About AkashaAkasha
Defense :
Fort: +4 Reflex: + 3 Will: +2 CMD: 14 AC:17 (10+Dex(+2)+Natural(+)+Armor (+3)+2 Cuff of force shield) Current AC 17
Armor: Studded Leather Armor
Offense :
BAB:+2 CMB: + 3 Speed:30 Initiative +2 Combat
Special Abilities:
Arcane Pool (4) (1 pt / +1 bonus 1 minute)
Concentration +6
Weapon focus(Longsword), Least Dragonmark (Sentinel), Lesser Dragonmark (Sentinel) Mark of the Sentinel
[spoiler=Traits:] Focused Mind
Armor Master
1st level -8
Prepared (4-0, 4-1st )
Class Details::
Arcane Pool (Su)
Spell Combat (Ex)
Spellstrike (Su)
Hex Magus
This feature replaces spell recall.
At 7th level, when a magus prepares his magus spells, he can decide to expend 1 or more points from his arcane pool, up to his Intelligence bonus. For each point he expends, he can treat any one spell from the magus spell list as if it were in his spellbook and can prepare that spell as normal that day. If he does not cast spells prepared in this way before the next time he prepares spells, he loses those spells. He can also cast spells added in this way using his spell recall ability, but only until he prepares spells again. Equipment::
Magus Kit: backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin. 50ft rope
Being a scion of a noble house carried many responsibilities. Being female made it even more difficult. A member of a house focused on martial activity and protection, Akasha's strong will and determination convinced her parents to allow her to follow in the footsteps of her older brothers, joining the military. Her performance and determination distinguished her far beyond her last name, especially after developing a reputation for keeping her unit members alive. Skilled in both combat and magic, the young woman's talents took her through some of the most hellish locations during the war, often surviving on sheer grit. It was in some of these places that she was first introduced to some of the darker magics, the ability to hex an enemy with misfortune or weakness, a practice she found fascinating and continually works to master. The end of the war brought new difficulties, a responsibility to her family as a female heir. After all she has seen, all she had been through, she was sure of one thing, a life of court and intrigue would never be enough for her. Too noble to follow the obvious course of simply running off, Akasha approached her mother, the one person who always seemed to understand her. What she could not have possibly expected was that her mother had been an adventurer in her youth, and always knew that Akasha would never be satisfied with a sedentary life. Activity kept the worst of the nightmares away, and so with her parent blessing, she became a mercenary, an opportunity to travel and keep her abilities sharp, and one which she has found rewarding, finding a cameraderie in the units she worked with that she missed from military life. Hers is a unique circumstance, a member of a noble house, free of many of the ties of her station, possessed of her family's blessing yet, at heart, driven by a need for action. Personality::
A driven and focused individual, Akasha can sometimes come across as what one would describe as "intense". As with many Last War veterans, the dangers and horrors of war have taken a toll on her psyche. Though she suffers some degree of emotional scarring, she has developed a defense mechanism of keeping her emotion tightly in check, creating walls between her emotions and the outward facade she presents to others. As such she can be companionable but is rarely considered warm, focused and driven, at times unnervingly so, yet loyal to those with whom she shares a bond of camaraderie. She can be prone to nightmares in times of high stress or when overly exhausted, though she is seldom willing to divulge their content, her occasional bouts of silence walking the line between brooding and stoicism. Yet in her rare moments she can be surprisingly generous or protective, and when properly motivated, there are those rare few who see behind the walls, past the indomitable soldier who carries an undeniable yet alluring darkness within her, to the woman beneath, scarred but resilient, educated and cultured, yet loving of her freedom. A study in contrasts. Description::
Darkly attractive with an intense gaze that can easily be found unnerving, Akasha simply oozes a sense of the supernatural. Her raven black hair against the dark leather of her armor and the dark cloak she often wears, gives the impression of a woman draped in shadow. Her body, well formed, muscled from hours of combat training yet carrying a sultry feminine grace that screams of danger. If viewed unclothed her body, while undoubtedly beautiful, tells a long and storied tale of wartime experiences through a record of scars both large and small, each a feature as indelibly marked on her memory as her skin. Sharp violet eyes seem to study those around her, a full mouth within a cool, calculating face, beautiful yet imposing. She creates both intrigue and wariness wherever she goes, curiosity battling with self preservation. Along her left hip working its way down her thigh is an elaborate Dragonmark, the Mark of Protection, her birthright as a member of House Deneith, a symbol of status power and protection she wears with pride.
pp 4400gp sp cp