Cottonseed PFS PbP (2E)

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
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Looking for three more players to play...

Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-02: Return to the Grave
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.

Following the desolation of Lastwall at the hands of the Whispering Tyrant, untold horrors wander the woods and roads of the region now known as the Gravelands. Many small refugee settlements are scattered throughout the area, their citizens either helplessly trapped behind enemy lines, or stubbornly hoping that they won’t be noticed by Tar-Baphon’s undead armies.

One such settlement became a new home for a Pathfinder agent—a dedicated member of the Radiant Oath faction—who had been traveling in Lastwall when the nation fell. The agent decided to help those in need rather than flee the Gravelands, and they’ve managed to keep the settlement protected… so far.

Now, with the settlement burgeoning with refugees and the Whispering Tyrant’s forces drawing near, the agent has made a desperate attempt to reach a Pathfinder lodge in Ustalav. They barely made it out alive—and now they’re asking for agents to return to the Gravelands and aid their stranded friends!

Written by Joseph Blomquist

Scenario tags: Faction (Horizon Hunters, Radiant Oath)


This will be played during the PbP Gameday XII event set to commence on 4 September 2023. If you are interested, sign up in this Gameday XII Event Listing!

GM Frost wrote:

Looking for three more players to play...

Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-02: Return to the Grave
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.
This will be played during the PbP Gameday XII event set to commence on 4 September 2023. If you are interested, sign up in this Gameday XII Event Listing!

Forgot to put the link. Go to Gameday XII Event Listing and check the FCFS Signup tab.

Seeking two more players for:

A Fistful of Flowers

When a stuffy noblewoman decides that leshys make for pretty centerpieces for her fancy tea party, she has no idea what sort of trouble she's stirring up. Not every plant in the forest wants to be put on display, and some of them are more than well-equipped to fight for those who are plucked from their homes!

In A Fistful of Flowers, you take on the role of one of four unique leshys—plants who have been granted sapience and wills of their own. When new sproutlings are snatched out of the woods and taken away to civilization, it's up to your band of furious flowers and pugilistic plants to set things right!

A Fistful of Flowers is a short adventure for 3rd-level characters that takes a band of leshy heroes out of the forest and into that most dangerous of locations—an aristocrat's fancy tea party. In addition, the four pregenerated characters provide a quick way to jump into the adventure right away in this exciting offering for Free RPG Day! Grab some dice and some friends and play the role of the forest's newest heroes!

Written by Eleanor Ferron and Linda Zayas-Palmer

While the adventure has pregens, it's also possible to play your own 3rd-level leshy character if you have one! Either way, it's a fun adventure that I've enjoyed playing and GMing in the past :)

This game is being offered as part of Gameday XII which will begin on September 4th. If you're interested, be sure to sign up on the Gameday XII Event Listing sheet, under the FCFS tab.

Open seats for:

Quest #8: Shadows of the Black Sovereign


On the edge of the land known as Numeria, the Pathfinder Society has operated in secret under threat of death from the region's ruler, the cruel Black Sovereign. Venture-Captain Dagur Hawksight hopes that a meeting with the recently-sober monarch will allow the Pathfinder Society to operate openly and study the alien technology contained within Numeria's borders, but other forces have their own plans for the region. The PCs must ensure that the meeting between Dagur and the Black Sovereign goes off without a hitch, thwarting acts of treachery and sabotage.

Written by: Alexandria Bustion

Recruitment Link

Radiant Oath

Looking for 2 players to fill my table for:

Pathfinder Society Intro: Year of Boundless Wonder

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.

Wonder abounds! The Pathfinder Society's vaults have suddenly recieved a huge treasure trove of precious items from around the world and beyond. Much remains mysterious about these objects, from their origins to the reason the trove's original owner was so desperate to be rid of it. A group of novice agents has the opportunity to explore the troves' wonders for themselves, but not all is as it seems. After being drawn into an otherworldly realm, they must use their wits and fight to escape with their lives!

Intro: Year of Boundless Wonder is the introduction to the plot of the Year of Boundless Wonder. This scenario presents treasures, characters, and themes that will feature in Year 4's metaplot, and so it is is a natural starting point for players looking to jump into the action.

Written by Mike Kimmel

Signup - Line #20 of the FCFS Tab

Radiant Oath

Looking for 1 player to fill my table for:

Pathfinder Quest (Series 2) #14: The Swordlord’s Challenge

A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.

An Aldori swordlord who fought alongside Pathfinders years ago is looking for a way to push her students harder. She issues a challenge to Marcos Farabellus, the Master of Swords, boasting that her most promising young pupils can defeat any Marcos has trained. She stakes her pride as a teacher and a powerful weapon she used during the Fifth Crusade on the outcome. Marcos both believes such a relic, taken to the very heart of the Worldwound, would be an excellent addition to the Society's vaults and that the PCs are the perfect students on which to stake his own pride. The PCs must do their utmost to justify the faith he has placed in them and win a great victory-- and perhaps a new ally-- for the Pathfinder Society.

Written by Tineke Bolleman

Signup - Line #33 of the FCFS Tab

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The lottery for [Gameday XII] Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-17: Trapping the Hag's Claw (Author's Table) is completed.

Seats Now Open to:
Marta Sanz
Gunda "Jakoby & Ro" Kolkind
Karando Tull
Nina Jaribu
Bastian Sunbright

To claim your seat provide their information on this page. PC information must provided in order to claim a seat.

Once you have claimed your seat, feel free to "dot and delete" in the Gameplay Thread.

Any seats not claimed on or before midnight August 31, 2023 (EDT or US East Coast) will be assigned to the Alternates below in order, who will then be notified by post on this thread and the Gameday XI information thread.

Alternate Selection of Alternates:

Jiki the Flatulist (First Alternate)
Othello (Second Alternate)
Crystal Schattenauge (Third Alternate)
Astrid Gertasdottir (Fourth Alternate)

Radiant Oath

Recruiting is closed for 04-01 (Intro: Year of Boundless Wonder).

Will the following Pathfinders please report to the Grand Lodge Vault HERE:

Ignatius Thrune
Kuey's PC
Xyntryx's PC
Magdalene the Unfortunate (already checked in but included for completeness)

Please complete the Macros/Slides/RPG Chronicles info so that we can start on time. You can introduce yourselves if you wish -- I can't post anything until 4 September 2023. Otherwise, there's beer in the fridge and chips in the bar...

Seats open for #1-20, The Lost Legend (Levels 3-6).

Description wrote:
The Pathfinder Society begins a perilous trek through the swamps and jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, searching for the location where the founding members of their organization formed the Open Road Pact. The clues the Pathfinders must follow are centuries old, however, and their best lead is the final logs of an ancient Pathfinder whose true fate may be markedly different than the world has been led to believe.

Please sign up through the GameDay spreadsheet (FCFC tab, scroll down to Level 3-6 scenarios). The game will start on September 4, 2023.

Grand Archive


I am looking for one more player to join an existing group for the Star Gun Arc from Season 4 (4-12 Negotiations for the Star Gun and 4-13 Within the Prairies).

We have completed the first scenario and are ready to start the second, but one player dropped after the first scenario.

This table is explicitly a low tier table, so the character joining the party must be level 1 or 2.

Interested Pathfinders can sign up here

Recruiting Thread to join the party.

Horizon Hunters

Sadly enough, those are non repeatable =(

Grand Lodge

GM Computerpro82 wrote:


I am looking for one more player to join an existing group for the Star Gun Arc from Season 4 (4-12 Negotiations for the Star Gun and 4-13 Within the Prairies).

We have completed the first scenario and are ready to start the second, but one player dropped after the first scenario.

This table is explicitly a low tier table, so the character joining the party must be level 1 or 2.

Interested Pathfinders can sign up here

Recruiting Thread to join the party.

I can hop in.

Grand Archive

Trscroggs, please feel free to fill in the sign-in sheet and join the thread, unless you are the person that initially said they could join and then said they couldn't?

I'm missing some or all of my players, I really can't got through it to make sure I'm missing, but if your name is here and you haven't dotted in the gameplay special I'm running, please do so.

Eeeeka Zekki
Madscientistworking Pelia
Xyntryx Kyra (pregen)
Marjim Marc Arafiles
Martin Amblecrown
Thereus, Armik
PF2 Special

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Paging Delorn Malix, Esq. (Mitch). Please come check in to the Game Day session of In Burning Dawn.

I realize that we don't officially start until 4 Sep, but I do have a player on a waitlist, so would like to make sure if you'll be joining us or not.

Would the following agents please check in here for your no-expense-paid journey to Kyonnin:
- Darlann Sacragentum (TheSuperDodo)
- Vans Pullman (amysrevenge (Mike))
- Glаshа The Watcher (‘Eκάτη)

Blessings of the Forest starts on Sep. 4th, so don't delay!

Horizon Hunters

To the following players, kindly proceed HERE for S04-02 Return to the Grave [PbP Gameday XII]:

Hancock the Angry (already dotted in)
Tarkis Kirath
Nhorri Ephema (already dotted in)
Luz Lumino
Stork-That-Towers (already dotted in)
Marjim Marc's PC

Radiant Oath

Xyntryx, please check in to the following tables and complete the Macros/Slides:

05-01: Gameplay Thread

Q14: Gameplay Thread

I also have one seat remaining for Q14: Swordlord's Challenge.

Signup: Line 32 on the FCFS tab

Grand Lodge

There are still 10-12 spaces left for various FCFS PF2 games for the gameday.

Including 1 for mine (Iolite Squad Alpha 3-6)!

Sign up >>>>here<<<<

GM Valen wrote:

The lottery for [Gameday XII] Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-17: Trapping the Hag's Claw (Author's Table) is completed.

Seats Now Open to:
Marta Sanz
Gunda "Jakoby & Ro" Kolkind
Karando Tull
Nina Jaribu
Bastian Sunbright

To claim your seat provide their information on this page. PC information must provided in order to claim a seat.

Once you have claimed your seat, feel free to "dot and delete" in the Gameplay Thread.

* * *

Alternate Selection of Alternates:

Jiki the Flatulist (First Alternate)
Othello (Second Alternate)
Crystal Schattenauge (Third Alternate)
Astrid Gertasdottir (Fourth Alternate)

There has been a drop, so the seat is being openned to the First Alternate: Jiki the Flatulist, who is requested "dot and delete" per above.

GM rainzax wrote:

Thanks redeux!

War of Immortals @ Lost on Spirit Road recruitment!

Re-posting here!

Radiant Oath

Recruiting for:

B09 - Fishing in Anthusis

A Pathfinder Bounty designed for Level 1.

The Silverscales Tournament calls citizens and adventurers alike to participate in a competition to catch silver trout. This year, a pair of rival twins and some unexpected dangers ensure the event is one that the people of Anthusis will not soon forget.

Written by: Letterio Mammoliti

This is a Gameday XII Event. Sorry, no playtest characters please.

Starts 24h after I notice 6 signups.

Signup Link

Radiant Oath

Will the following PCs please report to This Table for B09 - Fishing in Anthusis:

Mike Hallet's PC
Sif Liv
Maxamus Power

I still have 2 seats open. Any interested parties may go ahead and check into the table.

Radiant Oath

Recruitment is closed for B09. I'll probably offer B10 - Hillcross Roundup soon as well.

Radiant Oath

Opening Recruitment for:

Q15 - In The Footsteps of Horror

A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.

A group of powerful Pathfinders had to abandon the exploration of an underground complex after defeating a powerful lich and stopping a devatating ritual by the skin of their teeth. The PCs are tasked with exploring this complex now cleared of threats and cataloguing what's there. The ritual, though, while incomplete, has still linked the site to its conterpart in the Netherworld, and once they enter the PCs find that their task will not be as simple or boring as promised, as they have to fight through the shadowy mirror of the Netherworld complex just to get back home, with unknown threats that most assuredly were not cleared out.

Written by Shan Wolf

Signup Sheet

Starts: 24h after I notice 6 signups.

This is a Gameday event! Sorry, no playtests allowed though.

Radiant Oath

Opening Recruitment for:

B04 - Cat's Cradle

A Pathfinder Bounty designed for Level 1.

On a recent trip across the trade routes of the Golden Road, a merchant was robbed and her beloved family heirloom—a puzzle box—stolen. The PCs will have to keep their wits about as they head into the desert to unravel the riddle of what happened and recover the missing antique.

Written by: Hilary Moon Murphy

Signup Sheet

Starts: 24h after I notice 6 signups.

This is a Gameday event! Sorry, no playtests allowed though.

Radiant Oath

Well that was quick...

Will the following Pathfinders please report to the Grand Lodge for your briefing:

Delta Variant
Mike Hallet's PC
Miteke's PC
Tempest Storm
Ghul, Doomed Knight

Radiant Oath

Will the following Pathfinders report to the Golden Road and check in:

Hazel Nettle
Glenda Huckleberry
Vas Vargden
Erven Thistledown

I have one seat remaining. Interested players, please just check in to the table directly.

Horizon Hunters

Eh.... man, that was at 5am of my time. No chance at all =)

Hello community,
I am recruiting through the October month for the Season of Ghosts Adventure Path from among the many fine folk I have played PFS with here, GM and player alike - and maybe some new folks too.

And yes, I will issue PFS chronicles for each of the four chapters.

Check out my Recruitment Thread - interested players have about 30 days to cobble a character together!


Radiant Oath

Opening Recruitment for:

B12 - Somewhere Below

A Pathfinder Bounty designed for Level 1.

While sheltering in a cave from a storm, the PCs discover a note from a stranded spelunker in need of immediate assistance. They must navigate the hazards and creatures of the treacherous caverns if they want to help their bounty make it out alive.

Written by: Kim Frandsen


This is part of Gameday. Starts 24h after I notice 6 signups!

Horizon Hunters

Nice, I haven't actually played this one before for a change =)

Radiant Oath

Recruitment is open for:

Pathfinder Society Quest #1: The Sandstone Secret

A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for levels 1–4 (Subtiers 1–2 and 3–4).

When the Pathfinder Society receives word of a promising, unexplored ruin in Osirion, the PCs set out to uncover the site's secrets. Yet upon arriving, the PCs learn that a different group of Pathfinders has already entered the ruins. Has there been some mistake, is the site's magic playing tricks on everyone, or is there something more nefarious afoot?

Written by Linda Zayas-Palmer.


Starts: 24h after I notice 6 signups

Radiant Oath

Will the following Pathfinders please report to the desert for Q01 - The Sandstone Secret:


Gilgamesh The Fistful
Mike Hallet's PC

One seat remains. Interested parties may check in directly to the table.

Radiant Oath

Banterknell - I'll save you a spot next time I run Q01. You signed up via RPG Chronicles but the last players checked in to the table.

Horizon Hunters

Fine with me :)

Liberty's Edge

Banterknell can have my spot.

Radiant Oath

Banterknell and Eddie 'Bo' Leetus, please fill in the RPG Chronicles Info for Q01 and check in to the table. (well, Banterknell needs to check in; Eddie just needs to fill in the docs) :)

Radiant Oath

Will the following Pathfinders please report to a random cave for Somewhere Below:

Sif Liv
Vas Varg'sden
PurpleGoldYeezus's PC (assuming he's ready)
rainzax's PC

Horizon Hunters

Michael Hallet wrote:
Banterknell can have my spot.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Now Opening Recruitment for:

2-03 Catastrophe's Spark

Levels: 1-4

In the ruined cyclopes city of Min-Khadaim, the Pathfinders search for answers into the disappearance of one of their own and the nature of a dangerous ritual. As the Pathfinders delve ever deeper into Iobaria's lost past, will they find the answers they seek, or will they uncover even greater dangers than those that have already been unleashed?

Tags: Metaplot, Vigilant Seal

Recruitment Thread is here


Nyx Kirath
Locke Hume

report to the Finadar Forest here?

I've got space for two (2) more in Catastrophe's Spark. First come first serve to those who post in recruitment

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Salutations, beings of various origins—both human and non-human! Frostbot transmitting.

GM Frost has summoned me to relay intriguing updates about his forthcoming Pathfinder Society games. With the blessing of Heryn Gale, the esteemed proprietor and bartender of the Wounded Wisp (the unofficial Pathfinder Society tavern since its inception), GM Frost has seamlessly integrated a Recruitment Board into the tavern's homey infrastructure. It brings me great delight to share details about the games offered, utilizing this Lodge as an extension for recruitment efforts.

Currently, the available games are as follows:
- Q15 In the Footsteps of Horror (Level 1-4)
- Q04 Port Peril Pub Crawl (Level 1-4)
- B10 Hillcross Roundup (Level 1)

For those intrigued by this temporal opportunity, venture to The Wounded Wisp and explore GM Frost’s cutting-edge Recruitment Board while temporal slots last. Your participation would be most appreciated!

Greetings, fellow entities. Frosbot at your service. Please commence navigation to the specified coordinates, accessed through this designated link, which leads to the retrofitted merchant vessel known as the Glorious Payoff. Your objective: Q04 Port Peril Pub Crawl (Level 1 - 4).

Entities identified for this mission:

Tarkis Kirath

Two vacancies remain unoccupied, essential to attain group completion. Your compliance is requested to register on the Recruitment Board. Subsequently, it is imperative to advance towards the specified meeting location without delay. Your cooperation is valued.

Now recruiting for...

Pathfinder Society Quest #14: The Swordlord's Challenge

A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.

An Aldori swordlord who fought alongside Pathfinders years ago is looking for a way to push her students harder. She issues a challenge to Marcos Farabellus, the Master of Swords, boasting that her most promising young pupils can defeat any Marcos has trained. She stakes her pride as a teacher and a powerful weapon she used during the Fifth Crusade on the outcome. Marcos both believes such a relic, taken to the very heart of the Worldwound, would be an excellent addition to the Society's vaults and that the PCs are the perfect students on which to stake his own pride. The PCs must do their utmost to justify the faith he has placed in them and win a great victory-- and perhaps a new ally-- for the Pathfinder Society.

Written by Tineke Bolleman

Scenario tags: Repeatable

Please sign up >HERE<.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Frosbot transmitting again.

To the following PCs, kindly proceed to Hillcross in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords for B10 Hillcross Roundup (Level 1):
Babak Vardek
Blackfeather Jack
Alleron Treyborne
Mahatma, the Desert Sage

There exist two available slots for Level 1 entities seeking to optimize their experience points. To secure your participation, interface with the Recruitment Board and assimilate into the collective journey to Hillcross.

Radiant Oath

Frostbot wrote:

Frosbot transmitting again.

To the following PCs, kindly proceed to Hillcross in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords for B10 Hillcross Roundup (Level 1):
Babak Vardek
Blackfeather Jack
Alleron Treyborne
Mahatma, the Desert Sage

There exist two available slots for Level 1 entities seeking to optimize their experience points. To secure your participation, interface with the Recruitment Board and assimilate into the collective journey to Hillcross.

I have a 1st level dwarven fighter that can go or a 1st level barbarian. The recruitment does not look linked.

Liberty's Edge

He uses a Google Sheet for recruitment, not the forums.

GM Super Zero wrote:

Now recruiting for...

Pathfinder Society Quest #14: The Swordlord's Challenge

A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.

Would the following Pathfinders please report to Birchwood Hall?

Ami Mercury
Calvyn Sunglass
Tavin Sunward
Awakened Prime of Celestia

Game thread HERE.

Interest check for a Season 1, Level 3-6, non-repeatable scenario.

I'm most interested in #1-13, Devil at the Crossroads. This was an amazing scenario that I ended up staying up playing until 1:00 am on VTT (costing me at least 2 Hero Points with my wife), early on in the pandemic, and we cut some bits out due to time, so I've always wanted to GM it on PbP. Full disclosure: it's long.

1-13 wrote:
The Sarkoris Scar still aches from the recently closed Worldwound, but that hasn't stopped the Pathfinder Society and their allies in the Farheaven Clan from maintaining their efforts to reclaim the Sarkorians' ancestral homelands. At a trading post near the southern border of the Sarkoris Scar, the PCs meet their contact from the Farheavens but not all is as it seems. The PCs and their allies will need to unravel the twisted skeins of an infernal plot if they have any hope of avoiding becoming the next victims of a fiendish spirit. This adventure was concepted at Paizo's Adventure Design Workshop panel during Gen Con 2019.

However, I realize that a lot of people may have played this before, Season 1 and all.

I'm also open to #1-09, Star-Crossed Voyages (with a potential 2-part arc with the repeatable #1-23, Star-Crossed Court), and #1-19, Iolite Squad Alpha (recognizing this was just run for Gameday so may be entirely tapped out). I believe, but I'm not sure, that #1-09 is the iruxi ancestry's official introduction, and #1-19 is the hobgoblin's.

Please reply here if you're interested in any of them. If there's enough interest for more than 1 of them, I'll run them in series. If there's not enough interest for any of them, I'll ... move on to Season 2. lol

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