Vrog Skyreaver |

To start with, is your dueling dagger a +2 weapon, or do you have two of them? I just ask because of the way you have it listed.
So for gloves of dueling, I had to dig through some FAQ on whether an ability that replaces weapon training counts as weapon training or not. There's a rather long forum thread on the issue, but I used it to find the quote from the FAQ on the issue:
If the archetype ability says it works like the standard ability, it counts as that ability. If the archetype's ability requires you to make a specific choice for the standard ability, it counts as that ability. Otherwise, the archetype ability doesn't count as the standard ability.
While I would certainly allow gloves of dueling to apply to base Swashbuckler's Weapon Training, because of the faq the inspired blade ability that replaces it, doesn't apply.
Assuming your dueling dagger +2 is the "shield" dagger we talked about, I have you at about 42k gp with gear. The cape of the swashbuckler is a 3rd party item and isn't allowed. Also, a mithral shirt +2 costs 5100 gp total: 4k for the enchant, 1k for mithral, and 100 for the cost of the chain shirt.
You can't take either great fort or iron will with your bonus feats from swashbuckler, as neither are combat feats. Also, Piranha Strike only applies to light weapons and rapiers are one-handed weapons.
Your HP are a bit off: by my count, you should have 10 for first level, then 6 for levels 2-9, with 9 more for your con mod (and potentially another 9 more for favored class). By my math, that's either 67 without FCB or 76 with FCB.
That's about all I saw there, although as a suggestion for what you're trying to build, might I recommend This? It makes for a really good duelist and opens up more weapon options. Just an archetype I really like that does the "dexy fighter" thing really well without being too complicated.
You do you though.

Alika Karela |

Basically it only works for Red Sonja because she has amazing stats. :)

Alistair Wellington |

** spoiler omitted **
I have only one dueling dagger.
I got rid of the Gloves as the main reason to have them was for the bonus to hit and damage.I did not know the cape was third party...sorry about that. Got rid of that as well.
Readjust the feats and now two combat feats are what I took for the bonus feats.
I fixed the HP
I have a few things to buy but not sure what I will purchase just yet.

Vrog Skyreaver |

You can just take slashing grace to get dex to damage.
I like the archetype, but like most things it's not for everyone. I just put it out there cause there aren't alot of people who know about it.
@Alistair: Okay, once I get confirmation from Alika, I'll do one last pass on you three and then give it a thumbs up!

Vrog Skyreaver |

@Alika: Okay, no worries. We still have a few days left for recruitment.
Speaking of which, what I'd like each of you to do is PM me with your top 3 choices (not in first second third, but just the top three selections you'd like inthe group) from among the completed submissions, and we'll just leave it at the most voted wins, with a discussion should we have any ties.

Garran Fain |

You aren't kidding about the lack of AC on some of these submissions. My goodness.
I'm going to start looking over the completed ones today, and I should be ready to PM you my choices once you've officially closed things.

Vrog Skyreaver |

Okay, sorry about the delay in replying earlier: I fell asleep watching some youtube videos on the couch and just got up.
I know I asked a particular question of each of you, but fortunately I don't need to know the answer, as there was overlap of the same person in all three of your picks. I should have the initial post up in the recruitment shortly, and I'll get a discussion page up as well as dig through your build Alika, but the thread and review will have to wait until this evening (since I slept on the couch and I tweaked my back) and I think I'll try and lay down until I have to go to work.

Vrog Skyreaver |

Okay, folks, HERE is the discussion thread. I'll get the actual gameplay thread up this evening.