For the GM:
Will you be making/using maps during encounters/combat?
How will you be handling initiative?
Could you reveal what skills will be needed/very useful or if the campaign will be heavy in any particular area (i.e. Undead Heavy/Urban focused/Nature focused/Dungeon focused?
Any suggestions on spell selection or any barred spells (i.e. Teleport)?
For the party:
How does everyone feel about loot distribution?
I act as "quater-master" and keep a list of the loot and throw it up on a google.doc/ post it up in discussion. If no one objects or wants to.
Here are the guidelines I think will be fair and operate under for distribution of loot: (Feel free to comment or suggest any amendment/changes)
I'll draw up a list of our loot and distribution will occur in downtime.
Distribution will work as that any player can put a claim on an item and if nobody else claims it then the player gets it, but the sale price of the item is deducted from the players share of the final loot. If there is more than one claim on an item than you let dice determine the owner (d20).
For speed of play when non-shared loot (magic-items) are found during adventuring first person to claim it gets to hold on to it till we get to a more secure environment and can distribute things.
To combat lady luck favoring one player over the other during roll off I'll calculate our average wealth and each players wealth. For every 5% that a player exceeds or falls short of the average wealth a +1/-1 modifier will be added to their rolls on roll offs for claims to be cited in the loot doc. So that players who don't win claims or don't get anything useful from our loot have an advantage during distribution.
All consumable/important utility items (healing potions, wand of haste/bless) are distributed evenly or can be purchased with unanimous consent the price for the purchase being divided amongst the players.
Everything else is sold off upon unanimous consent and the earnings are distrusted evenly with cost of items claimed being deducted from each players share.
The overall golden rule that nobody be a dick about loot and everyone act in a casual nice manner about things. The guidelines are set to make things fair/equitable, but can be bent/ignored/changed upon unanimous party consent.
The only person who hasn't checked in is Lugdro. It seems he still needs to update his character sheet for vitals/skills/equipment as well.
If he drops out or we don't hear from him by mon/tues I put forth my vote for Lavode de'Morcaine as an alternate so we can get team Magus up in here.
I'd rather handle loot distribution of particularly valuable items- mostly magic gear- in game rather than OOC automatically. Otherwise, I'm on board with the fairness emphasized guidelines, a simple nod of the head to establishing the guidelines in game would be great. In other words, I vote yes to the guidelines except when it comes to major loot. If two or more people want the same thing, let the in game party leader/group vote decide.
I'm fine with those loot guidelines (especially the golden rule!) along with certain items being dealt with IC. The only things my character would be particularly vocal about are scholarly objects and anything relating to Desna.
I'm cool with some items being done IC. I'd personally prefer not having to deal with discussing who gets what thingy IC, as there is likely more fun things to do IC besides talk about who gets what. If anything comes to a vote I'll likely abstain as I'm personally not comfortable arbitrating such things.
However, I'm not dynamically opposed to doing loot on things that come up IC so I'm cool with it if it comes up.
As long as we all agree and know how it's to be handled when the inevitable issue of "What do we do with this stuff we found" beforehand I'm a happy little camper.
Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Nera Turvian wrote:
For the GM:
Will you be making/using maps during encounters/combat?
How will you be handling initiative?
Could you reveal what skills will be needed/very useful or if the campaign will be heavy in any particular area (i.e. Undead Heavy/Urban focused/Nature focused/Dungeon focused?
Any suggestions on spell selection or any barred spells (i.e. Teleport)
1. It depends, if people are having trouble understanding or if i'm not clear enough in my explanation i'll make up a map.
2. The first round of combat initiative will generally the people who initiate the combat, if the monsters ambush you they go first if you get the drop on them you go first etc (also, the first round of combat is a full turn, not a standard action). Initiative is then rolled normally, if during combat you don't post for 6 hours or so i'm going to say you delay until next turn.
3. As far as your characters can see the land is wilderness, mostly green hills with patches of forests here and there dotted by villages, though there are cities. As referenced in my initial post there is a modest city about a weeks travel by horse.
While ruins aren't EVERYWHERE they do exist, though most of the easily accessible ruins were looted by adventurers long ago.
I'm probably slightly in favor of major items handled IC. But it's not that big a deal either way to me. I wouldn't have a problem with combining the two. IC we roll the bones, and let the gods of fate decide who gets what.
Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Lavode, I think you may have been mistaken. The final party makeup is:
-Waltz playing Nera Turvian
-Nightskies playing Legiald Galsaran
-Gavgoyle playing Lugdro
-JMG021283 playing Charon Warblade
-loimprevisto playing Dolelan Callennan
Unless Lugdro who hasn't shown up yet drops out and our glorious leader (Roshan) decides to pick you up as an alternate.
I was confused why you thought you were in... I figured you knew something I didn't or you were just going balls to the wall and being a rebel gamer who plays in PbP regardless of recruitment outcomes.
Roshan had replied to my questions, checked out my char, said it was ok, and I was on a couple of the lists. Didn't realize that had changed.
Bummer... Ah well, life happens.
Catch all y'all on the next go round.
Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
So it looks like everyone's posted but Dolelan Callennan. There's still lots of time left so no worries. Lugdro, if you were wondering why I was worried about you it was because you hadn't posted in the discussion page.
Just wanted to emphasize to you especially (and everyone else automatically clicking on 'show'); Next line is for Waltz- would rather not use E-mail.
For Waltz's eyes:
I noticed earlier today you have a +1 agile mithral breastplate, which should have a -1 check penalty (masterwork does not stack with mithral). Since the magus gets medium armor proficiency at 7th, and medium armor with mithral still counts as medium armor in terms of proficiency, I was wondering if you had an ability somewhere that reduced the check penalty by 1, making no need for having medium armor proficiency. I'd like to know what you have goin' there (if there's a trick I didn't know about). Regardless, I ask only because I am curious.
Here's the srd on Agile Breastplate. The APC is lowered to -3 for "Climb/Jump" and stacks with either Mitheral or Masterwork to make it 0 ACP in the instance of jump/climb checks.
The only penalty for wearing armor you're not proficient in is applying the ACP to all "movement-based skills" and "attack rolls" rather than just the specified ones.
So until level 7 I've got a -1 (the APC tacked on to my attack rolls which is already figured into my stats and to most my skills.)
I figured an extra -1 to attack and some skills is a fair trade off for a considerably higher AC.
The most important thing is that it's considered light armor for spell casting purposes.
It's seemingly a fair trade off in terms of power, but the kicker is that at level 7 I'll be in the market for Mitheral Agile Breastplates anyways so this way I'm ahead of the curve and don't have to run the hassle of selling gear at half cost and then purchasing at full price.
Going the blade-bound route my weapon is already enchanted and progresses with me so invariably I was going to spend my free item on armor and it's likely better I do so on something I'm not going to sell off in 3 levels.
Though, admittedly when I saw the free item bit I sort of wished to play a character proficient in heavy armor so I could get my +1 mitheral full-plate on. <_<
Roshan, what would you have said to someone taking a +1 mithral full plate for the GM boon? I'm kind of curious now if you would have accepted that. Also, I facepalmed upon noticing a lack of healer's kit. Retcon it in or no?
I was thinking to take heavy armor proficiency to have mithral full plate, but with it's price tag @ 11.5k, it felt like I would be taking too much advantage of the GM boon. I do intend to get mithral full plate and the feat when it can be afforded, though.
Pasting this to the discussion threads of all my games...
I'll be traveling halfway around the world starting tomorrow. I should have regular internet access the whole time, but I may miss a day while I'm in transit, and for the next month or so I'll be in the GMT-10 timezone instead of my usual late-evening GMT posts.
By the I've got an ioun torch in my inventory. Here's the SRD on that. Here's a direct link to the spell it replicates it functions at caster level 12 for purposes of dispelling or countering with spells like darkness.
So theoretically it should be relatively resilient against anything that's using supernatural/spell like darkness darkness to try and blind us or gain concealment as CL12 is pretty rough to top.
Just thought I'd point it out in case we start to tangle with things that use darkness spells and supernatural or spell like abilities.
Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Nera Turvian wrote:
By the I've got an ioun torch in my inventory. Here's the SRD on that. Here's a direct link to the spell it replicates it functions at caster level 12 for purposes of dispelling or countering with spells like darkness.
So theoretically it should be relatively resilient against anything that's using supernatural/spell like darkness darkness to try and blind us or gain concealment as CL12 is pretty rough to top.
Just thought I'd point it out in case we start to tangle with things that use darkness spells and supernatural or spell like abilities.
Yea, actually I'm quite familiar with the Ioun torch. It's a favorite of the society (at least in the circles I travel) where light conditions come up alot in dungeons and the darkness around you is not supernatural, it's not magical in nature or else the people detecting magic would have noticed it. It's simply night time, you guys passed out.
Oh yeah? Well I figured I'd just point it out and throw up SRD on it as shadow-beasts just scream "Darkness at will" and I figured I'd make sure you knew what I had on in terms of counter/dispel effects of light spells if that sort of thing comes up.
Ioun torches are pretty common around my groups as well; I just figured pointing out pertinent details in OOC discussion was a good idea in case various magical light sources begin to duke it out.
@Roshan: I didn't want to clutter the gameplay thread with further discussion, the original numbers I posted were (accidentally) correct. The heroism spell I cast as we left the building we woke up in provides +2 to my skill checks.
I'll keep in mind what you wrote about perception, some GMs do treat it as a radar pinging thing. I'll make sure to put a note any time I'm deliberately taking a moment to look around and take a 10...
Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Dolelan Callennan wrote:
@Roshan: I didn't want to clutter the gameplay thread with further discussion, the original numbers I posted were (accidentally) correct. The heroism spell I cast as we left the building we woke up in provides +2 to my skill checks.
I'll keep in mind what you wrote about perception, some GMs do treat it as a radar pinging thing. I'll make sure to put a note any time I'm deliberately taking a moment to look around and take a 10...
Ah not sure how you want to run combat for the rest of the game, but for the record any time we would need to roll initiative I'm perfectly fine with you rolling for us as it should speed up play.
I'll be visiting my gaming group (I live a decent drive away) and staying over at at our hosts place for the weekend. I'll be DMing one of our two regular games, but I should have an ability to post.
Just advisory, but if I don't make a post 36 hours from this one I certainly wouldn't mind being GMPC'd. It likely won't even be an issue at all, though for future reference if I make notice I'd prefer being GMPC'd over simply delaying or forfeiting actions in-game especially were combat or dice checks are concerned.
I promise I won't complain under the circumstances if my spells are used or something. However if I don't give notice I'm all for Nera simply sucking and doing nothing if I'm not considerate about when absences might occur.
Just wanted to clarify my preference and assure that if gmpc things ever come up I take no umbrage with doing simple things like making an attack role, skill check, or similar things and prefer it to her standing aimlessly in combat like a loon. You can always throw on negative modifiers as a tax if you feel so inclined, or of course simply not gmpc her and allow her to stand idle if that doesn't strike your fancy.
I will also be absent for the weekend, no internet, back on Tuesday, though such is a rare occurrence for me. For combat, please GMPC Legaild. He is fairly straightforward, shoot with bow if at range, generally use greatsword in melee, never leaving the bow behind.
Likely able to do anywhere between 7pm and 9pm Eastern.
If I know what the results of other actions will be (i.e. which creatures die and where my allies are) I can post up round 4 stuff around the same time.
Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Waltz wrote:
Won't make it for 3pm eastern.
Likely able to do anywhere between 7pm and 9pm Eastern.
If I know what the results of other actions will be (i.e. which creatures die and where my allies are) I can post up round 4 stuff around the same time.
If not everyone can make it then nvm, we'll stick with the PbP. I'm still a bit unfamiliar so I'll try and keep it moving as fast as I can.
Retrieving a stored item is a move action that provokes AoO.
Fighting defensively is standard action and impossible to do both a move/standard while disabled additionally any standard action while disabled drops you 1 hp and throws you into unconsciousness and into the dying condition.
By RAW you can't do both and fighting defensively should drop you unconscious next round while providing for an AoO.
Best you can probably do is 5-foot step as a free action and draw a scroll as a move action. Next turn heal as a standard which removes disabled condition.
Not sure if GM is aware of rules, but just wanted to make sure you knew as RAW you'll be on the floor bleeding out by next round if not dead from a provoked AoO attack from a now un-grappled creature.
To be sure of what happened in game, did Legiald only 5-foot step last round and draw the scroll this round with 5 foot step, or did he get to pull off the cure spell this round? (They also have reach, don't they?)
Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Nightskies wrote:
To be sure of what happened in game, did Legiald only 5-foot step last round and draw the scroll this round with 5 foot step, or did he get to pull off the cure spell this round?
Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Sorry for the even slower than normal response time. As we draw ever closer to the holidays I (as well as most of you I assume) are going to be drawn in by the holiday cheer. I'd like to finish this (the combat) before christmas >.< .
Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Waltz wrote:
Question to the DM:
Do elves sleep in your setting or do they trance?
I doubt being knocked out and waking up with a tattoo counts as and 8 hours of rest regardless of sleep/trance.
So I'm assuming Nera is going to have to spend the evening/night holed up in a tavern is she wants to prepare spells.
For any ecological/divine questions just refer to Golarion, elves indeed do sleep just as humans do. For all intent and purposes think of this as another continent of Golarion, the only thing truly different are the Kingdoms and some other minor things. The only reason this is a homebrew setting and not Golarion is because some of the things I use as part of my lore seems to clash with Golarions history, not necessarily important but still, homebrew gives me the freedom to make up my own stuff.
Question about the monsters we faced: Dolelan identified them correct? I'm my Knowledge religion check identifies undead, but I picked up on a hint with that.
I'm mostly just curious if they're some kind of undead. Casting Daze indicated to Nera that they where not undead as they'd be immune to the spell otherwise. If that was an oversight or something I'd love to know that as it effects my spell preparation.
I'd hate do prepare something along the lines of (Daze, Flare, Ray of Enfeeblement , Browgasher, Colorspray, Ray of Frost) only to discover the creatures we fight to be undead immune to all of those and possibly resistant to cold damage.
Creation Rules in the Link above and some other helpful info here. Looking for 2-3 replacement players, would like a general idea of a background and from there I can help craft your introduction.
Currently the party is level 5, with a Rogue/Fighter and a Bard.
I submit Maeltheron for your consideration - 5th Level Elven Rogue (Sniper). If selected, I will adjust the background and add an ability score increase per the creation guidelines.
I submit Maeltheron for your consideration - 5th Level Elven Rogue (Sniper). If selected, I will adjust the background and add an ability score increase per the creation guidelines.
Keep in mind that it's not point buy, it's dice pool.
yeah, i didn't get the dice I wanted for my preferred class. Oh well.
So Elicd is a traveler. To put it bluntly, he just hasn't found a place, or a reason to settle down. He is frequently just a little too curious for his own good, which often gives him a reason to seek another road. He finds affinity with creatures of the wilds and is at home as much in the forest as he is in a town. With Fey blood coursing through his veins he finds that he often gets by with helping people see the situation his way.
Here's most of the Crunch in an alias. I'll gear up and finish the details later. Basically a healer and undead killer in a sleek archery package. Background wise, not sure what would be appropriate for where the game is now. Something like:
She was born in (insert cosmipolitan city name here), and raised in a well connected family within the church of Sarenrae. She followed her parents into the church, and when she was still a young cleric found herself struck by the plight of the poorer rural adherents. She decided to dedicate her life to bringing the light and warmth of Sarenrae to the darkest places. When she heard the rumors of shadow monsters plaguing the land, she immediately set out to investigate.
The PRD does not list Sword Saint as a Samurai archetype but it is taken from the official 'Dragon Empires Primer'. Would that archetype be allowed or disallowed?
So the basic idea is a fast, mobile, acrobatic, no-armor melee combatant who is trying to perfect her skills with the katana. Think of any of the iconic 'lone wolf' Samurai films - I'd recommend 'Seven Samurai' - and you can see where I'm going with Reiko.
These will be her only classes (no prestiges and no other 'dipping') and the majority of her levels will go towards Samurai or Fighter.
Personally, I'm not a fan of 3 class builds and I try to avoid them if possible. Unfortunately, trying to do the concept justice pushed me in this direction. However, if you have serious reservations about 3 classes, let me know and I'll try to re-tool her along a '2 class' line. In that case, it will likely be either be a Samurai/Monk or Fighter/Monk.
I'll tweak her character sheet and throw up build information when I have it. Thanks!
Okay, I had a brainstorm. Forget the second bard question. I get a Black Company vibe from the brief write-ups i've read about your game, so I leaned into that somewhat -- while also trying to fill the void in the skill set of both a scout/tracker as well as an arcanist-in-a-pinch.
With that in mind, I submit Alenthyn, elven archer and scout of the Wardens.
Alenthyn has been a fixture in the local company of the Wardens for generations, surviving year after harsh year in a company of dwindling men. And it seems for every year he's survived he's seemingly picked up a different nickname… Al, Splinter, Squints, Eyes, Bones, Thin… the list goes on.
No one knows how old Alenthyn is (he's 140) nor do any of the fellow Wardens seem to know how long he's served (70 years -- which is in a story all its own). But here's what they do know. He's strange. And not just in an "elf amongst men" way… He. Is. Strange.
Topping out at about six and a half feet tall, Alenthyn seems to be all stretched out limbs, knobby joints, and pasty white skin. It's joked that this combination is how he earned the nickname Bones… cause he looks like just that… a skeleton. Despite his awkward, gangly build, he's whipcord fast and surprisingly strong -- due to years of scouting and fighting for survival. If that weren't enough, Alenthyn's skin is snow-white, seemingly unblemished (save a few scars) and completely hairless… even on his face and head. Couple all of this with his exotic, elongated facial features and nearly completely black, pupil less eyes, and it's no wonder Alenthyn sticks out like a sore thumb.
So while he is alien, awkward, blunt, and -- well… in a word strange -- he's one of the best trackers and scouts in the area. Strong, fast, sharp-eyed, and dangerous with that longbow of his, Alenthyn is a good friend in a pinch. Toss in what the boys all his "elven voodoo", and he's a good addition to any venture.
Alenthyn's age. The short version of the story is that Alenthyn fit in as an elf about as well as he fit in among humans. Isolated and ostracized even among his own people, he left at a young age to seek out his place. Somewhere around the age of 70 (still young for one of his kind) and after years of continued rejection, he found himself tossed into an awkward situation with a company of the short-lived -- a group that called themselves the Wardens. In one of those strange situations where everyone contributes or everyone dies, Alenthyn threw in with the Wardens, acting as their archer and scout until the danger had passed. It was more kinship than he'd felt… ever. So he stuck around.
The strange thing. Alenthyn never formally joined the Wardens, though no one in the company seems keen on that fact. He's been a part of the unit longer than nearly any other member, so few actually know this. But everyone can depend on him when it matters.
I'm still working through spells and gear, but I have a few questions. Alenthyn's Bonded Item is going to be his bow. Can I use his crafting element of that to reduce the price of it for the purpose of buying initial gear?
Secondly, a big portion of his set-up revolves around using his own scribed scrolls. I wanted to stretch his starting gold farther by crafting a bunch of them from the get-go. Are you fine with this?
Thirdly, about spells -- so Alenthyn would get his usual 2 spells per level to his spell book. Usually, he'd have been adding other spells to his book while adventuring. Is there a way we can sprinkle in a handful more spells to account for this?
And thats about it. I hope you like him. Obviously I'll make a profile page if I'm chosen.
Per Roshan's house rule you can reroll any rolls below half of the average result... so you could reroll everything but the 6 and keep rerolling until you got high enough results, or if you prefer just use d6+4 for the d10 and d4+2 for the d6.
Regarding the spells, most GMs let you use starting wealth for buying spells, per the costs mentioned in the PRD.
Going to end up taking the following. I've decided upon a couple extras to act as a buffer in case anyone else decides to stand down. If you have any questions about the world let me know. We're going to settle all of the OOC stuff like if you decide to have had your characters know each other beforehand now before we start.
Sorry if there was a misunderstanding but the Wardens of Eastmarch have been absent from the world for a very long time, a number of generations. Even for the long lived elves only the eldest remember a time where they even existed.
Perhaps Lem (the capital of eastmarch, the heart of the republic is very advanced but anyone familiar with it's history can see how far it's fallen in comparison to the first council), Hobb (the largest city in the current region, a very nice place to visit but they have very strict segregation by class), Kep (large port city to the west, they're considered very progressive).
Dolelan brought up a point, while there are certain similarities to an Asian analog in Saranna there is no far east equivalent in the world, so while the culture/weapons/fighting styles are similar there are going to be some very distinct changes.
Clothing is in what you would consider the western style, tunics, breeches, and dresses vs kimonos, hakama and things of that sort. In addition the people of the eastern kingdoms are all basically germanic in looks, pale skin with subdued hair. There is a blood red hair color that is unique to Saranna.
Eastmarch is full of dwarves and in the south (where the campaign currently is) they are very much welcome. The lands north of Isa are a different story however, the dwarves are a very secluded people and a lord who's name has been lost to history once thought that meant weakness. Dwarven steel is among the finest in all the world and he figured it would be better to invade their mountain homes and have those smiths under his command, he rallied several other like-minded lords and they gathered men for their cause. What he didn't expect when he marched on Hathgrim with ten thousand men was to meet with complete and utter destruction. The Dwarves rode out and met him on the plains beneath their mountain city with a force of five thousand steelborn, the humans were completely and utterly destroyed. Taking offense to this slight the dwarves left their mountain homes and decended upon the northern plains, sweeping through the land more or less uncontested. It wasn't until Lord Benthas intervened, he created a peace with the dwarves and in exchange for ceased hostilities the Dwarves were allowed to keep half the lands they had conquered. Five hundred years later there is still discontent in the north.
The dwarven fortress city of Halgrim is merely the tip of the spear, cities stretch from north to south along the Sleeping Giants, the mountain range that runs half the length, North to South, of Eastmarch.
Your background works well, elves are known as great bowmen for obvious reasons. Elven society is very lax, while there are lords and kings among the fair folk they don't really "Rule" unless in times of war. While most elves choose to spend they many days of their long lives in the sheltered boughs of their forest homes it is not unknown or even rare for an elf to choose life among the shorter lived races.
I'm not sure what you mean by subdued hair color. So Saranna hair color could be red (rare/unusual), brown, and sandy blonde? Is red a unusual hair color in this area of the world? I'm thinking of playing her as something of a fish out of water and if red hair would make her stand out - I can easily work with it.
Also, are there any naming conventions I need to know for the character since Saranna since isn't an asian equivalent? Should her name be more Germanic? If need be, I'll just create an entirely new avatar and name that works.
I'll be throwing up a preliminary build tonight and tweaking the write-up based on what we work out. Again, if you have any issues with the 3 class build, let me know. I'm happy to try to do the concept justice with two classes. I'll be reading through the main thread fully to make sure I pick up on the whole flavor of the campaign.
Finally, is the Katana OK as a weapon? If not, what kind of weapons are commonly used in Saranna?
Sorry, I guess I should have put a little more thought into the wording of that. Most common among the haircolors are brown, black and that unique red which they refer to as Sarannan Red.
Dont worry about naming conventions.
The Katana is fine, the Sarannan smiths have pretty much the same situation as Japan, their lands aren't rich in iron and the scant amount of natural Iron that is painstakingly mined from the inhospitable hinterlands. The ore is turned into steel and folded many times to remove impurities.
Wow. Finally finished reading the entire gameplay thread from the beginning, that took a while. Okay, here is my updated background. Thanks for picking me. I'd prefer not to know anyone. Let me know when I should go to the gameplay thread.
Ariella was born into a well connected family in the church of Sarenrae in Kep. She spent her youth enjoying everything an elite family can provide its children. She joined the church as a cleric as soon as she was old enough. Her first assignment took her outside the city, and for the first time she was exposed to the plight of the rural poor. Their lack of access to healing magics, education and protection from the monsters of the wild infuriated her. She decided to become an itinerant priestess, wandering the land and helping those in need of the Dawnflower's light. When she heard rumors of shadow monsters plaguing the land, she immediately headed east to investigate.
She arrived in the village of Bosh to find the majority of its inhabitants slaughtered, including large groups of adventurers who had flocked to the call for help. Coming across a green skinned man named Lugdro, he informed her of a group that contributed mightily to the town's defense before traveling further to investigate the source of the shadow monsters. He told her that they were headed for Jackal's Folly, so she set out immediately in that direction, hoping to find them.