Full Name |
Piet the Hagboy |
Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Witch 1 |
Gender |
M |
Size |
M |
Age |
17 |
Special Abilities |
hexes |
Alignment |
NG |
Deity |
Desna |
Location |
Ustalav |
Languages |
Common (Taldan), Goblin, Giant, Sylvan |
Occupation |
witch for hire |
Strength |
11 |
Dexterity |
14 |
Constitution |
14 |
Intelligence |
17 |
Wisdom |
12 |
Charisma |
10 |
About Piet the Hagboy
Piet the Hagbui
Male human Witch 1
NG Medium humanoid
Init +2; Senses Perception +3
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10
(+2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d6+2 +1 FC bonus)
Saves Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4
Spd 30 ft.
Melee club +2 (1d6+2 B/x2), sickle +2 (1d6+2 S/x2)
Ranged thrown dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20)
Special Attacks misfortune hex
Spells CL 1st (-/1+1)
Spells Prepared
1st- mage armor, sleep (Will DC 14)
0- daze (Will DC 13), guidance, stabilize
Spells Known
1st- burning hands, command, cure light wounds, enlarge person, mage armor, sleep
Patron – Animals
Familiar – Raven
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 10
[1 + 5 + 5 + 7 + 2 + 0 = 20, +2 Int]
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Traits Chance Savior (+2 Init), On the Payroll (+150 gp), Inspired by Greatness (+1 CL to one spell)
Feats Extra Hex (B), Extra Hex
Advancement - Ability Focus (misfortune hex), Improved Familiar, Extra Hex (fortune, evil eye, slumber, flight?, scar?, feral speech?)
Skills (2 +3 (Int) +1 (human) = 5)
Appraise (CC, Int) 0 (+3),
Craft (alchemy) 1 (+7),
Fly (Dex) 0 (+2),
Handle Animal (CC, Cha) 0 (+0),
Heal (Wis) 1 (+5),
Intimidate (Cha) 0 (+0),
Knowledge (arcana) 1 (+7),
Knowledge (history) 0 (-),
Knowledge (local) 0 (-),
Knowledge (nature) 0 (-),
Knowledge (planes) 0 (-),
Knowledge (religion) 0 (CC, -)
Perception (CC, Wis) 0 (+3, +2 for familiar),
Profession (-) 0 (-),
Sense Motive (CC, Wis) 0 (+3, +2 for familiar),
Spellcraft 1 (+7),
Use Magic Device (Cha) 0 (-);armor check penalty 0
Languages Varisian, Giant, Goblin, Sylvan
SQ orisons, Hexes; Healing (cure light wounds as standard action 1/day per person), Misfortune (standard action to cause one foe in 30 ft. to make Will save DC 13 or make two rolls for any attack roll, saving throw, skill or ability check and take the worst roll, for 1 round), Cackle (move action to extend duration of any agony, charm, evil eye, fortune or misfortune hex in 30 ft. by 1 round).
Load 40.5 lbs; Lt 0-50 lbs., Med 51-100 lbs, Hvy 101-150 lbs.
Combat Gear
3d6X10 gp (105 gp)
Other Gear club (1d6 B/x2, 10 ft. range, - gp, 3 lbs), dagger (1d4 P/19-20, 2 gp, 1 lb), travelers vestments (0 gp, 5 lbs), spell component pouch (5 gp, 2 lbs), backpack (2 gp, 2 lbs), belt pouch (1 gp, ½ lb)
Racial +2 Intelligence, +1 Feat, +1 skill point / level, Favored Class: Witch (bonus taken for hit points)
Appearance Of average height, thin and pale, Piet bears the signs of a childhood of privation, and carries many scars, from the abuses of his hag 'mother.' His head, hands and feet seem a touch too large for his lanky frame, as if he has not yet reached his full growth, but formative years filled with malnutrition and casual neglect have left him as grown as he will ever be. Even his hair, perhaps once to be sandy-brown has been leached of color, being a gray-white, as that of a much older man, at contrast with his odd boy-man's frame. He moves with deliberate motions, at first appearing infirm, but at closer look, as if he is trying to avoid sudden movements, for fear of drawing attention...
Backstory Mother made a deal with a ‘witch of the woods’ to be able to bear her husband a child, and cleverly worded the arrangement so that the witch’s request of ‘one thing in return’ did not include her child. The witch frowned, and then arranged for her to bear twins, so that she could still grant her request to ‘give her a child,’ while taking one for herself…
The twins were boys, and the Green Hag (aka ‘the witch’) was disappointed, since she’d gone through all that trouble to arrange for the children to be born tainted with hag blood, so that they’d both be hers, eventually, anyway. She took the ‘extra’ child as her payment, and intended to fatten the little bundle of joy up and then share it with some friends for a special feast. Her friends had some bad years, and they fell out of touch, and she never felt like celebrating that particular feast, and so the boy grew up in her dank lair, beaten and cowed by the fearsome creature, and used as an errand-boy. At times, she would have a good year, and start fattening him up again, eager to devour him, but then schemes would go awry, and he was just so darn helpful around the laboratory and the house, unlike those pesky goblins, who couldn’t be trusted to do anything right, or that idiot ogre, playing with his toys.
Disaster struck (for the hag, anyway) when the boy was in his teens, and adventurers ended up freeing the ‘hag-boy’ from his captivity. The pale half-starved (it had been a disappointing couple of years for his ‘mother,’ and she was particularly uninterested in making a grand sacrifice to Mestama, whom, she felt, had utterly failed her) man-child was barely recognizable as human, and spoke in a gibberish hodge-podge of goblin and giantish, and having to be taught the Common tongue from a half-elven member of the adventuring group who happened to speak sylvan, which the boy recognized, at least haltingly.
Piet used Misfortune to guarantee ‘Mother’s’ death at the hands of the adventurers, with her having been unaware that he was capable of such a thing. After his rescue, he briefly considered returning to the family he knew he had (from ‘Mother’s’ boasting), but had a dream in which he saw his twin brother, a handsome man who looked only vaguely like the pale wretch he himself was, and feared that his successful family would reject him, and the shame of his existence would wreck their lives and result in him being disavowed, driven off or worse. Unknown to him, his brother has also dreamed of his existence, and is unsure what to make of this portent, having grown up a spoiled young man, heir to a moderately successful merchant house, but always drawing the eye of his peers by his utter recklessness, as he had always felt empty inside, as if something vital was missing from his life. With this dream of the bedraggled brother he never knew existed, he knows that a great and terrible secret has been kept from him by his family, and, for the first time in a decade and a half, is beginning to use the powerful mind that lurks behind the pretty face…