Call of the Wardens (Inactive)

Game Master Roshan

Reemergence of the Fabled Wardens

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Elven Archivist 5

It's great to see so many new faces :D

Like most PbPs this game's had a few slow spots, but it looks like things are picking up now and I can't wait to meet the new crew IC.

Elven Archivist 5

Sorry about the delay in posting. I've had a few personal issues along with adapting to a change from night shift to day shift. I'm catching up with all my campaigns, and my posts should be a bit more regular now.

Elven Archivist 5
Rikka wrote:
Rikka raises a delicate eyebrow, "Then I'm glad for your blade's sake that your kill wasn't named Floral Rosebottom. That'd be a far less impressive name for your axe."


I was worried that with Nera gone we wouldn't have lines like this any more... you've set my mind at ease. :D

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Glad I could 'help'? :P

Roshan, I realized I never actually picked languages for Alenthyn. I looked over the brief writeup of your setting, but I still have some questions.

My goal is for Alenthyn to have a mix of languages from friendly and enemy races.

So -- in the area Alenthyn would have wandered -- are there goblins, orcs, giants, kobolds? I would like to pick enemy languages that are realistic and organic... tat he would have learned by way of fighting them.

Then I'll probably fill in any remaining langues with "friendly" languages -- dwarf, halfling, etc.

Hey Dole, I don't keep you entertained enough?:P j/k Will say Nera's character was a lot of fun.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Alenthyn wrote:

Roshan, I realized I never actually picked languages for Alenthyn. I looked over the brief writeup of your setting, but I still have some questions.

My goal is for Alenthyn to have a mix of languages from friendly and enemy races.

So -- in the area Alenthyn would have wandered -- are there goblins, orcs, giants, kobolds? I would like to pick enemy languages that are realistic and organic... tat he would have learned by way of fighting them.

Then I'll probably fill in any remaining langues with "friendly" languages -- dwarf, halfling, etc.

Prominent languages in this area would be Sylvan, Elven, Dwarven, and Common. There are scattered tribes of goblins, orcs, giants and kobolds in this area but they were dealt with very cruelly in the past and are reluctant to leave the shelter of their hidden lairs and dens.

Cool. picked up Sylvan, Dwarven, Goblin, and Orc to round out his languages.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10

I'm going to try and be on the paizo chat as much as possible in case anyone has any questions or concerns. I'm posting this in all my games. If you need anything just let me know.

Type /join GM Roshan to join my channel.

Elven Archivist 5
"You choose strange bedfellows. In certain towns, talk like that would get you killed. Luckily, we're not in those towns."

Charon speaks Abyssal? Or were you referring to something else?

No, just the random language. Charon would assume that you were communicating with the beast.

Elven Archivist 5

Wait a minute... where's Mr. Clompyhooves?

Looking into the mouth of the cave you see a floor strewn with bones and refuse, tufts of fur, teeth, and bones of many shapes and sizes, near the cave's back you see what looks like the same man huddled behind a pile of rubble staring at you, growling softly.

Oh, Nera will be mad- he ate Mr. Clompyhooves!!!

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

I'm sure Clompyhooves had it comin'. :D

If nothing else, that name deserved it.

... WHAT?! We were all thinking it! :D

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

That's a name that guarantees deliciousness.

Yah.. just like Milk Dud, Sweet-Tarts, or Halfling!

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

mmmm.... Halflings soaked in Half & Half...

Oh, is that not what one of the "Half"'s in the name is?

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Half (Halfing) & Half (Cream)... I think you are right. You really need to cut the richness of the Halfling. :D

Hey, just a heads up. My wife is about to burst with pregnancy. So if my posting becomes suddenly erratic or sporadic, that's probably what's up.

If it holds up the game, feel free to play me however is needed. I'll try to give a more specific heads up when it happens, though.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Alenthyn's wife gave birth on Sunday so he'll be posting sporadically for a bit. Mother and Daughter are doing well!

Congrats sir!!

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10


For those wondering I'm going to be posting a bit less often, I'm on vacation visiting family before I head up to Washington for Paizocon in the first week of July. Posting will be dicey leading up to that and I highly doubt I'll be posting while actually there. Just a heads up.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Roshan wrote:

Rereading that post it somehow lacks the vigor and intensity that it did when I said that aloud.

Congratulations on the newborn.

Elven Archivist 5

Heh. I just checked the numbers and realized that if the tree takes a 10 on stealth it gets zero. Not subtle :)

No worries about the slower posts, everyone needs a break sometimes...

Hey anyone going to gen con? If so let me know if you'd like to meet up, it'd be pretty cool.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10

Im not going to Gencon but I am going to paizocon. Giving my official notice, for the weekend I will most likely be predisposed enjoying all the awesomeness at Paizocon 2012.

Next year I should be going to that! Sadly not in the books for this year.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

I'm going to be slammed with work this week but I'll try to post as often as I can.

Sorry everyone. Work turned into a shitstorm. I don't anticipate being able to put any mental energy into a post today… maybe not tomorrow.

So sorry. I'll try to get back on-board as quickly as possible.

Sometimes I wish Charon was a little more trusting!:(

Okay, things should be back to a bit more normal. Weekends are always spotty for me, but we got past the worst of the work-stuff. Good to see we've met the original players. :)

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Since 'Thyn and Legiald have the Ranger Rick skills, I'm thinking a logical marching order would be...
.............. Thyn / Legiald
Mael...........Rikka / Nera.............. Charon
.............Dolelan / Ariella

HP 44/44; AC 20 (T 17, FF 14) +2 vs confirm criticals; CMD 22; Fort +9, Reflex +9, Will +3 ; Perception +0; Init +6; Face/Berserker; Reputation 15

I'm not fully sure I understand that graph, but I'm fine with being anywhere. Somewhere in the middle is probably best.

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Thyn and Legiald scout slightly ahead.
Mael and Charon flank at a distance.
The other four form the main group.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Ariella Moiraine wrote:
I'm not fully sure I understand that graph, but I'm fine with being anywhere. Somewhere in the middle is probably best.

I think that it's a visual breakdown of the marching order. Perhaps this description can help to visualize it.

Front Alenthyn, Legiald
5 ft back
10 ft back
15 ft back Maeltheron, Rikka, Nera, Charon
20 ft back Dolelan, Arellia

I think that's right.

Elven Archivist 5
I'm thinking a logical marching order would be...

Looks good to me. We'll probably want to be a bit more spread out than in Roshan's example, it's usually prudent to keep some people out of fireball radius...

HP 44/44; AC 20 (T 17, FF 14) +2 vs confirm criticals; CMD 22; Fort +9, Reflex +9, Will +3 ; Perception +0; Init +6; Face/Berserker; Reputation 15

Word. Sounds good.

Elven Archivist 5

Oh, and don't forget the tree in that marching order... he'd probably be best with the group in the middle.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10

Sorry, I had meant to immediately edit that post with the details of your travel but got distracted by a sudden reaction to a previous meal. I've been sick for most of last week and finally decided to go to the doctor on Friday and started on some antibiotics.

Elven Archivist 5

Did we take a wrong turn?

The intention was to explore Wight Whisper Glade...

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Dolelan Callennan wrote:

Did we take a wrong turn?

The intention was to explore Wight Whisper Glade...

My bad, sorry.

Elven Archivist 5

My life has become rather busy at the moment, I'm traveling for the next week for my son's surgery. I'm not sure if this will leave me with more time for posting or less, but it's why I've been a bit slow to post lately...

Human Sorc 2 | HP 9/12 | 12/12/10 | F+0 R+2 W+4 | Per +7 Init +2 | Spells: 1st 5/5

Yeesh! Sorry to hear that. I hope everything goes well.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Dolelan Callennan wrote:
My life has become rather busy at the moment, I'm traveling for the next week for my son's surgery. I'm not sure if this will leave me with more time for posting or less, but it's why I've been a bit slow to post lately...

Thanks for the heads up, don't worry about it.

Ariella wrote:
Placed you Alen.

Thx, Ariella. :)

Not having been a part of one of Roshan's combats, do we need to wait our turn in the initiative order? Or should we go ahead and post actions and let Roshan adjudicate everything?

also, Roshan, you missed Alenthyn in the initiative order... he's last. :(

Wizard - Bladesinger/6; AC: 16 (20BS); HP: 32/32; Init: +4; Perc: +3; Bladesong Used 0/2; Spell Slots Used 1st 4/4, 2nd 2/3 3rd 0/3

I will be taking a short vacation from the 16th to the 18th, and I do not know what my status of internet access will be during that time. Feel free to BOT me if necessary.

I'll be at gen con till Sunday. I'll try to post but no promises. Roshan feel free to bot me if you need to.


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