GM Wulfson |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

After a long hiatus, most of it self-imposed, I've decided to run a PbP again. After much internal debate I've decided to run the Carrion Crown AP.
That being said I'm looking for five players to join me on this adventure. Recruitment will end February 22nd @ 6pm. CST.
The Rules:
• Races: All standard races from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook will be allowed. Any other PC race will be considered on a case by case basis. Unfortunately, due to it’s current playtesting status, no characters from the Advanced Race Guide will be allowed.
• Classes: All classes (Base and Prestige) from PFRPG core rulebook plus those from the Advanced Player's Guide (APG) and Ultimate Magic (UM) will be allowed. No base classes from Ultimate Combat (UC) will be allowed. Any Archetype for these base classes (again from the APG, UM, or UC) will be allowed.
• Alignment: Characters can be of any Good or Neutral alignment. No evil alignments will be allowed.
• Abilities: Characters will be based on the High Fantasy (20 point) buy, found in the PFRPG Core Rulebook on page 16. No ability can be raised higher than 18 (prior to racial modifiers). Only one ability may be lowered below 10 and that ability cannot be lowered below 8 (prior to racial modifiers).
• Feats: Any feat from the Core Rulebook, APG, UM, or UC will be acceptable. Any 3.5 or 3PP material you wish to use will have to be approved by me prior to acceptance.
• Traits: Character's will start with two traits, one of which MUST be from the Carrion Crown’s Player's Guide.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level.
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with Maximum starting gold for their base class as found in the PFRPG Core Rulebook on page 140, or in the APG on page 26.
If you have any questions feel free to post them here or PM me and I'll answer them as quickly as possible.
Thanks for your interest,

GM Wulfson |

As long as you're able to post once a day at a minimum you should do OK. I realize sometimes that life gets in the way and people won't be able to post daily and thats alright. Extended absence without a post to tell me what's up may get you booted from the game though.
A character concept/ write up would be appreciated. Make it as bare boned or as detailed as you want. But, keep in mind the more detailed the better I'll be able to grasp where your character would fit in the campaign.

Piet the Hagboy |

I'm interested in trying out a Witch, as I've never played one yet, and Ustalav seems like a very witch-y sort of place.
The character was designed for a Skulls and Shackles game, and then floated past a Jade Regent game, so the character sheet is a mess. I can clean it up and find a suitable Carrion Crown trait, etc.
Chance Savior (+2 Init) or Inspired by Greatness (+1 CL to one spell, which would be something like mage armor, that he'll probably be casting daily for many levels) sound decent, as does On the Payroll (for the +150 gp).

GrimApotheosis |

I'll submit a rakish monster hunter for consideration, probably an Inquisitor of Iomedae, although possibly a ranger.
Nicodemus grew up in a small village secluded in the ruin-dotted countryside of Odranto, living in the shadow of his beloved nation's tragedy-stricken past. Every tale he heard, every time he witnessed the monsters of Ustalav, mortal and immortal alike, preying upon the weak of the land breathed further life into an ember of rage building within the often brash youth.
A constant trouble-maker and rebel, Nicodemus' father was hardly pleased with the boy, a situation that only grew worse when Nicodemus refused to train as a priest. Shortly thereafter Nicodemus left a squire-ship with a paladin of Iomedae, disillusioned by the ineffectiveness of the Church in helping those Ustalavians in need, a decision which prompted an argument resulting in him and his father not speaking to one another.
Despite his loss of faith in the majority of Iomedae's other servants, Nicodemus found himself still possessed by his unwavering faith and burning desire to aid his countrymen, and so he left the church, declaring himself a rogue agent of Iomedae, and setting out on his personal crusade to protect Ustalav.
GM Wulfson

GM Wulfson |

For those of you who asked about firearms, in a nutshell, yes. I don't care for the Gunslinger class in general and firearms in particular, so NO FIREARMS, sorry.
To give you an idea of what I'm looking for in a party is a mix of the Big Four (Arcane, Divine, Melee, Skill) and a spare. I will look at a character's primary role in the four categories as well as what their secondary role may be.

Iron-Dice |

Here's my write up a dark and troubled sorcerer looking to find what's worth saving in the world.
If you like the concept, I can massage the background to fit smoothly into Carrion Crown and build out the stats.
Hair the color of white sunlit beach sand
Eye of the palest pink, with pure black pulps and ringed in black.
Translucent pigment less skin.
Weak of body, but strong of will.
21 years ago, a young family gives birth to their first child. As a farming family living in the treetops of the great forest, this should be the most joyous moment of their lives. That dream was shattered as the midwife let loose a startled gasp. Hesitating but a moment, and not making eye contact with the mother, the midwife's training took over. She covered the infant, not letting the mother or father view the child for fear of bonding, and headed into the deep woods. The mother screamed and wailed. She knew what happened. The infant had been born with a defect so the laws and customs dictate that it must be reclaimed by nature as to not burden the village. Moved by his wife's anguish, and driven by an instinct he had never felt before, the father stole away into the wooded night and followed the midwife. He witnessed the teary eyed woman reluctantly laying the infant near a game trail, knowing the end would come quick and painless. She hated herself for the job she had to do, but believed it was necessary.
Defying the very laws, customs and beliefs the husband believed in, he took the infant into his arms. It was a boy. A boy! He proceeded back to their humble home in secret. Raising the boy would be no easy task.
The boy had a rare defect. Being born without pigment in his skin or hair, and weak in body. He would not be able to work in direct sunlight, and his strength may be depleted. He was an albino.
Unable to participate in most activities, or provide for his family, the boy found he has a desperate need for wizardry. Not a desire, but a necessity. At first to provide fire, and clean drinking water. Later shelter and enhancing the crops. All under cover of darkness and secrecy. Over the years as he grew, hiding him became more difficult and dangerous to his parents. Learning new magic for defense, and later to bring down game, was not a choice, but a matter of survival. At his eleventh birthday, he left without notice, and locked tight all reference to his family into a dark and secret place in his psyche. He knew, if the connection is ever made between them, his parents would still be prosecuted to this day.
Living on the fringe of society, he occasionally sought work with pirates and ruffians, as they judged him by his skills, not his defects. Mostly anyhow. Their morals and motivation, however, did not sit with the young man. Deemed "the glass wizard" by by the pirate king Kardash, due to his opaque skin taking on a shinny, gloss luminance when caught in evening light.
The young man has experienced the horrors first hand of predigest, betrayal, hatred and isolation. He has also witnessed unconditional beauty, kindness and love. Though always at a distance.
The young mans current motivation for living is to bring an end to tyranny and hatred in the land. To one day, stand in front of his people as a welcomed hero, and show that those born with "defects" belong. Bringing an end to the barbaric custom that would have denied his existence, and the heroic deeds he will accomplish.
Dark and moody, living in the shadowy twilight of life, and trusting no one. The young man seeks comrades that will value him for his skills, and posses the same moral beliefs he has. But there is a dark side. Beware his cloak! Believing there is no pure good, or pure evil in the world, he wears a reversible full bodied, hooded cloak. One side is off white. Signifying good, but not pure good, as man is flawed with personal goals and fear. The other side however, is midnight black. Not pure black, but dark no the lees. If you see the glass wizard approaching wearing his dark cloak, be afraid. Be very afraid.
I present to you the young man who calls himself
Darkspell- The glass wizard.
Hair the color of white sunlit beach sand
Eye of the palest pink, with pure black pulps and ringed in black.
Translucent pigment less skin.
Weak of body, but strong of will.
Game note: he's a mistrusting loner, living on the fringe of society, trusting no one, and instantly shunned by all you see him.

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Consider me interested.
I'd like to play a Changeling if you'll allow it. If not then probably a Half-Orc. Either way my class would be a NG Inquisitor of Pharasma based off of that terribly stupid but still fun Van Hellsing movie complete with pimp hat and coat and dangit I just made the iconic Inquistor didn't I? Ah well, still sounds fun. Especially with the combination of orc hate or changeling fear and Pharasma worship that tends to be a big part of Ustlav. For my campaign trait I'd pick "Making Good on Promises" but change the source of the fear to come from the fact that the character might never get the chance to repay the Professor. A fear which has unfortunately come true. Think the "Chance Savior" but instead of the character saving him, the Professor saves the character. Maybe not from a monster but from some other serious trouble. Run-ins with the law perhaps or keeping the character out of a terrible life.

GM Wulfson |

Consider me interested.
I'd like to play a Changeling if you'll allow it. If not then probably a Half-Orc. Either way my class would be a NG Inquisitor of Pharasma based off of that terribly fun Van Hellsing movie complete with pimp hat and coat and dangit I just made the iconic Inquistor didn't I?
Changeling would be fine.

Shady_Motives |

I would like to play a human paladin of Sarenrae, heavy armor sword and board type. I have the inner sea world guide as well as the book about Ustalav, so I can give a more detailed outline when I get home where all my files are.
The good professor was determined to get into the crypt and find those books, which were a detailed account of a long lost crypt of a cleric and saint of Sarenrae. Accompanying him were two holy warriors of the church of Sarenrae, their gleaming white cloaks boldly displaying the sunburst that denoted their devotion. Long accustomed to (and frankly bored by) the sermons of Pharasma, Donin had been almost drawn to the bright group and had fearlessly offered to guide them to and into the crypt. While it was dangerous to go in at night, the children of the village often played around the cemetary and dared each other to crawl down the hole that had formed when a wall of the crypt collapsed decades ago.
While dark, gloomy and smelling strongly of earth and rot, the crypt had offered no resistance and Lorimar had retreived the books without incident. So eager were they to continue their quest to find the final resting place of the saint, the group had taken two rooms in the small inn. They quickly became the center of curiosity for the quiet town, with the two paladins being gracious guests and helping around as much as they could.
That night it all changed as the enraged spirits burst from their despoiled crypt with an unearthly wail and descended on the unprepared village with a vengeance. Houses were set ablaze while doors and windows were sealed, burning the inhabitants alive. Other villagers were possessed and forced to murder their loved ones before turning the knives on themselves. The more powerful spirits ripped psyches apart, leaving villagers clawing their eyes out or simply curling up into a fetal positions and dying of fright.
At the center of the fray, standing resolute against the flood of undead, was the two paladins. Raising their holy symbols high the two warriors tore into the spirits with holy light and blessed iron, their swords finding purchase where all else simply passed through. To Donin they appeared like two beacons of light pushing back against the flood of darkness and as they approached their light fell on him and he was instantly transported.
All fear vanished as the sunlight of Sarenrae lanced into his very soul, burning away the last of his uncertainty as he realized his future. When the last of the undead were destroyed, there was only a handful of villagers. Donin had fled from his house after seeing his father murder his mother, so he had nothing.
Approaching the two paladins who were lifting a beam to rescue an old woman, Donin had scurried under without prompting and pulled the woman to her feet. "Hold on Miss Myra, I'll help you out."
"Bless you boy." The old herbalist said, leaning on him heavily as she kept weight from her broken leg. Even after the fire she smelled of lilacs, her favorite flower which she had hanging from the ceiling to dry. Or rather, they used to hang from the ceiling to dry. Now all that was left was two walls and ashes, all of her plants gone in the fire that consumed her house. "Bless you boy and bless you Sir Aeris, Sir Hector. Thank the gods you were here."
"We go where the goddess of the sun, Sarenrae, bids us. We are her knights sent out to battle darkness and spread light. Thank her for her divine protection." the older knight, Sir Hector, responded with a smile.
"Sunlight and glory to redeem those who undeath has brought insanity. Healing to those in need of soothing. Fire to purge darkness and evil from the world." Donin recited, gathering looks of surprise from everyone near.
"Do you follow the teachings of the Sun young man?" Sir Aeris asked. The younger knight had hints of elvish blood, judging by the gently pointed ears and slightly angular face.
"We follow the teaching of the Balancer of Scales." Myra said.

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Never mind on the Changeling, I've convinced myself on the half-orc. So here he is:
Born to a minor noble family in Caliphas, no one saw little Marko coming least of all his own parents. They knew that in the family blood their was at least one victim of the orc hordes of the Whispering Tyrant, but who would think it would manifest a thousand years later? Marko's father, while shocked by the event, didn't seem to mind in the least. He treated the boy as a good as any son could want, showing him the ins and outs of the city and how to handle oneself in both combat and in politics. A deeply religious man, he also introduced Marko to Pharasma as well as many other gods, that the young boy, soon to be a man, might a find a stabilizing rock to rely on. Of course not all was roses and delights for the half-orc and his family. A half-orc son is not the sort of thing an upscale family simply ignores in the social scene and Marko's family suffered in both standing and fortunes. It did not help that Marko's appearance and attitude did little to ingratiate himself with other young noble boys and girls and many's the time that a well-placed insult on ole big tooth degenerated into a bloody brawl. As the family lost more little by little, Marko's mother and two younger sisters constantly harrassed and belittled him. Blaming Marko for all of the troubles. Once more, it bothered Marko terribly that such accusations might be true. It was during his teenage years that Marko was introduced to a good friend of his father's, Professor Petros Lorrimor. The young half-orc delighted in the Professor's stories and learned much from him about the world beyond. Lorrimor also began teaching Marko, now a strong and not altogether unhandsome young man, meditation and emotion controlling techniques to better keep in check his hormone and racially driven rages. Unfortunately, the family's deteriorating financial situation culminated in the worst. Marko's father was struck by a horrible flesh-wasting disease and without the money to pay for treatments he would soon succomb to it. Marko, devasted at the possible loss of the major good influence in his life, turned to Professor Lorrimor for help. Professor Lorrimor agreed to paying for the disease removing magic, but for a price. A price not to be paid by Marko's family, but by the half-orc himself.
To Marko, it wasn't even a choice.
With Marko's father cured, the Professor departed and while Marko kept up correspondance, telling him of his baptism by the church of Pharasma and his training as an Inquisitor, he never saw the old Professor again. So it was with a heavy heart that Marko received news of Lorrimor's death. With the summons to his funeral in hand and the blessings of Pharasman church, Marko set off to Ravengro.
Marko Iron Tongue, so named for his keen ability to brush off the worst insults only to turn around and fire back keen rejoinders in both combat and debate, is a 23 year old, 6 foot tall half-orc baptised in the faith of Pharasma. He is above all else a good man. Believing in joy of the world and of good people to share it with, his is a live and let live morality. He suffers insults willingly but almost never backs down from a fight whether with word or steal. He has a soft spot for the downtrodden and works to be a good influence in their lives. He is not as solemn as perhaps is expected of an Inquistor of Pharasma, believing that fate's course is set and will not be affected or his goddess put off by a good time spent with friends and lovers. He has a furious hatred of undead and bullys and a murderous rage, that would impress any orc, reserved for followers of Urgathoa (who he secretly believes had a hand in his father's ailment).
Traits: Ustalavic Noble (ISP), Making Good on Promises (Campaign)

DukeRuckley |

I would like to submit a Human Flowing Monk for your consideration. I have played a Flowing Monk of the Sacred Mountain before in another PbP, but it is moving rather slowly and I'd really like to see how the class stacks up (though I wouldn't be utilizing the Sacred Mountain archetype in this game). I recognize that some of the abilities may not be feasible on certain types of undead, but I'm willing to take that risk.
Here's a quick run-down of the character. If you would like me to stat him up right now, please let me know.
Iosef Iliescu
Iosef grew up as a wandering Varisian from Ustalav. While he enjoyed his time with his family, traveling from town to town, he decided at the age of 16 that he wanted to do more. He set off on his own in the pursuit of knowledge and self-perfection. After being assaulted and robbed of all of his possessions by a small group of thugs, Iosef sought out a mentor to train himself in the ways of hand-to-hand combat. He focused specifically on how to avoid attack while maintaining his ground and using the enemy's momentum against them. Little did he know, these skills would soon become very handy.
Iosef was returning to his small rented room, when he spotted a large man stalking another man further ahead. Iosef, having been on the the receiving end of such savagery, tailed the man and confronted him. The man immediately attacked Iosef, brandishing a vicious looking knife. Iosef stepped aside quickly and tripped the man. While the thug stood back up, Iosef launched into a series of punches and kicks meant to knock the man unconscious without severely injuring him. His defense of the intended victim did not go unnoticed, and the man he saved was very grateful. It turns out his name was Petros Lorrimor, a Professor from the area. Professor Lorrimor told Iosef that he his "actions will not soon be forgotten" and the two went their own way.
Only recently, Iosef has been summoned to Ravengro, as his name has shown up on Professor Lorrimor's will. Iosef now finds himself heading that way, surprise and uncertainty in his mind, after all, he barely knew the man. Could he be named as a possible heir? Should he turn it down if he is? These questions burn through Iosef's mind as he makes his trip to Ravengro.
Combat Role
Iosef is a melee support character. He won't be the heaviest hitter, but he should be able to stand at the front line with any large fighter. I intend to utilize tripping and possibly repositioning fairly often, assuming it makes sense for the situation. If you feel that focusing on the trip combat maneuver is not feasible for this type of campaign, I will consider modifying the character to something a little more closely related (such as Hungry Ghost or Ki Mystic).
Thank you for your consideration. Please let me know if you have any questions.

okuth0r |

cancel that, just spent 3 hours making a character and figuring out a backstory only to have my post time out and its all gone.
gl all
i would like to throw my hat in if there is room. My first time attempt as well playing PbP.
Interested in playing a elven Ranger/Magus, going to arcane archer with the Chance savior trait.

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Aruetii |

This is my Half-Elf, I've had to knock him down from a 25 point buy so tell me if I messed up on anything.
Deity: Desna and Nethys.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Health = 8
STR = 12
DEX = 16
CON = 13
INT = 16
WIS = 10
CHA = 10
Height: 6'
Weight: 140 LB
Special: Arcane Bond (Raven), Arcane School (Illusion [Shadow]), Cantrips, Scribe Scroll
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Gnome, Varisian.
Skills: Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Planes), Spellcraft, Stealth.
Feats: Arcane Strike
Traits: Teacher's Pet, Classically Schooled
Armor: N/A
Weapons: Dagger, Light Crossbow (50), Quarterstaff
Equipment: Spellbook, Backpack, Bedroll, Rope (hemp), Grappling Hook, Thieves' Tools, Rations (5), The Book of Magic.
Spells: Silent Image, Color Spray, Shadow Weapon, Vanish, Magic Missile, Magic Weapon.
Wealth: 40 gold
This of course meant how to steal things from under people's unsuspecting noses when they reached a town. Unlike most of the children he used the few cantrips that the old woman had taught him to assist him in his theft rather than just what he could do with his body. This was all well and good for many years of his life, until a year before he reached adulthood. It was then that Kyras spied a man of wealth in the streets of town, at the time he had no idea how important that man was, or how powerful he was. In Kyras' mind, he was just another mark. Unfortunately for the young Half-Elf, he was anything but. The Professor easily saw through his illusions and caught him red-handed with just a few pieces of gold. When confronted about his actions Kyras spoke honestly, explaining that theft was how he and his family survived most of the time. Fortune telling and trading only got someone so far.
Intrigued by the young man's honesty in the face of danger, or a carefully crafted lie executed perfectly, Lorrimor insisted that Kyras attend the lecture he was about to present. The Professor had hoped that it would show the young man other avenues of thinking, and at least get him off the streets for a little while. The Half-Elf stood at the back of the lecture hall, surrounded by people that were older, wiser, and more educated than him. He grew uncomfortable quickly in their presence, and many of the topics that Lorrimor presented went over his head quickly. Once he started discussing Magic however, Kyras perked right up and became quickly engrossed in the lecture. Whenever the Professor posed a question, he would try to answer it correctly. Every time Lorrimor was answering questions, he came up with at least two or three to ask the man. Sadly, Magic was only a small part of the lecture that Lorrimor was giving and eventually it segued back into academics that were too advanced for Kyras to grasp. That did not stop the young half-elf from devoting his full attention to the Professor, despite not understanding a word.
After the lecture, and after people stopped asking Lorrimor questions, the Professor approached Kyras again. The two discussed more about the Arcane, and of its mysteries, and what little Kyras understood of it. He wanted to learn more, and the Professor was happy to indulge him. For the few days that the caravan was in town Kyras visited the Professor every day to learn from him. Once he had to depart with his family and leave the Professor behind, he promised that he would stay in contact with the man and attend the lectures if they were ever in the same city again.
The encounter with the professor changed the Half-Elf, he became more curious about knowledge. Of course, he only really knew one good way of acquiring what he wanted, and that was theft. Every time they visited a town he would attempt to steal, pickpocket, and otherwise acquire bits and pieces of magical lore and tomes on the subject. He greedily hoarded every scrap he was able to acquire and he soon had a small library in the caravan.
Kyras was even able to keep in contact with the Professor over the years, sending messages back and forth between the two. On the rare occasions that they were in the same city Kyras proved true to his word and managed to attend every single one of them. Even when it was located in areas where he was not wanted. The Half-Elf grew attached to the Professor, the man that had opened his eyes to more than he could have seen just with the seers in the caravan. On the fateful day that he received the final letter from Lorrimor, he was devastated. He quickly packed all of his things, all of his worldly possessions, into a ragged backpack. Kyras bid farewell to his mother, to his caravan, to his family. He explained that he had to abide by the Professor's final wish for him, for he had done so much for him over the years. With that, he departed for Ustalav.
Tell me if there's anything I need to change or add.

Aruetii |

Aruetii wrote:What would Kyras' opposition schools be?This is my Half-Elf, I've had to knock him down from a 25 point buy so tell me if I messed up on anything.
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **...
Abjuration and Necromancy. Abjuration because he would much rather avoid getting hit in the first place, he isn't exactly a defense minded individual. Necromancy because he loathes the undead and the nature of Necromancy in itself.

Iron-Dice |

Here's some stats to get Darkspell going.
I took the Making good on promises trait. I'll tie in the favor to the backstory and re-flavor it a bit to fit into Ustalav.
Please let me know if you have any feedback.
Male Human (Ulfen) Sorcerer 1
CN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +1
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10. . (+1 Dex)
hp 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike -1 (1d3-1/20/x2)
Special Attacks Heavenly Fire (7/day)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 1, -1 melee touch, +1 ranged touch):
1 (4/day) Color Spray (DC 15), Disguise Self (DC 15)
0 (at will) Acid Splash, Read Magic (DC 14), Bleed (DC 14), Disrupt Undead
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10
Feats Disruptive Spell, Eschew Materials, Maximize Spell
Traits Making Good on Promises, Skeptic
Skills Bluff +8, Fly +5, Heal +5, Intimidate +8, Spellcraft +6, Use Magic Device +8
Languages Celestial, Common, Elven, Skald
SQ Celestial
Celestial Summoned creatures gain DR 1/evil.
Disruptive Spell You can cast a spell that imposes concentration checks for those it affects to cast spells.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Heavenly Fire (7/day) (Su) Ranged touch attack deals 1d4 divine damage/healing
Making Good on Promises At some point in the past, Professor Lorrimor did you a favor under the condition that he would someday call on you to repay it. After he came to your aid, however, you never saw nor heard from him again, leaving you with a sense of unending anticipa
Maximize Spell All variable effects of a spell are maximized. +3 Levels.
Skeptic +2 save vs. illusion.
The Glass Wizard
21 years ago, a young family gives birth to their first child. As a farming family living in the treetops of the great forest, this should be the most joyous moment of their lives. That dream was shattered as the midwife let loose a startled gasp. Hesitating but a moment, and not making eye contact with the mother, the midwife's training took over. She covered the infant, not letting the mother or father view the child for fear of bonding, and headed into the deep woods. The mother screamed and wailed. She knew what happened. The infant had been born with a defect so the laws and customs dictate that it must be reclaimed by nature as to not burden the village. Moved by his wife's anguish, and driven by an instinct he had never felt before, the father stole away into the wooded night and followed the midwife. He witnessed the teary eyed woman reluctantly laying the infent near a game trail, knowing the end would come quick and painless. She hated herself for the job she had to do, but believed it was necessary.
Defying the very laws, customs and beliefs the husband believed in, he took the infent into his arms. It was a boy. A boy! He proceeded back to their humble home in secret. Raising the boy would be no easy task.
The boy had a rare defect. Being born wihtout pigment in his skin or hair, and weak in body. He would not be able to work in direct sunlight, and his strength may be depleted. He was an albino.
Unable to participate in most activities, or provide for his family, the boy found he has a desperate need for socercey. Not a desire, but a necessity. At first to provide five, and clean drinking water. Later shelter and enhancing the crops. All under cover of darkness and secrecy. Over the years as he grew, hiding him became more difficult and dangerous to his parents. Learning new magic for defense, and later to bring down game, was not a choice, but a matter of survival. At his eleventh birthday, he left wihtout notice, and locked tight all reference to his family into a dark and secret place in his psyche. He knew, if the connection is ever made between them, his parents would still be prosecuted to this day.
Living on the fringe of society, he occasionally sought work with pirates and ruffians, as they judged him by his skills, not his defects. Mostly anyhow. Their morals and motivation, however, did not sit with the young man. Deemed "the glass wizard" by by the pirate king Kardash, due to his opaque skin taking on a shinny, gloss luminance when caught in evening light.
The young man has experienced the horrors first hand of predigest, betrayal, hatred and isolation. He has also witnessed unconditional beauty, kindness and love. Though always at a distance.
The young mans current motivation for living is to bring an end to tyranny and hatred in the land. To one day, stand in front of his people as a welcomed hero, and show that those born with "defects" belong. Bringing an end to the barbaric custom that would have denied his existence, and the heroic deeds he will accomplish.
Dark and moody, living in the shadowy twilight of life, and trusting no one. The young man seeks comrades that will value him for his skills, and posses the same moral beliefs he has. But there is a dark side. Beware his cloak! Believing there is no pure good, or pure evil in the world, he wears a reversible full bodied, hooded cloak. One side is off white. Signifying good, but not pure good, as man is flawed with personal goals and fear. The other side however, is midnight black. Not pure black, but dark no the lees. If you see the glass wizard approaching wearing his dark cloak, be afraid. Be very afraid.
I present to you the young man who calls himself
Blain Darkspell; The glass wizard.
Hair the color of white sunlit beach sand
Eye of the palest pink, with pure black pulps and ringed in black.
Translucent pigment less skin.
Weak of body, but strong of will.
Game note: he's a mistrusting loner, living on the fringe of society, trusting no one, and instantly shunned by all you see him.so the wizard school would not be for him. Let me know if that is an issue.

Vanulf Wulfson |

For some reason this thread is not showing up when I click on the recruitment thread nor when I click on the Focus button. I have to click on my GM Wulfson alias, then click on the Posts tab, then click on the last comment I've made to navigate to this thread. I've sent a request to the administrator but am waiting to hear back. So if I'm liitle slow in responding you'll know why.

GM Wulfson |

Question, Would you happen to allow the White Necromancer from Kobold Quarterly 19?
I just DL'ed KQ 19, but at first glance it looks OK. Don't know why the author went with spontaneous casting as opposed to prepared, but hey I didn't write it.
Go ahead and stat one up and submit it.
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So far we've got;
2 divine casters/healers
Avaren – Human Cleric of Sarenrae
Zofia – Changeling Cleric of Pharasma (possibly Sorcerer / Mystic Theurge, later?)
1 tank
Donin Alekson – Human Paladin of Sarenrae
3 kinda/sorta skill-monkeys
Iosef Iliescu – Human Monk (Flowing Monk, Hungry Ghost or Ki Mystic)
Marko Iron Tongue – Half-Orc Inquisitor of Pharasma
Nicodemus – Human Inquisitor of Iomedae (possibly Ranger?)
4 arcanists
Darkspell – Human Sorcerer (Celestial Bloodline)
Kyras – Half-Elf Wizard (Illusionist, barred from Abjuration and Necromancy)
Malthus Kohlheim – Human Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Crypt Breaker)
Piet the Hag-Boy – Human Witch
Did I miss anyone?

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Ok - here it is...
An undead hunting Alchemist... A young Doctor Van Helsing almost.
Background needs a bit of polish and still working through equipment but its more or less it.
I've updated him some - had to drop Dex to bump Str and Con otherwise he'd be unable to lug all his crap.
**Question - Does the Alchemist need/should carry a spell component pouch as an Alchemist kit?
The Iconic at the back of the Master of the Fallen fortress lists that as equipment

Aruetii |

Set wrote:Mathus sort of fits with the Skill Monkeys as well, he's got 10 skills and can disarm traps as like a Rogue. Its a bit of an overlap.So far we've got...
I was going to have Kyras mutliclass Rogue/Wizard, but if you want to do that sort of route I'll find something else for him to do.

GM Wulfson |

Nostrus wrote:Any qualms about a Summoner?While I personally care for the Summoner, I try not to let that get in the way. If you can WOW me with a good story that would be more important to me.
Oops, that should have been I personally don't care for the Summoner. That's what I get for trying to rush a reply before heading out the door.

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Alright here he is:
Male Half-Orc Inquistor of Pharisma 1
NG Medium Humanoid (Orc)
Init -1; Senses Perception +6, Darkvision 60ft
AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (+6 Chainmail, -1 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref -1, Will +6
Spd 30 ft. 20 ft. in armor
Melee Falchion +3 (2d4+4/18-20/x2)
or Dagger +3 (1d4+3/19-20/x2)
or Silvered Brass Knuckles +3 (1d3+2,20/x2)
Ranged Dagger -1 (1d4+3/19-20/x2)
Shortbow -1 (1d6/20/x3)
Special Attacks Gentle Rest (5/day)
Inquistor Spells Known (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Cure Light Wounds, Protection from Evil
0 (at will) Brand, Disrupt Undead, Stabilize, Resistance
Domains Repose
Str 16, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 13
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 12
Feats Iron Will
Traits Uslavic Noble, Making Good on Promises
Skills Diplomacy +6, Heal +8, Knowledge (Nobility) +2, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Perception +6, Sense Motive +7, Survival +6
Languages Common, Orc, Varisian
Judgement 1/day
Gentle Rest 5/day
Stern Gaze +1 Intimidate and Sense Motive
Monster Lore Wisdom added to Knowledge checks on monsters
Half-Orc Traits Darkvision 60ft., Intimidating, Orc Blood, Orc Ferocity, Weapon Familiarity
Ustalavic Noble You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (nobility) checks. In addition, your starting money is increased by 100 gp— your “birthright,” such as it is.
Making Good on Promises You gain a +2 trait bonus on saves against fear effects.
I haven't bought him any adventuring gear yet but he has 82gp left so it shouldn't be an issue.

Dragonserpent |

I've three submissions from another Carrion crown pending approval, and I don't think I have the time to run both if I was accepted in that one, but I should know if any of them made it by this Sunday. Anything in particular you are looking for as a DM from a player or character besides filling the big four?

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I will post his full stats when he is finished, but I am working on him here until that time if you want to see him.
Here is his Background
At 14 he was invited to go on a “Hunt” with the group outside Riddleport. They needed a pack mule. While the group was dividing up the spoils, he found a crossbow off to the side that was overlooked. It was small, but heavy for his unconditioned body. After fiddling with it, he managed to fire it into the woods. The thump of the string returning after the shot was exhilarating to him and he shot a few more, forgetting where he was, lost in his thought and the joy of the sound and recoil of the weapon. A crash to his skull from one of his bandit “family” brought him back to reality.
For the next 3 years he continued to be the group’s slave and errand boy. He went back out to the outskirts of Riddle port with the group as he was their favorite pack mule. The group spied a group of four elderly men riding on horseback. The bandits haughtily emerged from the brush, swords and bows drawn. The battle was over in a matter of seconds. Only a few bandits survived, fleeing into the woods.
Lothos fell from his horse and hit his head, he tried to get up but everything was spinning and he ended up doing nothing more than throwing up. He then found he could not move at all as if held by a spell. The four elderly men tied him up and threw him to the back of one of their horses. They were going to turn him in to the authorities, but as the group traveled they began to like the quite boy. One of the group admitted to reading his thoughts and stated that the group knew that he was not really ever a willing member of the bandits. They promised the boy that they would let him go free if he would stay with them for a year. Not as a slave, but a pupil to one of them. They were aging and wanted to leave something behind other than their adventurous life. He was also free to choose who he wanted to learn from. His only answer was a shrug.
His mentor was Talos, a ranger with some skill at picking locks. He stayed with him for the next four years, learning how to track, move quietly, be invisible in his surroundings, but more importantly shoot a crossbow. At 21, Talos passed away in his sleep. Lothos, did not really know what to do with his life at this point. One of the other four provided him with adventuring gear and told him to go out and continue Talos’s love of adventuring.
He did just that, vowing to never use the name Lothos Overhill again. From now on, he was just Talos.