Nera Turvian |

Nera pauses letting the silence linger in the air for a moment, "You my murderous little Charon haven't run into many necromancers, then! However it isn't always about the corpses rising and trying to kill you much more often it's those effected by the deaths you wrought that'll catch up and return the favor or sometimes the long often violent arm of the local constable."
Nera will continue on her horse saying very little and only occasionally making light smalltalk till the vicious bats eventually intercede and disrupt their travels.

Dolelan Callennan |

"We all are here for a reason. I know mine, but I dont know yours. I have a feeling on Legiald's, he seems easy to read. But Nera and Doleran I have no clue of yours."
"I came here because I could not bear to stay in one place. Apparently I was destined for a life of travel," he removes a glove and shows off a brownish splotch on his hand that looks distinctly like a butterfly as he continues, "The Great Dreamer left her mark on me, and I've served for quite some time as a wandering priest and scholar. I came to Bosh because I was growing bored with the city and I'd heard some strange rumors about travelers being attacked by shadow beasts. What I've seen so far certainly makes for an interesting chronicle, but that's not my only reason for continuing to travel with you..."
He trails off for a moment as his had moves to the brand on his chest, "We're connected some how, I can feel it. I'm not sure what this symbol means, but I can't imagine that it's unimportant."
Maybe Dolelan does recognize the sigil... I'd like to use my archivist's Lore Master ability to take a 20 on the knowledge check associated with identifying the sigil. I'd imagine that history or nobility would be the most relevant, the result is 32 in either case.

Charon Warblade |

Charon says, "I have met those who sought after me for murder. I also have looked into the eyes of the children whose fathers I've killed. One day, they may grow and and look for me." She shrugs then continues, "I'm not like you elf. I don't intend to live for a long time. My skill and my blades are all I care about. One day, I'll die by them. It's not something I fear."
To Dolelan:
Charon in a curious manner states, "I honestly don't feel connected. Legiald is the only one of you I owe any allegiance to. Our relationship is business in nature. I made a promise that I will stand by. Nera and I, have a duel we need to settle. I look forward to it with each passing step. It's rare I have encountered a good blade or someone as skilled enough to use it. I haven't found an interest in you or a connection as of yet. I know you are and elf. Which to be honest, I'm not fond of. The lot of them I have met, will either turn up their noses or stab you in the back."

Nera Turvian |

Nera quips to Charon as they travel, "Oh I'd never stab you in the back miss Charon. I prefer to do my stabbing out in the open where those can clearly see me doing my stabbing. If I'm stabbing anything at all. I can't say I've had much experience around other elves, but I've heard common complaints among some of the mercs me and Walter used to travel with. Upward nose turning may have some scientific merit as a trend, but I'd wager it's more involved to the field of sociology rather than biology."
At Dolelan:
Nera looks puzzled, "Not sure how we're connected or even if we're connected at all. The strange mark could be a crazy wild coincidence but I'm reserving judgment on such things till further evidence is acquired due to the strange disappearance of one of us that bares the same mark....." she pauses for a moment as if thinking really hard "Oh dear gods! Where's Lugdro?! Last I saw of him he was at the tavern with us before we left Bosh!" she exclaims in a panick just noticing the strange sorcerers absence at present as she said the words aloud. (In this strange alternate time line it's only been a few hours since we left Bosh)

Legiald Galsaran |

Legiald turns to Nera's exclamation. In a hushed tone, "Quiet yourself, Nera-! The ground hides things even from even your eyes." He scans the group, again checking their tracks. "Lugdro didn't meet us outside the tavern at nightfall. He didn't say anything to me." He looks forward again, proceeding along the crest of a long hill. "I imagine that he may have thought it too dangerous to go at night. Not that I blame him, perhaps its for the best. It is easier to hide the tracks of one less set of legs." He touches his breastplate again over the mark. For a while again, he is silent.
"What do your elven senses tell you, Dolelan? I fear that these marks offer no aid, though it is clear that they bind us. It could be coincidence that we meet prior to such binding, or it could be our gathering that earned our marks. Either way, I don't like that someone knows of us all to some degree and only burns our skin in this manner. My suspicion rests solely on this... Walter. Have you learned any more of his language yet?"

Dolelan Callennan |

Dolelan, we'll start with you. What do you think? Charming girl, isn't she?"
D'oh! I knew there was something I had meant to do when I leveled up. With the GM's permission I'll reallocate a skill rank into linguistics to represent Dolelan meditating and wracking his memory to bring to mind all the bits of the infernal language he has come across over the years.

Waltz |

I'm not sure what to do with the situation. Legiald called this animal but I'm not sure what his intention was with it. He doesn't have any spells that would allow him to communicate with the creature beyond basically what animals would communicate to each other. If he doesn't post by tomorrow I'm going to nudge us along.
Hahahaha! I'm curious as well. It's kinda weird to call a dire bat in daylight, though. I'm having oodles of fun RPing being freaked out by it, under any circumstance. :)
Bring it along for now. It can be pushed into attacking, without needing the ability to speak with it, or make a good watchdog. If it survives a week, then I might start training it to be a flying mount, depending on where we go. Its as good as charmed.
For reference, Handle Animal Skill
The spell duration is only maximum 2 hours and this doesn't take into account how long it takes for any animal you call to get there, (sort of GM fiat).
Keep in mind while Legiald has wild empathy and can change the bats disposition and call animal which effects it's disposition has 0 effect on it's disposition towards Legialds friends. If you want it to do what you're saying you'd need to push it to stay immediately before it tries to kill everyone that's not Legiald as a DC 25.
Once completed you can take a 20 to push it to defend each of us, and thus not attack. Once that's over it's a quick skip to push it to heel. Since it's staying you can retry both the defend & heel checks till you succeed.
Additionally; Wild empathy allows you to use handle animal to raise disposition like diplomacy, but diplomacy disposition raises aren't permanent and at the realm of GM fiat with the RAW being 'generally 1d4 hours'. Given that it's a predatory animal I'd be quite weary of what happens 1d4 hours after call animal & wild empathy has worn off as an intelligent person might remember the nice things you said 4 hours ago while a big dumb hungry killer of a wild animal might not.
Problems arise if it's disposition isn't blanketed to everyone and if the thing doesn't get a 24 hour unchanging disposition to for everyone free ride. Granted if that's how things play out it's a fantastic idea, but I'm more of a spring for a cage so it doesn't lust for blood while I spend a month or two to teach it to love type of player.

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4 hours is long enough to get the bat to do the above as Legiald's caster level is 4. Since retries are allowed on the 6-second-per-attempt, should be no sweat to do all that. Could RP the effort, but I'll leave that to Roshan in interests of moving along. Its disposition will be indifferent to the others, not unfriendly, like a domesticated animal, even when the spell ends. Dire bats eat livestock and herd animals, and small game too. Legiald's intent is to feed it what we find in there, but if there's nothing, the bat will eventually want to eat a horse... (laugh)

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The spell sets their starting attitude as indifferent, that shouldn't change when the spell ends. So the bat will stay friendly toward Legiald after the spell ends, indifferent to the rest at worst unless they give it a reason to become aggressive. Indifferent demeanor won't stop it from eating a horse if/when it gets hungry enough.
I see my wording may be confusing in my last post...
Domestic animals are indifferent, wild animals including predators are unfriendly by default.

Waltz |

Legiald's intent is to feed it what we find in there, but if there's nothing, the bat will eventually want to eat a horse... (laugh)
I'm going to go on record here and say Nera's already named her horse Clompy Hooves.
As we all know naming NPCs & Creatures triples their survival rate.
I always thought disposition was on a independent basis for each creature. I.E. the guard is unfriendly towards the fighter, but is friendly/helpful to the sweet talking bard. Also always figured those under the effects of charms/compulsions reverted back to the original disposition or regular behavior once dispelled/dismissed/ended.
It seemed rad though the only thing that worried me was the ambiguous clause of 'Once the spell's duration expires, the animal acts in accordance with its attitude. Most animals will likely wander off, but a hostile predatory animal may attack, especially if it is hungry or provoked.'
I'm thus naming our new found bat friend Radar O'Reilly, where he flew off to we may never know. Perhaps we should have named him sooner and he would've stuck around , or maybe he'll meet us at the entrance to the folly? Maybe if we call animal again at a later time he'll show up? I'm looking forward to future interactions with Radar the squirrel eating monster bat gone wrong thing.
@Question at Rosh: Do dinosaurs exist in this realm? As a Parasaurolophus is I believe the top tiers of badassery if Legiald can call it. Surprisingly enough Velociraptors are considerably less cool then they where in Jurassic Park, stupid fantasy mimicking reality accurately. We get dragons and stuff but our Velociraptors are small birds rather than horrible killing machines.

Roshan |

@Question at Rosh: Do dinosaurs exist in this realm? As a Parasaurolophus is I believe the top tiers of badassery if Legiald can call it. Surprisingly enough Velociraptors are considerably less cool then they where in Jurassic Park, stupid fantasy mimicking reality accurately. We get dragons and stuff but our Velociraptors are small birds rather than horrible killing machines.
Indeed they do, however they are not indigenous to this area, Northern Eastmarch (where you currently are) is similar in climate to Northern Europe, i.e England, Denmark, Finland etc. Further south in the jungles and wetlands near the straights between Torvald and Eastmarch however they are very common.

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Then the dire boar is probably the nastiest animal he could call given the environment, and perhaps a giant elk. The dire bat is reasonable, though, seeing how its a more sure shot of actually getting one to get to him in time. Repeated uses of Call Animal could assure the creature eventually reaches him. A dire boar is "hateful and violent", it will readily eat people, so really not a good one to domesticate.
I'll probably make more use of Longstrider soon, and Lead Blades or Gravity Bow when he gets his hands on a lesser quicken metamagic rod.

Dolelan Callennan |

Quote:Dolelan, we'll start with you. What do you think? Charming girl, isn't she?"D'oh! I knew there was something I had meant to do when I leveled up. With the GM's permission I'll reallocate a skill rank into linguistics to represent Dolelan meditating and wracking his memory to bring to mind all the bits of the infernal language he has come across over the years.
Maybe Dolelan does recognize the sigil... I'd like to use my archivist's Lore Master ability to take a 20 on the knowledge check associated with identifying the sigil. I'd imagine that history or nobility would be the most relevant, the result is 32 in either case.
I'm just waiting for a GM answer to these two inquiries before I continue the discussion in this thread...

Roshan |

Quote:Maybe Dolelan does recognize the sigil... I'd like to use my archivist's Lore Master ability to take a 20 on the knowledge check associated with identifying the sigil. I'd imagine that history or nobility would be the most relevant, the result is 32 in either case.I'm just waiting for a GM answer to these two inquiries before I continue the discussion in this thread...
Sorry, I completely missed this entry. As I mentioned before, you have to pick specific skills you're using. You can roll more than one skill in a single post (each taking the appropriate amount of in game time) but you do have to declare which skills you are using at any given time.
That's not to say that you couldn't just say "I take 10 on all knowledge checks" it would just take a while.

Dolelan Callennan |

OK, we had two days of travel so I'll start with taking 20s on knowledge (history) and knowledge (nobility).

Roshan |

OK, we had two days of travel so I'll start with taking 20s on knowledge (history) and knowledge (nobility).
Isn't Lore Master a 5th level ability? You had just gotten it the night before. You'll have one use of Lore Master, though keep in mind you can still take 10 on any knowledge check, and with your bonuses that's nothing to sneeze at.

Dolelan Callennan |

The Archivist archetype grants the loremaster ability at 2nd level...
Lore Master (Ex): At 2nd level, an archivist may take 20 on Knowledge checks once per day, plus once per six levels beyond 2nd. This ability replaces versatile performance.

Roshan |

The Archivist archetype grants the loremaster ability at 2nd level...Quote:Lore Master (Ex): At 2nd level, an archivist may take 20 on Knowledge checks once per day, plus once per six levels beyond 2nd. This ability replaces versatile performance.
That's cool I guess, I mean it's awesome early on but you lose out on the taking 10 on knowledge checks. Anyway, PMing you the results, wanna see how that works out.
Would we know how far we are from jackals folly? Is it over another day of travel on horseback? I'd assumed we where getting close, once we're within at least half a days walk Nera will be tying Clompy Hooves to a tree.
You are at Jackal's Folly, it's been 3 1/2 days travel roughly. You can tie up clompy hooves but it's gonna be to some scrub or anchored to a boulder. Most of this area seems to be grassy hills.

Waltz |

Sorry for any confusion
There are no more days travel. It's taken you 4 nights and 3 days to get to this point after you left that first night, you may tie up your horses outside if you so choose or you may attempt to navigate them through the treacherous roots of the overgrown woods.
Into the woods you go?
No more days of travel? So into the woods Nera goes on foot. :)
Just wasn't sure if tying the horse when we still had say 3 or 4 days travel to our location left. Mostly because keeping a horse tied to 1 spot for 6 to 8 days is all sorts of mean and inhumane.

Dolelan Callennan |

Quote:"*Knock*...*noc*noc*noc*noc*... *Nock* Nock*"As you knock on the door you see a small furry form dart from the open through one of the many holes where the wall meets the floor into the forest behind.
You did it wrong. you should have omitted the last two knocks if you were trying to lure it out... no toon can resist the ol' shave and a haircut riff!

Dolelan Callennan |

That's cool I guess, I mean it's awesome early on but you lose out on the taking 10 on knowledge checks. Anyway, PMing you the results, wanna see how that works out.
Apparently it didn't... I haven't received a PM from you.

Roshan |

Quote:That's cool I guess, I mean it's awesome early on but you lose out on the taking 10 on knowledge checks. Anyway, PMing you the results, wanna see how that works out.Apparently it didn't... I haven't received a PM from you.
oh wow, apparently I hit "Preview" without actually sending again. I'll just post it here.
You know a lot, more than most will ever know about the Wardens. They were an independent organization, free from ties to any lord, king, or kingdom. More specifically, the Sigils etched into your skin. You don't believe you've come across this specific marking in any writing you've heard of though you've certainly heard of "The Mark". The mark of the brotherhood that all wardens bore, each unique to the company in which they served was branded into a position on their bodies reflecting their duties.
Those with a marking on their hands were called "Hands of the Wardens" or, "The Hands". these people made up the bulk of the organization, they were the soldiers on the front lines, those that reached out and struck at the darkness.
Those with a marking on their foreheads were called the "Minds of the Wardens" or "The Minds" they were mostly what you'd consider judges. Every plight brought before the wardens was weighed and measured by the Minds before offering a final judgement to be met out by the Hands.
Those with a marking on their chests above their hearts were called simply "The Hearts". Details on this group specifically is very sketchy, there might be a translation problem from the tome you read but they were described as either "The Protectors" or "The Vindicators" you're not quite sure.
The Mark itself also holds some special significance but again you're not quite sure what.
Knowledge Nobility
You know that the mark is definitely some symbol distinguishing you from others of your kind. Nobility would tell you the same basics as History in this specific situation.

JMG021283 |

Sorry I've been so lax on posting. Found out Tuesday I'm gonna end up going through a divorce. It'll be civil. But def. a life changer. I should be able to keep up and post regularly, but somethings may come up. I'll keep you posted if for some odd reason I can't. I'll be posting tonight or maybe at work today.

Dolelan Callennan |

CMB: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28

Waltz |

Everyone still there?
Sorry, been a little busy lately. Was a little confused on what I could do since Nera didn't perceive whatever is going on in the bushes so she doesn't have a very good frame of reference.
On a side note.....we really should stop splitting the party. It happens, but we should make it happen as little as possible...... <_<
Sorry I've been so lax on posting. Found out Tuesday I'm gonna end up going through a divorce. It'll be civil. But def. a life changer. I should be able to keep up and post regularly, but somethings may come up. I'll keep you posted if for some odd reason I can't. I'll be posting tonight or maybe at work today.
Wow that's heavy. I hope you're doing all right and wish you the best. If you ever need to slow the pace of the game in order to deal with anything I'm fine with it, for the record.

Dolelan Callennan |

On a side note.....we really should stop splitting the party. It happens, but we should make it happen as little as possible...... <_<
I disagree, the ability to split the party and not have it get in the way of the storytelling is one of the few benefits of PbP over tabletop. Splitting the party IRL means dividing the GMs attention and forcing the group that's not 'active' at the moment to be twiddling their thumbs. In PbP you can keep the story moving for everyone without slowing things down.
Don't worry about Dolelan, everything's going fine over here... (for certain obscure definitions of 'fine')
@Joe/Charon: I hope all goes well for you, no worries at all if you need to slow things down with the game.

Waltz |

@Nera What's BB stand for? Walter's arcane pool? And thanks by the way for breaking down the damage. A question though, Walter is a scimitar, how are you doing piercing damage?
Correct on first count, second count is my bad it is slashing edited. I got mixed up the from the dervish dance feat..."You treat the scimitar as a one-handed piercing weapon for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon (such as a duelist’s precise strike ability)."
It treats it as a piercing weapon, but the damage is still slashing. Edited that out.
Sorry for the all the knowledge rolls. I was tempted to peek behind GM screen to see If they where made reflexively, but opted to simply make the rolls on the off chance they weren't. If you're comfortable simply making the pertinent rolls and pm any results in the future I'll cut that process from my usual routine.
If planes ever picks up I'm immediately going to start looking for an invisible spell-caster who's summoning crap. ;)
Also, if we start running into things with spell resistance feel free to make the roll for spells on my behalf, it should be a d20+CL(5 currently)+2(For being an elf).
.....though the green area is difficult terrain so it's kind of a moot point.
Orly? I did not know that. Well I guess that means Nera moves full speed (if the movement per square is doubled) while she attempts acrobatics for a +10 to the DC. I was almost certain I failed it anyways, but now I don't feel too bad about it since it was nigh impossible to begin with.
I disagree....-stuff-
Yeah, Just a knee-jerk reaction. Plus this song is pretty catchy. Mostly just thinking immediately separating at the drop of a hat probably shortens life expectancy and still brings up parallel pacing stuff, though I suppose PbP does lend to making the latter easier than standard table top.
Dolelan is unable to flank, as he is wrapped upside-down in a cocoon of vines about 30 feet above the forest floor.
@JMG: I was setting it up for Legi, but B13 is open for flanking. If you're not too scared of AoOs. Nera could always 5-foot step to D10 at the top of round 2 if you want to get to C13 on round 2 with two 5-foot steps for flanking.

Roshan |

Not sure what's going on with the drawing, I'm still learning to work with it but for now I can't remove that green square around the creature, for now just ignore it as it's no longer there.
Roshan wrote:.....though the green area is difficult terrain so it's kind of a moot point.Orly? I did not know that.
You may have missed it.
You all succeed on your saves and can act normally, the green overlay is difficult terrain.

Roshan |

Sorry I've been so lax on posting. Found out Tuesday I'm gonna end up going through a divorce. It'll be civil. But def. a life changer. I should be able to keep up and post regularly, but somethings may come up. I'll keep you posted if for some odd reason I can't. I'll be posting tonight or maybe at work today.
Sorry if I didn't immediately respond, honestly I didn't know what to say when I first read that post. Best wishes and good luck are the best I can come up with.

Waltz |

Nera Turvian wrote:*Provided the creature doesn't listen/can't understand Dolelan's magical commands and continues to threaten*You go later in the initiative than Dolelan, if you want to see if it works or not you'd have to delay until his turn.
Sorry thought that was his round 1 action, but I suppose if he needed to roll a CMB check to break free of a grapple/entanglement that would've required a standard action and suggestion requires a standard action so I suppose that might have been both round 1 and round 2 actions....
A spellcraft roll is probably needed, though so I'll post that here.
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18 (Pass)
She won't delay her turn till after Dolelan casts as she'd have no clue he intends to cast such a spell until it does.
If she needs to delay till after the monsters turn at any point to see if the spell takes effect she will unless it's effects are instantaneous and it immediately ceases threatening. Basically she won't stab the thing if it appears to take effect and will delay once the spell is cast if that's needed to determine such things.

Dolelan Callennan |

She cocks her head at you "Well wasn't it obvious? I was trying to kill or maim you, can't have people running around where they might discover the evil pla--" She immediately stops talking and smiles "By that I mean I was talking a walk..." Her eyes angle up and it looks like she's thinking, nodding as if she's decided on something she says "Yes, I was out for a walk and I accidentally attacked you, I'm sorry."
This is known as 'taking a 0' on your bluff check.

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Legiald's words and actions are different, but it may not seem so to her! That's what I'm hoping for, anyway, in an attempt to get a good intimidate after this or when she wakes up. You see, Legiald believes in beating up enemies before extracting information. A-la-Batman.
And yes. Obvious bluff is obvious!

Dolelan Callennan |

I almost forgot about this...
"What do your elven senses tell you, Dolelan? I fear that these marks offer no aid, though it is clear that they bind us. It could be coincidence that we meet prior to such binding, or it could be our gathering that earned our marks. Either way, I don't like that someone knows of us all to some degree and only burns our skin in this manner. My suspicion rests solely on this... Walter. Have you learned any more of his language yet?"
"Yes, I have been refamiliarizing myself with the language of devils. It has been quite some time since I made a study of it but I think I will be able to hold at least a rudimentary conversation. As to the marks, they bear a striking resemblance to those worn by the Wardens. They were before my time, but I once spoke with someone who said he had met a Warden long ago."
"I admit that the marks are quite the mystery, but I don't think they were placed on us by any agency of Walter. Indeed, in an indirect way they insured we'd all be in the same place to confront him and his 'children'..."

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I'm favoring intimidate. As I expect you know, diplomacy will up the standing by one level- unfriendly to neutral, for example, while intimidate will shoot it to friendly for as long as we need it. However... if we can work diplomacy, the 'good' approach of sparing her life will be possible. Intimidate is the road of death for the girl, but more likely to get the answers we need. Legiald is favoring that approach, not because he is good (enough) at it, but because he feels the girl deserves as much.

Dolelan Callennan |

Huh. Restraining captives with armor. I don't think I'd encountered that tactic before.

Roshan |

It makes sense, though, doesn't it? In a world where dedicated casters generally don't wear armor.
I guess that's debatable, I mean clerics, druids and oracles can both be dedicated casters and wear armor without trouble.
sorry for the delay in posting btw, I woke up this morning and tried to connect to paizo.com, finding that it would time out everytime, one of the pages I tried a few minutes ago just connected and it looks like it's back up so give me a bit to read through the posts.

Dolelan Callennan |

I guess that's debatable, I mean clerics, druids and oracles can both be dedicated casters and wear armor without trouble.Although a druid would be in a bit of a rough spot if you shoved him/her into platemail or other metal armor:
A druid who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited shield is unable to cast druid spells or use any of her supernatural or spell-like class abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter.

Roshan |

Roshan wrote:I guess that's debatable, I mean clerics, druids and oracles can both be dedicated casters and wear armor without trouble.Although a druid would be in a bit of a rough spot if you shoved him/her into platemail or other metal armor:PRD wrote:A druid who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited shield is unable to cast druid spells or use any of her supernatural or spell-like class abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter.
this is true, and upon rethinking it, it would severly hamper movement and impart heavy encumbarance penalties to classes that usually have an average strength.
so I'll change my statement to "Without much trouble"

Dolelan Callennan |

A more legible version for reference...
"Well you see it happens that I was asked to come here by Lord Drivus who travels in the same circles as I do, It turns out that he's found something interesting here in the forest called Xen's Black heart..."
Did I need to use Gallant Inspiration, or is that spell slot still available?