GM Kartari |

Correction: I believe I made an error regarding Christoph's morningstar taking damage from the creature. I neglected to account for its hardness (10), which I believe should have been deducted from the total acid damage (9). So he should not have any actual damage to it, but we'll still say it seemed to for a moment with the sizzling ooze goo fizzling on it for a bit.
Nonetheless, you will definitely not be happy touching this thing for even one full round... Good luck getting out of the grapple!

GM Kartari |

Hope everyone's doing well.
I'd like to post again by Sunday night the latest, so hopefully we can all get a post in by then.

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My short sword is made of adamantly which gives it a hardness of 20 the +1 I believe adds an additional plus 2

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Anyone have knowledge dungeoneering.
Should I roll escape artist roll. My attempt was to help Christoph escape from the creature grasp.

GM Kartari |

Yes, that's exactly correct about your sword, Zelda. Your short sword would hold up very well with brief contact at least (i.e. attacks).
We did knowledge (dungeoneering) checks a while ago, and, unusually, nobody beat even the lowest DC. Sorry, no redos. :) Noone's encountered anything quite like this before.
Aiding someone else is generally an Aid Another check, which grants +2 to the other's check if you beat DC 10. So if you want to change your d20 roll to an aid check to help Christoph escape, sure. Your d20 roll of 15 would certainly succeed, so he would get +2 on his own Escape Artist or Grapple check to break free. We can just say the attack was a fake out to distract the creature.
This assumes Christoph chooses to try and escape, of course (though he likely will!).

Rhia Van der Geist |

Trying to figure out what I can do. Most of my spells won't work on it. Can't do Storm of Souls again, and common sense says a spear will be utterly useless.

GM Kartari |

Figured Sookie with her +9 to CMB checks can't fail vs DC 10, LOL. We still need one more though...

Christoph Metzger |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Forgot to add it as a description in my post that I was altering my Judgement to protect against acid.

GM Kartari |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

yep, still that studded leather.
Good gods... Ali definitely must take you shopping!

Christoph Metzger |

How many folks does Christoph think can help Naught if he shoots the blob instead? Does he have a harder time hitting at the moment (due to increased activity/people in the way)?

GM Kartari |

How many folks does Christoph think can help Naught if he shoots the blob instead? Does he have a harder time hitting at the moment (due to increased activity/people in the way)?
I'm restricting it to at most three PCs who can be adjacent to Naught due to the narrow space (should probably be two, but I'm feeling generous). Given that Naught rolled a 14 on her CMB check, she only needs two successes. So, if two others nearby do Aid Another attempts and if both succeed, Christoph could shoot the creature from where he stands no problem.
As for Christoph's accuracy with others in melee, no worries about that. You have the Precise Shot feat, and while I'm auto-including the +4 to the creature's AC due to cover (which is mutual BTW, thank goodness), the creature has a ridiculously low AC anyway - with your attack rolls, you'd probably have to roll a nat 1 to miss even with cover, LOL.

GM Kartari |

BTW Naught, I'm considering studded leather armor has hardness 5 and 15 hit points (link). Your armor gains the broken condition if its hit points drop below 8 (current hp is 10/15 after that acid).
And why hardness 5? I don't see a specific hardness in the rules, so I figure it as follows. Leather has hardness 2, and studded has some steel rivets/studs (hardness 10) in its leather base. So I kinda figure 5 is a decent halfway point.

Christoph Metzger |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

- with your attack rolls, you'd probably have to roll a nat 1 to miss even with cover, LOL.
I think you jinxed it with this kind of talk.

Naught |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

BTW Naught, I'm considering studded leather armor has hardness 5 and 15 hit points (link). Your armor gains the broken condition if its hit points drop below 8 (current hp is 10/15 after that acid).
And why hardness 5? I don't see a specific hardness in the rules, so I figure it as follows. Leather has hardness 2, and studded has some steel rivets/studs (hardness 10) in its leather base. So I kinda figure 5 is a decent halfway point.
The Hardness and Item HP rules are spooky and scary and I've avoided them in every game I've ever played.

GM Kartari |

GM Kartari wrote:- with your attack rolls, you'd probably have to roll a nat 1 to miss even with cover, LOL.I think you jinxed it with this kind of talk.
LOL, I definitely write too much sometimes.

GM Kartari |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

GM Kartari wrote:BTW Naught, I'm considering studded leather armor has hardness 5 and 15 hit points (link). Your armor gains the broken condition if its hit points drop below 8 (current hp is 10/15 after that acid).
And why hardness 5? I don't see a specific hardness in the rules, so I figure it as follows. Leather has hardness 2, and studded has some steel rivets/studs (hardness 10) in its leather base. So I kinda figure 5 is a decent halfway point.
The Hardness and Item HP rules are spooky and scary and I've avoided them in every game I've ever played.
When the rules are scarier than the horror-themed campaign, there's a problem, LOL.

GM Kartari |

Does Christoph control where he levitates or does Rhia? It sounds like to Rhia does and only vertically. To move horizontally he has to push off of things or otherwise propel himself, right?
According to the spell's text, you are correct: Rhia controls your levitation, and it is just for vertical movement. You can move yourself horizontally, but must clamber along at half-speed (i.e. pushing against or kicking off of walls).
So, you could allow her to levitate you at a consistent height, while you clamber along the wall of the chamber at half-speed, reaching the other door (where the shuffling noises are coming from).

Rhia Van der Geist |

Sorry been dealing with a lot. Getting my wife prepped for spinal surgery next week so a lot of appointments, details, and calls with insurance/hostital/doctor's offices

GM Kartari |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Rhia - Wow, best wishes with the surgery! No worries about the game, take your time.
Christoph - Feel free to direct yourself, then. We'll assume Rhia directs you as you deem fit, no biggie.

Christoph Metzger |

Posting will be a bit sporadic the tomorrow + over the weekend. I'll be attending my sister's wedding.

GM Kartari |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm going to be very busy Friday and Saturday. If we get a few posters by Sunday, I'll happily update the game again Sunday night. Have a good weekend all.

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I didn't roll a climb because I have a 12 to start with and a rope usually makes the roll just a 5. If I need to roll please let me know. I second thought if it is needed
climb: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

GM Kartari |

No worries Zelda, but thanks. Yeah, it's too easy for you. :)
Sorry about that slightly amusing typo last time BTW. I just noticed it.

GM Kartari |

Ok I just can't resist, so sorry...
Peesense (Ex): You detect the presence of pants worn by one or more creatures who have failed a Will save against a fear effect.
Ok back to business now. Posting soon.

Christoph Metzger |

Christoph is thinking we all go in the next room together. Glad to hear everyone is home and hopefully doing well Rhia.

GM Kartari |

Happy to hear that, Rhia.
Sure thing, Christoph. Yeah, it would be easier for you and Zel to return to the others and approach the plant chamber from its southern door. In fact...
Zelda and Christoph - You can both simply return to the others, no checks required (Christoph is levitating, and Zelda has like +197 to Climb checks LOL).

GM Kartari |

It's been over a week since I last posted, so I'll move things along now.

Christoph Metzger |

Initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
"I'd recommend finding something to throw." Christoph reacts quickly after Zelda's surprise assault. He quickly takes aim with a flurry of arrows at the nearest of the plants.
longbow attack with RS/DA: 1d20 + 10 - 2 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 10 - 2 - 2 = 11 +1 hit/damage if in 30 feet from Point Blank Shot
longbow damage with DA: 1d8 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 4 = 8
longbow attack with RS/DA: 1d20 + 10 - 2 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 10 - 2 - 2 = 7 +1 hit/damage if in 30 feet from Point Blank Shot
longbow damage with DA: 1d8 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 4 = 15

GM Kartari |

I don't think I've ever seen you roll that bad before. That's what you get for posting your turn in the Discussion! ;)

Christoph Metzger |

Woops. All I can say is I was tired. :P Should I copy the post into play keeping my rolls?

GM Kartari |

No worries, Christoph. If you want to, but it's not necessary. :)

GM Kartari |

Everyone - Don't forget your +1 bonus to attack rolls! Ali casted bless.

Christoph Metzger |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I doubt it will help me all that much here. :)

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Just letting you know, I am still here. Work is not fun right now. We are working with a crew less than 50% of our normal number of people and I have been putting in 10 to 12 hour days. If I don't update often go ahead and bot me. I will do what I can.

GM Kartari |

Yeah, that doesn't sound very fun at all Zelda. Hope things improve for you ASAP. No worries, will do.

GM Kartari |

Be back Sunday night to post. In the meantime...
Naught - Feel free to take a shot with your new sling. It's only a move action to load a sling.

GM Kartari |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

BTW Naught, I found this "R'Lyehian" translator I've started using for Aklo. I don't think it's entirely authentic to Lovecraft, but it's a hell of a lot better than nothing. :)