Castle Greyhawk! (Inactive)

Game Master Misroi

(Note: This is not actually a musical.)

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Eh, what's one more PbP?

Castle Greyhawk! The multilevel dungeon designed by Gary Gygax in the halcyon days of D&D way, way back when it was still Chainmail. The place where Iuz the Old and Fraz-Urb'Llu were imprisoned before being released by Robilar. The stomping grounds of the movers and shakers of Oerth - Mordenkainen, Tenser, Tasha.

This isn't that one.

Yeah, back in 1988 TSR teased that they'd be releasing Castle Greyhawk, and people were incredibly excited. After all, people were wanting to delve into the same dungeon as the creators of the game, so it's only understandable. They were expecting a massive dungeon crawl. What they got was...well, not what they were expecting.

It's a parody mod. The adventure doesn't take itself, the monsters, the traps, and certainly not any semblance of plot seriously. The people that wanted Gary's mod would need to wait several more years before Ruins of Greyhawk was released, but for the longest time, this is what you had.

So, yeah, I want to run it in Pathfinder. I'm looking for four to six people that would enjoy a game that's less about optimization and more about creating unusual characters and interacting with creatures ridiculous, insane and stupid. Min-maxers should look elsewhere for entertainment.

The Crunch:

Create a level 1 character, based upon the following restrictions.
Point Buy: 15
Races: Core, or anything that's got a RP cost of 10 or less.
Classes: Anything Paizo first-party.
Traits: 2
Gold: Average
Writing Sample: Give me a short backstory for your character. I'm looking for the ability to give your character an interesting voice, as well as someone who can be funny.
Posting: Hopefully daily, but this is a low-key game, so once every other day wouldn't be objectionable.

I'll close recruitment in two weeks (7/27). Feel free to ask any questions on what I'll accept or won't.

Have at it!

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I just made up a silly little Gripply Alchemist (Trap-breaker) which might be fun in this module.



Grippli Alchemist (Trap Breaker) 1
NG Small Humanoid (grippli)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 size)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3 (+2 trait bonus vs poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol)), Ref +4, Will +2
Speed 30 ft., climbing (20 feet)
Melee Javelin -4 (1d4-1/x2) and
. . Net +0 () and
. . Shortspear +0 (1d4-1/x2)
Ranged Bomb +4 (1d6+2 Fire/x2)
Special Attacks bomb 1d6+2 (3/day) (dc 12)
Alchemist (Trap Breaker) Spells Prepared (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Enlarge Person (DC 13), Ant Haul (DC 13)
Str 8, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 10
Feats Brew Potion, Splash Weapon Mastery, Throw Anything
Traits Alchemical Adept, Iron Liver
Skills Climb +7, Craft (alchemy) +6 (+8 to craft alchemical items, +7 to create alchemical items), Disable Device +4, Fly +4, Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +6, Profession (fisherman) +6, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6 (+10 in marshes and forested areas.), Use Magic Device +4; Racial Modifiers alchemy +1
Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin, Grippli
SQ camouflage, glider, mutagen (dc 12)
Other Gear Leather armor, Javelin (3), Net, Shortspear, 118 GP
Special Abilities
Alchemical Adept Raw materials are not consumed on failed craft checks for alchemical items.
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Bomb 1d6+2 (3/day) (DC 12) (Su) Thrown Splash Weapon deals 1d6+2 fire damage.
Camouflage +4 Stealth in marshes and forested areas.
Climbing (20 feet) You have a Climb speed.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Glider Halve falling distance, may move horizontally during fall half of vertical distance fallen.
Iron Liver +2 to Fort saves vs. poison and drugs, or +4 vs. alcohol.
Mutagen (DC 12) (Su) Mutagen adds +4 to a physical & -2 to a mental attribute, and +2 nat. armor for 10 min.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.

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How do you feel about taking a pair of players?

(You should feel great about it)

Assuming you are good with a pair of players applying.. Presenting Drysten Dagger.

---Full Sheet---

Drysten Dagger


The first part of the story comes from Dristen himself.
“When I was very young, I lived on the Whistling Plains. I liked the open spaces but when we moved closed to the River Pathmos is was water that became my new love. I spent as much time as I could in the water and learned how to swim quite well.
One day the other kids were picking on me; they said I couldn’t make it all the way out to the boat that was docked there. It was the River Pathmos, in Taldor, so it’s quite an expansive river. They said they had all done it, and that even a runt like me should be able to. They still weren’t old enough to understand the difference between a human and a halfling, idiots. So I swam out to the boat. I swam out and touched the boat, then returned to shore.
“They were very surprised but I don’t really understand why. If they could do it, then I could too. The next day, they asked me to do it again. I did it again. It was easier this time but they were just as excited with my ability. A few nights later we were traveling along a part of the river that wasn’t as wide. We came across a ship while we were walking; it looked like a merchant vessel. They started pointing all excitedly at it and then turned to me.
“‘Hey, you know what would be awesome? We should cut the anchor rope on that ship!’ The others laughed at this. ‘That’s seems dangerous. Won’t they be hurt?’ They laughed again. ‘Nah, they’ll be fine. The watch will notice the boats moving and they’ll wake up to correct the course. It will only provide a slight scare to them and a load of laughs to us.’ They all smiled at me and I caved. ‘Let’s do this!’ They handed me a dagger. I still have that same dagger.
“I swam out, cut the rope, and came back without anyone on the boat noticing. It floated down river, and then there were calls and shouts from the boat. Everyone else burst out laughed and I joined in just as loudly. I laughed just to join in but as I thought of the sailors waking up and having to rush to their posts I thought it was hilarious. A few days later I heard about a merchant vessel that had been pirated that night. I didn’t make the connection though.
“After doing this a couple more times, I walked in on the others having an intense. One of them was just saying ‘Give him his share; he deserves –.’ He cut off as I entered the room. Curious, I asked what they had been talking about. They wouldn’t say, so I convinced them to tell me. It turns out they were working with people had been setting up ambushes for all the ships I had been cutting loose. They would overwhelm the surprised crew and take whatever goods the ship was selling. I was about to leave right then when one of them pulled out a pouch and threw it my way. I caught it and looked inside. The coins were gold! I was raised well but I never seen so much money at one time. The money was nice, but it was being able to contribute that really kept me in the gang. A halfling with a bunch of humans wants to help out however he can. I was torn that night with what to do but eventually I decided to continue the work I was doing.
“This continued for over a year until one rainy night. We had stopped for the winter and this was the first job we had in a few months. It was already cold because of the rain but we needed the money and decided to go through with it. I made it to the boat and cut the anchor line but the water was so cold I was having trouble breathing. I remember struggling to stay afloat at one point and after that I woke in the temple with the priest.”
The priest’s account is next.
“I was on the ship that Dristen cut loose. The current was pretty strong at the time and you could feel it the ship start moving right away. I cast a light spell so that the sailors could get to work. In the light I was also able to notice the Halfling that was flailing in the water. I cast endure elements on him, lifted him out of the water and brought him onto the boat. I won’t go into the entire healing process but eventually I got him to the temple and did what I could.
“Over the next few weeks he came in and out of consciousness. Eventually he stayed awake long enough to talk. At this point I realized a disturbing trend begin to unfold. Sometimes when I would talk to him, he would talk about the gang he was in and the pirating. Other times, when I asked about it, he would just give me a blank look. I don’t think he was lying, he’s always been an honest man; it was as if he had no memory of it.
“When he was strong enough to stand he was eager to train as a priest of Gozreh and to help those who helped him. His devotion was sincere and his energy was infectious. His friends, or gang members, I’m not quite sure how he felt about them, visited him a couple of times but he told them this was the life he wanted now and they stopped trying to convince him to leave. As he continued to train it became apparent that something was wrong with Dristen.
“It was small things, but they started to add up. He would spell his name differently, sometimes it was with a ‘y’ and sometimes it was with an ‘i’. Dristen is not a terribly smart Halfling but he should know how to spell his name consistently. He also would constantly forget where he put things. He would ask around if anybody had seen this item or that and then he would find it in his pocket, or in his pack. It was the channeling though, that finally helped us figure out what was going on.
“The first time Dristen channeled energy was right after his friends had visited. He was conflicted about his roll with the gang and he channeled negative energy. I was saddened by that. Dristen wasn’t the most moral of people but I was hoping he would heal the world and not hurt it. Gozreh acknowledges both forms of energy as helpful to the world and so we trained him in the negative energy. That was, until he channeled positive energy, too.”
Varthek, who had been glancing at the papers, looks up quickly. Teskin smiled. “I told you this would be worth your time.
But, that should be impossible.
And yet, it is not. I do not know how much you know about the blessing of a deity so excuse me if I repeat something you know, but I believe I know what is happening here. Channeling is an ability bestowed by a deity in return for devotion. Deities will only bestow the ability in one form; to ask or try for the other would be in defiance to the deity. So there is no way that a person could remain devoted to their deity and also channel both forms of energy.
And Dristen?
I believe that when Dristen was unconscious he developed a separate personality. The two parts of his mind are completely unaware of each other. This explains the misspelling and the memory lapses. I think that a part of Dristen always regretted the pirating and so he reverted to a past where that never existed.
That doesn’t explain the channeling.
Yes, but it can. Because Dristen’s two personalities are unaware of each other, Dristen with an ‘i’ can serve Gozreh faithfully and channel negative energy while Drysten with a ‘y’ can serve Gozreh faithfully and channel positive energy. He is being a devoted follower in both of his capacities and thus Gozreh bestows abilities to both. And so, Dristen serves as something this guild could use quite effectively. He can be an effective healer or a devastating inflector.

In combat, Dristen uses his channel energy ability and domain powers predominantly. When possible, he wields 2 shield and channels through the tattoo on the back of his palm. He then switches to throwing daggers.

Dristen is the fearless halfling always ready to jump into trouble should the opportunity arise. Well, should the opportunty arise where others can be impressed. Dristen strives to please others. He has often been among old, more experienced adventurer's and he wants to fit in. Dristen channels negative energy. Drysten is much more docile, though he has the same desire to impress others.
Dristen had a dog growing up and was devastated when it died. When he set out on his own, he tried to buy a dog again but wasn't able to afford it. Instead he bought a fox of a recreational hunter and trained it as a loyal companion.

I originally developed the idea of Dri(y)sten for an NPC. He seems like the appropriate character for this quest though. I run the character as Dristen until a startling event (combat, a difficult/awkward conversation) happens. At that point I roll a 1d2, with 1 being Dristen and 2 being Drysten. The two personalities do not remember what happened to the other, but the memories do meld when he meditates on spells in the morning. At level's 1 and 2, I run (at your discretion) Dristen as channeling negative and Drysten positive and only give them 6 channels per day. At level 3 I pick up variant channeling so that the mechanics work better in game.

Roughly what level will we be ending at?

@scranford: Nice statblock. He still needs a writing sample/backstory, though. I look forward to reading it.

@shadowtail24/SOLDIER-1st: I don't have a problem with a pair of players, and I'm going to be far less restrictive with mechanics in this game than I would normally be. Dr*sten's weirdness looks fine to me. How does your character know Dr*sten, SOLDIER?

@Bearded Ben: Let me put it this way. The back of the book has this on it: 13 Adventures for Character Levels 0 to 25

Also, this will not be taking place on Golarion - this is Castle Greyhawk, and theoretically has something to do with that world's personages, places and political strug - HA! Who am I kidding, this is a parody mod. Seriously though, while some Greyhawk knowledge would be welcome, you really don't need any to play. That said, anyone with knowledge of the setting (even just from playing LG) would have the tiniest of a leg up over someone who doesn't.

In the same guild. Will try and post backstory soonn (today). Werewolves and/or devils will be involved. It'll be great.

Plan is butt ugly dwarf martial artist who like to beat up people with his fists.

Sample writing:
After moving from bar fight to bar fight, thinking maybe there was more to life than drinking and fighting, the Mad Monkey ended up in an elf town. The elves were polite and stared at the dwarf with an obvious attitude problem. His Lucha Libre mask covered his face and had been made by a man who the dwarf was sure was an excellent craftsman (it cost him over 2 gold sovereigns!). Never having looked at it himself, it featured a brown, drooling monkey with an intimidating demeanor. The mask was actually more hideous than expected as the monkey had three eyes and a large unibrow.

"What do you mean you don't carry ale? This wine tastes too sweet and reminds me of rainwater." As the elves scrambled to find an appropriate drink for the irate dwarf, an elderly man next to him said:"You been to Castle Greyhawk? "

Too many drinks later, the Mad Monkey passed out. He didn't know how many drinks he had and why the old man was so nice to him or why the old man was adding pure grain spirits to his already strong drinks. Very much latter the next day.......................

The Mad Monkey found himself outside the walls of a forbidding castle as he awoke. The old man spoke in a voice that seemed to reverberate in the hungover dwarf's head where he lay sprawled after being dumped from the wagon. "I am tired of him beating up on people who frequent my taverns. Maybe he can beat up what has been troubling you guys."

The Mad Monkey stood up and turned his mask around so he could look out the eye holes and speak through the mouth hole. "I hope someone brought some beer, I am thirsty!"

One of the group standing outside asked the old man who he was. The brown-garbed old man responded vaguely as he departed on a pack of exotic animals leaving the wagon behind: "Even an Ishtari wizard has a hard time defending himself when a dwarf chokes him out. Watch out for that one."

I wrote my own intro

Crunch should be ST=14; DX=14; CON=14; CHA=5; IN=10 ; WIS=17

@Chainmail: Well, hey there, Gnobby! Decided to head out from Verbobonc?

And the Mad Monkey sounds like a good addition to the group!

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
DM Madcap wrote:

@scranford: Nice statblock. He still needs a writing sample/backstory, though. I look forward to reading it.

@shadowtail24/SOLDIER-1st: I don't have a problem with a pair of players, and I'm going to be far less restrictive with mechanics in this game than I would normally be. Dr*sten's weirdness looks fine to me. How does your character know Dr*sten, SOLDIER?

@Bearded Ben: Let me put it this way. The back of the book has this on it: 13 Adventures for Character Levels 0 to 25

Also, this will not be taking place on Golarion - this is Castle Greyhawk, and theoretically has something to do with that world's personages, places and political strug - HA! Who am I kidding, this is a parody mod. Seriously though, while some Greyhawk knowledge would be welcome, you really don't need any to play. That said, anyone with knowledge of the setting (even just from playing LG) would have the tiniest of a leg up over someone who doesn't.

THanks. I've got a pretty good idea about it, it's just finding time to write it up. Weekends are filled with "Honey-do" and music. If not tonight, then tomorrow evening from my hotel in PR...

I am interested in this. Plan for my character? A White Haired Witch ( I know, what a horrible ideal, however if you would care to look over a fan made remake that makes it even more hilarious that would be cool, if not still want to play it in it's horibad state) That forms shapes and does all sorts of things with her hair. Things including make it help her drip tea to opening doors to things that she just feels to lazy to do. That can include walking with it while her body is sitting in the air Reading a book.

How had it come to this? How had She sunk so low that she was being ambushed by a rag tag group of goblins wearing carnival clothing? She had been the daughter of a great wizard and had so much going for her. Reading about familiars she had been so eager to get one, that the first day a white raven flew onto her window she eagerly took it's mental offer for power like her fathers.

But that power..... mostly allowed her to use her hair..... To grow it and make it all spiky, to change it's color to white. Her father disowned her; her town ran her off for being a 'Witch' after laughing at her powers over 'Hair' And here she was, with a strange group in a strange land doing things like this to earn her living.

Mika sighed and she sat down a book, her hair currently having a arm wrestling match with itself to better stress her boredom. One of the goblins that had ambushed their party charged at her brandishing a dagger, how ever her hair caught it in the chest and wrapped it up tight, holding it in place for her to channel a magic spell through it. Tossing the now crispy goblin she picked back up her book and inserted it into her hair to hold as she refocused on the fight around her.

If you like the concept then tell me and I will go through the work of making her a sheet.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I wrote the castle level of that adventure.

There is actually some backstory about the castle, how it got its name, and why it's where it is, that was cut 'cause it wasn't wacky enough.

If you wanted to use it, the backstory goes like this: everybody within several hundred miles of Greyhawk has heard of "Castle Greyhawk" and the legends that surround the place. Some of those legends shift a little in the repeated retellings, and some are out-and-out fictions, invented on the spot in exchange for a cool mug of ale.

So, this one guy, the great-great grandfather of the current hertzog Akitrom, heard all of these stories, some contradictory, and figured that there were several "Castles Greyhawk", a sort of franchise operation, and he decided to build his own. And build it he did, and populated the underlevels with all manner of traps and dangers. (The widget at the bottom of the dungeons helps, too.) But he didn't including any advertising budget in his plans, and nobody knows about the place. When the PCs get there, the entire operation kicks up, kind of like an amusement park that sees its first customer.

Some Historical Basis:
Bear in mind that at the time this product was developed, Gary was suing TSR and promising to fire the majority of the creative and production teams. This product was really intended to be a nail on the coffin of the 'old, Gary-designed' Greyhawk campaign, as TSR was pulling the cover off the brand new Forgotten Realms campaign. The idea that any fan would prefer Greyhawk, or that there would ever be any nostalgia for it, never entered anybody's mind.

*flips through the credits*

And so you did, Chris! Cool, my Recruitment thread has a commentary feature now.

This is now totally official backstory for my game. Herzog Akitrom has the dreams of Walt Disney but the business acumen of the team behind Crystal Pepsi and lawn darts. The people that live there have been bored out of their minds, having rehearsed for parts for a show that never was put on, rides that were never ridden. In the downtime, they've gone a little batty. By accident and a botched Survival check, the PCs find themselves at this Castle Greyhawk, which suddenly begins churning to life as it receives its first guests.

I'm not sure why this would be deemed "not wacky enough" when compared to the ninth level in its entirety. There's some weird stuff there, sure, but not even close to what's in the rest of the dungeon. That chapter really has a tonal shift that feels like it's playing the game straight after eight levels of wackiness.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

DM Madcap:
You're not mistaken there. Every level was parcelled out to a different freelancer, and the editorial / development team didn't give us much guidance for "level of goofiness" past the initial solicitation. And the pitch was something like a call to Lake Geneva and saying "Hi, Bruce. I'll take Level 2." (There was nothing like a first draft or even a single paragraph proposal they okayed.)

This module just keeps sounding more and more interesting.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

"Lagrande go get this...Lagrande go get that". "Why don't you get off your lazy butt and do it yourself". "Sure, I'll go into the swamp and take my chances with all the poisonous snakes, and man eating plants". "No problem, I just love a leisurely swim in a pit of quicksand". "I swear if I wasn't learning so much about poisons and potions I'd just go off and gather some stuff, and never come back".

Lagrande picked up his pace as he grew closer to home...or what had been home to him for the last three years. Though he complained and griped about the endless chores that Greenwald the Alchemist put him through, he did owe the man his life. Had he not pulled the young Grippli tadpole from the gullet of that gator when he did, he would have never grown to breathe air.

And the man was getting to old...and well...fat to do much of anything except order the young grippli around, and write in his formula book. A simple thank you wouldn't kill him.

Lagrande first realized something was wrong when he came close to the hut, and noticed that the fire had gone out. He rushed to the door forgetting the Blood Locust bulbs that he had been sent to gather. Old man Greenwald seemed to be snoozing in his chair...but his color was all wrong. Grippli rushed to his side in time to hear his final words.

"You have been a good assistant, but now you are ready". "My time on this world had reached it's end". "Take the knowledge you have learned from me, and be greater than me". And with a final rattling gasp... "Thank you". Then he keeled over dead. So much for a thank you not killing him.

So Lagrande gathered up his meager belongings, a few empty bottles, and some reagents, and last of all his old masters formula book, and left the small hamlet...


"Greyhawk you say". "Never heard of it, but sure I"m in". "How dangerous could it be"?

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber


Yep, it got quiet in here. Let me post a recap of the characters thus far:

Lagrande (Grippli Alchemist)
Dr*sten Dagger (Halfling Cleric)
The Mad Monkey (Dwarf Monk)
Mika (*race unknown* Witch (White Haired flavored))

Not a bad assortment thus far!

Are you against a pet class? I'm interested in joining as a human druid.

Not at all! Pretty much anything is welcome.

Dark Archive

Give me until tomorrow to come up with a character suitable for this romp. Warning: I am familiar with this module and my submission will be appropriately comedic.

This is WhtKnt under my alias created for this game. Meet Fester the Jester, gnome prankster. He's a legend in his own mind! And his mind is a terrifying thing to face! The alias contains the write-up and I can provide a Hero Lab .por if needed.

I figured I'd run into some folks that are familiar with the mod, WK. As long as you play along with the jokes, I don't foresee any problems. Fester T. Jester should fit right in.

I was thinking of a Dwarf Magnus.

Basic Info:

Dwarf Level 1
Gender Male Age 34
Hair blond Height 4
Eyes brown Weight 160
Size M Faction None
Deity Chiuta
Hp: 8

Class abilities:

Arcane Pool, Cantrips, Spell Combat

Saving throws and BaB:


Feats and Skills:

Quick Draw
Climb +1
Craft +2
1Fly +5
Intimidate -1
1K. Arcana +6
1K. Dungeoneering +6
K. Planes +2
Profession +1
Ride +1
1Spellcraft +6
Swim +1
Use Magic Device -1


0-Level Spells=
Acid splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sword, Light, Mage Hand, Open/close, Prestagition, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Spark
1-level spells=
Warding Weapon
True Strike
Mirror Strike
Magic Missile
Iron Beard

Background Story:

BeerHammer was known to be the town brawler and town drunk(hence the name Beerhammer). One day he met and old wise man who was at the local tavern. The man offered to give him the ability to give himself satisfaction and pleasure through special powers for a price of 150 gp. Well Beerhammer was really drunk to the point he couldn't see and he had won more than 150 gambling so he accepted. The man put his hand on Beerhammer's chest and his hand and Gorgut's chest glowed in unison. When he finished Beerhammer was no longer an alcoholic for he has devolved a new addiction to arcane. It filled him with happiness and satisfaction the bigger and more devastating power he adapted. Soon his thirst lead him to kill and steal. Then he realized how much of a monster he was he fled the town and has been searching ever since to find other pleasures such as glory and money and has taken up to adventuring into the unknown. However his arcane hunger was never killed it stills stay with him quietly waiting to overwhelm his judgment.

LOL, this is undoubtedly my favorite adventure of all time. Levels 2, 3, and 5 were my favorites.

Without giving away possible spoilers, Level 2 is probably the most fun I've ever had around the gaming table. That thing is a masterpiece.

Yeah, level 2's pretty awesome. I've run this exactly once in the past, years ago. I had a wild idea in my head that the characters going through it should be the cast of Homestar Runner, and made up appropriate (if such a thing could be said to exist) stats for them. I only did the castle and the first level, but it was a hell of a lot of fun.

@GorGuts: Chiuta is technically third party, but since it doesn't look like you're using her to get any mechanical bonus, it doesn't bother me all that much. I'm a bit more concerned about your background, as it might be a bit at odds with the light-hearted tone of the adventure.

Homestar Runner Greyhawk?


Over on the Necromancer Games forum I think.

That was me! That was about a decade ago at this point. I had hair back then.

1 week to go on recruitment, so it's time for another recap of interest.

Lagrande (Grippli Alchemist)
Dr*sten Dagger (Halfling Cleric)
The Mad Monkey (Dwarf Monk)
Mika (*race unknown* Witch (White Haired flavored))
Fester the Jester (Gnome Bard (Prankster flavored))
GorGuts BeerHammer (Dwarf Magus)

Interested parties without a submitted concept:
Lecky (Druid?)

I understand but let me put it this way...I did my best when it comes to a reason a drunk Dwarf would want to do magic...I can come up with another though

If you could suggest specifically what problems there were with my backstory. I understand it is rather strange and odd but I wanted to make my dwarf a rather drunken hero as well as a dangerous being.

The "killing and stealing" bit specifically. Who did he kill, exactly? The bit where he "realized how much of a monster he was" is the bit that makes me wonder if GorGuts would be a good fit.

Let me see if I can help:

GorGuts, this adventure is played for laughs, and set to 11.

Conan the Barbarian would be a poor fit, but Gonad the Hungarian would fit right in.

A djinn doesn't work within the context of this adventure, but Jeannie (as in I Dream of...) would be great to have along.

If it helps, read the description for the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path and then ask yourself what it would be like if it were played up in the style of Gilligan's Island.

Look at Fester's background:

As a lad, Fester was always playing pranks on others, a talent that he felt was under-appreciated. After a particularly amusing prank on the elder of the village in which he lived (involving a mule), Fester was "encouraged" to go out into the world to seek his fortune. It turns out that earning coin in a tavern is harder than one might think, and so Fester turned to the sure-fire money-making venture of adventuring. After all, he will make a valuable addition to any group.

Why does Fester carry three clubs? For juggling, of course. He's much more likely to spank the monsters than tank the monsters. Get it?

Dotting for interest. Sounds interesting. I may have to dig into my old folder for something wild.

Edit: I'm seeing a Cavalier who purports to be a fair and just maiden of war riding on his mighty and noble steed, but is actually a self-serving braggart riding a somewhat overweight pony dyed garish colors with fake wings taped on.

Will be a small race, probably Gnome.

Starting the statting out tonight, but may not have time to finish it until tomorrow evening.

For now, assuming that a medium pony can, in fact, travel on the inside of a castle. (If only because the idea of actually attempting it cracks me up.) If not, will go back to the drawing board.


What I have up to now:
The Amazing, Fantastic, and So Very Noble Sir Wazarkie Waddaren of Kazoo Kazoo
Male Gnome (Academician) Order of the Cockatrice Cavalier (Emissary)

STR 13
DEX 12
CON 15
INT 10
CHA 16

Feats: Mounted Combat
Ride-By Attack

Handle Animal

Platinum Hurricane, The Astounding Pegasus (War-Trained Pony)

Light Armor Proficiency
Valiant Steed
Weapon Focus (Hooves)


On second thought (too late for edit), a halfling may be more appropriate. Also traits: Born Rider and Nonchalant Thuggery.

Writing Sample:
"A pompous braggart? Me? Listen here, you stain, you swine, you ugly lowlife of a bartender you! I will not stand for such insults, I will not sit for such slander, and I will most certainly not lie down in the face of such an affront. I demand to be served an adequate drink at once!" Sir Waddaren slams his gloved fist upon the tavern's bar, making the mug of ale sitting in front of him tremble slightly. "Do you know who I am?!"

The bartender bursts out laughing and stands up from his own stool, making his seven-foot height and his burly half-orc arms quite apparent. "Sounds t'me like you're just a fop who'd better get outta my tavern before somethin' bad happens to him."

"Is this a threat I hear? I have trounced bigger and nastier folk than you in my sleep!" The Cavalier draws his longsword at once, staring the half-orc in the eye.

"A'ight, shorty. I'll give you a fightin' chance, then." The barman rolls up his sleeves and, before Sir Waddaren can react, slams his large fist on the halfling's head, knocking him out cold.

"So much for beatin' me in his sleep," The half-orc declares, as he carries Sir Waddaren to the door and throws him out.

Full stat block:

The Amazing, Fantastic, and So Very Noble Sir Zewon Waddaren of Kazoo Kazoo
Male Halfling (Fleet of foot, Low Blow) Cavalier of the Order of the Cockatrice
CG Small Humanoid(Halfling)
Init +2; Senses Perception -1


Age :28
Size :Small, 3’ 3”, 35 lbs
Type :Humanoid(Halfling)
By Halfling standards, Sir Waddaren is tall and lean, with well-defined, though not bulky muscles. His chestnut hair is well groomed, his shave nearly perfect. His scale mail armor looks as though it were polished until it begged for mercy, almost to a mirror finish, and its helmet is conspicuously absent. (Who would hide such a magnificent face behind an ugly grid of metal?) Sir Waddaren’s normal expression is a smug and haughty grin, and he seems to possess the uncanny ability to look down on people twice his height.
He can usually be seen astride a small bright white pegasus which, upon the most cursory of examinations, turns out to be a simple pony, its once-grey coat bleached to some approximation of a bright white, and a cheap facsimile of wings attached to its leather barding.
Sir Waddaren is humble, generous, noble, kind, humble, valiant, courageous, humble, smart, attentive, benevolent, humble, selfless, wise, diligent, humble, prudent, witty, and, of course, humble. He is most certainly not a “cowardly braggart of a narcissist”, as various cavalier orders would claim, and anyone who insinuate such things is naught but a vile slanderer.
Who is the Wonderful, Astounding, and Oh So Very Humble Sir Waddaren?:
Behold, lowly peasants, for the Noble, Kind and Oh So Amazing Sir Waddaren of Kazoo Kazoo rides through the prairie, in search of a noble quest! Astride his valiant steed, the remarkable pegasus (and definitely not just a trussed-up pony) Platinum Hurricane, he appears from distant horizons, lance readied and shield gleaming, to pierce the corrupt heart of evildoers. (and claim the fair rewards offered for such tasks)

Beware, bandits and goblins, for you shall meet your end upon the point of his lance! As for you, monstrous dragons, who spew deadly flames and devourer innumerable peasants and other unfortunates... Well... Uh... Beware, bandits and goblins!

After suffering unfair rejection from several knight orders, none of which would accept his genius talents, and all of them drove The Just, Strong and So Very Generous Sir Waddaren away with vile slanders such as "Braggart" and "Coward", it has become clear to The Courageous and Definitely Not Possessor of a Tendency to Embellish Sir Waddaren that his talents will be better shared to the world if he strove out on his own noble and wise way.

Only time will tell what sorts of amazing, heroic, and soon-to-be retold by bards all over the land adventures he will encounter on his journey.

AC 20, Touch 13, Flat 18; (10 + 1 size + 2 dex + 5 armor + 2 shield)
HP 12 (1d10+1+Favored Class Bonus)
Fort +4; Ref +3; Will 0
Speed 30 ft
Lance +2 (1d6+1; x3; P)
Longsword +2 (1d6+1; 19-20 x2; S)
Shield +2 (1d3+1; x2 ; B)
Shortbow +3 (1d4; x3; 60ft; P)
CMB +1
CMD 13

Str 13; Dex 14; Con 13; Int 10; Wis 8; Cha 16
  • Mounted Combat
  • Ride-By Attack

  • Nonchalant Thuggery
  • Born Rider

Racial Traits:
  • Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck.
  • Halfling Luck: Halflings receive a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
  • Fleet of Foot: Some halflings are quicker than their kin but less cautious. Halflings with this racial trait move at normal speed and have a base speed of 30 feet. This racial trait replaces slow speed and sure-footed.
  • Low Blow: Some halflings train extensively in the art of attacking larger creatures. Halflings with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on critical confirmation rolls against opponents larger than themselves. This racial trait replaces keen senses.

Class Features

  • Challenge(Ex) : Whenever an order of the cockatrice cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on all melee damage rolls made against the target of his challenge as long as he is the only creature threatening the target. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.
  • Mount(Ex)
  • In or Out of the Saddle (Ex) : At 1st level, an emissary gains Mounted Combat as a bonus feat. In addition, he can move at normal speed when wearing medium armor. This ability replaces tactician.

  • Bluff +7 (+11 to hide aggressive actions)
  • Diplomacy +7
  • Handle Animal +8 (+12 on Silver Hurricane)
  • Ride +7
Scale Mail, Lance, Longsword, Heavy Wooden Shield, Shortbow, Leather Barding, Cavalier's Kit, Arrows(20), Journal, Charcoal(2), Waterproof Bag, Sacks(2), Grooming Kit, Gear Maintenance Kit, 1 gp, 3 sp
Platinum Hurricane, The Spectacular, Valiant, and Most Definitely Unique Pegasus (Combat-Trained Pony)
Platinum Hurricane:

Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; HP: 11 (2d8+2) AC +2 natural armor; Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +1; Attack 2 hooves +3 (1d3+1); Ability Scores Str 13, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.
  • Light Armor Proficiency
  • Valiant Steed
  • Weapon Focus (Hooves)

  • Acrobatics +5
  • Perception +4

Tricks: attack, come, defend, down, guard, heel, perform


@Cydrius: I like it! And yes, Small cavalier is pretty much the only way to make that class work in pretty much any campaign. There might still be logistical issues with Platinum Hurricane, but this is probably one of the only games on the boards where a MLP:FIM reference will get you closer to selection, rather than further from it.

@bi0philia: Don't just dot, apply!

*chuckle* Wasn't going for a MLP reference, actually, but it's there and I have no intention of taking it back. (I did consider making one deliberately at first, but opted against it.)

Mind expanding on the logistical issues, so I can find a workaround of some sort? (Even if that workaround is "pick another class to be a braggart in")

I really just went with the pony because the idea of the obviously fake pegasus cracked me up.

Inspiration has struck for another character, in case this one doesn't work out:

Alderoth the Mighty, First Herald of Alderoth the Mighty.

Would you allow the Sacred Smasher trait for a half-orc who upholds himself as a god and looooooves to smash and break things?

To better get into the spirit, I updated Drysten from sailor domains to I have two personalities domains, namely madness and deception.

(Sorry for the re post)

Scratch that, inquisitor not panning out interestingly. Waiting for your thoughts re: mount, for now, and sleeping on the gathering of new ideas. My apologies about being wobbly and hesitant around character creation, I tend to nitpick my character over and over until I actually start playing.

@Cydrius: The mount's fine. The logistical issues are the usual - how does the pony go down stairs, up ladders, etc.?

@Dr*sten: Nice! Those are much more appropriate domains for your concept. Any word on your partner in crime?

He is probably going to withdraw and leave me as a single entrant. I'll see if i can confirm that soon.

I honestly must retake my application back since I obviously don't fit this campaign......

Hm. That is problematic. I think I'm going to go back to the drawing board.

Here we go. Mostly the same personality, just adapted for a better fit and a tidbit more practicality:

Darius Quint, Baron of Rosethorpe

Knowledge Geography (relatively low dc):
Rosethorpe is a small hole-in-the-ground village with no notoriety whatsoever.


Behold, lowly peasants, for the Noble, Kind and Oh So Amazing Darius Quint, Baron of Rosethorpe has come to your town, in search of a noble quest! He appears from distant horizons, all shiny smiles and shinier blades, to pierce the corrupt heart of evildoers. (and claim the fair rewards offered for such tasks)

Beware, bandits and goblins, for you shall meet your end upon the point of his noble blade! As for you, monstrous dragons, who spew deadly flames and devour innumerable peasants and other unfortunates... Well... Uh... Beware, bandits and goblins!

After being "encouraged" by the people of Rosethorpe to go adventuring, because his noble talents were wasted on just their small town, Darius set out through the land to share his amazing talents, only to find himself repeatedly driven away with vile slanders such as "Braggart" and "Coward", it has become clear to The Courageous and Definitely Not Possessor of a Tendency to Embellish Darius Quint, Baron of Rosethorpe that his amazing talents are far underestimated, and so, he seeks a task worthy of his name, one that will truly allow him to shine.

Only time will tell what sorts of amazing, heroic, and soon-to-be-retold-by-bards-all-over-the-land adventures he will encounter on his journey.


Darius Quint is humble, generous, noble, kind, humble, valiant, courageous, humble, smart, attentive, benevolent, humble, selfless, wise, diligent, humble, prudent, witty, and, of course, humble. He is most certainly not a “cowardly braggart of a low-blowing, glory-seeking, self-embellishing, underhanded narcissist”, various envious folk would claim he is, and anyone who insinuates such things is naught but a vile slanderer.

Basic Stat Rundown:

Male Rogue 1
STR 13
DEX 17
CON 12
WIS 10
CHA 14
-Iron Will
-Two-Weapon Fighting
-Nonchalant Thuggery
-Dirty Fighter
Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Perception, Sense Motive, Use Magic Device

You could bag of holding the pony for 10 mins at a time. Just would have to happen to find the bag of holding right inside the door.

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