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Just re-upping my recruiting posts. I have one seat available for the following Adventures:
02-18: Fanciful March of Urwal (3-6 nonrepeatable)
Q10: The Broken Scales (1-4 nonrepeatable)

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Re-upping another recruitment post.
2-3 seats remaining for Cavern of the Sundered Song. Looking at a mid-July start. This is a 9-12 nonrepeatable Adventure.

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If anyone is interested in a run of 4-01 The Year of Boundless Wonders (Tier 1=4). Please sign in on this spreadsheet.

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Well that filled fast, and two on the waitlist.
Could the following please report to the Society Vaults please. Zarta needs more librarians.
* Banterknell
* Severus Snape
* Welby Goodbarrel
* Bun Helsing
* Maruta
* Lon Spiritgazer

miteke |

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Recruitment is open for:
Pathfinder Society Intro: Year of Boundless Wonder
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.
Wonder abounds! The Pathfinder Society's vaults have suddenly recieved a huge treasure trove of precious items from around the world and beyond. Much remains mysterious about these objects, from their origins to the reason the trove's original owner was so desperate to be rid of it. A group of novice agents has the opportunity to explore the troves' wonders for themselves, but not all is as it seems. After being drawn into an otherworldly realm, they must use their wits and fight to escape with their lives!
Intro: Year of Boundless Wonder is the introduction to the plot of the Year of Boundless Wonder. This scenario presents treasures, characters, and themes that will feature in Year 4's metaplot, and so it is is a natural starting point for players looking to jump into the action.
Written by Mike Kimmel
Seats reserved for Kromrock Crushmaster and Eltis. They do not have to complete the RPG Chronicles Signup sheet.
Start: 48h after I notice 4 signups

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Recruitment open for:
Pathfinder Quest (Series 2) #14: The Swordlord’s Challenge
A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.
An Aldori swordlord who fought alongside Pathfinders years ago is looking for a way to push her students harder. She issues a challenge to Marcos Farabellus, the Master of Swords, boasting that her most promising young pupils can defeat any Marcos has trained. She stakes her pride as a teacher and a powerful weapon she used during the Fifth Crusade on the outcome. Marcos both believes such a relic, taken to the very heart of the Worldwound, would be an excellent addition to the Society's vaults and that the PCs are the perfect students on which to stake his own pride. The PCs must do their utmost to justify the faith he has placed in them and win a great victory-- and perhaps a new ally-- for the Pathfinder Society.
Written by Tineke Bolleman
Starts immediately once we have a legal table.

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Will the following Pathfinders please report to Urwal's Camp for 02-18 - Fanciful March of Urwal:
Hancock the Angry
Luz Lumino
Radim Vesparra
Swayaah Maeleranti
There is one seat remaining. Anyone interested, please dot in to the table above.

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Recruitment open for:
Pathfinder Quest (Series 2) #14: The Swordlord’s Challenge
A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.
An Aldori swordlord who fought alongside Pathfinders years ago is looking for a way to push her students harder. She issues a challenge to Marcos Farabellus, the Master of Swords, boasting that her most promising young pupils can defeat any Marcos has trained. She stakes her pride as a teacher and a powerful weapon she used during the Fifth Crusade on the outcome. Marcos both believes such a relic, taken to the very heart of the Worldwound, would be an excellent addition to the Society's vaults and that the PCs are the perfect students on which to stake his own pride. The PCs must do their utmost to justify the faith he has placed in them and win a great victory-- and perhaps a new ally-- for the Pathfinder Society.
Written by Tineke Bolleman
Is it repeatable?
Starts immediately once we have a legal table.

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Thank you, sir!
Recruitment open for:
Pathfinder Quest (Series 2) #14: The Swordlord’s Challenge
A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.
An Aldori swordlord who fought alongside Pathfinders years ago is looking for a way to push her students harder. She issues a challenge to Marcos Farabellus, the Master of Swords, boasting that her most promising young pupils can defeat any Marcos has trained. She stakes her pride as a teacher and a powerful weapon she used during the Fifth Crusade on the outcome. Marcos both believes such a relic, taken to the very heart of the Worldwound, would be an excellent addition to the Society's vaults and that the PCs are the perfect students on which to stake his own pride. The PCs must do their utmost to justify the faith he has placed in them and win a great victory-- and perhaps a new ally-- for the Pathfinder Society.
Written by Tineke Bolleman
Starts immediately once we have a legal table.

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Greetings Pathfinders
I am GM Computerpro82, and I am recruiting players to play through scenarios 4-12 Negotiations for the Star Gun and 4-13 Within the Prairies in back to back scenarios. The intention is to take the same party through these two scenarios as one continuous adventure.
Both of these scenarios are for levels 1 to 4, so just don't bring a character that will hit level 5 after the first scenario.
RPG Chronicles Sign in Sheet
Macros Spreadsheet
Google slides
Recruiting Thread
Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-12: Negotiations for the Star Gun
Paizo Inc.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.
Within their vaults the Pathfinder Society has located a rare and mysterious star gun from the distant shores of Arcadia that, while broken, still holds a deep power within it. In order to ensure that past wrongs are made right, the Society must arrange for travel within the borders of Arcadia to repair and return the star gun to its rightful home, but to do so they must first convince the council of Segada to allow a team of Pathfinders entry.
A junior team of agents is dispatched to plead their case to the councilmembers, hopefully securing friends and allies of the Society for future exploration and contact. However, a villain lies in wait, aware of the power the agents are concealing and plotting for the exact moment to strike and catch them off guard.
This adventure is the first part of the two-part Star Gun metaplot arc in the Year of Boundless Wonder. This arc will conclude in Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-13: Within the Prairies.
Written by Mahpiya
Scenario tags: Metaplot (Boundless Wonder)
Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-13: Within the Prairies
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.
With permission secured and access granted, a team of Pathfinder agents must escort an ancient star gun to one of the last remaining star gunsmiths, a mysterious figure that hasn’t been seen in several years. The Pathfinders must convince the gunsmith to emerge from hiding and repair the weapon, allowing them to return it to its original home and make connections with a town on the inside of Arcadia.
A villain watches from afar, angered at having been tricked by the Society, and plots to attack the team and the gunsmith, endangering innocent lives in the process. It’s up to the Pathfinders to defeat her and her forces, ensuring peace within the prairies of Arcadia!
This adventure is the second part of the two-part Star Gun metaplot arc in the Year of Boundless Wonder, following up on the events of Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-12: Negotiations for the Star Gun.
Written by Marlowe Miller
Scenario tags: Metaplot (Boundless Wonder), Faction (Envoy's Alliance, Verdant Wheel)

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Will the following Pathfinders please report to the Grand Lodge Vault:
Kromrock Crushmaster
Ahas Ahasan
Broccoli Leshnar
Two seats still available! Interested parties may check in to the table!

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Will the following Pathfinders please report to the Grand Lodge Vault:
Kromrock Crushmaster
Ahas Ahasan
Broccoli LeshnarTwo seats still available! Interested parties may check in to the table!
I have some characters that could go.

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All right, We have had a bit of confusion on the signup for the Star Gun Arc that I posted earlier. I was not clear that I would primarily use RPG Chronicles for the signup, so to make it fair for folks I am starting a second table.
I currently have the following signed up for the first table:
Jiggo Maeleranti
Flory Buntzer
Peter Plus-Haut
Zhamie Zhapp
Goupour Dune
Martin Amblecrown
And I have the following folks who expressed an interest but didn't get signed up. That means we have 4 open slots for the second table. I will also give the people at the first table the opportunity to switch tables if they wish
Second table people who requested seats
Niccolo Neska
RPG Chronicles Signup link for Table 2
RPG Chronicles
I would like to give everyone until Saturday evening my time (GMT-6) before I finalize the tables and get the tables started

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Will the following please report to Menace Under Otari Adventure and dot in Game link
Ira Kroll
John Woodford
Oceanshield wolPF 2.5

cmlobue |

GM chadius |

- Are you between levels 3-6?
- Want to see the ups and downs (way downs) of Chileax?
- Do you want to tussle with corrupt guards, tempting devils and agents of the state?
- Any Varian Jeggare fans out there?
Then >Sign Up< for >3-04: The Devil Wrought Disappearance< and >3-07: The Locked Lodge!<
By signing up, you are going to play in both games. So don't sign up if you're going to hit level 7 inbetween games.
I will definitely start on Monday, but I'll start up a second table if there is enough interest. See you soon.

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Can we organize so that all the higher tier characters are at one table and all the lower tier characters are at another?
Looking at the current list in RPG Chronicles, there is only 1 level 1 signed up. However, It looks like if two level 2s from Table 1 move to table 2 and two level 3s from table 2 swap to table 1 to replace them, table 2 ends up with 5 level 1-2 and 1 level 3, and table 1 is five level 3s and one level 4.
That's the best division I can come up with, and only leaves 1 character "Out of Tier" as a level 3 at a mostly level 2 table.
Any objections? Any volunteers to move? Or to be the one level 3 to stay with the level 1-2 group?

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Watery Soup wrote:Can we organize so that all the higher tier characters are at one table and all the lower tier characters are at another?Looking at the current list in RPG Chronicles, there is only 1 level 1 signed up. However, It looks like if two level 2s from Table 1 move to table 2 and two level 3s from table 2 swap to table 1 to replace them, table 2 ends up with 5 level 1-2 and 1 level 3, and table 1 is five level 3s and one level 4.
That's the best division I can come up with, and only leaves 1 character "Out of Tier" as a level 3 at a mostly level 2 table.
Any objections? Any volunteers to move? Or to be the one level 3 to stay with the level 1-2 group?
I wouldn't mind being a 3rd level melee in a low tier table.
I can also switch to a level 1 to bring the CP down to 18 so we can choose low tier with 1st level Rogue.
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I encourage everyone to play what would be fun for them.
I've run enough tables that I am pretty comfortable making the adjustments, and while I often drop a character or two, I haven't killed anyone in PF2 yet. Just remember, the GM doesn't kill characters, Persistent Damage kills characters (typically.)
I've run multiple tables at one time before, but this will be my first shot at two tables of the same scenario at the same time. I don't anticipate any problems, especially since I just finished running a Bounty so these will be the only two scenarios I am running.
Give me a couple of days to replicate things for the two tables and finalize the player redistribution, then I will post an announcement to start.

GM Frost |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Recruiting for Pathfinder Society Quest #4: Port Peril Pub Crawl
A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for levels 1–4 (subtiers 1–2 and 3–4).
Venture-Captain Calisro Benarry has arranged for the PC's transport to the pirate haven of Port Peril to make contact with Free Captain Stella Fane and negotiate a contract with her, facilitating Society movements through the pirate blockades in the area. The job seems simple: track down the the pirate captain, secure the agreement, and then return to Absalom. But few things are simple when a den of villainous pirates is involved, and it's unlikely the PCs will be able to leave Port Peril without throwing a few punches in a proper pub brawl!
Written by James Case.
Scenario tags: Repeatable
If you're interested, SIGN UP HERE!
Game starts 24 hours after I see 6 signups.

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Alright, I hope I have all this straight:
Will the following groups of Pathfinders please pick up your Pathfinder Standard Travel packets and report to your ships for your trip to the city of Segada in Arcadia. You wil be reporting to Venture Captain Rahaksenwe there.
First Table
Jiggo Maeleranti
Voron Keyphra
Peter Plus-Haut
Zhamie Zhapp
Princess Clover
Martin Amblecrown
Table 1 Recruiting
Second Table
Flory Buntzer
Nanoc Evitceted
Hui Kong
Goupour Dune
Hasvi Rath
Table 2 Recruiting
Thank you all for your patience.

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Alright, I hope I have all this straight:
Will the following groups of Pathfinders please pick up your Pathfinder Standard Travel packets and report to your ships for your trip to the city of Segada in Arcadia. You wil be reporting to Venture Captain Rahaksenwe there.
First Table
Jiggo Maeleranti
Voron Keyphra
Peter Plus-Haut
Zhamie Zhapp
Princess Clover
Martin Amblecrown
Table 1 RecruitingSecond Table
Flory Buntzer
Nanoc Evitceted
Hui Kong
Goupour Dune
Hasvi Rath
Table 2 RecruitingThank you all for your patience.
I guess he got forgotten again. Guess your date of Saturday wasn't firm.

GM chadius |

- Are you between levels 3-6?
- Want to see the ups and downs (way downs) of Chileax?
- Do you want to tussle with corrupt guards, tempting devils and agents of the state?
- Any Varian Jeggare fans out there?Then >Sign Up< for >3-04: The Devil Wrought Disappearance< and >3-07: The Locked Lodge!<
By signing up, you are going to play in both games. So don't sign up if you're going to hit level 7 inbetween games.
I will definitely start on Monday, but I'll start up a second table if there is enough interest. See you soon.
- Liam Prentiss
- Fingo Canvas- Dreadfang!
- Charlies
- Luz Lumino
- Shayla Quickfingers
Please, click on >this link< to check in.

GM chadius |

- Are you between levels 3-6?
- Want to see the ups and downs (way downs) of Chileax?
- Do you want to tussle with corrupt guards, tempting devils and agents of the state?
- Any Varian Jeggare fans out there?Then >Sign Up< for >3-04: The Devil Wrought Disappearance< and >3-07: The Locked Lodge!<
By signing up, you are going to play in both games. So don't sign up if you're going to hit level 7 inbetween games.
There is room for ONE more brave adventurer. We just started the briefing. Click on >this link< to join us if you'd like.

GM chadius |

- Are you between levels 3-6?
- Want to see the ups and downs (way downs) of Chileax?
- Do you want to tussle with corrupt guards, tempting devils and agents of the state?
- Any Varian Jeggare fans out there?Then >Sign Up< for >3-04: The Devil Wrought Disappearance< and >3-07: The Locked Lodge!<
By signing up, you are going to play in both games. So don't sign up if you're going to hit level 7 inbetween games.
And recruitment is closed. See you next time!

cmlobue |