Roshan |

A more legible version for reference...
"Well you see it happens that I was asked to come here by Lord Drivus who travels in the same circles as I do, It turns out that he's found something interesting here in the forest called Xen's Black heart..."
Did I need to use Gallant Inspiration, or is that spell slot still available?
Suggestion was not successful, though your check was good enough to succeed without gallant inspiration (normally I wouldn't tell you this but seeing as how you can cast gallant inspiration retroactively....yea....)

Roshan |

Well gameplay has certainly slowed down. :/
I'm still nosing about, but sadly Nera doesn't have much to say during this situation. Plus I figured Legiald/Dolelan/Charon had some interrogation stuff they wanted to do...
Yea, I'm not sure, Legiald and Charon are gonna have their talk but I'm not sure what everyone else wants to do?

Waltz |

Unbound the woman hops to her feet "So....tel'quessir believe that I have outstayed my welcome, were there any other questions you wished for me to answer before I take my leave?"
Does anyone else have anything they want to do? or want to say?
Whoa? Did Legiald untie her? I thought he merely removed the armor? Did she slip her bonds?
Waltz wrote:Yea, I'm not sure, Legiald and Charon are gonna have their talk but I'm not sure what everyone else wants to do?Well gameplay has certainly slowed down. :/
I'm still nosing about, but sadly Nera doesn't have much to say during this situation. Plus I figured Legiald/Dolelan/Charon had some interrogation stuff they wanted to do...
Nera is mostly doodling and might be inclined to quip a few questions, but I was going to leave that to Legiald/Charon to play bad cop and Dolelan to play good cop. IC she's a little uncomfortable interrogating a tied up person and kind of scared the others might kill her. I was expecting them to do the good/bad cop thing while Nera looked on in horror.
On the subject of activity: I've got no problems if Nightskies, Loimprevisto, or JMG need a slow down on activity for whatever reason. I'm pretty much fine if things do as long as it doesn't drag on for 3 months or something. If there is less activity I'm cool posting less say 1-3 times a week, but if there's more activity I can still post my usual once every 24/48hrs.
Let me know if you guys need to slow down the game or something so I don't get scared thinking the game's about to die or something.

Roshan |

Roshan wrote:Unbound the woman hops to her feet "So....tel'quessir believe that I have outstayed my welcome, were there any other questions you wished for me to answer before I take my leave?"
Does anyone else have anything they want to do? or want to say?
Whoa? Did Legiald untie her? I thought he merely removed the armor? Did she slip her bonds?
Oh, was she bound with something other than the armor? I thought that was the main method you guys were using to keep her situated. If not my mistake, though I thought that it was just the armor.

Dolelan Callennan |

The slowdown was entirely my fault, I didn't have as much time to post as I thought I would while I was traveling and I had some RL stuff to catch up with when I got home. I'll try to give more notice next time!
I certainly want to continue, I'm enjoying the story.

![]() |

I have been not posting, but I've been keeping an eye and waiting. Definitely wanting to keep this going. Legiald has yet to personify the man on the search for perfection, its itching to be let out. Last couple days have been fairly busy for me, hoping that Waltz is still with us.
I feel justified in leaving the pretty elf girl with 1 HP and the inability to use druidic abilities. That's cool though, right?

Roshan |

I have been not posting, but I've been keeping an eye and waiting. Definitely wanting to keep this going. Legiald has yet to personify the man on the search for perfection, its itching to be let out. Last couple days have been fairly busy for me, hoping that Waltz is still with us.
I feel justified in leaving the pretty elf girl with 1 HP and the inability to use druidic abilities. That's cool though, right?
She has more than 1 HP, the last strike that dropped her was a non-lethal attack, she's roughed up but not on the brink.

Dolelan Callennan |

What are you looking for exactly? There is an abundance of trees nearby, both white and cherry oaks are in abundance.
A young-ish oak would probably be fine. Going off of awaken and Animated Object, even a relatively small tree will be size-category Huge, and require a DC 17 will save if this effect works exactly like the spell. If I need to make a will save I'll cast heroism first to give me slightly better odds.
Other than that, he'll inspect the tree to make sure it isn't damaged or diseased before proceeding with the ritual.

Roshan |

N huge plant
Init -2; Senses darkvision 60, low-light vision; Perception -3
Languages (5 available)
AC 15, touch 6, flat-footed 15 (-2 Dex, +9 Armor, -2 size)
hp 78 (7d10+40 size)
Fort +2 Ref +0 Will -1
Defensive Abilities hardness 5 Immune Plant Traits
Speed 30 ft.
Melee slam +15 (1d8+15/x2)
Base Atk +7; CMB +19; CMD 27
Str 30 Dex 6 Con -- Int 13 Wis 4 Cha 10

Waltz |

Sorry for lagging behind on posting a little bit since the breath of life has been kicked back into this game. Midterms/Spring Break/Mass Effect 3/ Personal things have distracted me the last few weeks. Anyways I can post with more frequency now if needed.
I'd like to ask a few questions if I may:
-How far away is Jackals Folly?
-How long have we been awake and are we in need of another round of rest before we approach the folly to avoid fatigue?
I'm not terribly in need of pulling a 1 hour work day and replenishing my characters spells or anything, but I don't want to suggest we barrel on if we risk fatigue or something.
On a side note my classes build is pretty hefty in the power department at level 4/5 when the dervish dancing magi comes into it's own, but pretty much flattens out till 11th where it gets it's last gem which is improved spell recall then stagnates till 20th. If you need any suggestions on how to balance encounters to make things harder for her specifically shoot me a PM since I've got a strong handle on Nera's specific weaknesses and know a few tricks that would ruin a Magi's day effectively. Not that you might not know them yourself or even need to, but if you'd like I'm always willing to offer up the info on how to effectively put the screws to her.

Roshan |

I'd like to ask a few questions if I may:
-How far away is Jackals Folly?
-How long have we been awake and are we in need of another round of rest before we approach the folly to avoid fatigue?
You're AT Jackal's Folly. The encounter with the bats was at the dawn before you rested. You're all pushing about 14 hours, nothing too bad.

Roshan |

Ah I had thought Jackals "Folly" was a building or structure of some sort. I had thought us in the forest immediately near the place, so it is the strange forest the place itself?
Indeed, Jackal's Folly is the name of the large expanse that stretches from the Vassa River to the Midland Plains about 20 miles to the south.

Dolelan Callennan |

I'm not sure if it was intentional on your part to mix up the titles, but Dolelan had introduced Legaid as 'hunter of men'...
This is Legaid, Dolelan pauses momentarily then decides to continue with a traditional introduction in formal elven, hunter of men, seeker of treasure, and slayer of the bugbears of Kaleton.
"Well then, Dolelan Hunter of Men,

Roshan |

I'm not sure if it was intentional on your part to mix up the titles, but Dolelan had introduced Legaid as 'hunter of men'...
Quote:This is Legaid, Dolelan pauses momentarily then decides to continue with a traditional introduction in formal elven, hunter of men, seeker of treasure, and slayer of the bugbears of Kaleton.Quote:"Well then, Dolelan Hunter of Men,
Oh, sorry about that, indeed.

Dolelan Callennan |

Only one more level until I get the Pedantic Lecture ability. I'm waiting with baited breath.
...and by 'one more level' I of course mean 13 more levels. Lamentable Belaborment was what I meant to write.

Dolelan Callennan |

Sorry it took so long to get back to you, strangely, my RSS feed didn't ping me that there was an update until a little while ago.
Yeah, I've seen a lot of people have issues with the RSS updates from this site. I make a point of checking my campaigns tab every so often...

Dolelan Callennan |

So, I re-read some of the earlier posts to see if there were any bits of the plot I might have missed, and now I keep wanting to read Nera's posts with a German accent. ::shakes fist at Waltz::

Dolelan Callennan |

No activity from Nera/Waltz since Tuesday, do we want to put things on hold until Waltz returns or NPC Nera for a while?

Dolelan Callennan |

Sorry for the delay. At first I was waiting for Nera to post something then I got distracted by travel preparations. FYI, I'm scheduled for a PRK surgery tomorrow, and the guidelines say to avoid 'visually intensive activities' like computer use. Depending on how my recovery goes I might not be posting for a few days, or I might not miss a beat... just figured I'd give a heads-up.

Roshan |

Hey guys, we're currently getting a lot of feedback on the recruitment thread.
Dolelan, one of the applicants was wanting to play a bard, he was wondering if you had any problems with that.
If you guys want to check out the recruitment thread it's linked at the top, tell me if you have any preferences.

Dolelan Callennan |

I certainly don't have a problem with it. Arcane duelist is very different from an archivist, and bards are versatile enough that he could easily make a build that wouldn't overlap with me. I kind of liked the idea of the paladin before it was withdrawn, it would have been amusing to see how he got along with Charon. ;)
I rather like the Samurai and the dwarf fighter who rides around on a musk ox. Their personalities might be a bit much to deal with, but if we could deal with Nera...
Does your world have an eastern-flavored area? Where would a samurai come from? Oh, and a cleric with the Sun domain could be handy to have around for obvious reasons...

Roshan |

I certainly don't have a problem with it. Arcane duelist is very different from an archivist, and bards are versatile enough that he could easily make a build that wouldn't overlap with me. I kind of liked the idea of the paladin before it was withdrawn, it would have been amusing to see how he got along with Charon. ;)
I rather like the Samurai and the dwarf fighter who rides around on a musk ox. Their personalities might be a bit much to deal with, but if we could deal with Nera...
Does your world have an eastern-flavored area? Where would a samurai come from? Oh, and a cleric with the Sun domain could be handy to have around for obvious reasons...
I wouldn't say "Eastern" but Saranna has similar values to the people of Tian, Honor, Duty, Tradition.