Call of the Wardens (Inactive)

Game Master Roshan

Reemergence of the Fabled Wardens

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Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Waltz wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

None of the mounts are actually combat trained. Some are more fit than others certainly but this doesn't actually confer an in-game bonus or anything like that.

Roshan wrote:
None of the mounts are actually combat trained. Some are more fit than others certainly but this doesn't actually confer an in-game bonus or anything like that.

Ah right, just curious because there are game mechanics if they're not combat trained that would negatively impact Charon. That being her 2nd ride check would have resulted in failure and forced her into wasting a full round action to move her horse. (Mounted Combat)

I am much more comfortable with how it's playing out, though.

Roshan wrote:
I thought that making the rolls with the same dice roller as you guys seemed fair but if you guys are going to peek behind the screen I'll just roll them in person.

You have my word that I'll not peek. I only know that the horse passed his save since he doesn't seem to have the little condition tab on your map. It is kind of funny how he's just rolling around prone I'm imagining he's a 'special horse' and thinks he's a turtle on his back.

Female Human Two-Weapon Fighter- 2/Rogue- 3

Charon moves her horse up to Legialds', in a some what jesting manner says "Maybe your crazy woman will jump out of that tall grass your looking at Legiald. There is a little more to the sword than an inanimate object. I can't say how much, though." Charon glares into the distance, almost in thought. "I've heard of weapons that can control their users, completely against their will. You wouldn't know anything about that would you Nera?"

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10

So they've introduced Private Messages to the messageboards, If anyone has anything they'd rather keep private I guess we have an avenue to do so now.

I saw that. My mind spun with the possibilities of a full IC game with No dice rolls and 0% OOC text. That sort of thing being handled via PM.

I encountered a nasty bug in the update, though. It pretty much removed my campaign tracker from being viewed via browsing. The url still exists the tab just got replaced when they added the PM tab on my profile.

Female Elf (Forelorn) Blade-Bound Magus 5

@Present Ride:
Nera gives Charon a frighteningly hateful look breaking her usual demeanor for just the briefest of instances with a murderous gaze before it leaves as quickly as it came replaced by her usual cheerful absentminded demeanor. "No...No.. Walter didn't get turned into a sword. He ......" she says itching the scar that runs across her face becoming lost in thought for a few minuets.

Forgetting what she was talking about she continues to chat with Legiald, "Well his mother and father didn't approve much, but he had a lot of friends attend from his days in the company he was in..... she turns talking to her sword "Our wedding was lovely wasn't it, honey? Remember the how pretty trees flowered and blossomed?.....Yes I remember Relgald throwing up it wasn't at all funny....the poor man died of choking on his own filth from too heavy drink years later." she says in a chastising tone.

Hearing Charon's question, "Yes I've heard of such things, they're supposedly quite rare and very dangerous. I'd love to examine one some time......." she continues happily prattles on about the subject till someone either stops her with other conversation or a 20 minuets after they've long stopped listening.


After some walking light beams in Nera's eyes "I rarely travel with others and me and Walter fight over this question often....perhaps you could one of you could help settle it for us" she exclaims excitedly.

She starts in without waiting for anyone to reply "So a young man has a very fine battle axe forged and in his youth he encounters a wicked vampire. He fells him with his axe by cutting off his head and the vampire turns to mist and disappears into the night. By mere chance he runs into the vampire again a few years later and the same scene from his youth repeats itself complete with head dismemberment and all. Over the years multiple parts of his axe chip and break off and he replaces and them and the incident with the vampire repeats itself a total of 6 times every part of his axe long since replaced and reforged. By the time the man is old the vampire comes for him a 7th time the old warrior raises his axe to repeat the tired process, but gives pause when the vampire asks the question. "Is that the same axe you've used to cut my head off 6 times now?"" she finishes with a pause....."What's the appropriate answer?"

Silver Crusade

For what its worth, I did not peek at 'em spoilers. Here, have some spoiler training. It may help that itchy clicker.

You Don't Want To See This:

Do Not Press 'Show', Nothing Will Happen:

This One Is OK To Show, But Won't Help Anything:

You're Almost There! Don't Show It!:
Be honest with me. You did look, didn't you.

It's the last one. Can you skip it?:

So how did you do?

Clicked Zero: I'm actually a little disappointed.

One: See? I told you so.

Two: Well, you learned your lesson, I hope.

Three: Gosh, you're slow.

Five: Thank you for your time. Nobody clicks on four.

I'm a dirty little cheater. I got to see everything written, but didn't click on any 'show' buttons. :)

Moving the OOC stuff to the discussion section.

Indeed, I think it was because you wanted to wait to see what Dolelan was going to do. I shifted you down in the initiative to just below him so I believe everything still happens as written. You used your 3rd round to cut down the bat that came up behind you as I described and dolelan/legiald take down #2. You may redo your 4th round actions if you so wish and I believe with that everything is all caught up.

=/ ...... I wasn't delaying my initiative.... If I had I'd have posted "Delaying my turn in initiative till after Dolelan acts in round 3". At the time Dolelan still hadn't posted up round 2 actions and I was waiting to post up my round 3 when as a player and a character I knew if any of my targets where still even alive or if Dolelan cast a spell that would dramatically change the battle.

When a round isn't 100% I wait till it's finished before posting up actions for the next round. If there's still things left undone in the previous round I'll never post up actions for the next round otherwise things get confusing.

I didn't care for what he'd do in round 3 as she acts before him anyways, but not knowing if Cr4 was still alive or if Cr2 was still alive or engaged would dramatically change what as a player and as a character my reactions are.

Once that got sorted I promptly posted my round 3 actions.....shortly followed by a slight delay as I still hadn't been given any indication of what the results of Nera's round 3 actions even where.

Once given an idea of what happened in round 3 from you putting my round 3 actions as round 4 actions I tossed in my round 4 action. I've been quite prompt and clear about waiting to see what happens and confirmation of how things go before I'm able to act on my next turn.

I never intended or wanted to delay my turn in initiative..... :/

As I see it Nera acts properly on round 4 and Dolelan/Charon/Legiald get to pick up new things to do seems the most proper way to clean things up....otherwise I'm sort of simply being bumped off the initiative block for no particular reason or losing an entire round because I had an unclear picture of where the game was. Round 4 was kind of muddled as only 50% of players had anything up and the 50% that didn't have anything up act before the ones that did in initiative. So not only was only half the party acting, but the half that would've acted last.

Personally I' cool with however you parse things out as it's game, though I'd be lying if said I'm perfectly 100% comfortable with getting tossed down the initiative order and possibly losing 25gp because of it and having to expend extra party resources on healing dolelan's -5hp over a miss communication.

So quick question, does anyone mind if I just roll all reactionary stuff? It'll probably cut back on time rather than waiting for you guys to all respond.

Don't mind at all roll. Rolling Saves, Perception checks, Knoweledge rolls to identify when a new creature appears. Is all fair game as it's something that's reactionary and thus not very dependent on who rolls it and will speed up game play. I'd prefer if you spoiled those rolls and let me look at them so I can always catch if the roll isn't using the correct modifiers.

Yeah, it's my fault combat got thrown off. I was having internet problems and could only manage a few quick updates from work... I didn't get a chance to make a combat post until Thursday.

It happens I'm just interested in getting things sorted and preferably in a manner that doesn't penalize me as I've been relatively consistent.

The pace was particularly fast for combat so I wouldn't consider you particularly late as much as everyone else holding a relatively fast pace for a PbP.

Silver Crusade

Waltz wrote:
When a round isn't 100% I wait till it's finished before posting up actions for the next round. If there's still things left undone in the previous round I'll never post up actions for the next round otherwise things get confusing.


Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Waltz wrote:

It happens I'm just interested in getting things sorted and preferably in a manner that doesn't penalize me as I've been relatively consistent.

The pace was particularly fast for combat so I wouldn't consider you particularly late as much as everyone else holding a relatively fast pace for a PbP.

Indeed, I'm sorry if I didn't have a 100% grasp on the situation, a miscommunication of a miscommunication it seems. I had thought you were talking about round 3 when you were actually talking about dolelan's round 2 action. Okay, that's fine so lets take the time to clip/copy/paste the details of combat. so moving Nera's round 4 action to round 3 causes Cr4 to die in round 3, in round 4 she'll drop it to low enough that legiald's arrow finishes it off. Leaving dolelan with an action.

Thanks, I'm pretty sure your on the money, however I'd add:

Round 3: Nera kills Cr4
Round 3: Dolelan does 11dmg vs. Cr2

Round 4: Nera does 21 damage do Cr2. (I think both rolls where hits colorspray's duration should be knocking the AC down by -4 or -6 unless the duration was a 1 on a d4, which is totally possible)

Reverse engineered it'd be weird if these things had higher than 32 hp due to dropping previously from less damage and from a player knowledge standpoint dire bats have a AC of 14 anyways so her hits in round 3 should be solid.

This should free up both Legiald and Dolelan for round 4, and I think we're solid on Charon trying to kill friendly bat anyways. I think chalking up Legiald to saying "Don't attack it" Charon ignoring it and Legiald delaying action to attack after Charon in round 4 is easy fix solution. Given Dolelan already posted up his movement to N7 if Cr2 was felled before his turn in round 4.

Cr3 should take 9 damage from Charon's lucky crit plus whatever Legiald inflicts in round 4.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Waltz wrote:

Thanks, I'm pretty sure your on the money, however I'd add:

Round 3: Nera kills Cr4
Round 3: Dolelan does 11dmg vs. Cr2

Round 4: Nera does 21 damage do Cr2. (I think both rolls where hits colorspray's duration should be knocking the AC down by -4 or -6 unless the duration was a 1 on a d4, which is totally possible)

Reverse engineered it'd be weird if these things had higher than 32 hp due to dropping previously from less damage and from a player knowledge standpoint dire bats have a AC of 14 anyways so her hits in round 3 should be solid.

This should free up both Legiald and Dolelan for round 4, and I think we're solid on Charon trying to kill friendly bat anyways. I think chalking up Legiald to saying "Don't attack it" Charon ignoring it and Legiald delaying action to attack after Charon in round 4 is easy fix solution. Given Dolelan already posted up his movement to N7 if Cr2 was felled before his turn in round 4.

Cr3 should take 9 damage from Charon's lucky crit plus whatever Legiald inflicts in round 4.

In any case it dies, I'd rather not delve into the complexities of it all, they're dead. Redoing the rounds will just have us end up with the last one dead even sooner.

Not too worried about it, either.

IC there's a side bet of 25 gold Charon wins if she kills more bats than Nera. Would it be possible to clarify both Nera's and Charon's count?

It's OOC for Nera to bother with the last one when there's a living creature bleeding out right next to her so she won't be taking the death blow to Cr3.

If it would be possible to know It would help RP the aftermath easier for me, thanks, and sorry for the confusing hassle of combat.

Silver Crusade

Apologies for my own contribution to the confusion. I think we can avoid such confusion in the future, taking it as an example. Any thoughts on arranging future combats for live resolution, possibly? I'm flexible enough to be on just about any time. With just the five of us, it could be doable.

Have we abandoned the google doc idea too? If we do go into live resolution, that would be really helpful.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Waltz wrote:

Not too worried about it, either.

IC there's a side bet of 25 gold Charon wins if she kills more bats than Nera. Would it be possible to clarify both Nera's and Charon's count?

It's OOC for Nera to bother with the last one when there's a living creature bleeding out right next to her so she won't be taking the death blow to Cr3.

If it would be possible to know It would help RP the aftermath easier for me, thanks, and sorry for the confusing hassle of combat.

Charon Killed...

Cr5 in round 1
Cr1 in round 3

Nera Killed...
Cr4 in round 3
Cr2 in round 4

Legiald Killed...
Cr6 & Cr7 in round 2

Dolelan didn't get to kill anything :(

The tiebreaker would be the final bat. Charon's round 4 attack wouldn't drop it so we would go to round 5, there's a dead so Nera can't charge, so she would have to double move. The competition would basicly be resolved based on Legiald's turn, if he downs the bat he ends up with the most kills and the both of you tie, if he doesn't Charon's round 5 drops it to 3 HP and we go to round 6.

Legald's round 5: drop bow, draw 2-hand sword and move to L12, power attack. Naturalist + Divine Favor effects.
Attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Damage: 2d6 + 11 ⇒ (3, 1) + 11 = 15
CritThreat: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Damage: 2d6 + 11 ⇒ (3, 1) + 11 = 15
Should be 15 damage then, based on what Roshan said, that should down it to -2 HP.

during the night travel wrote:

After a long moment, Legiald again speaks softly. "It is the same axe. Our bodies are no different, we grow strong and we grow old. We may change over time, but our names, they stay with us. They'll stay so long as we are remembered. The axe could be remade, even look and feel different, but that doesn't change it's past... only the undying can remain unchanged." He glances to the others in turn, as much to check awareness as to gauge reactions. "As long as it is recognized, it is the same."

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10

In that case the final count (in terms of your bet) is

Nera - 2
Charon - 2

Elven Archivist 5

With a smile, Dolelan joins the conversation, "That sounds like a question the professors at the Eastbridge academy would bedevil their students with; though the way I heard it the question was about ship that had survived the journey from the Old Lands, across the Waking Sea. The curators bragged that they had preserved the ship perfectly by replacing the boards as they became subject to weathering or rot until over the centuries every part of the ship had been replaced. I've discussed the question many times over the years, and I stand by Legaid's answer. Once you accept that it makes sense to describe something as the selfsame object from moment to moment or year to year, it becomes impossible to refute that it is the same object after being broken or mended. Some students were certainly persistent in their arguments to the contrary though...
As I see it, the greatest question this line of reasoning raises in about the priests who claim to restore the dead to life. Can one truly be the same person after that? What of the druids who are said to fall and be reborn in a new body- by what definition of the self are they the same person?"
Dolelan will gladly continue the discussion into obscure branches of ontology, philosophy, and theology... he rather enjoys musing about things like this.

@Legaid: Sylvin, Irish, what's the difference? ;) I usually imagine the fantasy languages to be analogues of real languages. My Gnoll is like Spanish, Aklo is German, Elven is usually like Chinese, and I have a few other frequently used analogues too.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10

When you all lay down to rest you all find you sleep more restful than normal. When you wake up you find your weapons just a little bit lighter, your knowledge comes to you just a little more quickly and the mysteries of the arcane are just a bit more clear.

5th Level

Silver Crusade

Whoo! That was unexpected. So, I have a request/question that came up earlier in the discussion. Can I replace the Skilled racial trait with Heart of the Wilderness racial trait? It is in the APG.

Heart of the Wilderness: Humans raised in the wild learn the hard way that only the strong survive. They gain a bonus equal to half their character level on Survival checks. They also gain a +5 bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize when dying and add half their character level to their Constitution score when determining the negative hit point total necessary to kill them. This racial trait replaces the skilled racial trait.

I'll take two skill points that Skilled gave him out of the skill points he would have gained for level five, keeping the two skill points in Survival.

Also, do we gain four or five HP for resting, or do we only gain HP from rest in 'normal rest' or 'bed rest'?

Elven Archivist 5


Does anyone have ideas for feats/spells for Dolelan? I have the option to swap out a 1st level spell for cure light wounds, and I get to pick a new 2nd level spell. The field is wide open for feats, I don't have anything in mind yet.

Silver Crusade

I think CLW > Hideous Laughter, at this point. For a second level spell, I vote on Pyrotechnics or Gallant Inspiration. For a feat, hard for a bard to go wrong with Spellsong. I'd take Gallant Inspiration if you do take Spellsong, and go wild with Silent Image.

Actually, swap out Alarm, not Hideous Laughter. I'll prepare it in your stead, now that Legiald's caster level is 4th.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Nightskies wrote:

Heart of the Wilderness: Humans raised in the wild learn the hard way that only the strong survive. They gain a bonus equal to half their character level on Survival checks. They also gain a +5 bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize when dying and add half their character level to their Constitution score when determining the negative hit point total necessary to kill them. This racial trait replaces the skilled racial trait.

I'll take two skill points that Skilled gave him out of the skill points he would have gained for level five, keeping the two skill points in Survival.

As long as you have the right amount of skills go for it. You should have 35 skill points total at level 5, (6 (Base) + 1 (Int)) or 40 if you're taking skills for your favored class bonus.

Nightskies wrote:
Also, do we gain four or five HP for resting, or do we only gain HP from rest in 'normal rest' or 'bed rest'?

You'll heal 7 hit points, remember, normal rest is 1.5 x hit dice. You go to sleep 4th level but wake up 5th.


HD: +1d10 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 (+1 favored class, +1 toughness, -1 CON)
BAB +1
Spells: +1 first level spell/day, +1 caster level
Skills: +7 (Survival, Stealth, Perception, Intimidate, Heal, 2 points unspent to switch racial ability)
Feat: Deadly Aim
Abilities: +1 tp DC of Wild Empathy, Ranger's Focus now provides +4 to hit and damage. Added Heart of the Wilderness, removed Skilled.

That should be it.

I'm debating on going assassin route for lvl or two what do you guys think? For advancement it'd be better rogue or fighter, but for rp I think it would make sense.

Silver Crusade

I have described your character as a destined assassin to others already.

Elven Archivist 5

To qualify to become an assassin, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Alignment: Any evil.
Skills: Disguise 2 ranks, Stealth 5 ranks.
Special: The character must kill someone for no other reason than to become an assassin.

Hmm... with a somewhat liberal interpretation this might apply to what she will end up doing to Walter.

Spellsong is nice, but it's much more useful in more social games where you don't really want anyone else to know you're casting spells. It's really spiffy if you're planning on taking spells that require concentration, but eats up both swift actions and performance like candy.

When in doubt I always recommend Toughness/Improved Initiative.

Extra Performance (Is also a decent pick if you're looking to make up for that 14 CHA and dilute dependency on per day resources)

As for bard spells? I'm a sucker for Silence due to (Silence Arrow+Shoot at caster = Enjoy caster unable to cast spells with vocal components.) Turning a high level caster into a commoner is oodles of fun.

Though I'm also one to suggest maxing skill ranks in Arcana and multi-classing to Dragon Disciple at 6th level. Spacing out levels between DD & Bard. That's mostly just because I'm a fan of gishy characters and bards make pretty good DDs.

I'm sort of torn between ideas on leveling up (if anyone can help me narrow things out or suggest something, I'd greatly appreciate it)

I pick up 1 standard feat and 1 feat limited to (Metamagic, Combat, Item creation) types. As well as 2 spells.

For feats I'm thinking:

Piranha Strike (Combat) (It's the DEX version of power attack, not sure if it'll be super useful given a 3/4 BAB class multiplying more damage on a crit is nice, though)
Toughness (General) (+5 to HP and 1 HP per level, enough said)
Improved Initiative (Combat) (Going first is awesome, enough said)
Intensify Spell (Meta-Magic) (Bumps max damage from shocking grasp to 10d6 at 10th level, combined with trait that lowers metamagic cost for SG is nice, Does nothing at current level might be better for 7th)
Extra Arcane Pool (General) (I use AP like crazy for Spell Recall, BB-Magi get reduced AP progression, this fixes that and puts me at 1 AP higher than a standard Magi at current level)
Extra Arcana (General) (There are some spiffy Arcana to choose from, BB-Magi burn their first Arcana at 3rd for the BB, this off sets that.)
Additional Traits (General) (Already picked up my Magical/Combat Traits, but there might be some fun ones to choose from)
Weapon Focus [Scimitar] (Combat) (Good combat feat, makes up for a 3/4ths BAB class)
Arcane Strike (Combat) (+2 to damage for a swift action, I use my swift actions often but it's still nice for when I'm not)
Dodge (Combat) (Boost AC opens up feat chains)
Combat Reflexes (Multiple AoO's per round is nice)

For spells I'm torn between the many following:

2nd Level:
Pyrotechnics (Lots of fun synergy with web+spark)
Cat's Grace (Fun buff for a DEX based character, no buff to AC since I'm at max DEX anyways though)
Blood Transcription (Learn new spells by drinking a pint of a fallen casters blood? Downside: it's another evil spell on my spell list)
Frigid Touch (Staggering tough opponents is fun, doing it for 1 min on a crit is even more fun when your crit range is 15-20, downside is cold damage and the things we're fighting might not take to that)
Tactical Acumen (Small buff if we're picking up flanking often)
Scorching-Ray (Good ranged blast, Nera lacks good ranged blasts)
Levitate (Good utility)
Invisibility (Good utility, Classic staple, already have vanish though, better duration than vanish)
Spider Climb (Good utility)
Fog Cloud (Gives Concealment to Charon, Screws with Archers/Casters)
Defensive Shock (Hit me I hurt you, High AC sort of messes with this but it's still nice)
Ablative Barrier (Don't think the AC stacks with regular armor bonus, but converting 25 points of lethal damage into non-lethal which heals at a rate of 5hp per hour is really spiffy. It's basically 2.5x infernal healing with a high duration)
Flaming Sphere (Lots of fun synergy with Web/Spark/Pyrotechnics, requires concentration)
1st Level:
Unerring Weapon (Might be worth a spell slot/standard action to confirm crits easier)
Silent Image (Fun utility, requires concentration)
Chill Touch (Is lots of fun with spell strike, apply over multiple hits and creatures, negative energy isn't a good idea against our foes)

Any thoughts would be much appreciated as I'm sort of stuck between ideas at the moment. As well as anything spiffy outside of what I'm currently thinking would be helpful.

Rolling for HP:
1d8 ⇒ 8 (Sweet)

On the qualifications for Assassin most games I've played have seen the GM hand waive the fluff requirements or alignment restrictions. 3.X had a good variant on assassin ,"avenger?" I think? which basically hand waived the evil/need to kill requirements in favor of a race/group/or person doing something nasty to you in your back story or something similar.

Elven Archivist 5

I'm partial to spells with a long duration, ablative barrier and chill touch are what I'd go with. Spider climb is a lot of fun, but I'm not sure how often we'll be in terrain that will let you take advantage of it. For feats, I don't think extra arcane pool would go to waste. Spellshield is a very interesting arcana, and might be worth taking the feat for. Piranha strike seems to be the best fit for you combat feat.

I like Gallant Inspiration for a spell choice. It seems rather odd to swap out alarm for CLW immediately after casting it to protect us for the night, I'm not sure if I can figure out an IC justification for that. For feats, I'm interested in both extra performance and heighten spell, in case I run out of low-level slots.

HP roll: 1d8 ⇒ 2

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Dolelan Callennan wrote:

I'm partial to spells with a long duration, ablative barrier and chill touch are what I'd go with. Spider climb is a lot of fun, but I'm not sure how often we'll be in terrain that will let you take advantage of it. For feats, I don't think extra arcane pool would go to waste. Spellshield is a very interesting arcana, and might be worth taking the feat for. Piranha strike seems to be the best fit for you combat feat.

I like Gallant Inspiration for a spell choice. It seems rather odd to swap out alarm for CLW immediately after casting it to protect us for the night, I'm not sure if I can figure out an IC justification for that. For feats, I'm interested in both extra performance and heighten spell, in case I run out of low-level slots.

HP roll: 1d8

Reroll below half, Sorry for all the random little tidbits, it's hard to think of them until they come up.

Gallant Inspiration is really nice, but keep in mind swift actions burn up your immediate actions and vice versa. So it's useless if you plan on arcane-striking in combat every round. If you pull your punches and don't Arcane strike it's probable you'll never need Gallant Inspiration and you'll always want to use it after you've used arcane strike creating headaches.

Granted, I'd love it if it were applied to a crit confirm roll with shocking grasp+spell strike. ;)

I'm tossing out Piranha strike as viable due to forgetting scimitar's aren't 'light weapons' so that's out of the picture. Glossed over Extra Arcana as well as I'm only eligible for that at 6th....

Silver Crusade

Roshan wrote:
Reroll below half

Whoa,does that include rolls made at creation?

Dolelan wrote:

Since your spells are charisma-based, you could simply get the feeling that the ability to cure injury will be more useful than setting an alarm, especially if he's aware on some level that someone else with a larger spell selection can cover it. Or do the exchange, then RP the waking realization that you've lost the ability to cast alarm but can now heal, if you like. It seems likely to me that Dolelan has relied more on his other first level spells, even if he had cast Alarm often. Those magics can't be replaced by simple mundane means. Since Legiald has to meditate to get his spells, you could mention this and Legiald would prepare it.

Extra performance seems more useful at this level than heighten spell. You can cast a 1st level spell using a 2nd level spell slot anyway.

Spell Slots:
The various character class tables show how many spells of each level a character can cast per day. These openings for daily spells are called spell slots. A spellcaster always has the option to fill a higher-level spell slot with a lower-level spell. A spellcaster who lacks a high enough ability score to cast spells that would otherwise be his due still gets the slots but must fill them with spells of lower levels.

Waltz wrote:

I'm leaning toward Extra Arcane Pool. This'll have the largest impact on Nera's roleplay, though Weapon Focus comes in close second to me.

I agree about Ablative Barrer. That's VERY handy for a party with limited healing. In addition to nonlethal damage recovering at 1 HP/hour/character level, it is also healed in stack with lethal damage healed. So, if someone has 10 lethal damage and 10 nonlethal damage, a single infernal healing will fully heal them in a minute.

Chill Touch seems the obvious choice there, but a Magus can really shine with critical hits. I suggest Unerring Weapon.

Alright in terms of leveling I'm pretty much done.

Arcane Strike (Combat)
Extra Arcane Pool (General)

Skills: 1 rank in the following (Acrobatics, Climb, Knowledge Arcana, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft)

Blood Transcription (Because I can prepare it after killing a caster and then learn new spells. There's not enough spells per day room for my favorite spells + Ablative Barrier)
Ablative Barrier (Because it's good)

HP: Bumped up 8 plus 1 for Favored Class.

Everything else: more spells per day, better concentration, Walter's a +2 weapon now with better mental stats and a higher ego, Few Class abilities are changed/open up.

@JMG: I'd avoid picking up assassin till you've got 3 levels of rogue, or any odd level. Sneak attack stacks so a Rogue 3/ Assassin 1 has 3d6 of SA over a Rogue 2/ Assassin 1. Depends on if you like rogue talents over sneak attack I prefer the former. Another level of fighter nets you Defensive Flurry which is also nifty.

Prerequisite wise you'd need 5 ranks in stealth before you could qualify for assassin. (Not to mention the fluff requirements). A Fighter 4 / (Rogue/Assassin) X isn't a bad idea though in terms of BAB, Extra Feats, SA. So I'd suggest at least 1 more level of Rogue before you try and jump into assassin due to being unable to meet the prerequisites then picking up levels 2 levels of fighter when you want to fill out your BAB or grab up combat feats in between levels.

Male Human Oracle of the Heavens 20/Horizon Walker 10
Nightskies wrote:
Roshan wrote:
Reroll below half
Whoa,does that include rolls made at creation?


I just went back to recruitment to see what I rolled only to find I rolled.....6,6,6.

Much more appropriate had I played a Tiefling. :p

I'm guessing this entitles Legiald to a reroll of his 3 he picked up at character creation as well?

Female Elf (Forelorn) Blade-Bound Magus 5
during the night travel wrote:

Nera listens to the men discuss her question before piping in "Yes, I'm of a bit of similar opinion as both of you as well....however Walter insists that the appropriate answer is 'To cut off the vile beasts head a 7th time'"

Nera will continue to indulge Dolelan's interest in wide range of complex topics over the course of the travel.

@Legiald/Dolelan: I've always thought of Elven as more Swedish. I'm also partial to both Infernal & Celestial sounding like Latin, but with a different emphasis syllables, accents, and pitch.

Waltz wrote:

Alright in terms of leveling I'm pretty much done.

Arcane Strike (Combat)
Extra Arcane Pool (General)

Skills: 1 rank in the following (Acrobatics, Climb, Knowledge Arcana, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft)

Blood Transcription (Because I can prepare it after killing a caster and then learn new spells. There's not enough spells per day room for my favorite spells + Ablative Barrier)
Ablative Barrier (Because it's good)

HP: Bumped up 8 plus 1 for Favored Class.

Everything else: more spells per day, better concentration, Walter's a +2 weapon now with better mental stats and a higher ego, Few Class abilities are changed/open up.

@JMG: I'd avoid picking up assassin till you've got 3 levels of rogue, or any odd level. Sneak attack stacks so a Rogue 3/ Assassin 1 has 3d6 of SA over a Rogue 2/ Assassin 1. Depends on if you like rogue talents over sneak attack I prefer the former. Another level of fighter nets you Defensive Flurry which is also nifty.

Prerequisite wise you'd need 5 ranks in stealth before you could qualify for assassin. (Not to mention the fluff requirements). A Fighter 4 / (Rogue/Assassin) X isn't a bad idea though in terms of BAB, Extra Feats, SA. So I'd suggest at least 1 more level of Rogue before you try and jump into assassin due to being unable to meet the prerequisites then picking up levels 2 levels of fighter when you want to fill out your BAB or grab up combat feats in between levels.

Good point on 5 skill rank thing didn't even think about it. I'll grab another in rogue before assassin. Any which way it gives me the opp. to: The character must kill someone for no other reason than to become an assassin. Which should I should find on way or at least on way back.(Charon is more of a fighter type, she's favored in class. I'm thinking more like x fighter,3-4 rogue, 1-3 assassin)

Hp roll(1d8):1d8 ⇒ 6

Female Human Two-Weapon Fighter- 2/Rogue- 3

Charon shakes her head at Nera's answer. She says, "Sadly I agree with Walter. I don't know if this makes me more crazy or Nera. If we are to be traveling with each other... Where do you come from? Or I guess the main question is why? We all are here for a reason. I know mine, but I dont know yours. I have a feeling on Legiald's, he seems easy to read. But Nera and Doleran I have no clue of yours." Charon feels like she may have overstepped. She gives off a blank look, but inside she's not sure she honestly wants to know.

Female Elf (Forelorn) Blade-Bound Magus 5

Nera sighs slightly "Ah the real rub of the those questions is the "why"?....for simplicities Both me an Walter have been mercenaries for quite a long time and with that we do jobs....for money...and hopefully help people along the way. The money going towards purchasing things to aid us in being better at our jobs and thus make more money and....hopefully....with that help more people."

She pauses for a moment as if thinking taking care to choose her words carefully "Both me and Walter hail from the east. We used to travel with a company for a spell, but that fell through after some time and have since been a duo."

She then quips at Charon "Quid pro quo? You know far more about me than I know about you."

Rerolling HP for creation.

Original rolls: 3, 5, 9.

Rerolling 3. I would consider 5 to be less than half, depending on the math- if 1 would be less than half on d2, then 5 is less than half on d10. But I leave that to your call, Roshan.

1d10 ⇒ 8 - +5 HP
1d10 ⇒ 4 : 1d10 ⇒ 9 - +4 HP if 5 is less than half.

Also, switching a rank from Intimidate to Heal instead, to max ranks in Heal. Added the skill ranks list in the profile.

Elven Archivist 5

1d8 ⇒ 11d8 ⇒ 31d8 ⇒ 4 Did I mention how much I like that reroll rule?

I've finished the changes for Dolelan.

Female Human Two-Weapon Fighter- 2/Rogue- 3

Charon shrugs, "Sometimes it's better that way." Knowing the curiosity of Nera, Charon sighs. Charon feels like she may have opened a can of worms. She quickly states before more questions can follow, "Let's say I come from a city that's not fond of me. I killed a few very prominent figures in a few thieves guilds and I left quickly before they could say or do anything about it. In all honesty, both people had it coming. And if they were brought back to life, I'd return to kill them again. Now I travel, by myself. Sometimes a caravan. It makes the road less expensive. I take a job from time to time when I travel. I mostly hunt for weapons but sometimes people."

Silver Crusade

Are ya'll here? Suddenly, no posts.

I'm here thought it was weird as well. Just didn't want to double post.

I think in every PbP I've played in there's this weird issue of pacing where people don't want to god-mod and take the initiative to move the story forward so they simply wait for someone else to post while everyone else waits for the same and things simply go quite for a day or two.

It usually happens when you're in a hallway with multiple directions to choose with nobody wanting to impose their own arbitrary opinion on an entire group. Or at a scene change like waking up in the morning where nobody wants to cut the night short if someone else wants to do other RP stuff.

I'll be tossing up a post shortly, in any case I've been a little busy. But yeah totally thinking the same thing. :p

Female Elf (Forelorn) Blade-Bound Magus 5

Nera whistles and comments "That's a doozy miss Charon, but you do know that murder isn't always the only solution to problems? You could pluck out someones eyes, cut off their tounge, chop off a hand or two, go for the whole arm if you're worried they might put on a hook, chop off a leg or foot, drop a heavy enough object on their heads to make them forever simple, if they did something illegal get them tossed in jail. There are tons of solutions that don't involve murdering, granted it's often the most expedient solution, but it's a little......well....extreme." she continues to ride on her horse oblivious to how extreme most her suggested remedies sounded.

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