DM Caleth |

Sorry that things seem to be moving so slow. I have put up a re-recruitment thread. You should go check it out and tell me what you think of the character proposals there.
You sleep fitfully through the night, but are not disturbed since most creatures seem reluctant to enter the immediate area near the dragon skeleton. Everyone should make a Will save (it's v. fear if that gives you any bonuses)
You dream of a great spectral dragon roaring in agony and defiance, trapped under the stones nearby. Its aura of terror and pain pervades the area. As you toss and turn, you see a dark figure approach and devour the dragon. You think the last part is a vague vision of the future, although there is no indication of when or how it will come to pass.
You dream of a great ghostly dragon being pinned down by a man dressed in the style of the Djet with a tower. The man is shouting warnings to you, but they cannot be made out over the roaring and thrashing of the dragon, which is unfortunate, you think to yourself, because you should probably heed the warnings of someone who can singlehandedly fight a dragon.
You dream of a great spectral dragon locked in mortal combat with one of your ancestors. He appears to be holding his own against the beast, but just barely. He shouts out to you and although you cannot understand his ancient words you understand that he wants you to lend him the strength of the Djet which he has passed down to you.
You dream of a great spectral dragon twisting against the bonds of the earth which hold it down. Through Batu, you can hear the earth crying out and straining to hold in the power of the spirit as the fabric of this plane contorts. As the world metaphysically stretches thin, you can see a terrifying emptiness beyond, devoid of air, devoid of life, devoid of anything except the Void.
Have fun with this. If you want to try to interact with your dreams just do so in spoilers marked as such.

Samaerew |

Yok onur atası, gücümü bu dünyada hiçbir yardım olacaktır. Ama burada sizin bilgelik gözleri açık alanda halkımıza yardımcı olabilir. Drakon'a düşmanı ben de güreşmek olabilir ve olacak sana o gücü ile yapılacaktır nasıl söyle, söyle bana ne yapmanız gerekir.
(Revered ancestor, this is a dream, and my strength cannot be of aid. But know this: in the waking world the strength passed down from you still flows true in my veins, and that I shall use every drop of it I posess to fight against the dragons and defend our people.
No honored ancestor, in this world my strength will be no help. But your wisdom here can assist our people in the eyes-open realm. Tell me what I must do, tell me how I too may wrestle the draconic foe, and your will will be done with that strength I have from you.)

DM Caleth |

Lets get those Will saves, people.

Byarsh Gyvualinn |

Will save 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
"Umbral Walker, who strides eternally fearless of the dragons' might, I see you and your vision for the future. Even so, there are parts incomprehensible to me. What is your desire, and how may I contribute?"

DM Caleth |

Byarsh Gyvualinn |

"Are you the One True God? What makes this One True God worthy of respect beyond the power it wields? A rock may kill an aurochs if thrown well, but the feat does not make the rock a noble weapon or an artifact worthy of praise."

Samaerew |

(Are these ones the of which the seer has spoken? Those who came before you, and made the armor of glass?)
I assume I'm asking this just as the dream ends (given that his words were fading out) so I'm not expecting an answer, unless there's some last words my ancestor would like to impress upon me.

Byarsh Gyvualinn |

If you only leave me scraps to work with Umbral Walker, then I shall use those scraps for my own designs.
He then walks back to where he "woke up," sinks back down, and returns to sleep.

DM Caleth |

You awaken from your restless sleep to the nagging feeling after a particularly unfulfilling nap. Tama and Timmon were especially haunted by the dragon spirit of this place and gain only half the regular healing from a night of rest as well as not refreshing one of their highest level spell slots.
The sun has only just risen and is beginning to bake the night's condensation off of the desert sand. The dragon which menaced the horizon the evening before is gone, and the desert is as expansive and empty as always.
If you want to continue interacting with your dreams for a little bit, that is fine, since it will not really impact what you do in the morning.

Timmon Wesgar |

DM Caleth |

Sorry for the lack of anything going on, but it has been a very busy weekend and things came up. I hope that I did not lose you guys with the delay.
As you awaken, you can hear faint shouting, as though a group of pewople were making their way towards you looking for something.
Also, Zaafirah and Akasha should be joining you soon.

Byarsh Gyvualinn |

Dawn sees Byarsh using the dwarven dagger to scavenge pieces of dragonbone. He is distracted sufficiently not to notice the encroaching individuals until an ice-blue raven alights near him and pulls at his toes. He bags the slivers he has and peers in the direction of the conversation.

Samaerew |

I'd like to run to the crest of the hill to get a better view. My assumption is that people on this side of the Wardens are Sharrim, and therefore allies, so I'm not trying to stay hidden, though I'm not intentionally calling attention to myself either, at least not until I've confirmed my hypothesis.

Akasha |

The dawn came, the sunlight breaking over the horizon to come creeping through the ruins, flowing like water seeking an unbroken path. Though by mid-day the desert would be sweltering, the cool morning brought gooseflesh to Akasha's bare skin as she sat in meditation, communing with Hrrskk.
In her mind's eye she sat inside of an intricately carved circle, designed by Hrrskk in his trueform, the air outside swirling with the spirits of this place, the presence of her patron stronger here than she had ever experienced anywhere.Deeply focused she rected the words of the last spell, the form of the magic burning into her mind as her companion nodded in approval.
She took a deep breath, completing the meditation and bringing herself back to her body, her eyes opening to greet the growing light.
Across from her Hrrskk trilled, announcing his intention to hunt his breakfast amongst the ruins. She smiled, rising to her feet, enjoying the warmth of the light against her pale skin before beginning to don her armor.
She could feelthe change in the air around her, here where her patron's power was held for so long, she could feel the influence on fate, today something would happen, something that would change her life.
Picking up her sword she studied the dark iron blade, wondering if it would taste blood before the end of the day.She sheathed the weapon, her hand straying the athame that she kept belted in front of her, at her center, an impliment of the power she had come to find great comfort in.
Today would be interesting and she would greet it boldly as she did every other.

DM Caleth |

Also, could you put your skill modifiers in your profile just incase I have to make a secret check for you at some point.

Samaerew |

Under his breath Samaerew mutters Ataları iyi. The ancestors are good.
He calls out, raising his trident and shield above his head. Aya, onu tekrar görmek güzel! Bana bu kutsal kumların üzerine ejderha gazabından kaçan üç yabancılar, var. Biz Ilk Erkek mezarları sığındı ve şimdi Vitriax vahasını için. Biliyorsun, nasıl büyük bir sonuç aldı? Halkımızın daha güvenli Müdürleri ötesinde kara mı?

DM Caleth |

I'm not sure where Zaafirah went, I should try to look into that.
Incidentally Gudea's last name means "servant of Marduk and son of the city"
Samaerew:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Tama:1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1
Byarsh:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Timmon:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

Samaerew |

Samaerew smirks a bit at the mans rudeness, and turns to the woman, waiting for her to translate. If no translation is forthcoming, he says in a soft voice Ne diyordun? Onlara nerede eşlik? Ve bunun gibi diğer he gestures toward the armored man dismissively kent-ciğeri var mı? Ejderhalar geldiğinde Ağa-Esh Dagan gördüm, ama diğer he sneers suddenly su-dökücülerin ziyaret etmek için geldiğini habersizdi.

Akasha |

The young woman strides forth slowly, confident yet wary, sure to make eye contact with both men. Her dark overcloak conceals her body, brilliant white hair extending from under the hood. At her side a small creature with the head of a lizerd or serpent with a birdlike body stared at the men, eerie intelligence in its reptilian eyes.
"Zaman senin arkadaşının speak olur gerçek, ben hiçi taşıyan hasta.", she says with a smile, "Ben şaşırırım ne sana bu adanmış yer getirir yine de?"
While what your friend speaks is truth, I bear you no ill.
I wonder, what brings you this sacred place though?

DM Caleth |

Where are the others? I was told to seek five captives who were rescued from the clutches of the dragons and had taken refuge here in the necropolis.
The woman, who Samarew addresses as Aya, continues what she was saying before she was interrupted. Ben kurtardı yabancılar ile birlikte onların şehre geri eşlik yardımcı.Vitriax, ben kendi gözlerimle Marduk takipçileri görmek ve ona rapor gerektiğini söylüyor.O da size aynı şeyi önerir. The bearded man clearly cannot understand Sharrim, and looks past Samaerew to Tama and Timmon and Byarsh to see if they at least have understood his words.
I am to help escort them back to their city along with the foreigners that they rescued. Vitriax says that I should see with my own eyes the followers of Marduk and report back to him. He suggests that you do the same.

Akasha |

Akasha's eyebrow arched slightly at the man's question, studying him and his companion more intently.
Ben senin konuştuğunu bilmiyorum ama senin....Mülteciler bu şehiri seçti onların kılavuzsuz yazgısı senin seviyor saklanmak olamaz,.

Saint Caleth |

Samaerew |

Vitriax akıllıca olur, ve ben onun isteklerini memnuniyetle yapacağız. Bu bir he gestures towards Byarsh Ilk Erkek salonları yolculuk Setekh iken hayran bir kahin, ve ben onun bilgeliği daha duymak için arayan. Atalarının bilgelik bize bağlamak için yeteneğini ejderhalar bu yüzden topraklarına girmek için riske korkuyordu ne olduğunu, ve bu yüzden onu korumak gerekir.