
Basil Kettering's page

624 posts. Alias of Luke_Parry.

Full Name

Basil Kettering




Magus (Eldritch Archer/Hexcrafter) 1 (HP 9/9) (AC 18/14/14) (CMD 15) (Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2) (Init +6) (Perception +6)








Chaotic Good






Common, Elven, Sylvan, Draconic, Celestial, Giant

Strength 12
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 8

About Basil Kettering


At 6’2”, with broad shoulders and a thinly muscled frame, Basil towers over most men, but is more akin to a climbing vine than a sturdy oak. He rarely smiles, typically remaining aloof from those around him. His most distinguishing feature, however, is a large brand of a butterfly on his left cheek, announcing to all the world his chosen allegiance.

Basil is generally quiet, but is by no means shy - he simply believes that one should not speak unless one has something useful to say. When he does speak, his comments tend to brief, and to the point. He believes in honest hard work as being the only way to ever achieve anything lasting, and tries to live up to that ideal in his day to day life.

Basil is a Forlorn elf, having grown up outside Kyonin. Because of that, he feels a stronger connection with the world of humans, than the world of elves. Of course, he has never truly felt like he belonged anywhere - throughout his long life, he has never settled down in one place for long, preferring the vagaries of the open road to the certainties of city life.

Nevertheless, there *are* certain hubs that he keeps coming back to, time after time. He originally discovered Sandpoint shortly after it was founded, and whilst he never had any interest in settling down there permanently, he finds it a convenient place to keep coming back to when he needs to relax, resupply, or find a caravan that would benefit from having another guard along for the ride.

On one of his many perambulations, he came across an isolated hamlet that had been burned and half-destroyed by a tribe of ogres, its residents killed... or worse. Amongst the... organic detritus... he found a young half-elf child - barely more than a toddler, really, from an elf's perspective - who had somehow managed to survive.

His normally itinerant lifestyle was not suited to raising a child, so he curbed his wanderlust for a few years (what's a decade or two when you can expect to live many centuries?), and more or less settled down in the environs of Sandpoint.

Once the child - Rosemary - was old enough to look after herself, he went back to his old life. However, although he would not entirely admit it to himself, he could not quite go back to being as carefree as before - he might leave, but like a boomerang, he would always come back to catch-up with her, the girl who was less than a daughter, but more than a friend.

As for herself, Rosemary has a brilliant singing voice, and when she isn't functioning as a chorister and acolyte at the Cathedral, she is singing on the stage.

The upcoming Swallowtail festival is expected to be a particularly big performance, and Basil would not miss it for the world!

Initiative: +6 [+4 Dex + 2 Trait]
Senses: Low Light Vision, Perception +6
Speed: 30 ft (30 ft in armor)

AC: 18 (10 + 3 (Studded Leather) + 1 (Buckler) + 4 Dex )
Touch: 14 (10 + 4 Dex)
Flat-footed: 14 (10 + 3 (Studded Leather) + 1 (Buckler))

Hit Points: 9/9

Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +2

Immune to magic sleep effects.

+2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.

+2 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.

Base Atk: +0; CMB: +1; CMD: 15

MW Mighty [+1] Composite Longbow: +5 to Hit; Dmg 1d8+1; crit 20/x3; Type P or B

Skill Points per level: 4 (Class) + 3 (Intelligence) + 2 (Background**)
Acrobatics +4
Appraise +3
Bluff -1
Climb +1
Craft(Bows) +7 (+3 Int + 1 ranks + 3 class skill)**
Diplomacy +3 (-1 Cha + 1 rank + 3 class skill)
Disguise -1
Escape Artist +4
Heal +0
Intimidate -1
Knowledge(Arcana) +7 (+3 Int + 1 ranks + 3 class skill)
Knowledge(Dungeoneering) +7 (+3 Int + 1 ranks + 3 class skill)
Knowledge(Planes) +7 (+3 Int + 1 ranks + 3 class skill)
Linguistics +7 (+3 Int + 1 ranks + 3 class skill)**
Perception +6 (+0 Wis + 1 ranks + 3 class skill + 2 Keen Senses)
Ride +4
Sense Motive +0
Spellcraft +7 (+3 Int + 1 ranks + 3 class skill)
Stealth +4
Survival +0
Swim +1
Use Magic Device +3 (-1 Cha + 1 rank + 3 class skill)

1st: Precise Shot
3rd: Rapid Shot
5th: Weapon Focus (Bows)
5th - Magus Bonus Feat: Arcane Strike
7th: Improved Initiative
9th: Many Shot
11th: Improved Critical (Bows)
11th - Magus Bonus Feat: Clustered Shots
13th: Weapon Specialization (Bows)
15th: Improved Precise Shot
17th - Magus Bonus Feat:

You were bullied often as a child, but never quite developed an offensive response. Instead, you became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger quickly.

Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks.

You were born with a strange birthmark that looks very similar to the holy symbol of the god you chose to worship later in life.

Benefits: This birthmark can serve you as a divine focus for casting spells, and as a physical manifestation of your faith, and it increases your devotion to your god. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.

Giant Slayer:
Your family’s village was plundered by giants in the wilds of Varisia, leaving nothing but a smoldering ruin. After the destruction of your village, your family trained for combat against giants to prevent such a tragedy from ever happening again. Since hearing of giants mobilizing throughout the countryside, you ventured to Sandpoint to help the town prepare for a possible incursion.

Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Perception, and Sense Motive checks and +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against creatures of the giant subtype.

Racial Features:
Low-Light Vision:
Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

Elven Immunities:
Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.

Elven Magic:
Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify the properties of magic items.

Keen Senses:
Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Fey Thoughts:
The character sees the world more like a native of the First World. Select two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, or Use Magic Device. The selected skills are always class skills for the character.

An elf, gnome, or half-orc can take this trait in place of racial weapon familiarity.

Class Features:

Arcane Pool (Su):
At 1st level, the magus gains a reservoir of mystical arcane energy that he can draw upon to fuel his powers and enhance his weapon. This arcane pool has a number of points equal to 1/2 his magus level (minimum 1) + his Intelligence modifier (4/day). The pool refreshes once per day when the magus prepares his spells.

At 1st level, a magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.

At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: dancing, flaming, flaming burst, frost, icy burst, keen, shock, shocking burst, speed, or vorpal. Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property's base price modifier (see the Magic Weapon Special Ability Descriptions). These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the arcane pool point is spent and cannot be changed until the next time the magus uses this ability. These bonuses do not function if the weapon is wielded by anyone other than the magus.

A magus can only enhance one weapon in this way at one time. If he uses this ability again, the first use immediately ends.

Spell Combat (Ex):
At 1st level, a magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast. To use this ability, the magus must have one hand free (even if the spell being cast does not have somatic components), while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty). If he casts this spell defensively, he can decide to take an additional penalty on his attack rolls, up to his Intelligence bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check. If the check fails, the spell is wasted, but the attacks still take the penalty. A magus can choose to cast the spell first or make the weapon attacks first, but if he has more than one attack, he cannot cast the spell between weapon attacks.

Class Skills:
An eldritch archer gains Perception as a class skill, but does not gain Use Magic Device as a class skill. This ability modifies the magus’s class skills.

Arcane Pool (Su):
An eldritch archer’s choices of weapon special abilities to apply with arcane pool at 5th level include distance, nimble shotUE, and returning but not dancing, keen, or vorpal. This ability modifies the magus’s arcane pool.

Ranged Weapon Bond (Ex):
At 1st level, an eldritch archer gains a bonded object as per the wizard’s arcane bonded object; it must be a ranged weapon, and it can’t be used to cast a spell once per day. Holding her bonded item does not prevent the eldritch archer from providing somatic components for her spells.

Ranged Spell Combat (Ex):
Instead of a light or one-handed melee weapon, an eldritch archer must use a ranged weapon for spell combat. She doesn’t need a free hand for ranged spell combat. The eldritch archer cannot accept an attack penalty to gain a bonus on concentration checks to cast a spell defensively. This ability modifies spell combat.

1st Level (1+1):

Cantrips: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Brand, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Fiendish Presence, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Grasp, Light, Mage Hand, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Spark

1st Level: Grease, Infernal Healing, Keep Watch, Magic Missile, Mount, Snowball


Explorer's Outfit
Silver Holy Symbol (25gp)
MW Mighty [+1] Composite Longbow (-) + Locked Gauntlet (8gp)
Studded leather (25gp)
Buckler (5gp)
Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath #1 (5gp)
Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath #2 (5gp)

Durable Cold Iron Arrow x20 (40gp)
Durable Alchemical Silver Arrow x15 (45gp)
Blunt Arrow x20 (2gp)
Spell Component Pouch x2 (10gp)

MW Backpack (50gp)
Waterproof bag (0.5gp)
Bedroll (0.1gp)
Winter Blanket (0.5gp)
Crowbar (2gp)
Grappling Hook (1gp)
50' Silk Rope (10gp)
Hammer (0.5gp)
10' Pole (0.05gp)

Belt Pouch (1gp)
Whetstone (0.02gp)
Chalk [x3] (0.03gp)
Iron Vial [x3] (0.3gp)
Flint and Steel (1gp)

Coin = 3gp, 0sp, 0cp