Carrion Crown Blues: Broken Moon

Game Master Kartari

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*Nods* I was more immediately trying to address the possible perceived ignoring of peoples. My post for Sunny now just appears to sail along merrily without acknowledging the input from Master Christoph and Master Kartari.[/oop]

[ooc]It's also why even in most OOC interactions I use the 'Blue' words.

Very much cheers and best wishes to all as we roll around the Sun for another go. (^_^)

Sorry if my posts are a bit erratic and slow posting. Was doing some house cleaning up and I managed to step on a metal rake. Clocked myself in the side of the head and got a nice lump for the trick.

So, however, they manage to do it in the old comedies? Yeah, for real it fekkin' hurts in the flesh, as it were.

How does the quote go? The tragedy is me getting a paper cut. Comedy is someone else falling down a manhole to backing music. :P

Game Master -- Carrion Crown (Current Map)

Ouch! Sounds like something I'd do, LOL.

And no worries about posting speed, Sunny. In fact, I think you're probably the most frequent poster on here at this point, LOL.

Oh that Linguistics check is sooo close, Zelda. I'll say that warrants making out some of the letter at least.

Cav1/Bar2/Monk2/Nin3Artist Image:[Island Elf (Fixed linky)
HP: 55 Init: +4 Perception +10 (D),AC 21 (Horn Lamelar), touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Dodge, +1 Sheild) Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +6; +2 vs. enchant,

So. Not too sure on the issues with Chauncy hauling stuff.

Chauncy is a 'Large 'Long' critter so I think there's a Str carry multiplier.

Chauncy's Str is 24.

So, toting an extra body mass in the saddle should be okay?

Much cheers to every one.

Just a post ta' make sure tha' 'Dot' comes back after tha' board fixin'. (^_^)

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Game Master -- Carrion Crown (Current Map)

No ride check is necessary. You can simply pack the dead body. Chauncy can carry 467 lbs. as a light load, so he can move normal speed with you riding plus a dead body...

I have to ask: are you planning to seat the dead body upright, as if alive and riding with you in the saddle? Because that could be hilarious. Do you have sunglasses? :D

Female Human Oracle of Pharasma 8; 59/59 HP; AC:13 [19] Touch 13 FF 10 [16]; F +8 R +6 W +12 (+16 fear); Init +2; Perception +8 (+12 undead/ can perceive ethereal undead)



Must admit I missed all the Bernie movies.

Not my thing back then I suppose.

Least you didn't post the vid with the roof rack.



Cav1/Bar2/Monk2/Nin3Artist Image:[Island Elf (Fixed linky)
HP: 55 Init: +4 Perception +10 (D),AC 21 (Horn Lamelar), touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Dodge, +1 Sheild) Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +6; +2 vs. enchant,


Nu-uh. We is bein' all 'spectfull of tha' passed peoples.

Is bundlin' 'em up proper, like.

*Looks to new found companions*

Least, is whut peoples do around here, right?

A'sides, there's two peoples ta' be lookin' out fer. How is other people's horses fer carryin' t'other people whut's passed?

Game Master -- Carrion Crown (Current Map)

Ah! I loved the National Lampoons films. Good stuff. :D

Female Human Oracle of Pharasma 8; 59/59 HP; AC:13 [19] Touch 13 FF 10 [16]; F +8 R +6 W +12 (+16 fear); Init +2; Perception +8 (+12 undead/ can perceive ethereal undead)

So wait, we're carrying around a corpse?

*Holds up two fingers* Technically two corpses

We can't just leave them here. Who knows what might become/happen to them?

Also. If we turn up and say we found their missing people with no evidence then people might think... not too highly of us?

We, kind of just have to hope the distance isn't too far?

Cav1/Bar2/Monk2/Nin3Artist Image:[Island Elf (Fixed linky)
HP: 55 Init: +4 Perception +10 (D),AC 21 (Horn Lamelar), touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Dodge, +1 Sheild) Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +6; +2 vs. enchant,
Rhia Van der Geist wrote:
So wait, we're carrying around a corpse?

Well. Not yet. An' we founded two passed peoples.

Chauncy can be carryin' one like I offered. (^_^)

Why? Whut t'is ye be thinkin' we be doin' wiff 'em?

Female Human Oracle of Pharasma 8; 59/59 HP; AC:13 [19] Touch 13 FF 10 [16]; F +8 R +6 W +12 (+16 fear); Init +2; Perception +8 (+12 undead/ can perceive ethereal undead)

I could actually talk to them.

Cav1/Bar2/Monk2/Nin3Artist Image:[Island Elf (Fixed linky)
HP: 55 Init: +4 Perception +10 (D),AC 21 (Horn Lamelar), touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Dodge, +1 Sheild) Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +6; +2 vs. enchant,

Uhhh... okeys...

Like, in't they got'a be all shamblin' an' movin' an' stuffs afore ye can be speakin' to 'em, though?

Like, back home? When passed peoples come walkin' ashore? Yah, they be right scummer.

Not like that's a rilly bad thing or nuffin'. Like, they's obviously bin havin' a rilly bad time. What, with they's passin' an' then tha' shamblin' an' a nibblin' on by ocean critters an'.. um.. stuffs.


Will it hurt?

*Blinks some more*

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Game Master -- Carrion Crown (Current Map)

Feel free to talk to them, Rhia.

Sunny, I think she means the spell speak with dead, so no need to reanimate them.

OMG though, Christoph must be so happy he joined this adventuring party. One speaks with the dead, another's alter ego reanimates them, and now a third wants to ride with the dead Bernie-style on her big snake?* :D

* I know you're not, I kid.

Female Human Oracle of Pharasma 8; 59/59 HP; AC:13 [19] Touch 13 FF 10 [16]; F +8 R +6 W +12 (+16 fear); Init +2; Perception +8 (+12 undead/ can perceive ethereal undead)


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Must admit. In a long time of playing the game? The amount of times out table's used "Speaking to dead" is maybe on one hand?

Is my group.. different? How common is said spell used by others? I gather the classic 'Magic Missile' is ubiquitous. Along with 'Mage Amror' etc but "Speaking with dead"?

Any one?

Much cheers to all

, wrote:
Just a post ta' make sure tha' 'Dot' comes back after tha' board fixin'. (^_^)

Here we go agin.

Game Master -- Carrion Crown (Current Map)

It doesn't come up often for me either. Oddly enough, Aliseya also has that ability, but has yet to use it. :)

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I definitely understand the utility and 'Plot progression' aspect of the magic/spell.

Plus, adding non-nasty things for the Necromancers to do in their spare time is always a bonus.

I (player) kind of understand the whole 'Ustalav contrast of different things'. From (Probably quite rightly) superstitious 'Peasants' to highly educated and 'Cutting edge' Magic users/Alchemists which, with the common folks being, well, the more common person to be come across can lead to players and their characters not really wanting to be walking around with big, glowing, dancing lights signs above their heads advertising "Plays with dead people!".

I am looking forwards to both what the person has to say as well as interacting with every one more. (^_^)

Much cheers to all!

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Female Human Oracle of Pharasma 8; 59/59 HP; AC:13 [19] Touch 13 FF 10 [16]; F +8 R +6 W +12 (+16 fear); Init +2; Perception +8 (+12 undead/ can perceive ethereal undead)

I've used it a couple times mostly with inquisitor types to get information from victims. It's a cool spell that definitely sets a certain tone for a non combat interaction.

Pokin' after tha' board fixin'

Game Master -- Carrion Crown (Current Map)

Interesting, Rhia... I'll allow you to split the rounds of voice of the grave between two dead bodies this time. Especially since Aliseya also has that ability anyway, plus the cool factor.

Unless you're seeing something I'm not (and please point it out if so), I don't think you're technically allowed to target multiple corpses. The spell speak with dead specifies "one dead creature", and the ability voice of the grave refers to "the dead creature", as in one. The ability does also specify that the "rounds do not need to be consecutive". But this is not the same as stating there can be multiple targets; I think this just means you can save some questions for the same corpse for later.

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Cav1/Bar2/Monk2/Nin3Artist Image:[Island Elf (Fixed linky)
HP: 55 Init: +4 Perception +10 (D),AC 21 (Horn Lamelar), touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Dodge, +1 Sheild) Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +6; +2 vs. enchant,

We iz speakin' ta dead people's..... (O_O)


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The way Rhia's worded her post it seems she recast the spell? Letting the final question's of the first casting fade away?


Still. Much kudos to the DM. Yay! (^_^)

Female Human Oracle of Pharasma 8; 59/59 HP; AC:13 [19] Touch 13 FF 10 [16]; F +8 R +6 W +12 (+16 fear); Init +2; Perception +8 (+12 undead/ can perceive ethereal undead)

Ah okay, I figured the not consecutive meant different targets if needed as long as within the limit of rounds available

Game Master -- Carrion Crown (Current Map)

No worries, Rhia. The rules are not always the clearest. :)

So voice of the grave is actually an ability, Sunny, not a spell. It works "like" the speak with dead spell except the rounds need not be consecutive, so I don't think it's like you're recasting a spell for each non-consecutive round.

Cav1/Bar2/Monk2/Nin3Artist Image:[Island Elf (Fixed linky)
HP: 55 Init: +4 Perception +10 (D),AC 21 (Horn Lamelar), touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Dodge, +1 Sheild) Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +6; +2 vs. enchant,


So Rhia is magical.


Much cheers to all.

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Game Master -- Carrion Crown (Current Map)

She is a supernatural being for sure. :)

Grand Lodge

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Female Human Rogue 8
Trap sense=17| HtPt 52/52 ! NG | AC=21*, T=16, FF+16*| CMB=9, CMD = 25| F=+4, R=+11*, W=+2 | Init +9| Perc= 11|Rapier +13, +7 1d6+4 /15-20X2 | Sword +12,1d6+2/19-20X2 | Short Bow +11,+4/ 1d6/20X3

Nasty nobles all of them!

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Cav1/Bar2/Monk2/Nin3Artist Image:[Island Elf (Fixed linky)
HP: 55 Init: +4 Perception +10 (D),AC 21 (Horn Lamelar), touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Dodge, +1 Sheild) Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +6; +2 vs. enchant,

Yas! We is goin' ridin'!


Also, please note that I am definitely not trying to rush people off and away somewhere.

If people feel we should move the dead beasty and take a poke down into the depths, please post up and we can all get to agreeing.


It's times like this as I sit in 75' F temps in 75% humidity at 09:00 in the evening that I wish for Ustalav's cooler climate and maybe Sunny's dress sense.


The air con is struggling.

Working on/at getting a bigger one...

Best wises to all.

Simple post after the boards got serviced...

Just keeping the dot dreams alive...

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Game Master -- Carrion Crown (Current Map)

Wanna trade weather, Sunny? ;)

It's funny though how you're in the middle of summer right now in Australia while I'm in the middle of winter here in the US. Though in New York where I am, it's actually been oddly warm in the 40's and 50's.

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We're having a 'Cold' and rather wet summer this year.

Only in these last months is/are the temps getting into the low 30'C.

LOTS of rain, though.

This winter is going to be... yah, we'll be calling it "Cold" for sure.

Wishing every one all the very best! (^_^)

Game Master -- Carrion Crown (Current Map)

You too! :)

And gotcha regarding your spoiler, Sunny.

Actually, if you get a chance to add a "D" next to your Perception bonus in your stat block, that'll ensure that I remember going forward. i.e. "Perception +10D"

Was going to add a comment about how 'Soft, springy and comfortable' the white stuff was/is.

Yah, is creepy enough with out the idea/image of a barefoot Elf poking about in there.


Male Varisian Inquisitor 8 (AC 23/15Tch/19FF, 23 CMD/19FF, HP 62/62, Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +10, Init +7, Per +14)
Climb +5, Heal +10, Intimidate +11, K(Arcana) +8*, K(Dungeon) +7*, K(Nature) +8*, K(Planes) +5*, K(Religion) + 12*, Perception +14, Ride +7, Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +9, Stealth + 14, Survival +10*, Swim +5

Just a heads up I'm still here but had a series of unfortunate events to deprive me of a laptop to make it possible to get caught up (including a winter storm that shut my power down for the better part of a week). I just got back in town and will try to get caught up tomorrow.

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Female Human Oracle of Pharasma 8; 59/59 HP; AC:13 [19] Touch 13 FF 10 [16]; F +8 R +6 W +12 (+16 fear); Init +2; Perception +8 (+12 undead/ can perceive ethereal undead)
GM Kartari wrote:

Wanna trade weather, Sunny? ;)

It's funny though how you're in the middle of summer right now in Australia while I'm in the middle of winter here in the US. Though in New York where I am, it's actually been oddly warm in the 40's and 50's.

Yeah but a week and a half ago it was 1 degree.

Rhia Van der Geist wrote:
Yeah but a week and a half ago it was 1 degree.


1' F?

Nah, that has to be a myth. Next you'll be talling me water stops moving!



Cav1/Bar2/Monk2/Nin3Artist Image:[Island Elf (Fixed linky)
HP: 55 Init: +4 Perception +10 (D),AC 21 (Horn Lamelar), touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex, +2 Dodge, +1 Sheild) Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +6; +2 vs. enchant,
Christoph Metzger wrote:
Just a heads up I'm still here but had a series of unfortunate events to deprive me of a laptop to make it possible to get caught up (including a winter storm that shut my power down for the better part of a week). I just got back in town and will try to get caught up tomorrow.

Much hugs and very best wishes. Feeling your pain.


Game Master -- Carrion Crown (Current Map)

Oh wow, best of luck Christoph.

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Game Master -- Carrion Crown (Current Map)
Rhia Van der Geist wrote:
Yeah but a week and a half ago it was 1 degree.

That is, sadly, accurate. :o

Game Master -- Carrion Crown (Current Map)
*Sunny* wrote:
Am I posting too much? Too soon? Too often? Too strangely? (>_>)

Nah, you're fine. I wish we all had the time to post as often. :)

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It's just the luck of shift work involving twelve hours at a stint.

Either I'm at work. Or I'm not. So, yay, I guess?

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Game Master -- Carrion Crown (Current Map)

Hey everyone. We're still waiting on a couple of players, but FYI I'll move the game along this weekend either way. I know Christoph's been having technology trouble. Hope everyone's doing well.

Actually... feeling a little under the weather as I type.

Nothing more than a 'Summer bug', am guessing.

Wishing everyone all the very best. (^_^)

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Game Master -- Carrion Crown (Current Map)

Hope you feel better soon!

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