Waltz |

Charon split the gold she found on the mayor with Nera after fessing up to the lie that that wasn't all she found and drawing a dagger while further questioned.
So it was 97gold rather than platinum.
Charon then supposedly split the platinum 50/50 with Legiald if I'm not mistaken, but for some reason Legiald wrote something about 450 platinum.
If he got half of the platinum it would be 375 platinum which is half of the original 750 platinum. If he further splits his own half with Dolelan it's 187.5 platinum for each of you.
Making the platinum distribution:
Charon: 3500gp in platinum.
Dolelan & Legiald: 1875gp in platinum each.
Nera & Lugdro: No platinum.

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Here we are. She gave 150 plat to Legiald. He guessed the total earnings to be 450 with just an initial look at the pile of coins, purposefully estimating high that there was 225 coins there, leading to the conclusion that Charon had 225 platinum on her (not counting the coins on the table). Of course, there was only 150 coins, and Charon has the remaining 600 (?). That is, assuming she didn't give any platinum to Nera.
I'm not sure how she plans on hiding 8 pounds of platinum, though.

Waltz |

Ah that's my bad then I assumed she split half....
150 is actually an even split on 750 if it's being split 5 ways though....
600 platinum coins would weigh 12 pounds if I'm not mistaken 15 pounds originally. If I was GMing it considering the size and weight of the bag I'd tack on penalties for slight of handing it considering it has the same weight as an Orc-Double-Axe and is likely reasonably sized for a bag of coins I imagine the size of a bowling ball or two. Though honestly with such a high SoH skill she'd probably still pass it.
It always seemed weird to me that a bowling ball sized chunk of adamantium is the same DC as a single copper coin as per RAW. Given they're both below the size limit of small objects.

Dolelan Callennan |

Let's see... coins weigh in at 50 coins to 1 pound per the equipment chapter of the PRD. Back of the envelope numbers give:
15 (pounds of coins) / .7621 lbs/in3 (density of platinum) = about 19.7 cubic inches, or a lump 2.7 inches on a side.
Platinum is dense stuff! I got my numbers from Wolfram Alpha, but feel free to double check me in case I made a typo or misplaced a unit...
EDIT: The original numbers were for 750 coins, for Charon's 600 coins it would be 15.75 cubic inches or 2.5 inches on a side.

Waltz |

That's some weird volume... 750 coins = less volumes than a soda can?
I imagine it's not pure platinum in the coinage probably merely plated with nickle/copper or lesser valuable metal or an alloy to screw with the volumemetrics.
Simply because I can't imagine it's smaller than a soda can.
Nice catch, though.
Upon a little looking:
Here's a standard belt pouch on SRD carries roughly 1/5 a cubic foot of material or 10 lbs.
If we're treating volume interchangeable with weight the platinum would be in a pouch the size of 1 1/2 belt pouches filled to capacity or roughly... 3/10ths of a cubic foot.
So roughly 518 cubic inches. A bowling ball is roughly a little under 400 cubic inches. So 1 and 1/3s bowling balls.
Though that's probably a lot of weird assumptions to make, but it's actually considerable fun to think about. I like that mental picture better than 750 coins fitting in a space smaller than a soda can. I'd probably spot range it between just below the volume of a soccer ball to just below a bowling ball.

Roshan |

That's some weird volume... 750 coins = less volumes than a soda can?
There's no need to get technical, they handwave things like this for a reason, so it doesn't bog down gameplay.
Unless otherwise specified Pathfinder uses pounds to measure encumbrance, if it says that 50 coins weighs 1 lbs than that's how much it weighs. It's not a perfect system but it's close enough to be somewhat realistic. In any case most people don't walk around with huge sacks of coins burning a hole in their pockets. They'd most likely hold it with a moneychanger, a bank, or within an extra dimensional space like a bag of holding.

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On a more serious note, I expect it'll be about 17:00 when Legiald finishes treating the wounds, if that leaves enough time to go looking for arrows (and another healer's kit), he'll do so. In interests of speeding things along, would you mind rolling whatever needs to be for me and giving those results, Roshan? Legiald will try his best to be back before sundown.

Dolelan Callennan |

Same here, I just punched the numbers in for fun. Coinage is as large or small as the plot requires ;)

Waltz |

Did you pick up the Heart of the Fields alternate racial trait for human? Just curious as Nera's planning on sleeping from 15:00 to 23:00 prepare spells for 1 hour and take leave between 00:00 and 01:00.
I imagine Legiald needing a good sleep if he's to continue to function...properly. Though RAW pathfinder is kind of silly about sleep.
Though, for a ranger I'd highly recommend Heart of the Wilderness ART. It's pretty versatile and useful and can probably save your life multiple times at higher levels if you get knocked below 0 HP very often.
We can always look for more horses/arrows at night....

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Don't have either ART, though Heart of the Wilderness would be good for Legiald. Half level to Survival and additional Con when determining how much negative HP it takes to kill him, and +5 to stabilizing in exchange for the skilled trait? Yes please. The idea of survival of the fittest is part of Legiald's philosophy (no surprise...), but for a ranger he's on the shallow end of spending time in the wilds.

JMG021283 |

Waltz wrote:That's some weird volume... 750 coins = less volumes than a soda can?There's no need to get technical, they handwave things like this for a reason, so it doesn't bog down gameplay.
Unless otherwise specified Pathfinder uses pounds to measure encumbrance, if it says that 50 coins weighs 1 lbs than that's how much it weighs. It's not a perfect system but it's close enough to be somewhat realistic. In any case most people don't walk around with huge sacks of coins burning a hole in their pockets. They'd most likely hold it with a moneychanger, a bank, or within an extra dimensional space like a bag of holding.
Charon will be done once she catches and maintains a horse. She'll go back and rest if she has time. Probably in Everything Else. She knows/thinks its safe for time being. She'll catch up with group half hour before Legiald said they'd leave.
If Charon could find a magic blade shop that money would be gone so fast it isn't funny. She'd much rather spend it on a new weapon, as she would anything else. Besides give enough time and a high enough level. Charon may try to sleight of hand large weapons, small animals or buildings............ j/k;)
Waltz |

Yeah it has a lot of fluffy synergy with the ranger class on a whole. Heart of the fields is actually way more powerful for a barbarian anyways, ignore fatigue once per day and thus take no penalties for ending rage in combat? yes please!
Pathfinder rules are vague and open-ended on any sleeping requirements for health purposes. Source. Completely theoretically (and I've seen a player try to get by with this) A human with HoF is basically "the man that never sleeps" RAW of course.
HoW is pretty spiffy, especially if in your build plan you where already planning on putting a single rank in survival at every or most levels anyways translating into -10 skill ranks over 20 levels for 10HP to determining negative HP needed to die and a floating +5 to stabilization checks. At high levels when pretty much everything can easily do enough damage to knock you into negative HP that extra 10HP is...well...literally a life saver <_<.
I've had human characters die in pathfinder multiple times where I cursed my d20 for rolling so many 1's and shook my fist in despair for not having a character with HoW shortly before taking the time to reroll a new character. I've rarely been in a situation where a few skill ranks specifically stood between my characters life and imminent death.
In my own games I typically treat most mechanical aspects of PF as simply mechanical aspects and leave the written in fluff at the door (to of course be replaced by any sort of fluff that makes sense). If you want your longsword to look like a katana? Congratulations it's a Katana with all the base statistics of a longsword. You want your dagger to look like a warhammer? Congrats it's a surprisingly easy to conceal and hide warhammer that does 1d4 P/S damage. :D
To me mechanics balance the game and keep things proportional and everything else is editable and the realm of creativity and imagination, provided your imagination doesn't interfere with the mechanics or isn't blatantly assine.
....small animals or buildings............ j/k;)
If you tried that at my gaming table I'd high five you so hard it would break reality and possibly destroy the universe.

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Waltz: Well said! When we level, I'll ask about replacing Skilled with Heart of Wilderness. His low CON pretty much demands it, and had I looked twice at the racial traits, I'd probably have picked it up. It is pretty much trading a skill point for a negative HP point every other level and that bonus to stabilizing. Between HoW and toughness, it will let me rest easy that Legaild won't be the type that goes down fast due to low CON.

Waltz |

Glad the stuff I blather on about could be in some small way useful.
Speaking of leveling up are we tracking XP in this game or simply leveling when GM thinks appropriate. I prefer the latter over the former for reference I'm not particularly fond of tracking XP.
Question about the ichor:
This primarily only effects spell selection, but the ichor was weak against positive energy correct? I'm not 100%, but I'm not sure there's many things bestiary wise that are susceptible to positive energy damage, but aren't undead.
I'm only bringing it up because I've got disrupt undead as a spell and while it's a ray of pure positive energy RAW it only effects creatures that have the [undead] type. In most cases that's sufficient since as far as I know there's not many things if anything that takes damage from positive energy that isn't undead, a dhampir, or bones oracle.
Just curious if I prepared it if in your game if you would rule it would interact with these (homebrew?) creatures in the same manner as it would a standard undead creature, considering it's a harmful ray of positive energy. Much like holy water is simply water infused with positive energy.

Roshan |

Question about the ichor:
This primarily only effects spell selection, but the ichor was weak against positive energy correct? I'm not 100%, but I'm not sure there's many things bestiary wise that are susceptible to positive energy damage, but aren't undead.I'm only bringing it up because I've got disrupt undead as a spell and while it's a ray of pure positive energy RAW it only effects creatures that have the [undead] type. In most cases that's sufficient since as far as I know there's not many things if anything that takes damage from positive energy that isn't undead, a dhampir, or bones oracle.
Just curious if I prepared it if in your game if you would rule it would interact with these (homebrew?) creatures in the same manner as it would a standard undead creature, considering it's a harmful ray of positive energy. Much like holy water is simply water infused with positive energy.
I'm not sure, why don't you try it and find out ;)
Glad the stuff I blather on about could be in some small way useful.
Speaking of leveling up are we tracking XP in this game or simply leveling when GM thinks appropriate. I prefer the latter over the former for reference I'm not particularly fond of tracking XP.
As far as XP goes I am tracking XP and I can give you your current total if you want but I was just going to let you know when you level.

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We have experienced an upheaval at my workplace and I have had to take on additional duties. This is pretty much precluding me from being an active member in the game. I appologize, as this was an entierly unforseen event. Please feel free to use or dispatch Lugdro in whatever manner you feel most suitable for the narrative. Again, I am very sorry.

Waltz |

I'm not sure, why don't you try it and find out ;)
Heh, :P
From an IC standpoint Nera wouldn't prepare it anyways she hasn't pegged them for undead nor pegged them as not undead from a scientific perspective and wouldn't want to waste her limited powers to placate her curiosity. Acid splash will be nearly as effective and more versatile and she'd know that anyways.
She might pick up a scroll of Disrupt Undead when she's at a town/city that might fare shopping easier or collect more ichor and do SCIENCE! when she's got downtime or peoples lives aren't on the line.
We have experienced an upheaval at my workplace and I have had to take on additional duties. This is pretty much precluding me from being an active member in the game. I appologize, as this was an entierly unforseen event. Please feel free to use or dispatch Lugdro in whatever manner you feel most suitable for the narrative. Again, I am very sorry.
Dude no need to appologize RL-Stuff > Internet. Always.
It was fun playing with you if it's any consolation. If your real life things are merely a temporary inconvenience and you where able to return to a more active role in any reasonable span of time I've got no issue if you decided you'd like to stick around provided you can or want to.
I hope things go well for you and life hasn't become difficult, I wish you all the best.
I'd like to say I'll be out of town due to family issues myself this weekend. Depending on my mood I might not be on the internet till Monday when I return to work/class. I'll be spending most my time in a waiting room so I might get a bit fidgety and do internet stuffs, but it's a decent possibility I won't. So yeah try not to depend on Nera's IC reactions too much if at all possible.

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It was fun playing with you if it's any consolation. If your real life things are merely a temporary inconvenience and you where able to return to a more active role in any reasonable span of time I've got no issue if you decided you'd like to stick around provided you can or want to.
I hope things go well for you and life hasn't become difficult, I wish you all the best.
I appreciate the kind words. The main problem is I don't know how long it will take to establish 'the new normal' and I don't want my inability to be a regular poster hamper the game. It has been great gaming with you, and I hope this campaign continues to flourish! Many crits to you all!

Roshan |

Can I get a double check on who's riding what and what pack animals you have with you? I know that both Dolelan and Charon procured mounts and pack animals but what's the status of everyone else?
If you want to drop that's fine. Do you have any intentions of coming back?
Also a consensus, if Lugdro isn't coming back would you guys like a 5th or would you prefer to go on with 5?

Waltz |

I'm back and thus can post 1/day as per usual or as the game paces out. :)
I'm fine with whatever. I'll toss my lot in with 4 at least for now and if it's possible at a later time to recruit a 5th when the game reaches a point where everyone has some downtime that would be cool.
It would be spiffy to have a party member that can do some good healing or a full arcane caster for when all of us partial casters start lagging behind in spell access at least at higher levels.
@Nera: Not sure what our interaction would be at Inn. I'll assume we dont trust each other but know we're working at common cause. Charon wouldn't forget what happen but she also is more interested in meeting up with Walter than you. Charon actually bears more ill will towards your sword then Nera herself. She thinks it might possess you and "Walter" maybe behind it.
Do we want to RP out our meeting back up at the tavern retroactively? I'm not sure since Rosh has already moved the story along, but I'd be interested in doing so. Granted we can simply gloss over it, but I'd think both characters might have an interesting interaction. If rosh is cool with it and you want to I'm down.

Waltz |

Likewise just got back in from a 4 hour drive. My sister had her baby without any complications with the procedure :).
Anyways I'll toss up a post if Rosh is cool with us rewinding the clock to midnight before continuing on with our traveling. Lets try not to PvP this time ;).
On a side note if Charon hasn't identified/taken one of the potions yet Nera will likely heal her with her first spell of the day and recall IH as needed. It might be interesting to see how Charon takes to IH which I'm guessing would feel rather good and strangely invigorating to her given her alignment. If you want to save on consumable resources.

Roshan |

Do we want to RP out our meeting back up at the tavern retroactively? I'm not sure since Rosh has already moved the story along, but I'd be interested in doing so. Granted we can simply gloss over it, but I'd think both characters might have an interesting interaction. If rosh is cool with it and you want to I'm down.
Feel free to do so back in the tavern if you want to, I figured I'd just move the story along seeing as there wasn't going to be anything happening and I didn't want you all to just sit around talking for the next couple days.
As to the 5th, I think I'll stick with 4 for now, perhaps bringing in a 5th when it'll seem a bit more appropriate.

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Regular Rest: But it must be restful sleep, a bedroll on the hard ground isn't terrily restful.
For clarification, what then is required to get regular rest on hard ground? Or, what would it take to get enough rest to ward fatigue on hard ground? And, is it acceptable to be allowed to retroactively add such items to our inventory (with their listed cost) if we wish, considering that we expected to rest on hard ground?
edit: I just figured that these are meant to be alternate forms of rest. Is that the case?

Roshan |

House Rules wrote:Regular Rest: But it must be restful sleep, a bedroll on the hard ground isn't terrily restful.For clarification, what then is required to get regular rest on hard ground? Or, what would it take to get enough rest to ward fatigue on hard ground? And, is it acceptable to be allowed to retroactively add such items to our inventory (with their listed cost) if we wish, considering that we expected to rest on hard ground?
edit: I just figured that these are meant to be alternate forms of rest. Is that the case?
Sorry, I guess that doesn't really say what I was trying to get across. A bedroll on the ground is uncomfortable but when you're tired it doesn't really matter. A bedroll will provide you with a restful sleep but you must be in a real bed, or something similar to get full bed rest.

JMG021283 |

Waltz wrote:Do we want to RP out our meeting back up at the tavern retroactively? I'm not sure since Rosh has already moved the story along, but I'd be interested in doing so. Granted we can simply gloss over it, but I'd think both characters might have an interesting interaction. If rosh is cool with it and you want to I'm down.Feel free to do so back in the tavern if you want to, I figured I'd just move the story along seeing as there wasn't going to be anything happening and I didn't want you all to just sit around talking for the next couple days.
As to the 5th, I think I'll stick with 4 for now, perhaps bringing in a 5th when it'll seem a bit more appropriate.
We can move on Roshan, I'd rather not slow game down or prevent movement forward.
On a side note with Nera. If you want we can figure out interaction here so we dont slow down game or just use current and past for actions til we catch up. Let me know.(Charon doesn't bear any ill will towards Nera. She'll be cautious around her, she also wont allow any spells to be cast on her. Maybe later, but not at this point Charon. She will promise not to go after Nera, as long as, Nera makes same promise not to pursue their earlier escapades. She'll also mention that they still need to finish their duel in a friendly manner or jest.)
Waltz |

apologize for long post in advance.
Since JMG prefers simply glossing over it here that's fine with me as well.
The cliff notes to the interaction would be: (Her attitude being a mixture of cautious standoffish-ness and concern for her wounds)
-Nera sincerely asking if Charon is doing well considering her wounds.
-Nera offering to heal her wounds with her magic. (Rejected or otherwise)
-Nera suggesting that she'd like to know what Charon feels so inclined to hide considering she saw her palm a dagger upon questioning and then attacked her when searched.
-She'll suggest via walter's insistence that it's not wise to have an ally you can't trust at your back both in ominous reference to Charon's behavior and a veiled hint that making an enemy of the duo is a dangerous game. The latter going over Nera's head.
-She'll end the interaction with a unintentional quip about how they could have finished their duel if Charon didn't spend so much time running away and hiding which isn't conducive to finishing a duel.
The only questions that remain are:
-How Charon reacts to the above.
-If Dolelan/Legiald keep the platinum a secret.
-If Dolelan/Legiald keep the potions a secret.
If either secrets come to light:
-She'll act annoyed, but won't cause much of a fuss.
-If she learns of the potions detect magic + spellcraft rolls will be needed.
This is a good point to settle, I've clearly explained taking 10 and taking 20 Here
Curious if you intentionally left out things on T20 like disable device for picking locks and Escape Artist for slipping out of being tied up/bondage?
So just a quick doublecheck. Everyone is on a horse and Dolelan has a Packhorse, anyone else pick up a packhorse before you leave?
Would have included the bit in stuff at midnight, but Nera would've seen the rest of the party getting horses if Dolelan didn't procure her one. She'd likely have some sort of background knowledge to know she isn't good with animals and ask if anyone else would procure her one.
If that's not possible it's likely she'll simply try her best on every horse in town till she either runs out of options or passes out from exhaustion.
She'll perfer war-trained if possible, but won't look a gift horse in the mouth. :)
While traveling she'll tie most of her non-essential gear to Dolelan's packhorse. Depending on speed of the travel she'll have a 50/50 chance of either being on her horse or on the ground walking near it (she's used to walking and enjoys it). Will roll a percent die to determine where she's at during a random encounter. (Edit: Didn't see the new post, It probably doesn't matter if they're trip attacking us or something. The walking was simply flavor stuff previous statement)
She'll have her Walter slung over her shoulder letting him enjoy the cool night air as she rides/walks with her Ioun Torch lit up if that's important.

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I don't mind, Roshan, if you roll things like initiative, saving throws, spell resistance and automatic skill checks like balance or perception. Keeping track of all that could be a bit time consuming, but I would actually request that you do roll initiatives. If you do, please show the modifiers you give us when you do roll for the characters, so we have a chance to say 'it should be...'

Legiald Galsaran |

Dolelan gets the Dire Bat Fluff award for best depiction of the scene.
As to the potions, Legiald wouldn't talk about them. If asked about his, he'd reply something along the lines of, "I got this in Bosh, cheap. The other I had from 'That Off Map Town'. That's all." For the platinum, Legiald will speak with Nera regarding that before she finds out on her own. Probably during their travel overnight.
The others can easily eavesdrop. He had offered guidance to the three of them so far, explaining in short what his guidance would do for them. Instructing Nera closer to him at one point along the journey, he talks just above the horse's clomping.
"Your Walter has quite a personality. The two of you work together well by the sound of it... but Walter won't get his own split of the earnings. We're on the same page here, aren't we? We might not find any pay where we're going, but who knows."
If her reaction isn't exciting, he continues....
"I've got a bit of magic with it's own personality too, in a way. Just a bit different from yours. That is what Walter is, just a magic sword, right?"

Roshan |

Sorry, it seems that I didn't let you know what the potions were.
8 Honey Colored Potions - Cure Light Wounds
1 Red Potion - Bull's Strength
2 Blue Potions - Invisibility
1 Green Potion - Barkskin
1 Orange Potion - Heroism
1 Milky Potion - Lesser Restoration

Waltz |

I think Charon might have missed a Legiald's +2 to initiative bonus. I think her initiative should be 24. Not sure if this would change the order or anything.
@Everyone: Legiald's posted up RP stuff here. I'm game for doing a little RPing in the discussion thread, but I wouldn't want to "Mix Chocolate & Peanut-Butter" as it where if Rosh or others aren't fond of that reese's, if you catch my drift. I already mix too much ooc in gameplay bits.
It could be fun especially if combat drags out for a while. Won't proceed with it unless I catch words of approval.

Nera Turvian |

Nera rides along with the group taking in the fresh night air and enjoying the moonlight her sword swing over her shoulder while she chews nervously on a piece of wheat. She nods politely a slightly expression on her face at some of the questions as Legiald makes conversation. "Oh...well me and Walter have been together a very long time....we're well...married. He's far more than just a sword being my husband for the last 54 years. Our anniversary is coming up in a few months actually."
Smiling she adds, "That's actually a really good question me and him are usually a duo.....let me check and see what he thinks." she pauses for a short while staring off into space for a few brief moments. "He's some what fine without. Walter wouldn't have agreed to such a deal back when Walter was Walter and wasn't well...Walter, but he doesn't need the money now a days for anything seeing as he's Walter so he's fine doing without if it'll make me happy." she finishes not realizing how confusing that might sound from someone without the proper perspective.
(Any degree of attention paid to her reply will reveal that she's leaving a few details out, but it doesn't seem to be intentional.)

Waltz |

Dirty double post
If either of the bats are effected by the blindness/stunned conditions of color spray it imparts a -4 penalty to AC stacked on to losing any dex bonus to AC. Combined that could easily drop a targets AC to be low enough for a 12 to confirm against. It might be worth rolling up extra crit damage on that chance.
Plus if they are forced to roll fly checks to hover while stunned they might also fall prone, but that's more subject to DM interpretations of the combat imparting even further negative penalties and giving you +1 to attack rolls for being on higher ground.

JMG021283 |

apologize for long post in advance.
Since JMG prefers simply glossing over it here that's fine with me as well.
The cliff notes to the interaction would be: (Her attitude being a mixture of cautious standoffish-ness and concern for her wounds)
-Nera sincerely asking if Charon is doing well considering her wounds.
-Nera offering to heal her wounds with her magic. (Rejected or otherwise)
-Nera suggesting that she'd like to know what Charon feels so inclined to hide considering she saw her palm a dagger upon questioning and then attacked her when searched.
-She'll suggest via walter's insistence that it's not wise to have an ally you can't trust at your back both in ominous reference to Charon's behavior and a veiled hint that making an enemy of the duo is a dangerous game. The latter going over Nera's head.
-She'll end the interaction with a unintentional quip about how they could have finished their duel if Charon didn't spend so much time running away and hiding which isn't conducive to finishing a duel.The only questions that remain are:
-How Charon reacts to the above.
-If Dolelan/Legiald keep the platinum a secret.
-If Dolelan/Legiald keep the potions a secret.If either secrets come to light:
-She'll act annoyed, but won't cause much of a fuss.
-If she learns of the potions detect magic + spellcraft rolls will be needed.
@Nera: Charon's attitude will not be ill towards Nera, but she will not seem kindly. She'll state her wounds are just fine, she has had worse and done worse. She'll refuse any kind of magic. Simply brushing it off and stating she's not fond of it. Charon casually answer Nera's dagger question with, "Anytime you have an discussion and you don't have a dagger in your hand. You're dead. That's how it goes." Charon continues, "It's not what I found, but it's what you tried to do. I wont be searched. It's something I've killed over more than once. I found some coins, if you must know. Keep in mind, I could of finished what we started when I was pretending to be stranger in town."
@Present ride:
Charon seeming in an almost sour mood(She thinks all this idle chat could be focused on watching the road). She states, "That's new, maybe I should marry my sword. It would save me the trouble of looking for things, I don't look for. Although, I don't think I could make up a name as good as Walter. So what happen? I'd bet he was a stupid and made a mistake. Maybe crossed an 'actual' mage and got turned into s sword."
(Sense motive Check(10): You see Charon is very calm and cool when stating everything. She seems to be trying to get a reaction more than anything. Her hands rest her reins and eyes seem focused on road. Although, she seems to be more willingly than normal to engage in the conversation while riding.)

Waltz |

@Nera, I'm glad your catching this stuff. Normally I'm good at the home games. But not so much here it seems. Although it makes me wondering what I'm missing.
No problem always glad to help in any way I can especially if it helps us kill things.
Another thing that might be worth considering: Considering you're not having to run through the horrible hoops of your mount not being combat trained. I believe there's a precedent to infer your mount is combat trained (Not too uncommon and if you had all the time in the world to pick out the sturdiest looking mount it doesn't seem impracticable).
At that end you can make a DC10 ride check to rein your mount into attacking. It's a free action so it's an extra attack/damage if you want it and if Rosh counts it as combat trained.
If it's not combat trained a whole litany of new problems become present that are much more damning and imposing than a DC 5 guide with knees check. I'd suggest dismounting ASAP if that was the case as getting bucked from the saddle or spending a full-round action to move can really put a damper on things.
If you need attack specifics: It's two attacks and due to being combat trained they're +3 to hit and 1d4+3 to damage each. You can only get 1 since it used it's move action, but next round you could get two and a 5 foot step is allowed between full attack.
So you could be looking at:
2 attacks + sneak attack.
2 mounted attacks.
Sounds rather deadly. It is subject to what Rosh thinks considering it was never really concretely established if it's combat trained or not.

Legiald Galsaran |

Legaild twists around a moment, glancing back at Charon. Her expression plain, he turns forward after the brief glance. Clinging to a weapon so... its no wonder she is like that. I wonder if the elf realizes it. He continues in thought only a moment. Though he hadn't been to these plains before and things unknown to him awaited discovery, he guides his own horse reflexively and checks Dolelan. As expected, the man follows Nera, leaving no tracks Legaild can see. Nobody seems to be falling behind yet.
"Congratulations to Walter on winning a real woman," Legiald states hollowly. The idea of an inanimate object doing so repulses him, but the reminder of the need for companionship stings close to his heart. "...though he does a man somewhere a disfavor in claiming you. I can't imagine many have approved of such. Everyone, don't waste your eyes on that tall grass ahead. It is dry- if anything comes through it, we'll hear it crackle."

Waltz |

Surprised the horse made it's will save. :)
Nera intended to catch it in the blast radius simply to prevent it from standing up and provoking AoO and from running off with the party's equipment and having to play a horrible game of find the horse after the combat.
2 Questions:
-I'm not sure if there's any definitive reason a horse even while prone couldn't provide flanking? (It'd be a nice set up for next round if so)
-Is the mount Charon is on combat trained or not, are any of the mounts combat trained? (It sort of effects if they pick up the frightened condition, if a move/full-round action is needed to get them to move, and if they can be reigned to attack with hooves with a ride check)
I'd hoped OOC the spell could have gone off and then allowed Charon who'd act after to pick/choose her target. Setting up sneak attack due to loss of dex bonus and nicely debuffed AC.

Waltz |

That's my bad I forgot due to house rules at my regular games that just treats each specific square passed through with tumble checks as double cost when using acrobatics (i.e. DT counts as 20'). Rather than your move action is halved even after you've passed through the threatened square.
I hate it when HR/Mistakes propagate and masquerades around as RAW, though so bump the DC +10 or take the AoO as normal with any extra mods Rosh want's to tack on for doing things wrong. Or place Nera at e7 rather than d7 and keep the horse out of the radius of her color spray which is cool too (unless it runs away). Whatever you're more comfortable with.
I appreciate the catch.