.
You're finally out of combat! Huzzah!

Nymph |

Nymph hurries over and tosses the unconscious woman over her shoulder. "I rather not be a fried fish, so lets scram."

Nymph |

Do I need to make a check to get the guy?

DM Davy Jones |

Which guy? The flunky is crawling after you. The woman alchemist on the floor is dead. Cut her head off and bring it back to Tessa Fairwind!

Ayre |

Oh I thought she was unconscious,. J. That case we will take proof of her body

DM Davy Jones |

You emerge from the burning building, badly hurt thug in tow, with the body of the alchemist in your arms. You see a crowd starting to form but confused by the magical mist you left in place.
Are you going to leg it out? If so make a stealth check!

Nymph |

Stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Ayre |

Ayre pulls out the invisibility wand and makes all of the heroes invisible, for 2 minutes

DM Davy Jones |

The heroes, and their new flunky whose name turns out to be Geoff, move back to the Calamitous Intent with all due haste, boarding with the corpse as the crowd gathers to fight the fire of the apothecary.
As soon as you board Kroop approaches with fishguts smeared on his leather apron.
"Gods, what have ye brought on board now?"

Nymph |

Were you talking to Kroop or Geoff?