Alistair Wellington |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I am home from Pennsic War 48.
Lots of excellent fighting and good times even with some very sore ribs.
I will have a post up sometime soon. Still have a tone of things to clean, unpack and put away.

Alistair Wellington |

I will be out of town till the 22nd or 23rd. I can still post but it will be from my phone. I may not be able to see the maps.
I will be very tired at the end of each of these days. I am in the process of finishing my roof on the viking house. Thousands and thousands of little cedar shakes sidings to be stapled into my roof. This part is being done by myself...I may not post often, if need be...Bot me.

Garran Fain |

Hey, guys. My wife has just gone into the hospital as we prepare to welcome our first child. Posting may be sporadic, and I won’t be able to do anything on the maps for a while.
I should be back to mostly normal in a couple weeks.

Alistair Wellington |

I have been going through some rough personal stuff lately and I am sorry that I have not been as active as I would like. The quantity of my posts is not there nor is the quality. Planning to move in a couple of months (again) with the drama of personal life and the stress of figuring out all the logistics of the schools for the kids, housing, new doctors and my wife's career is just one huge quagmire of red tape and hoops to jump through. This has all led me to a state of total physical, mental and emotionally drained.
I plan to keep up as best I can with the games but as I know you understand, this is a game and will take a back seat to RL.
Bot me as you need to. I hope and pray that this mess is resolved soon and life goes back to normal.

Danni Shriikirri |

My fellow gamers/adventurers: I hate to have to say this, but I think I’m gonna have to bow out of my PBP games. We all know how real life can rear its ugly head, and I’m just not finding the time to work on my online hobby these days. I can barely keep up with reading posts, let alone posting any actions on my own, and I’d rather not limp along in some half-ass fashion without being able to give the time and energy that these games and our characters deserve. I wish you all the best and thank you for including me in your stories. -Rob

Garran Fain |

Understood, GM. Thanks for running this as far as you could.
Well, that's one drop.
Alika, Alistair, do we want to try keeping it together with another DM?

Garran Fain |

So, we've had someone propose to take over the game. Here's the link for Alistair's thread.
Vrog has put forth their proposal. Let's all look over it, and then each of us can decide if we like it or not.

Vrog Skyreaver |

Greetings adventurers. I have arrived to help advance your adventures to the next level....or in this case to book 3.
Here's what's going to happen, aka a rough timeline of events:
First, we need to verify all of the people still interested. So far, it looks like just Garran and Alistair. I just need to verify this before I start a recruitment, because as was mentioned in the other recruitment thread, I'm looking to just run for four people (to keep it balanced with the original design).
Once I have the list of people who are confirmed in, I'll get a recruitment up. While that's going on, I'll have those of you who are still playing create 9th level versions of your characters. We'll keep the 25 point buy for stats, 2 traits (one of which must be a campaign trait).
Added rules will be: no drawbacks, HP are max first and half plus one thereafter, gold will be 46,000 gp, with no limitations on how you spend your money (if you want to buy one really expensive thing, that's fine; that kind of thing is balanced by the fact that you're gimping yourself in other areas). No hero points or 3rd party material, and I'll post a writeup of the salient points of Books 1 and 2 in a writeup in this thread for those of you moving forward to read.
Once the game starts, I'll be using a different thread, just to keep things clean.
So that's basically it. If you have any questions, or I missed anything, please don't hesitate to ask. I look forward to having a great game!

Vrog Skyreaver |

No worries. Since it looks like have 3 people, I'll go ahead and get a recruitment up this weekend for a 4th.
It looks like you guys could use either a ranged weapon character or an arcane caster.
Oh, before I forget, I'm fine with almost anything Paizo, but if you think it'll be questionable, feel free to run it by me first.

Vrog Skyreaver |

Okay folks, I have the recruitment created:
I added the caveat that each submission have a tie to one of your characters, with your permission. I'd like you all to keep an eye on the thread to be able to yay or nay the connections with your characters.
I should have the "what has come before" piece finished this weekend, and I will post a link to it as a document on my dropbox, as I don't want to accidentally spoil the AP for those who haven't played it before.

Alistair Wellington |

So with no 3rd party stuff. May I rework my character to better fit the image I had for him. That feat was a perfect fit for the direction I originally intended but not a problem for me. I can rework it and still make it work. Is that ok with you?

Vrog Skyreaver |

Yes, feel free to change your character up as needed, as long as it abides by the charactere creation rules. Same goes for Garran and Alika.
Just let me know when you have it completed, and I'll give it a twice over and note any changes (remember, most things from Paizo should be fine, but there are a couple of things I don't allow: Off the top of my head, synthesist summoners and pagent of the peacock. I think there are a couple others, but those are big (mainly cause they either aren't designed well imo or cause a lot of arguments about the intent of the ability).

Vrog Skyreaver |

Vrog Skyreaver |

So I gave it a once over, and I have to leave for work soon so I might have missed something, but one thing jumped out at me:
Your skill points are a bit lacking. You should get 2 from class plus 2 from int plus 1 from human per level, for a total of 5 skill points a level.
From what I can tell, you have max ranks for free in climb for free from armor training, and max ranks in the following skills: Diplomacy, knowledge (planes), intimidate, and survival.
Given your traits, I'd consider maxing out either sleight of hand, perception, or sense motive.

Garran Fain |

Ah, I see what I did wrong. My spreadsheet for the character was originally made with a 13 Int, not 14. I forgot to account for that. I'll figure out a Skill that makes sense to increase.