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![]() I'd have to agree with smaller parties being better for PbP. Wands and potions can cover for the lack of a healer in a lot of situations, and failing that, having Sandara tag along on dangerous bits might be an easier option. Nicodemus won't volunteer to be the cook; manners dictate that it go to Elthas or Sabinae, and cooking wouldn't be something in which he'd have any knowledge (and having a +1 modifier would lead to some foul stew :P). ![]()
![]() DM Faol Mhor
Spoiler: I'm familiar with how the AP starts, but I'll take my chances xD Most of my gear from it should be either recoverable (it's not as if they'll throw it away), or replaceable.
Also, what would be the cost of adding a fairly well hidden pocket to the greatcoat that Nicodemus tends to wear? ![]()
![]() GM Faol Mhor wrote:
Nicodemus is the one that I'm leaning towards if the group could use a leader-type character. And I want to play a Magus ;) Oh, I'm fully aware of the consequences that usually befall arrogance xD I will get Nicodemus statted up and fleshed out by this evening. ![]()
![]() So far I've got two concepts vying for my preference. The first is for Alexander Hart, a con artist who tends towards arrogance, and a bit of self-centered debauchery, going completely contrary to the angelic heritage of his Aaismar blood. Leaning towards bard for Alexander, although he could work as a rogue as well. The other is for the sion of a minor family of the Chelaxian aristocracy that met its downfall during a power play between several of the more influential houses. Exiled to Sargrava, the young nobleman took his fate into his own hands and jumped ship before reaching the colony. Driven by his familial pride and the right to rule granted by his birth and upbringing, Nicodemus seeks to re-establish his family outside of the Chelaxian empire and carve out holdings of his own. Although proud and firm in his belief in his place in the world, Nicodemus is an honorable and loyal man who believes as much in the ruler's responsibilities to the subject as vice versa. Probably would be going for Magus with him, or possibly something tanky if we need one. I'll flesh out whichever one is more useful to the group :) ![]()
![]() Dotting for interest...I love me some pirate-y goodness >:3 I have a couple of concepts in mind, for a con artist sort of bard (or maybe rogue), or maybe for a quirky paladin of some sort. Although I've been itching to try the Magus as well...
![]() I'd like to toss my hat into the ring as well; I have an idea for a hitman with a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde influence. Mssrs. Gaunt & Grim Spoiler: Mssrs. Gaunt & Grim ~ Problems Solved, Items Recovered, Inconveniences Made Otherwise So reads the card held by a well-dressed man with an earnest smile and streaks of grey at his temples. Discreet? Of course my dear sir, as discreet as you please. Quiet as a mouse, my associate and I are, we are aren't we. Allister Grim is an impeccably well dressed man who gives the impression of youth and vigor, despite the grey streaks in the temples of his neatly kept dark hair. He ambles amiable about his business, easily smiling his earnest smile while purveying his fine teas and coffees. Most of the time its even enough to keep people from being too greatly unnerved by his peculiar speech, odd mannerisms, and occasional references to 'his associate'. Most of the time. In truth, Mr. Grim is a bit unhinged. From the time he was a small child, Allister has always had a constant companion and friend, who Allister now refers to as Mr. Gaunt. Whenever he was bullied or needed to bully, Mr. Gaunt was there to help and ensure the offender wouldn't want to bother Allister again. As he got older, he found that he and Mr. Gaunt had a facility for being hitmen; he would negotiate a deal and investigate his mark, and then when the time would come, he would simply step back and let Mr. Gaunt cheerily go about his work. He is also more than the discerning owner of a small shop specializing in imported teas and coffees. He is in fact, a hired killer and scientist who's ideas once caught the attention of one of the members of the DeSuis family. Finding both work and support for his ideas, Allister was quite content with his work for the DeSuis, and as such was quite peeved when his patron (as Allister viewed him) was killed and his grand experiment disrupted. The idea is to be an alchemist (vivisectionist archetype) going for the Master Chymist PrC from the APG. Shouldn't step on the toes of the other person interested in playing an Alchemist, as Allister is melee-combat orientated. ![]()
![]() I'll submit a rakish monster hunter for consideration, probably an Inquisitor of Iomedae, although possibly a ranger. Nicodemus
Rakish, often irreverent, and possessing confidence bordering on cockiness, Nicodemus is far from the image of the perfect follower of Iomedae. And yet, the young man crosses the haunted, damned countryside of Ustalav with a fervor that few can match.
Nicodemus grew up in a small village secluded in the ruin-dotted countryside of Odranto, living in the shadow of his beloved nation's tragedy-stricken past. Every tale he heard, every time he witnessed the monsters of Ustalav, mortal and immortal alike, preying upon the weak of the land breathed further life into an ember of rage building within the often brash youth. A constant trouble-maker and rebel, Nicodemus' father was hardly pleased with the boy, a situation that only grew worse when Nicodemus refused to train as a priest. Shortly thereafter Nicodemus left a squire-ship with a paladin of Iomedae, disillusioned by the ineffectiveness of the Church in helping those Ustalavians in need, a decision which prompted an argument resulting in him and his father not speaking to one another. Despite his loss of faith in the majority of Iomedae's other servants, Nicodemus found himself still possessed by his unwavering faith and burning desire to aid his countrymen, and so he left the church, declaring himself a rogue agent of Iomedae, and setting out on his personal crusade to protect Ustalav. GM Wulfson
Spoiler: I wasn't sure whether or not you were intending to disallow firearms; I would very much like to use one. A pistol-wielding Inquisitor fits my idea of Nicodemus extremely well. However from some of my experiences running games, I understand how inconvenient firearms can be with the RAW, and so I wanted to propose some possibilities to make them workable. In my games I generally ignore the idea of firearms resolving versus Touch armor class, and I'd be more than happy to do so here as well :P Also, I can come up with some good, in-character reasons why Nicodemus might possess a pistol, but wouldn't use it until it was appropriately in-line with the rest of the group's gear/wealth. It's something that fits my image for the character extremely well, and so if possible I'd like to discuss any ways that it could be integrated. ![]()
![]() Although not fortunate enough to possess quite either the breadth or length of experience of some of the prior posters, I would like to throw my hat into the ring for consideration.
Now onto the character that I'm submitting for consideration: I'm interested in playing something of a monster-hunter; a somewhat rogue agent of a church who has dedicated himself to hunting down the darker things in the world which threaten the weak.
In game terms, I'm leaning towards Chaotic Good Human Male Inquisitor of Iomedae, preferably a gun-wielding one, if allowed :D
![]() Gerivor Van Astlyn - Human Male Rogue/Wizard, headed towards Arcane Trickster Background
Offering his employers discreet solutions to their problems while maintaining plausible deniability, Gerivor has used a keen and ruthless intellect to make a decent living for himself serving as a freelance investigator, consultant, and once or twice, assassin. Despite his sometimes legally questionable activities, Gerivor has frequently found work with the Andoran military as a freelance operative, a job which Gerivor performs almost as much for his peculiar sense of duty to the ideals of the Andoran kingdom as for the sake of the payment.
Ultimately however, Gerivor's greatest motivation lies not in coin or duty, but in the Game. The circumstances surrounding a job are rarely of great importance, for it's the challenge that interests him. Every job is a challenge, a test of his abilities, another chance for him to win the Game. Appearance and Personality
Spoiler: Gerivor is a in his mid-twenties with handsome, if somewhat severe features, neatly kept dark hair, and ice-blue eyes. Slender and just a shade over average height, he is almost invariably dressed in well-kept fashionable yet practical attire and is rarely seen without his cane.
Although polite and generally friendly enough, Gerivor's intensity and constant vaguely analytic air, combined with the peculiar 'rules' by which he plays what he refers to as the 'Game', tend to unnerve his company, a fact that sometimes equally irritates and amuses the young man. ![]()
![]() I would like to submit a Human Male Witch (probably with the Hedge-witch archetype) for consideration. Something of a recluse, Alexander has long tended more towards solitary walks and quiet than his peers, as if perpetually wandering away in pursuit of the otherworldly influence that he's felt gently tugging at him for as long as he can remember. Although generally amiable and kindly, the young man occasionally shifts dispositions as unpredictably as a late summer's rain.
There's the general gist of the character; if the DM is interested, I can get a few more specifics figured out in terms of his background, as well as the rule-sy part of the character :) |