CrazyHedgehog's Serpent Skull

Game Master CrazyHedgehog

Taking part in the Serpent's Skull Adventure Path, PbP style.

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Is there still room for any kind of character in this campaign? If so, which class? If not - thanks for replying to my question, anyway. ^^;

The Exchange

Cool. I'd like to play something like a half-elven female ranger/roguish character. If there is need of another character class though, I'm willing to consider otherwise.

A'vandira, either sounds fine, whatever character type you'd prefer most to play. Having said that, I don't think we've had any rogues yet!

The Exchange

Slicingsong wrote:
OK, Slicing Song has a cleaned up character sheet and expanded background section. I'd appreciate any feedback, GM Hedgehog. Thanks!

Slicingsong, had a look and your character & background look fine. In fact, there are a lot of creative backgrounds here. If only I had time to run several groups through Serpent's Skull!

Heh. Well, if you are offering... ;-) :-P

The Exchange

Aebliss wrote:
Is there still room for any kind of character in this campaign? If so, which class? If not - thanks for replying to my question, anyway. ^^;

There's been such a great response, I'm thinking of closing the recruitment thread for this game early. Perhaps tomorrow evening (say 10pm GMT/UK) - have a friend whose character will be joining the game, and want to give him a chance to finish the character off. So, Aebliss, yeah if you have a character you'd like to play post it up before then and it'll be in the running with the others. Don't worry about filling a particular role, just whatever class/concept would most appeal to you.

To sum up, here are our submissions so far (apologies and please let me know if I have inadvertently left someone out or gotten any details wrong):

Woodsmoke - male half-orc druid - Zaghigoth Stormbile
Fraust - female elf alchemist (grenadier) - Faey Vallidorn
ByronZideck - male human wizard (diviner) - Balatsu
jacetm587 - female elf witch - Arya
Chainmail - CG male human magus (staff magus) - Madwand
Kratzee - CG male human bard (archaeologist) - Denison Delgado
YuenglingDragon - CN male human bard - Slicingsong
Escharid - male human fighter (archer) - Yekskya
Nazard - male human fighter (brawler/gladiator) - Emilian
DukeRuckley - NG male human fighter (lore warden) - Samuel Hightower
RainyDayNinja - male human fighter (polearm master) - Pierre Montblanc
Taanyth Tuilinn - male halfling Paladin (warrior of holy light)
Bragol - LG male dwarf monk - Rondu
IronDice - CG male human ranger - Johann Holborn
Nostrus - ranger type?
A'vandira Silvermane - female half-elf ranger?/rogue?
Pikrak Ancrym - male human inquisitor (preacher)

The Exchange

Basil Kettering wrote:
Heh. Well, if you are offering... ;-) :-P

Heh heh, nah. Tempting as it is, it's been a while since I've run a PbP game, so I think running the one game will keep me occupied. For now :)

Oh. I asked you a question if I could take Oathbound and Warrior of the Holy Light together, even if one nullifies spells, and the other gives bonus spells known.

I'm only asking this because Sohei, which ADDS mounted combat feats the the feat list, is mixable with Master of Many Styles which CHANGES the feat list... at least to some GMs.

Fair enough ;-) You have left me off the list, though...

Luke_Parry - Male Half-Orc Barbarian - Basil Kettering

I too am not on that list.

PhineasGage - Male Human Ranger - Lucien Cintolli

Should I assume that means I didn't make the short list of potential candidates for the campaign?

You have me on your list, but main alt is michaelane. Escharid was someone I was giving advice to.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Sorry, I'm going to have to withdraw my submission. Things have been too busy at work.

Didn't see any channelers on the board.

Here is my aasimar cleric if the Madwand is not acceptable. He would need to be slightly tweaked for the Skull.

I haven't had the chance to read or try Serpent's Skull yet.

Submitting Maressa for consideration.

Submitting Grym the Trapper, a Half-Orc Ranger with the Trapper archetype. I've not yet created an alias for him, but his background is below and I've got most of the crunch completed.

Grym was born in the countryside around Sandpoint near Magnimar but spent much of his life being treated with disdain due to the number of goblinoid raids against the small town. Even his fellow woodsmen were wary of the hulking half-orc and no amount of good humour seemed to change their disposition.

It was a chance encounter with a fellow half-orc during one of the few times that Grym visited the Rusty Dragon that he learned of the Mwangi Expanse. A fortune was waiting to be made in that dark, wet jungle for those who had the bottle to brave the locals, the monsters and the weather. At first, Grym dismissed the idea of uprooting himself to travel to such a foreign climate but as the weeks turned into months, he realised that there was nothing tying him to this area and that he might very well turn a fortune in a distant land where no one knew him.

It took several months of careful planning but Grym eventually managed to scrape together the fare to the jungle continent. Now, Grym acquaints himself with the crew and other passengers although he must admit he doesn't care much for the rocking motion of the boat.

In a nutshell, I plan for Grym to go down the TWF route, using axes as his mainstay weapon as they can be turned to other functions easily. He'll be big on Survival and the natural Knowledges but pretty short on Charisma-based skills due to the way his life has panned out so far.

sorry, but i was submitting a Rogue female (with a religious past) not a male fighter....

Name would be Vivian something..

Hi, I'd like to submit a Tengu Rogue into the mix if you are still looking...

Name : Claxx
Race : Tengu
Class : Rogue (1)
Description : Jet black plumage with a deep purple pinfeathers.

Combat style : Prefers to rain down 'death from above' with his bow, and then sneak to the rear and dispatch with his shortsword.

Claxx was born in the in the back of the kitchen wagon. His family was driven from their rookery
before he was born. His early life is a blur of constant travel and stops for the show. His parents were
entertainers in a travelling circus, their acrobatic skills were second to none.

While his grandmother kept the kitchen, his parents traversed the high wire. Claxx grew up in the sawdust
and behind the tents, befriending all of the troop and becoming the mascot of the Troll Clowns.

A guild of half-troll thieves they had found refuge in the circus, constant travel, acceptance by the
community and a safe haven, the guild was able to survive without raising the ire of the the constabularies.
During the off times the trolls would teach him their tricks and sleights of hand. He became adept at
wandering the crowds rummaging through pockets and purses , finding "shineys".

The Ringmaster was a dour human , who took accepted Claxx and his family and allowed them refuge in exchange
for their abilities.

This idyllic life came to a shattering end when the caravan was beset by a tribe of Orcs and most of the troop
was killed off. Claxx and his grandmother were able to escape from the marauders, but not before Claxx
witnessed his father being cut down trying to protect his mother.

His grandmother dying from an arrow wound early in the confrontation, gave him a locket with an
engraving of the family crest, and a behest to only grieve for the family once he'd found home again before
dying in he wilderness.

Claxx rummaged through the remains of the circus once the Orcs had moved on, geared him self with what he
could find and moved on.

Claxx now travels the world, looking for home.

The Exchange

Taanyth Tuilinn wrote:

Oh. I asked you a question if I could take Oathbound and Warrior of the Holy Light together, even if one nullifies spells, and the other gives bonus spells known.

I'm only asking this because Sohei, which ADDS mounted combat feats the the feat list, is mixable with Master of Many Styles which CHANGES the feat list... at least to some GMs.

Hi, I remember you asking about the archetypes, but had forgotten to put them on the list. I wasn't too worried about it, though now you mention it, on closer look at what the APG recommends about archetypes it does look like the two might conflict with each other a bit, as you say with spells and with your paladin's lay on hands ability. I would probably recommend taking choosing just one of the archetypes, especially if you intend on multiclassing as a monk with the zen archer archetype. That would be a lot for you to keep track of!

The Exchange

Basil Kettering wrote:

Fair enough ;-) You have left me off the list, though...

Luke_Parry - Male Half-Orc Barbarian - Basil Kettering

Ooh, don't worry I'll make sure you're included in the list of interested parties. Luke Parry, that name rings a bell...

Is that a recommendation or a rule set in stone for you? Because I know I can keep track of all three archetypes.

The Exchange

PhineasGage wrote:

I too am not on that list.

PhineasGage - Male Human Ranger - Lucien Cintolli

Should I assume that means I didn't make the short list of potential candidates for the campaign?

Not at all, just missed you when going through the thread last night. I think I will end recruitment in a few minutes - nearly 10PM GMT - then I'll have a look and let everyone know. Thanks for being patient!

The Exchange

Yekskya wrote:
You have me on your list, but main alt is michaelane. Escharid was someone I was giving advice to.

Oh no! I must have been a bit bamboozled last night. I'm going to draw up a new list in a few minutes, I'll amend that, apologies guys for the mix-up.

CrazyHedgehog wrote:
Ooh, don't worry I'll make sure you're included in the list of interested parties. Luke Parry, that name rings a bell...

Well, there is an actor named Luke Perry, but he is no relation ;-)

The Exchange

Nostrus wrote:

Submitting Grym the Trapper, a Half-Orc Ranger with the Trapper archetype. I've not yet created an alias for him, but his background is below and I've got most of the crunch completed.

** spoiler omitted **

In a nutshell, I plan for Grym to go down the TWF route, using axes as his mainstay weapon as they can be turned to other functions easily. He'll be big on Survival and the natural Knowledges but pretty short on Charisma-based skills due to the way his life has panned out so far.

Hey there Nostrus, interesting character, had remembered that he was to be a half-orc trapper but had forgotten to note it on the summary last night.

The Exchange

Taanyth Tuilinn wrote:
Is that a recommendation or a rule set in stone for you? Because I know I can keep track of all three archetypes.

I'll say it as a rule - either warrior of the holy light or oathbound/oath of vengeance. :)

alright. I'll go oath of vengeance. Gotta love that extra smite.

The Exchange

Thanks for your characters everyone. I'm going to have a look through the thread and characters just now, I'll try to post the group up tonight but if it's too late I'll post it up tomorrow evening. The group will be five, plus a friend A'vandira who is making up a character - six players total.

Thanks for writing in with amendments to the list I put up last night, I did make a few errors in transcribing. We have:

Chainmail - male aasimar cleric - Diurn Silestro
Woodsmoke - male half-orc druid - Zaghigoth Stormbile
Fraust - female elf alchemist (grenadier) - Faey Vallidorn
jacetm587 - female elf witch - Arya
Chainmail - CG male human magus (staff magus) - Madwand
Kratzee - CG male human bard (archaeologist) - Denison Delgado
YuenglingDragon - CN male human bard - Slicingsong
wakedown - N female human rogue - Maressa the Black
Escharid - NG(?) female human rogue - Vivian
xunilpenguin - male tengu rogue - Claxx
Michaelane - male human fighter (archer) - Yekskya
Nazard - male human fighter (brawler/gladiator) - Emilian
DukeRuckley - NG male human fighter (lore warden) - Samuel Hightower
RainyDayNinja - male human fighter (polearm master) - Pierre Montblanc
Taanyth Tuilinn - male halfling Paladin (oathbound - oath of vengeance)
Bragol - LG male dwarf monk - Rondu
IronDice - CG male human ranger - Johann Holborn
Nostrus - male half-orc ranger (trapper) - Grym the Trapper
PhineasGage - male human ranger - Lucien Cintolli
A'vandira Silvermane - female half-elf ranger?/rogue?
Pikrak Ancrym - male human inquisitor (preacher)

I'll be back soon.

Wow! Twenty one choices. That can't be easy.

After looking over the list it seems I should have written up an arcanist!

You left me off the list again :-P

Luke_Parry - Male Half-Orc Barbarian - Basil Kettering

The Exchange

Basil Kettering wrote:

You left me off the list again :-P

Luke_Parry - Male Half-Orc Barbarian - Basil Kettering

D'oh! How did I do that? And I was just looking through at your barbarian Luke, as well. :)

No worries! :-)

The Exchange

Ok, thanks everyone for taking part. There were so many great submissions, I hate making a cull but the group is as follows:

Woodsmoke - LN male half-orc druid - Zaghigoth Stormbile
Fraust - AL? female Forlorn elf alchemist (grenadier) - Faey Vallidorn
michaelane - NG male Mwangi human fighter (archer) - Yekskya
YuenglingDragon - CN male Shoanti human bard - Slicingsong
Nostrus - AL? male half-orc ranger (trapmaster) - Grym the Trapper
A'vandira Silvermane - joining shortly

I'll post up an ooc discussion thread for you guys, the link is here.

Everyone else, thanks very much for your interest and if I could make a suggestion, if there is anyone else out there who is also considering running a Serpent's Skull game, you should get another group or two going as there are some great character concepts here. Look forward to playing with you all in future. :)

ok, good luck to everyone. I'll read your stuff, to see how the group plays together.
I was truly impressed of how the initial group worked together, and of their brilliant roleplay. That was my motivation for joining the game.

Escharid Blackrose wrote:

ok, good luck to everyone. I'll read your stuff, to see how the group plays together.

I was truly impressed of how the initial group worked together, and of their brilliant roleplay. That was my motivation for joining the game.

sorry, wrong place to post,as the game hasn't begun. But I DO wish everyone good luck. Have fun!

Had some unexpected stuff come up this weekend. Concept is done, but need a little more time to round out my character. Will be starting as a half-elven Rogue, taking a few levels of Ranger later on (thinking of learning the tricks of the trade from Nostrus' Grym). Hopefully be done with my build tonight and put up character for review. Sorry for the delay.

Rowena "Cat" Thennemen is a female half-elf, whose parents are well-to-do merchants in Varisia. To Rowena, this means they are boring!
She rather spent her time with the caravan guards and the rough and tumble crowd in the shadier parts of town. This is where she picked up most of her skills. Because of her dark complexion, dark hair and green eyes she was soon nicknamed "Cat".

When she came of age, her parents put the choice before her whether or not she wanted to keep on living her care-free life or was ready to start a more normal (again, boring) life.
Rowena, having expected that question to be brought up sooner or later already had her answer ready. Since she was of no mind to settle down, yet did not want to give up her inheritance, she had already worked out another idea. Instead of making that choice, she suggested to her parents that she put her talents to better use in the interest of the family business. How about setting sail and opening up a trade connection to the colony of Sargava? That way she could still engage in her favorite activity of adventuring, while at the same time working to expand the business of the family.

Her parents thought long and hard on this idea and weeks went by with Rowena fighting to convince them of the merit of her idea, until they finally relented. Preparations were made and various cargo was consolidated to be sent to Sargava. Rowena was to accompany the cargo aboard the vessel Jenivere, until it reached Sargava, where she would disembark and set up trading station for the many adventurers passing through the port on their way into the Mwangi Expanse.

Will put up my character sheet tomorrow from work, where I can convert it to a PDF.
And if someone could show me how to do this show/hide stuff button, I'd appreciate it ;-)

Short info:
Female Half-elf Rogue
Stats: STR: 12 / DEX: 17 / CON: 14 / INT: 14 / WIS 11 / CHA: 10
Armor: Studded Leather : AC 16 (incl. +3 dex mod)
Weapons: Rapier / Short Sword / Light Mace / Shortbow / Dagger
Languages: Common / Elven / Orc
Feats: Weapon Finesse / Skill Focus (Racial Bonus Feat level 1): UMD
Traits: Elven Reflexes (+2 Initiative Modifier) / Get the Cargo through +(300 GP starting wealth)

A'vandira Silvermane wrote:

And if someone could show me how to do this show/hide stuff button, I'd appreciate it ;-)

Spoiler tags.

Put spoiler within [] to start and the /spoiler in [] to end.

You can also create an alias from your account page for Cat so Paizo does all the trouble of hosting your character sheet. Click on my name to see. If you want the template I use complete with tags let me know.


Put spoiler within [] to start and the /spoiler in [] to end.

You can also create an alias from your account page for Cat so Paizo does all the trouble of hosting your character sheet. Click on my name to see. If you want the template I use complete with tags let me know.

Thanks Slicingsong. Found it.

HedgeHog: Done

The Exchange

Escharid Blackrose wrote:
Escharid Blackrose wrote:

ok, good luck to everyone. I'll read your stuff, to see how the group plays together.

I was truly impressed of how the initial group worked together, and of their brilliant roleplay. That was my motivation for joining the game.
sorry, wrong place to post,as the game hasn't begun. But I DO wish everyone good luck. Have fun!


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