Can You Hear The People Sing? (Hell's Rebels)

Game Master Paladin of Baha-who?

Volume I: In Hell's Bright Shadow (started 23 Jan 2016)
Part 1: Fledglings of Silver (started 23 Jan 2016)
Part 2: Rebuilding the Ravens (started 17 June 2016)

Current Map

Map of Kintargo | NPCs | Rebellion sheet
Coffee house/Nest

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Do you hear the people sing
Lost in the valley of the night
It is the music of a people
Who are climbing to the light

For the wretched of the earth
There is a flame that never dies
Even the darkest night will end
And the sun will rise!

Ok, enough with the Les Mis references, I promise.

I'm recruiting up to 4 people for a game of Hell's Rebels.

I'm really excited about this AP, it seems like one of the most interesting to run yet. It promises lots of skullduggery, rabble-rousing, devil-hunting, and freedom-fighting. There'll be an organization (the rebellion) to run, and an evil Lord Mayor to thwart!

We have two people already playing, with a possible third who hasn't gotten back to me. If this ends up going to seven, I'm OK with that.

Currently, the players are planning on a Gunslinger and a Cleric of Cayden Cailean.

In order to change things up from strict creation rules, I'm letting everyone roll two boons, from a list below, that change things in the base rules.

Here are the character creation rules:

They're more what you'd call guidelines, really:

20 point buy with no stats below 8 after racial adjustment.

Three traits, one of which must be a campaign trait. (no traits that increase your starting gold other than the Child of Kintargo trait)

Select a reason to Protest on page 9.

Core races, Tiefling, and Tengu.

Your PC should be from one of the following locations: Absalom, Andoran, Cheliax, Isger, Molthune, Nidal, Nirmathas, Taldor or Varisia. Elves can be from Kyonin. Dwarves can be from the Five Kings Mountains. Some of the boons allow you to be outside these regions. This page can help you learn more about the geography of the Inner Sea and Golarion. Here's a zoomable map of the Inner Sea.

All paizo classes, except for original summoner and original rogue. Use Unchained rogue and unchained summoner instead. Either version of Barbarian or Monk is fine. In order to be a Gunslinger, you must use the Bolt Ace archetype, or be from Numeria or Alkenstar.

Archetypes are mostly OK. Gun-using archetypes must be from Alkenstar or Numeria. Anything from the technology guide must be from Numeria. Region-related archetypes must be from their regions, e.g. Rondelero fighter archetype must be from Taldor, Kapenia dancer Magus must be from Varisia. Ninjas and Samurai must be from Tian Xia. Racial archetypes, feats, and spells can only be taken by characters of the race in question (half-races count as both of their parent races).

Right now I'm not banning any feats except for Leadership and Antagonize. I'll consider other feats if they come to my attention as overpowered or problematic. This campaign will provide you with an organization to run (the rebellion) and leadership will be redundant.

Variant Multiclassing is allowed with the restriction that you can't multiclass into the class you've selected with the VMC.

Everyone gets background skills as described in Pathfinder Unchained. 2 additional skill points per level, which must be spent in Appraise, Artistry, Craft, Handle Animal, Linguistics, Lore, Perform, Profession, or the following Knowledge skills: engineering, geography, history, or nobility. Artistry and Lore are new skills, explained in the link above. Basically, Artistry is creating works of art, and Lore is knowledge about a particular subject that is more tightly focused than a Knowledge skill. Artistry will be a class skill for any class with a perform skill as a class skill, and Lore will be a class skill for all classes.

We will use Fractional base bonuses to make multiclassing more balanced.

Fighters get Stamina for free, anyone else can take a feat for it. Anyone can take the Signature Skill feat who meets the Prerequisites, although rogues will get it for free. Ninjas get Weapon finesse at 1st level as a bonus feat, and Signature skill at levels 5, 10, 15 and 20. However, they do not get finesse training, so dex-to-damage remains the domain of the uRogue. Ninjas can take Rogue and uRogue talents and vice versa.

Item crafting is allowed. Mundane crafting happens at 10x normal speed, using your craft result as the gp worth of crafting rather than the sp worth. You can raise the DC of a crafting check, for either mundane or magical items, as high as you want in increments of 5 in order to speed up crafting. As an alternative, anyone who wants to skip crafting entirely can swap out any crafting feat they receive from their class for a feat like PFS does it: Alchemists can get Extra bombs instead of brew potion, Wizards can get Spell Focus instead of Scribe Scroll, and so forth. It's up to you.

As in PFS, there are no differences between arcane, divine, or psychic scrolls.

All modern languages are available to PCs of any race.

Prepared spellcasters receive bonus level 0 spells. Prestige classes that advance spellcasting give 2 spells per level for prepared casters.

Everyone will roll 2 30-sided dice to select two boons for their character. If you roll the same boon twice, you get to reroll. If more than one character gets one of the boons marked with a *, I will only select one of them -- you can roll an alternate boon if you don't want to use one of those.


1: 25 point buy

2: One of the races listed as a 'featured race' in the ARG*

3: One of the races listed as an 'uncommon race' in the ARG*

4: Any paizo-published race.*

5: Two extra traits of your choice (other than ones which give you more starting gold)

6: An extra non-combat feat of your choice

7: An extra teamwork feat of your choice

8: Worship of an evil god allowed (must be non-evil alignment, a team player and not disruptive)*

9: Evil alignment allowed, but you have to be a team player and not be disruptive. Antipaladins are not allowed.*

10: +2 to a stat that none of your class features rely on

11: -2 to one stat, +2 to another. (No stat may be below 6 or above 20 after racial adjustments)

12: Get Psychic Sensitivity Feat if your class is not psychic. Get a feat requiring Psychic Sensitivity if your class is psychic.

13: You can use Variant Multiclassing (Pathfinder Unchained) without sacrificing feats.

14: You can use Words of Power spellcasting (Ultimate Magic) instead of normal spellcasting if you are a spellcaster.

15: You receive the Combat Stamina feat if you are not a fighter. If you are a fighter, you receive the Push The Limits feat. (Pathfinder Unchained)

16: You can be from Numeria, allowing you to take archetypes, classes and feats from the technology guide, or be a gunslinger.

17-20: You can be from Alkenstar, allowing you to be a gunslinger or take archetypes that give you a gun, or to take the gunsmithing feat.

21-24: You can be from somewhere else in the Inner Sea region than the countries normally allowed.

25-29: You can be from anywhere on Golarion.

30: Pick any of the list, or come up with something else with GM approval.

I'll be looking for people with interesting characters who fit the theme of the AP and look like they're able to RP well, as well as ones that fit into a functional party structure.

Recruitment will be open for 1 week, ending at midnight Arizona time on the 18th, unless I get tons of applicants and decide to end it earlier. There'll be a 24 hour notice if I do that.

1d30 ⇒ 30 Pick any of the list, or come up with something else with GM approval.
1d30 ⇒ 21 You can be from somewhere else in the Inner Sea region than the countries normally allowed.

First one, SCORE!
Second one, eh... not sure what to do with that. Whatever, getting to cherry pick something is awesome enough.

Hmm, what do the *'s indicate? never mind, found it.

Would you be open to allow 3PP stuff? Nothing exceedingly exotic, I was only thinking about DSP stuff (Wilder with a dip into Warlord, to be precise).
Maybe giving up the two boons to pick that up?

Any notes on your GMing style, or player expectations?

Oh, and also...
Boon: 1d30 ⇒ 17
Boon: 1d30 ⇒ 7

Boon: 1d30 ⇒ 13
Boon: 1d30 ⇒ 14
Words of power, huh? Never experimented with that system before. From what I've heard it's a fairly weak and unsupported system, though... Might be a worth a shot anyways. For sure, I'm unlikely to ever have a reason to use Words of Power again, and I do really want to play this AP. Would be a very different style from what I usually do.

I am not inclined to allow 3PP stuff because I don't have easy access to it and I'm not familiar with it.

I try to make my games pretty immersive and customized for my players. I'll probably make tweaks, additions, and so forth to the existing story to suit the group. In-depth RP is encouraged, both between PCs and PCs with NPCs. I'm open to people developing relationships with NPCs, if desired.

Player expectations: I know that there will be times when posting daily will not be possible for all players. I won't demand that everyone post daily. I will commit to posting no less than every other day myself, or giving notice if real-life stuff causes a delay. I would ask that players do the same, as required by the events in the game, especially in combat. (Obviously, if there's nothing for your character to do, you can hold off on posting until there's something to do. E.g. if the party face is engaged in negotiations with someone, the Big StupidStrong Fighter may choose to simply remain silent.)

Note: you don't have to use the boon you select. If you don't want words of power, you can avoid using it. If you want to just dabble, let's say you can get a free Experimental Spellcaster feat and can take the other Wordcasting feats, allowing you to try out the words but also use traditional spells as well.

Well I know what I want to play, but let's see where the boons take me first:

Boon: 1d30 ⇒ 18

Boon: 1d30 ⇒ 6

OK good bonus feat.
But playing a gunslinger type was not what I was looking at..and redundant with a another Gunslinger player. Do you care if a boon is not taken/used?

That being said...I have considered making a Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria with the Gunpowder Inquisition before.

My original idea was a Varisian Half-Elf Sorcerer (From Riddleport) with the Oni Bloodline (1/2 drow and 1/2 human from Tian Xia)... a true mutt on the run from his past and looking for a new home.

@Paladin: What do you think?

This is actually giving me ideas, think I want to give it a real go. Certainly a great way to get out of my comfort zone.

I'm interested. Will get back to you later, hopefully with a fleshed out character and a complete character sheet.

1d30 ⇒ 21

1d30 ⇒ 7

Hmmmm the 21 opens up some options for the backstory so that's nice. I'll have to look over the teamwork feats to make use of the 7, but even then I'd probably need someone else to have the same feat to make use of it...still won't say no to free stuff.

You caught my interest with the promise of being rebels trying to overthrow the tyrannic government... but I was sold with random boons! Yay for rolling dice!

I'll present a quick draft of the submission shortly!
Boons: 1d30 ⇒ 41d30 ⇒ 21

Dark Archive

this looks like it could be a lot of fun. lets see where the boons put me.

1d30 ⇒ 16
1d30 ⇒ 6


16: You can be from Numeria, allowing you to take archetypes, classes and feats from the technology guide, or be a gunslinger.

6: An extra non-combat feat of your choice

gonna have to break out the tech guide and come back.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just want to say, love the Les Mis reference!

Interesting campaign, from someone who looks to be a solid GM.

1d30 ⇒ 29
1d30 ⇒ 27 (reroll, as those are identical)
1d30 ⇒ 14

Words of Power, and any location of origin. Hmmmmm. Does anyone want to trade boons?

Here's my dilemma:
The character idea that appeals to me the most, in terms of story ties and roleplaying challenges, would be some sort of a Strix character. (They're presented in the handbook as pretty local, and this is probably the only AP I'd ever see start actually near Devil's Perch politically and geographically; and the idea of playing a mistrusted bird-person definitely seems fun, with a very unique racial stereotype/politics within Cheliax). The main reason the handbook seems to give for cautioning against them (vs. Tengu/Tieflings) is that flight can be a doozy. Would it be possible to play a Wing-Clipped Strix (or with "Wing-Clipped" completely losing flight, or requiring the Stretched Wings feat to get back to a 20' speed)? (Or could I give up my current boons to select a racial one, or trade with someone else?) Yadda yadda "guidelines" yadda "compelling backstory reason" etc.

P.S. What are your thoughts on Vigilante Playtest? (just as a general appropriate option, not necessarily a personal choice)

I have it already... I know it may be playing against the stereotype, but as I was imagining Fix I grew attached to him. I now really want to see what he can achieve.

Without more delay here comes Fix, bolt ace and freedom fighter. The goblin who never stops wondering.

Fix's backstory:

Fix isn't your average goblin. Smarter than his brethren he would always wonder why their life had to be so awful and filled with fear and hate. The rest of his tribe didn't like him believing smarter than them, and he was forced to ran away young.

He was found days later dehidrated and starving by a pair of adventurers, Jehod the Brave and Rasya. Rasya was a cleric of Sarenrae and stopped his pal from murdering him, and when he discovered Fix wasn't an usual goblin taught him a lot of things.

Oh boy did Fix enjoy learning to write and read, it was a marvelous thing. Knowledge stored in dead trees! He decided that one way or another he would show his kin that a better life could be achieved with the wonders of books and learning to live in peace.

Together with Jehod and Rasya he learned to defend himself, to fight for others and to crave freedom for their people. He had to disguise himself as a halfling, because chelaxians don't like goblins very much, but it was a minir price for living without fear.

One day Fix knew that he had to flee his "foster mother" nest. That day we said farewell to his friends and walked away, in search of the strength necessary to fight for his people rights. He knew he was born to lead them to freedom.

Boon 1: 1d30 ⇒ 26

Boon 2: 1d30 ⇒ 27

Boon 2 reroll for duplicate: 1d30 ⇒ 13

Okay, any region, and VMC without feats lost. I'd like to chew this over and see who comes knocking at the door in my mind.

Ghorrin Redblade

EDIT: I haven't yet had a chance to read the player's guide for this; would "mercenary who's decided not to take coin from these jerks anymore" be appropriate to this AP?

Silver Crusade

I've been thinking for a while that I'd really like to play this AP!

Let's see if these boons give me any inspiration for my character:

1d30 ⇒ 10

1d30 ⇒ 7

7: An extra teamwork feat of your choice

10: +2 to a stat that none of your class features rely on

I think I will build an unchained rogue. An escaped halfling slave who took refuge in Kintargo, probably.

I have had a few character concepts brewing around in my head for this campaign for some time now. Let's see is Boons will help narrow down my ideas.

Boon 1: 1d30 ⇒ 14
Boon 2: 1d30 ⇒ 6

EDIT: So an extra non-combat feat and able to use Words of Power for spell casting. Not very familiar with Words of Power, so I will look into that and come back with a character concept. By the way, feel free to make all the Les Mis references you like. I am a big fan!

1d30 ⇒ 25
1d30 ⇒ 22

EDIT: Reroll, since these are basically the same.

1d30 ⇒ 10

3d30 ⇒ (5, 2, 13) = 20
Able to play a featured race, sporting two bonus traits, ability to take variant multi classing for free.

First: I'm currently running two tables of this. I know the first three books fairly well, but don't have access to the final three yet. Will that be a problem for me applying? I completely understand, if so!

Second: A worshiper of Cayden! Awesome! That's one of the things I'd really hoped for that no one even hinted at. (Desna and a certain goddess of rebellion seem to get all the love.)

I lean strongly towards bard or something bard like (that's another of the things I think is an amazing fit that no one played), or one of the occult classes. There are a ton of options there that could play out well.

Just let me know if you'll have me. :)

Oh, and finally: Do Tieflings require the feat to be one of the alternate racials?

And this is the crunch for Fix. I hope it doesn't disappoint.

Fix's Statblock:

Fix Firesinger
Male, Goblin Gunslinger (Bolt Ace)
Init +4; Senses

AC 18 ; 15 Touch ; 14 Flat Footed (3 armor, 4 Dex, +1 Size)
Hit Points: 11 (1d10+1)
Saving Throws:
Fort +2; Ref +6; Will +2 ()

Speed: 30ft.
Kukri +0 (1d3 -1 / 18-20)
Mwk. Heavy Rep. Crossbow +7 (1d8 / 19-20) or
Point Blank Mwk. Heavy Rep. Crossbow +8 (1d8+1 / 19-20)

Special Attacks: Deeds(Sharp Shoot, Bolt Ace's Dodge, Vigilant Loading)

Str 8 Dex 18 Con 10 Int 13 Wis 15 Cha 12
Base Attack: +1; CMB: -1; CMD: +13
Feats: Point-Blank Shot
Traits: Ugly Swine, Natural Born Leader(Campaign), Slippery

Skills: Acrobatics +8 ; Disguise +7 ; Perception +8 ; Stealth +13 ; Survival +8 ;
Background Skills: Linguistics +5 , Sleight of Hand +8
Languages: Common, Goblin, Halfling
SQ: Grit (2)
Gear: Mwk. Backpack, Studded Leather, Bandoliers(2), Pathfinder's Kit, Kukri, Repeating Crossbow Bolts(50) 59 gp
Carrying Capacity/Carried Weight: 33 //31.5
[b]Important Gear: Mwk. Small Heavy Repeating Crossbow

He'sDeadJim: either of those ideas sounds fine.

thunderbeard: Vigilante playtest version is fine, though of course one would need to update to the published version when it comes out. As for Strix... well, if anyone else rolls 3 or 4 and is willing to trade it, we can do the wing-clipped thing.

Emissary: Sounds like an interesting place to start.

Redblade8: Could be, depending on who 'these jerks' happen to be. Read the PG before creating a character though.

Redelia: For an Unchained Rogue, the abilities I would consider their class features to rely on are Dex and Int.

Hotaru: Shouldn't be a problem as long as you make an honest effort to avoid metagaming. Tieflings can take variant heritage without any problem. If you take the Fiendish Heritage feat, you can roll three times on the Variant Tiefling Abilities and choose one of the three, otherwise you don't get any of those abilities.

Also, I forgot one important point: Starting gold is average for your class, except monks get 70g.

Narrowed down my concept to either a Tactician Archetype Fighter who has renounced his noble family due to conflicting beliefs or a Wizard of some sort who has long had an academic interest in the history of Kintargo's political dynamics. Seems I have a few things to think about before fleshing out a character further.

Interesting idea with the boons. Let's see what happens...

1d30 ⇒ 19
1d30 ⇒ 10

Alkenstar/Gunslinger doesn't appeal to me but +2 to an ability score that doesn't determine class features is pretty nice.

I'm going to think on this!

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
He'sDeadJim: either of those ideas sounds fine.

I like both, but I hate redundant I'm going with:


Aleksaan Darksoul
Male, 1/2 elf(drow blooded) Sorcerer (Oni Bloodline)

I'm probably going to use Variant Multiclassing with Monk if that's ok.
I'll do some crunch and fluff as soon as I can put it together.

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:

Redblade8: Could be, depending on who 'these jerks' happen to be. Read the PG before creating a character though.

Of course. The jerks in question would either be the ruling class or someone benefiting from said rule. The first thing to pop into my head is a half-orc Slayer from Belkzen, brought to Kintargo as someone's hired muscle. Viewed by the PTB as little more than an exotic animal kept on a leash, he might rapidly gain a dislike of Kintargo's status quo. The free VMC might end up as either wizard or magus, give him a sort of "tattooed mystic muscleman" thing.

I'll give the PG a thorough read tonight and see what clicks. As ever, thanks for your time.

Dotting for interest here! I'm really interested in playing a Mesmerist, as they seem to fit best with my character concept.

Sovereign Court

I am ceratinly interested in playing. How do you feel about 3rd party classes? I an interested in trying out an Arbiter, a sort of "Lawman" class that specializes in investigating, defending allies and acting as a brick wall against enemies. They're sort of like a combination of a Fighter with Judge Dredd. If not I could just go with the fighter class although the fact they don't get any good abilities to actually block or defend allies sort of miffs me about the class. If I do go fighter, I probably would take Tactician in order to get better skill points and act more like a Leader than just a brute with a sword and board.

As for my character concept, he is Septimus Falkland and he will be a Human Cheliaxian who grew up in a crime ridden neighborhood and his father was killed by the Thieves guild for failure to pay off a debt. Bitter of the criminal element of the city he sought to better himself and crack down on crime (and in some legal way get vengeance on the criminals that killed his father), thus applied to work for the watch. He was trained as a guardsman and was an honest and forthright individual among a corrupt organization. He dealt out fair justice and never took bribes and was not overly brutal in his enforcement of the law. Problem is after witnessing the "Lawful Evil" justice of those ruling the city, he began to feel that the law of the city was just as corrupt as the criminals he was trying to bring to justice. The last straw was when he went on a raid of a home of a supposed rebel. The rebel was not home but his family was and they began assaulting the woman to get information. He tried to step in and help the woman but got beaten and jawed out by his watch commander for interference and was reprimanded. Still by then it was the last straw. There was something wrong with the Law in this city and things had to change and he would do all he could to change it.

I'm interested. Boon me!

Boon Roll #1: : 1d30 ⇒ 19
Boon Roll #2: : 1d30 ⇒ 7

Silver Crusade

Definitely interested.

boon: 2d30 ⇒ (15, 8) = 23

Edit: hmm. A non evil worshiper of an evil god. Have to see if I can make an interesting character around that

Liberty's Edge

Interested. A few ideas rumbling around in my head. Let's see if the dice help inspire me.

boon roll #1: 1d30 ⇒ 17
boon roll #2: 1d30 ⇒ 5

Two extra traits, or being from Alkenstar.

Hmm.... there's already a gunslinger in the game, so we really don't need another. But, Alkenstar is also known for clockwork; how about a clockwork engineer type? Mechanically, probably an alchemist, as they seem to fit with this sort of thing.

Alternatively, even though it's not a very optimized class, I could try a spellslinger, which might be fun.

Either way, it would make sense to coordinate the background together with the gunslinge. Why are these two folks travelling all the way from Alkenstar to northwestern Cheliax to participate in a rebellion there? Who's the gunslinger player, and do you think he or she would be interested in coordinating a background?

Failing that, I have a couple of ideas for a Kintargo native.

Statting up a bard of some sort, likely more a party face than combatant.

I, too, rolled the extra teamwork feat boon, so anyone else with that boon--I'm listening if you'd like to drop a hint or suggestion.

To anyone with the teamwork feat boons:

If we get in together, I'm never averse to trying to get that sort of thing working, so if we both/all get in, I'm all ears.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This sounds very interesting. I've been interested in PbP for a while. Let's see where the boons take me.

Boon Roll #1: 1d30 ⇒ 6 Extra Non-Combat Feat

Boon Roll #2: 1d30 ⇒ 30 Pick anything from the list or talk to the GM.

That last roll opens up some very interesting possibilities.

3d100 ⇒ (59, 77, 74) = 210

Hm... As I'm envisioning the character as a worshiper of Calistria, it seems like a really good fit to go with the 'Speak with insects' one. Unfortunately, as most insects are mindless, it might be about as effective as talking to a loaf of bread. How would you rule speaking with insects to work?

The other two also fit very well thematically, so I'm not exceptionally concerned. (Just, a worshiper of Calistria who can talk to wasps is pretty cool.)

I'm up for a wee bit of rebellion. Let's see what boons inspire me. :)

boon 1: 1d30 ⇒ 14
boon 1: 1d30 ⇒ 24

That gives me,

You can use Words of Power spellcasting (Ultimate Magic) instead of normal spellcasting if you are a spell caster.


You can be from somewhere else in the Inner Sea region than the countries normally allowed.

Hmm. I'm not familiar with Words of Power. I'll have to look it up.

Interesting, going to roll the boons first, for inspiration.

boons: 1d30 ⇒ 31d30 ⇒ 1

25 Point buy and an uncommon race. Time to get creative...

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Dot! Will post again once o can get to my computer.

Hotaru of the Society wrote:


Hm... As I'm envisioning the character as a worshiper of Calistria, it seems like a really good fit to go with the 'Speak with insects' one. Unfortunately, as most insects are mindless, it might be about as effective as talking to a loaf of bread. How would you rule speaking with insects to work?

The other two also fit very well thematically, so I'm not exceptionally concerned. (Just, a worshiper of Calistria who can talk to wasps is pretty cool.)

You want the Vermin Heart feat. Here

Great for Druids and Rangers and similar.

My Favorite Feat for worshipers of Calistria: Wasp Familiar

Boons: 1d30 ⇒ 9 1d30 ⇒ 10
Hmm. I've got the option to play evil. I was originally thinking of playing an urban druid, but..I have much to ponder. [maniacal laughter intensifies]

Hello Paladin,

I am thinking of going Ranger instead. What is your view on using one of the Faith oriented combat styles outlined in Inner Sea Combat. Specifically, I am looking at using the feats outlined below for the Ranger's combat style feats.

1st level: Catch Off-Guard, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, and Weapon Finesse. 6th level:Improved Disarm and Lunge. 10th level: Disarming Strike and Improved Critical (rapier) to the list.

pauljathome wrote:

Definitely interested.

Edit: hmm. A non evil worshiper of an evil god. Have to see if I can make an interesting character around that

I have a friend who is dying to make a CN priest or inquisitor of Nocticula (Demon Lord- The First Succubus). Evidently there is a portion of her cult (CN group) that looks at her as a patron of "Lost Causes" or something like that as I understand it.

Interesting idea with the boons there, hmmm...

Boon 1: 1d30 ⇒ 24
Boon 2: 1d30 ⇒ 5

Here's a mostly-finished version of Jessibel Aulamaxa (Bard 1):
(still needs some equipment, bonus teamwork feat, maybe an archetype, etc.).

Jessibel Aulamaxa:

Jessibel Aulamaxa
Race Human
Gender Female
Age 18
Class Bard Level 1
Init +2; Senses Perception +0
AL Neutral
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14
(+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 10
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee rapier +2 (1d6 piercing/18-20)
Special Attacks
bardic performance 10 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate, inspire courage +1)
Bard Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4):
0--light, mending, message, prestidigitation
1st (2/day)--charm person (Will DC 14/15^), cure light wounds
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Noble Scion, Weapon Finesse, 1 bonus teamwork feat
Traits Charming (social), Overwhelming Beauty (magic), Child of Kintargo (campaign)
Acrobatics +5 (+1 rank, +3 class, +2 Dex, -1 ACP)
Bluff +7/+8^ (+1 rank, +3 class, +1* trait, +3 Cha)
Diplomacy +7/+8^ (+1 rank, +3 class, +1* trait, +3 Cha)
*Knowledge (nobility) +9 (+1 rank, +3 class, +2 feat, +1 trait, +1 BK, +1 Int)
Knowledge (local) +6 (+1 rank, +3 class, +1 BK, +1 Int)
Knowledge (all others) +2 (+1 BK, +1 Int)
*Perform (act) +8 (+1 rank, +3 class, +1 feat, +3 Cha)
*Perform (dance) +8 (+1 rank, +3 class, +1 feat, +3 Cha)
Perform (sing) +8 (+1 rank, +3 class, +1 feat +3 Cha)
Sense Motive +4 (+1 rank, +3 class)
Spellcraft +5 (+1 rank, +3 class, +1 Int)
* Background Skill
^ Includes +1 trait bonus on a character who is or could be sexually attracted to Jessibel.
Languages Common, Infernal
SQ bardic knowledge +1
Gear rapier, buckler, signet ring*, noble’s outfit*, masterwork studded leather*, more
Gold 80 gp (down from 105)
Height 5’4”
Weight 115 lbs.
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Black
Hometown/Region Kintargo, Cheliax
Deity ???

Jessibel is a darkly-attractive young lady with the graceful arms and muscular legs of a dancer. Although she enjoys expensive clothes she’s not above dressing down for a fun night of ‘slumming.’
Jessibel is a confident, fun-loving, at times bratty child of privilege. She can be a maddening mix of actions and emotions, carefree and reckless one moment and deeply caring and responsible the next, selfish and self-centered followed by acts of pure selflessness. She needs and has grown accustomed to her creature comforts but feels for those who have little or nothing. She’s also a budding actress/dancer/singer/entertainer extraordinaire, certain that she’s destined to be Kintargo’s next big celebrity.

Oh yeah...
Reason to Protest: Looking for My Idol (Shensen).

Grand Lodge

1d30 ⇒ 8
1d30 ⇒ 30

I will put together something for this under an alias.

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:

I am not inclined to allow 3PP stuff because I don't have easy access to it and I'm not familiar with it.

I understand if you don't wanna use them because you aren't familiar with them!

On the other hand, if the access to the rules was the main problem, all (well, 98%) of the DSP stuff is on the d20. That was the main reason I proposed that. :P

I'll see if I'll make something.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Here's my Level 1 Investigator submission (draft). I still need to add gear. I chose the: Choose the Choose an uncommon race boon for my 30 roll. I took a alternate racial feat as one of my feats. I hope that is ok.

Davina Eradon:
Davina Eradon
Female aasimar investigator (infiltrator) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 30, 100, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7)
CG Medium outsider (human, native)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort -1, Ref +3, Will +3
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
Investigator (Infiltrator) Extracts Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st—comprehend languages, firebelly (DC 15)
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 8, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 10
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Secret Signs[ISWG]
Traits civilized, historian of the rebellion
Skills Bluff +3 (+7 to pass secret signs), Craft (alchemy) +8 (+9 to create alchemical items), Diplomacy +9, Disguise +7, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (nobility) +9, Knowledge (planes) +8, Linguistics +8, Perception +3, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +2, Use Magic Device +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy, +2 Perception
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling, Sylvan
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +1), inspiration (4/day), master of disguise, scion of humanity
Other Gear 105 gp
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Inspiration (+1d6, 4/day) (Ex) Use 1 point, +1d6 to trained skill or ability check. Use 2 points, to add to attack or save.
Master of Disguise (Ex) Disguise in 1d3 minutes. Reduce penalties for different traits by 2 each.
Scion of Humanity Count as a human for any effect related to race. Pass as human without using disguise.
Secret Signs You can hide somatic components of spellcasting
Davina Eradon is an Asmar Investigator. She's 40 years old but looks about 25. She can almost past for human most of the time. When she finds something amusing her Jewel Green eyes sparkle more than at other times.

Becuase it's in her nature to right the wrongs done to others she studies the histories of rebel groups trying to learn as much as possible. It's rumored that your Great-Aunt on your adopted father's side was a member of the Silver Ravens, and the stories she told me as a child were inspirational.

Reason for Being there: Meeting a Contact

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Scarab Sages

Interesting indeed. Here are my rolls if I manage to cobble something together for this:

1d30 ⇒ 8
1d30 ⇒ 8

Reroll for duplicate: 1d30 ⇒ 12

8: Worship of an evil god allowed (must be non-evil alignment, a team player and not disruptive)*
12: Get Psychic Sensitivity Feat if your class is not psychic. Get a feat requiring Psychic Sensitivity if your class is psychic.

Let's reroll the 8 since an evil deity doesn't sound like a very good fit for this campaign.

Try again!: 1d30 ⇒ 24

21-24: You can be from somewhere else in the Inner Sea region than the countries normally allowed.

Mmmk... let's see what I can come up with from there...

PDXCook here. Boon rolls above were 8 and 30.

Here is a partial submission. Still need to put a few things together but I wanted to get it started.

Silver Crusade

CariMac: three traits, one of which must be a campaign trait.

I realize I forgot three of my house rules that I use so regularly that I forget they are house rules: Investigators can use spell trigger item like alchemists; alchemists and investigators qualify for magic item creation feats other than scribe scroll, craft rod, inscribe rune, or inscribe magical tattoo; and the metamagic feats extend spell, empower spell, and maximize spell can be taken by alchemists and investigators and applied to extracts (I will allow other metamagic feats if you can provide a reasonable argument for how they would apply to extracts).

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Adahn_Cielo wrote:
Paladin of Baha-who? wrote: I am not inclined to allow 3PP stuff because I don't have easy access to it and I'm not familiar with it. I understand if you don't wanna use them because you aren't familiar with them! On the other hand, if the access to the rules was the main problem, all (well, 98%) of the DSP stuff is on the d20. That was the main reason I proposed that. :P I'll see if I'll make something.

If you want a character that uses mind magic I would recommend a psychic class from occult adventures. Psionics don't feel like they fit the setting very well.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Alright, I'll see if I can get anyone to trade. I'm also okay with wing-clipped meaning "no racial flight" since that solves pretty much every problem with the race.

It's a little strange, since the majority of boons seem like things that only benefit a very small number of characters (Alkenstar isn't that interesting if there's already a gunslinger, and I wouldn't want to play a Numerian in a game like this because it doesn't seem appropriate). I guess some of the others being exceptionally powerful (25 point buy, any race, +2 traits) probably does a reasonable job of approximating the randomness of ability score rolls.

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