Call of the Wardens (Inactive)

Game Master Roshan

Reemergence of the Fabled Wardens

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On second thought daze shouldn't work against non-humanoid targets........hmmmmmmm......

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Waltz wrote:
On second thought daze shouldn't work against non-humanoid targets........hmmmmmmm......

Right, theres daze monster for the other beasties. Forgot about that, In any case it's fine for now but in terms of the future Daze does not work on them.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Waltz wrote:


Question about the monsters we faced: Dolelan identified them correct? I'm my Knowledge religion check identifies undead, but I picked up on a hint with that.

I'm mostly just curious if they're some kind of undead. Casting Daze indicated to Nera that they where not undead as they'd be immune to the spell otherwise. If that was an oversight or something I'd love to know that as it effects my spell preparation.

I'd hate do prepare something along the lines of (Daze, Flare, Ray of Enfeeblement , Browgasher, Colorspray, Ray of Frost) only to discover the creatures we fight to be undead immune to all of those and possibly resistant to cold damage.

I'm not sure if he revealed them outright but they are not undead.

Elven Archivist 5

Dolelan hasn't had a chance to tell everyone what he knows, just that he thinks he knows what they are. Once things slow down and we have some privacy he'll share the story.

For now, I'm just in the back of the group at the door, watching.

Elven Archivist 5

Fair warning, I'm traveling back home from vacation over the next few days and my posting rate might be affected... pasting this into the discussion thread of all my active games.

Silver Crusade

Warning shot = nonlethal, perhaps?

Lawful Evil vs. Chaotic Good.

I'm afraid not. If Nera wins there's a big bag o platinum that will buy any healing products necessary.

In terms of gameplay we should probably be quite careful not to kill each other when our HP drops to a certain point, though Nera actually holds a slight chance of 1-shoting killing Charon if she confirms a crit with spellstrike/spell-combat with shocking grasp and slightly higher than average rolls for damage. The chances of that are extremely unlikely yet frightening.

<_< *Prays for low rolls on damage*

Lol, def could happen that's for sure. Should be interesting either way:) Wouldn't make damage non-lethal. Charon wouldn't intentionally kill Nera, could happen by accident. But it could work both ways.

Doesn't lethal damage represent that you are intentionally trying to kill someone? A commoner would be dead if attacked like that, we just have PC awesomeness on our side (extra HP) that represents combat luck, like a killing blow deflected into a graze... at least that's how I usually interpret the difference between a 4HP commoner and a 40HP fighter.

I'm personally simply excited to get use of of grease/mirror image for the day. :D

At higher levels when trying to take captives I often forgo non-lethal damage and simply deal Lethal damage up to a certain point.

The rough calculation I make is I assume a d8 HD and 2 less HD than my current level. Once damage is done to bring it down to 1 or 2 HD I ussually switch over to non-lethal as to not kill the creature/person.

Otherwise a -4 to all attacks against something/someone with 15HD really throws a wrench in the game mechanically. I don't believe lethal attacks are actively trying to kill someone but rather using the sharp end of your blade rather than the flat area when deciding to hit/maim something.

Charon would fight until person is knocked out or bleeding out. At that point she'd decide what to do. Being a party member Charon most likely wouldn't kill the person. Unless she had a really really good reason. (web+fire)j/k. Although if it was a commoner Charon wouldn't care unless it's a kid.

I should be up for another 5-10, It's like 3 am here:P Plus I have to work tomorrow.

Alright I'll throw up my combat as quickly as possible otherwise we can resolve it later. I just wanted to get my buffs off and throw down grease early as there likely won't be an opportunity to use them at any other time.

I got time for few more. With just melee combat goes pretty quick for me. maybe 1.

Hahahaha yeah well I've gotta throw up spells remember my DCs and think about things for a few seconds before I post.

Casters must be tactical and all. ;)

Silver Crusade

We do need a wand of CLW pretty badly.

I was thinking about that earlier, we didn't take much too much damage with shadows. Eerr.r.. me and nera didn't but def. wouldn't hurt to have along.

Still got my wand of infernal healing 7 charges, but I'm more apt to use that in emergencies rather than out of combat healing. I'm stingy with my consumables. <_<

Question for the DM: How much does 8 hour rest heal you in this game? Here's the srd on the matter.

I'm quite fond of the houserule to add your con bonus, but Legiald's is negative so I'm not sure about that.....perhaps add your 'positive' con bonus if any on top of regular 1hp per level.

In my homegames we do 1.5xlvl +Con just to speed things along.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Waltz wrote:

Still got my wand of infernal healing 7 charges, but I'm more apt to use that in emergencies rather than out of combat healing. I'm stingy with my consumables. <_<

Question for the DM: How much does 8 hour rest heal you in this game? Here's the srd on the matter.

I'm quite fond of the houserule to add your con bonus, but Legiald's is negative so I'm not sure about that.....perhaps add your 'positive' con bonus if any on top of regular 1hp per level.

In my homegames we do 1.5xlvl +Con just to speed things along.

1.5 is fine.

Regular Rest But it must be restful sleep, a bedroll on the hard ground isn't terrily restful.
Heals HD x 1.5

Full Bed Rest Full Bedrest isn't going to be a full 24 hours but it'll be most of the day, at least 16 hours, more or less depending on your condition.
Heals HD x 3

Elven Archivist 5

I'm finally done travelling! My computer died on the last leg of my trip home, I finally got a replacement and am ready to catch up on my PbP games...

Most excellent I was wondering if you were still away or not. Welcome back :)

You kill them right back!

Did I do the grapple check wrong?

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Legiald Galsaran wrote:
Did I do the grapple check wrong?

No you did it right, though I thought that I should clarify that just like Nera before, the daze spell doesn't make her unable to defend herself. She can't take the AOO because you don't have improved but it's not an auto success.

Silver Crusade

We're putting a lot of OoC chatter in game. Perhaps we can ... put that here instead? I am guilty of it too, but now that there's some out of game discussion in just about every post...

Noted! I'm guilty as sin on that regard. Good suggestion.

I'll def. do my best!:P

For reference here's Round 2:

Legiald- Moves & Draws Weapon and Trips.
Charon - *Dazed Takes no action*
Dolelan - Moves & Draws Weapon casts hideous laughter.
Nera- Moves & Sheaths Weapon and Grapples.

Current status effects applied:
Nera: Grappled; -4 to Dex, -2 to all attacks except grapple.

Charon: Grappled, -4 to Dex, -2 to all attacks except grapple.
Prone; -4 to AC, standing up is a move action provokes AoO.
Hideous Laughter; DC 13 Will save Negates can make a 2nd check on their next turn to negate otherwise same as dazed except it lasts 4 rounds.

Nera's CMD: 16
Charon's CMD: 15

Question: Since Nera Grappled in round 2 that put's Legialds roll in round 3 kind of in a weird position, but since only one creature can grapple at a time we can simply apply that roll as an aid another for a +2 on the check since it passes 10 as per grapple rules? He should take a -2 for having a weapon out on the check, but that should still make it high enough to give Nera a +2 on her next turn in round 3.

Multiple targets can aid in a grapple their effects stacking so if Dolelan want's to help in round 3 I'm sure he can as well.

So I think all we need is 2 DC 13 will saves and Charon's actions if she gets them.

Elven Archivist 5
"I'm so sorry!!! I ain't no friend of those shadow things.... I accidentally pick-pocketed some gold from a very thin and angry lady with a dagger and sword. She caught me. I know, I was in the wrong sirs and madam, but we lost our homes and lively-hood last night. There ain't no bar for me to tend. What was I to do? She told me I could earn the gold I took, if I could keep you four distracted while she made her way through this part of town town. Or if I didn't she'd take back the gold and kill me. I got two young'ens to feed good sirs. Please don't hurt me. I just did what I was told to do. She looked like she was making her way towards the mayors office. I don't know what she'd wants there, but she was moving fast."


::begins slow clap::

Already rolled saves, Failed both for daze and laughter. >_<. Made my second save on laughter. My actions are up for round 3. If I missed something just shift them to appropriate round.

@Dolelan: Lol, took me a min. I was really really debating on dashing(escape artist being as high as it is). But I think this is more in Charon's character.

Good show Charon, good show. :)

For reference, though since you failed the initial will save in round 2 you where under the effects of hideous laughter ergo you wouldn't get an AoO in round 2. Not that it matters since you missed, but just thought I'd point it out.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10

lol, you guys so mean, beating up on a random woman =P

Elven Archivist 5
lol, you guys so mean, beating up on a random pickpocket =P

ftfy :P

I don't recall beatings ;).

Nera's intention was always to get hold of her take back whatever was stolen and give some gold to the pickpocket if she had a good excuse.

JMG021283 wrote:
@Dolelan: Lol, took me a min. I was really really debating on dashing(escape artist being as high as it is). But I think this is more in Charon's character.

That and the fact that it's a standard action to escape a grapple, and a move action that provokes AoO's from everyone around you to simply stand up. ;)

Would have given everyone another shot at grappling you in the next round plus a few attacks against you likely made at non-lethal of course.

Good work, though. :D

Dolelan Callennan wrote:
lol, you guys so mean, beating up on a random pickpocket =P
ftfy :P

I wouldn't say beating up........maybe roughing up! Besides you guys are just hugging the pickpocket and giving her gold. I'll have to take this show on the road. Also to be a pickpocket dont you have to take things from peoples pockets? j/k

Although, next few things maybe surprising!

Hmmmmmm? surprising....interesting.

Has it been established that the sort of attack that happened last night was a nightly occurrence or was that magnitude of attack irregular? Seems something that might be easy enough to pick up on just haven't gotten an opportunity to do so.

Here's a list of stuff Nera will spend roughly less than an hour trying to gather. Most can be found in shops that sell material components/alchemy/general goods/or a temple.


-Pinch of silver dust.
-A few drops of holy water.
-(Ice? alchemical?)
-Spoiled Milk
-Dead grass
-Small live plant
-Tuning Fork
-Live cricket
-Dead cricket
-Few Drops of acid.
-Small ball of yarn/string.
-Jar filled with water
-Inkwell of roughly the same size as the one she took.
-1 Candle

Let me know if she gathers all that in game or what goes missing she'll pay a reasonable price for anything if it amounts to money.

I may or may not be able to post over friday or sat. I'll keep you guys informed when I know.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Waltz wrote:

Hmmmmmm? surprising....interesting.

Has it been established that the sort of attack that happened last night was a nightly occurrence or was that magnitude of attack irregular? Seems something that might be easy enough to pick up on just haven't gotten an opportunity to do so.

You're not quite sure, from the rumors you've heard that led you here you know that there has been some talk of the shadow beasts you encountered, now you know firsthand that some of those stories were true. The rumor was that they were hitting small villages and hamlets along the river, ranging further and further from Jackal's Folly where they were rumored to be. You haven't heard any reports of them hitting the same place twice but then again the villages and hamlets attacked had almost no survivors after the first one. The fact there happened to be a gathering of adventurers in town making ready to march on Jackal's Folly was simply coincidence and may have been the only reason there are still people alive.

Waltz wrote:

Here's a list of stuff Nera will spend roughly less than an hour trying to gather. Most can be found in shops that sell material components/alchemy/general goods/or a temple.

** spoiler omitted **

Let me know if she gathers all that in game or what goes missing she'll pay a reasonable price for anything if it amounts to money.

There's not a whole lot of money changing hands, in the aftermath of the attack it seems like the villagers are sort of just giving each other what they need. That's not to say you can't go looting and simply find the things you can't forage for. That being said the list of things you've posted is long and diverse. The only thing that might pose a problem is the alchemist's ice, but if regular Ice is fine the butcher has an ice box in the basement.

Make 3 rolls, you'll find all of it eventually but the rolls will determine how long. At least one of them must be either a Perception Check to search or a Knowledge (Local) for the more obscure things you wouldn't normally find in nature. Otherwise the 3 rolls can be any combination of Perception, Knowledge (Local), Survival, or Diplomacy.

Female Elf (Forelorn) Blade-Bound Magus 5

Care if I toss em up here?

I'll pretty much simply take my highest skill for it.

Perception x3;
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

If they need to be different checks each then consider it.
Perception: 23
Local: 15
Survival: 8

I can toss out the yarn/inkwell/spoiled milk if it shaves off time. The ice doesn't need to be anything special regular ice works fine. The bugs and grass doesn't need to be anything specific what she's mostly looking for is dead vegetative matter and live vegetative matter likewise with the bug.

Here's a breakdown of experiments and what Nera will be testing for referance you can simply describe the results/events of what occurs when she tries them. It will likely be done in a room shielded of sunlight lit by a candle giving off dim to no light.

Breakdown of experiments:

Each test will expose the ichor to various ingredients to for the following deductions:
Silver Dust: Creatures of the evil subtype are can't touch the stuff.
Holy Water: Negative/Positive energy vulnerability/affinity.
Tendertwig: Fire resistance/weakness.
Ice: Cold resistance/weakness.
Tuning Fork: Sonic resistance/weakness *Note they made strange humming noises perhaps that's how they communicate*
Drops of Acid: Acid resistance/weakness.
Candle:To replicate dim/low light to see if it's avoids it or not.
Cricket: See if the ichor kills the bug.
Plant: See if the ichor kills the plant.
Dead Plant: See if it develops a parasitic bond with the dead vegitative matter.
Dead Cricket: See if it develops a parasitic bond with the dead organic matter.

Water: To differentiate between holy water and regular water and to test it's buoyancy.
Yarn: To tie a string to both the cricket and grass using a beam of light from a held in place ioun torch to create a barrier and to fish the materials out while burning off the ichor if needed.

On Healing: Nera will burn off another Infernal Healing before going to sleep so if anyone want's +10HP she'll deliver.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Nera Turvian wrote:

Care if I toss em up here?

I'll pretty much simply take my highest skill for it.

Perception x3;

If they need to be different checks each then consider it.
Perception: 23
Local: 15
Survival: 8

I can toss out the yarn/inkwell/spoiled milk if it shaves off time. The ice doesn't need to be anything special regular ice works fine. The bugs and grass doesn't need to be anything specific what she's mostly looking for is dead vegetative matter and live vegetative matter likewise with the bug.

** spoiler omitted **

On Healing: Nera...

It'll take you a little bit to find all of it, the hard stuff you thought you'd have to go through a number of houses for is surprisingly easy while those darned live crickets are tricksy little creatures.

Nera Turvian wrote:
Here's a breakdown of experiments and what Nera will be testing for referance you can simply describe the results/events of what occurs when she tries them. It will likely be done in a room shielded of sunlight lit by a candle giving off dim to no light.

I'm going to assume you do those assignments in order.

Silver Dust: You drizzle some of it onto the ooze and even from the dim light you can see dust first sit above the dust and then you see the ooze simply swallow it up.
Holy Water: You sprinkle a drop or two of holy water and you get a violent reaction as the ooze seems to almost cry out in pain, Kinda looks like this
Tindertwig: It shies away from the match but otherwise it's reaction is quite inert compared to your other tests so far.
Ice: You put the ice near the ooze and it seems to be drawn towards it like a magnet, if it touches the ice you see it start to flow around it, a shimmer kind of gleams from one end of the little pool of ooze to the other.
Tuning Fork: No response at all, completely inert.
Drops of Acid: You see the ooze sizzle and burn as you drip the acid onto it but it doesn't recoil like it did with the holy water.
Candle: It deffinitely shies away from the light, kind of like two magnets with opposite poles.
Live Cricket: Dropping the live cricket into the ooze you see it latch onto it like some sort of living thing, the cricket gets pulled beneath the surface of the thin pool of ooze, chirping frantically. As the chirping dies down a form starts rising above the small pool of ichor, this tiny little form with two distinct glowing red eyes. It starts hopping out of the ichor, it's little feet leaving cricket shaped ooze marks on the table.

Gonna stop the experiments because i'm not sure what you're going to do when that happens.

Silver Crusade

I don't think we need to roll as often for PC interactions, namely for intimidate, bluff, etc... but I went ahead and rolled in the event. Roshan, how do you think/feel about it?

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Nightskies wrote:
I don't think we need to roll as often for PC interactions, namely for intimidate, bluff, etc... but I went ahead and rolled in the event. Roshan, how do you think/feel about it?

Honestly rolling against PC's is something I'd like to stay away from but in the event that it does come up I'd like to leave it to the player being rolled against to see how their character would respond, I mean you rolled fairly well and I can see Charon being somewhat wary of you now if she wasn't already but I'd rather leave that for her to decide.

You've all done a good job so far, playing off of each other to tell an interesting story, I mean I was definitively a bit sad when the pvp happened at first but seeing it resolve itself in-character I have to say is pretty cool.

Early in the game before the first battle, I asked if I could retcon a healer's kit in. Since you didn't say no, I went ahead and put it in (it made sense to me that a ranger/guide with the skill to use it would have one, yet overlooked it in creation). The current list of money, weight, etc. on my character sheet is with that assumption. If that's a no-go, I'll fix it and he'll have gained +4 HP instead of +5.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Legiald Galsaran wrote:
Early in the game before the first battle, I asked if I could retcon a healer's kit in. Since you didn't say no, I went ahead and put it in (it made sense to me that a ranger/guide with the skill to use it would have one, yet overlooked it in creation). The current list of money, weight, etc. on my character sheet is with that assumption. If that's a no-go, I'll fix it and he'll have gained +4 HP instead of +5.

Okay, sorry yea, that's fine.

Sorry for being a little MIA the beggining of the first semester has snuck up on me and kicked me in the teeth.

Plus I was trying to let Lugdro have some time to respond....anyways on with the show.

Silver Crusade

I wonder, is there an easier way we can keep track of everyone's status? The characters, that is. I keep my own status up to date on the profile, though I wouldn't expect everyone to do the same.

On that note, I wouldn't mind starting a google document with that and update it myself. Only the obvious things, like HP, status effects, party inventory.

I do the same, my status is ussually always current status effects added as they occur for buffs/considtions under my status effects spoiler at the top of the page. When I gain a buff/status effect in game I ussually post it up in my mechanics part of my post in combat as well.

I'll start at party loot google doc whenever we get to the point where it becomes pertinent.

Doesn't really seem important currently considering the loot distribution is currently:

Charon: 3,750gp (In platinum)+ roughly 100-200gp in loot + 12 unidentified potions.
Legiald: 1,875gp (In platinum) + random herbs.
Dolelan: 1,875gp (In platinum) *to be recieved shortly + 2 horses.
Nera: 97gp
Lugdro: [Nothing]

Silver Crusade

I believe that Nera got some plat from Charon, and Dolelan and I split 150 platinum.

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