Broken Towers (Inactive)

Game Master JonGarrett

The Glorious Website
Underground Fortress

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Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Yeah, the Called Short Sword turned up shortly after entering the towers, after the spider fight. But you definitely grabbed it.

Loot uplooted.

The Diadem will change depending on whether you or Nigrum claim it, as per usual, so I won't bother writing out its abilities until it gets picked up.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

I'm not gonna lie, I feel diadems are typically feminine. o wo

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Maybe I read too much Wheel of Time, but I figured given they're pretty much metal band crowns they were unisex. We can always make it a Crown if Nigrum wants.

I've made a start on the City Building rules. They're pretty much a simplified version of the Kingdom rules, with an added emphasis on Population. There are also a few of the buildings, although it's not a comprehensive list yet.

Of course, I'm assuming they're remotely functional. It's been a long time since I've actually built any kinda subsystem, even one mostly plundered.

I'll be adding roles and what bonuses they grant later, maybe. Not sure we need them to have a mechanical impact.

Read them here.

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Re: Nigrum's pics: You need to log in to not get the gallery.

I like 7, but it's tough.

Ayreth has the Vambraces.

Thanks for all the work going into this, Overlord. It's very cool.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

Nigrum will wait to hear a little history about the symbol, like the others. But off the bat he likely will pass again. He is not a diadem/crown person. He only has the crown of swords because of it's ability.

Anyways we have to open the warding box, seems a perfect item to hide symbols in. ;)

Poll Update
Pic 4-1
Pic 7-1

P.S. Nigrum claimed the crown of swords and handy haversack. Sense one requires to get hit and being a pack mule goes to the strongest sucker, ie me.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

I'll nab it if Niggy doesn't want it.

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)
A. Aibek wrote:
I'll try to find a reason to get Aibek's chibi-wolf with goggles version up as well :D


And the rules looks neat, Jon! I'll give them a better read later: the first part of the text looks weird to me, tough, both on phone and on PC. Strange.

As for items, I don't think I really need anything from what we have.

A HP: 69/69 | Mythic Points: 9/9pd | Ki Pool: 4/4 || R HP: HP: 42/42 Persona time left: 9 mins, Ext Persona 1/1
AC: 20 + 4 Deflection Bonus when moving, T: 16, FF: 14, SR: 11| Fort: +4/6, Ref: +14/16, Will: +8/12 | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | Init: +8, Perception: +11
AC: 18 Human, 20 Hybrid & Wolf | T: 11, FF: 12 Human/13 | Fort: +7, Ref: +4, Will +6 | CMB: +4; CMD: +15 (19 vs trip as wolf) | Init +2, Perc: +6. Personas may differ.

Yay doggles! I used this chibi doll maker to make a chibi wolfy-ish version of Aibek with the goggles, I used this korean warrior doll maker for Aibek's current website picture as there is no Kazakh variant, but it is pretty close and it's quite grown on me.

With the Tower level one vaults secured, some things from the arsenal vault could be moved over [including loot from the boat that Aibek and maybe Ayreth I imagine would ensure was in the vault rather than Nigrum's bag before letting him much out of sight :P ].

Is the library in the Druid's Tower? I imagine the scholar's ring and maybe the ancient coins might be better housed there when we have access if we don't now [those would also be the only two items that would peak Aibek's interest for use/closer investigate when they had more time, being able to read all the library's books and talk to others with ease would be good, though the dragon hide might make cool armour...] but other than that organizing the Tower vaults for the city's needs would sound like a good idea to Aibek. Probably similarly organized to how they are on the website...

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

Nigrum is going off to Katapesh to recruit some new citizens. ;)

Recruitment List:

Sword Smith
Armor Smith
Trap Smith
Mastersmith (All arounder)

If anyone wants to recruit something specific just let me know and it will be added to the list.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

Azri thinks that any druid we get should be city-friendly. XD

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

Bring life to a desert and city ruins seems like something any druid would be up for. ;)

Also DM if it's not to much trouble could you put up a link for the Broken Towers site in the campaign tab or where the council chambers map is currently at. I'm lazy and don't want to keep looking for it. Even if as I write this I realize I could just favorite it.......Doh!

Been crunching the numbers on the coinage, I think bronze pieces are the same as copper pieces. Not going to count the ancient coins due to historic value and unknown current worth. The total I came up with is 27902 gp 9 sp 9 cp. Giving each of us a cut of 4650 gp with 2 gp 9 sp 9 cp left over.

Are we planning to sell any magical gear or is it going to be hoarded?

Also looking over our crafting materials. I'm updating the recruitment list to add a carpenter type for wood stuff. We have a resident alchemist so not looking for one until we see if our current one is trustworthy or not.

Recruitment List Update:

Sword Smith
Armor Smith
Trap Smith
Mastersmith (All arounder)

I have two out of six votes, don't forget to vote on Nigrum's picture when you have time. xP

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4-DM
Pic 5
Pic 6
Pic 7-Ayreth

Also Nigrum has plans to have a Oathtaker made in Katapesh. Using our +1 Tstsubo for 9000 gp. As it stands with his cut he is short. If this is something you guys want to chip into let me know. If not then I will place it on the back burner until Nigrum builds the funds himself. The oathtaker is what he plans on using as a tool against betrayal. Considering the subject has to be willing, it seems fair to him.

P.S. Sorry of the long post.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Yeah, those are copper pieces. I keep getting bronze and copper mixed up.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10


Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

OK, sorry for the delay. Life's been shovel-to-the-face fun. I meant to do this all yesterday but, well, life decided that summoning the cops was a better thing to have to do (can't go into any details because this happened at work, alas, as it is an epic tale - but no one was hurt and bad people were arrested, so win).

I intend to start up the one on one roleplaying bits later, after I take a snack break.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

...or would have, if the work internet hadn't died. I'll try and get my phone, which I'm typing this on, to tether to my laptop but it's looking like 'later' might be 'tomorrow'.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Yay working internet.

Selena and Ayreth - The Tomb of Zhen Halfblood

Nigrum - Hunting the Great White Kobold

Aibek - To Wake Up Dreaming

We'll continue to use this for OOC and all that jazz. Anyone who isn't in the thread but wants to keep up to date, feel free to dot in it.

Azri, run me through what you want to craft. You probably have the materials (hence the vague 'Alchemical Materials') but if you need scrolls or help from other casters, we can do stuff.

Mihara, I'm enjoying your story so far. I'll start putting it (and Azri's essays) on the website when I have the energy. So maybe later tonight, after my regular roleplaying shenanigans. Kinda buzzed now I'm not working or being threatened by angry people.

Also, as per the request, the Website has been linked at the top of the game.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

Let's see, what's my cash limit... everything I've got on-hand? XD

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Well, that's something you guys need to decide. You'll get some Build Points from Zhen, and you've grabbed a few from other places, but you can also move some of that wealth into the treasury (I think Ayreth said she wanted to donate her share from the slaver ship at the very least).

I'll try and get the building stuff finished and work out how many points you actually have later. Unfortunately, I just backed the Spheres of Might Kickstarter, and am reading Preview 3 with a gleam in my eye, so I may be a touched delayed.

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Correct, thank you.

Spheres of Power receives a lot of praise. Anyone tried it out? I noticed that the kickstarter has a package with digital versions of both + hero lab files, so I'm intrigued.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

Oh, I've tried it out, all right. XD I even reviewed it. The short version is that it's a great alternative to normal Vancian casting - basically, it's a kit that allows you to build the kind of caster you want to play, all while being reasonably balanced.

When I backed the original Kickstarter for that, I was honestly kind of expecting to get a sub-par thing I could just toss on the pile of ideas for stories. Instead I got something that's become a mainstay of several games I'm running.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

I like SoP but have not had the chance to use it in any games for any real amount of time. Bad luck on my part I guess. x)

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Yeah, when given the choice, I will always make my caster Spheres of Power. I love it. Hence why it entered the boss fight.

Spheres of Might seems to be trading out Feats to do some interesting and unusual things. For example, a little investment will allow you to use Tower Shields and gradually get better, dual wield crossbows or climb and ride large enemies.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Updated the story elements of the site. Gonna work on the rules stuff in a bit.

P.S - While I did give the Essays as a joke, I've included the one already. written. It's fun. Azri can do others if you want.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

I am planning to do the others when I've got some time. XD ...I may be a bit distracted with Nioh, though.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

We forgive you...this time.

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)

Website's looking good!

And I think Spheres of Power are neat enough, too, but I'm not too convinced with what I've seen of Spheres of Might until now: I haven't seen much out of combat utility, and I wish the talents would scale more and be less "to impale good, pick these 3-4 talents". :/

Path of War has been working well enough for me at least when it comes to martials(After axing Broken Blade and Primal Fury, that is :P).

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Yeah, there's supposed to be some more utility, and at some point a Sphere of Skills style book (but it got bumped to make a Combo of Might and Magic book, including new Archetypes and Classes).

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Is it strange to have killed off a beloved character for this story?

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

Nope. o wo Time-honored technique, that.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Given it's me? Nope. I'm sure I've mentioned this, but Zhen was my character for the Carrion Crown, and went through the whole story. When I started working on Broken Towers, I decided to use him as a springboard for more stories. There's a lot of stuff that happened between the two that I've never gone into details with, but...let's just say it was a good chance to give him closure after a long and happy life.

I think I still have the models I made for him, although my youngest son smashed the smaller of the two. Zhen was actually a Large Half-Orc all the time, thanks to the Monstrous Phusique feat, so his party trick was to get bigger. Needless to say, he picked up Whirlwind and made large groups of enemies cry. Hence two models. Both were custom ones I made and painted, because that's a thing I can do.

Although, if you're in any doubt I'm a ass to my characters, Redemption is the one I played in Curse of the Crimson Throne.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

I was going to say something about timelines and effects on the world, but Yidhra shook me and said I shouldn't think too hard about it. XD

GM of all he Surveys - Still sick, but in a different way

Yeah, it's best not to think about it too hard.

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Haha, sounds fun. I didn't know he was for Carrion Crown.

So, both you and your wife are mean to your characters? Aibek has mentioned that before.

Timey-wimey and all that?

A HP: 69/69 | Mythic Points: 9/9pd | Ki Pool: 4/4 || R HP: HP: 42/42 Persona time left: 9 mins, Ext Persona 1/1
AC: 20 + 4 Deflection Bonus when moving, T: 16, FF: 14, SR: 11| Fort: +4/6, Ref: +14/16, Will: +8/12 | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | Init: +8, Perception: +11
AC: 18 Human, 20 Hybrid & Wolf | T: 11, FF: 12 Human/13 | Fort: +7, Ref: +4, Will +6 | CMB: +4; CMD: +15 (19 vs trip as wolf) | Init +2, Perc: +6. Personas may differ.

I'm quite mean to mine. Jon and I have roleplayed for years, online roleplaying is how we met originally 14+ years ago, he can attest that my characters often go through way too much if not in game then in writings I do outside of it.

Kosali, Aibek's mother, comes from the same Carrion Crown game as does Grimrod. During it, Kosali did contract and was cured of lycanthropy and did eventually transform into a dragon and did transform Grimrod into a dog to carry him over rough waters. She wore a turtle on her head as her familiar and I think that might have become a dragon at one point near the end too.

When Jon brought the idea of Broken Towers to me, Kosali and the double con artist idea - they are neither who was asked for or who people assume they are - was core to character creation...though the whole concept has grown and changed a lot since then. Once we're a bit farther along and I finish editing my drafts, some of the outside writing - Aibek's origin stories I guess - might go up on the website. Poor thing has been through a lot - I think the last one I finished involved them almost dying due to Sworn and bring brought to the Shadow Plane for the first time while bleeding and unconscious and my outline for the next one involves them standing in Archon Adilet's court having to prove they aren't a spy and having to see the person [who Aibek is quite smitten with] that saved Aibek's life against orders accused of treason for doing so. It will be a rough ride for the witchwolf. I also hope to write the binding ceremony and first presentation at court as a Shadow Champion, maybe some fluff piece during that time and/or maybe one of them younger and/or maybe the one where they come back or get the letter & choose to leave. I have a few things I'm considering but currently writing on the origin of the Shadow Champion group to help me clarify things as Aibek keeps talking about them. Writing helps me think, it's why I babble so much when doing when writing or typing.

I have to say, upon seeing Redemption's return, I keep expecting other characters to show up. Jon already has permission to use mine though I'm currently retweaking the character that went with Redemption [who, as a Phrasma/Magrim cleric fits in well with tombs...]. I have quite a few characters I want to retweak at the moment - though the one I want to use with Jon in a game with Rednal is giving me trouble... an oracle with the clockwork mystery that I'm trying to figure out how to Gestalt them. The numbers of character creation is not my strong point, I'm mostly fluffy thinking...

If any from the Way of the Wicked campaign I ran show up, we should be very scared. The kistune Jon had was particularly scary though he did become a Lich so might have things to discuss with Azri...

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

Bit of a question, Jon,

Mihara is obviously going to see what kind of resources she can scrounge up from her family back home at the Moon's Whisper. Could you give me a general scale of what you're expecting us to gain over the timeskip? It'd help me figure out my little single player escapade.

I'd also like an idea of what the Diadem is and does, as I'd like to explore a bit of that as well.

Thank you!

P.S. I've started taking a look at the 1 on 1 roleplays. Fun going, guys! Neat to see Redemption again. How have you been enjoying Mihara's voyage?

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Would I bring Kuro into this campaign? An Enchantment Focused Kitsune Spellcaster who became a Lich to wrest his soul from Asmodeus after all his vile deeds? Who literally made a nation love the fact that they were under an iron fist of a vile tyrant god through a cunning PR campaign? Who tricked a demon into turning itself into a platinum statue, kicked it off the crumbling mountain they were standing on, and then headed down said mountain via featherfall?

Yes. Yes I would.

I mean, I'd have loads of fun. Besides, Rednal knows his sister, Shutai.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist
Yao Mihara wrote:

Bit of a question, Jon,

Mihara is obviously going to see what kind of resources she can scrounge up from her family back home at the Moon's Whisper. Could you give me a general scale of what you're expecting us to gain over the timeskip? It'd help me figure out my little single player escapade.

I'd also like an idea of what the Diadem is and does, as I'd like to explore a bit of that as well.

Thank you!

P.S. I've started taking a look at the 1 on 1 roleplays. Fun going, guys! Neat to see Redemption again. How have you been enjoying Mihara's voyage?

Whoop, almost missed you.

Yeah, I'll sort out the Diadem tomorrow.

For scale, a Build Point is a thousand GP. So probably no more than five or BP and 50 or so new people kicking around the city.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

"probably"? :P

I'm really not super clear on the build rules yet... I should probably read some of that.

Should I be bringing in five BP's worth back from Tien?

There was also a discussion of assembling forces over the timeskip to participate in mass combat, correct? Should I be bringing back a crew for Mihara?

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

There are two captured ships that we have that are still unclaimed. Mihara can claim one as a trading ship and crew it with her people. Sense that's her specialty right?

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

It's one of her many talents. c:

A HP: 69/69 | Mythic Points: 9/9pd | Ki Pool: 4/4 || R HP: HP: 42/42 Persona time left: 9 mins, Ext Persona 1/1
AC: 20 + 4 Deflection Bonus when moving, T: 16, FF: 14, SR: 11| Fort: +4/6, Ref: +14/16, Will: +8/12 | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | Init: +8, Perception: +11
AC: 18 Human, 20 Hybrid & Wolf | T: 11, FF: 12 Human/13 | Fort: +7, Ref: +4, Will +6 | CMB: +4; CMD: +15 (19 vs trip as wolf) | Init +2, Perc: +6. Personas may differ.

Yes, the Kuro who took his soul, put it in a ring, put that on his Eidolon, and stuck said Eidolon in a demiplane. Since he's so good at avoiding Asmodeus, he could give the rest of us tips on Khaul probably XD

Aibek will only be collected resources/people within the city at this point, their main focus after the dream will be finishing the map and making notes with others in the city. Unless Aibek somehow finds a thinning with people suitable for trading with within the time period...

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

You'll be starting with two units - the Milita under Elie, and the Tower Guard. If you guys wanna make more, feel free...if you can afford it. Building trading ships will be also be an option.

And, yeah, I like non-committal language. Bring back 5 from Tian. If it proves a little heavy once I've ironed out the rules, we can compensate a little.

Do you guys want me to add things like the Government Positions (with bonuses for having people in the slots and negatives for not) from Kingmaker? Again, I'll modify it a bit (because I'm big into giving myself extra jobs to do) but if it's something you folks want, I'm happy to write it up.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

Honestly, I'm happing keeping it rules-lite as possible.

I'd probably be a hypocrite if I faulted you for non-committal language, too.

Alright, I'll figure something out.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

The Diadem of Yunet

1st - Crown of a Ruler - The Diadem functions a +2 Headband of Charisma.

3rd - Huli-Jing's Revolt - As a full round action, call up a creature similar to an Eidolon at half the characters, but it is always Tiny. It takes the shape of a small fox. While Summoned, the owner may see through the creature's senses.

5th - Always a Weakness - While many creatures natural magics and abilities negate the normal methods sneak attack, the Diadem can target those very magics. On the first attack of each round, a Rogue can do there Sneak Attack damage as usual, even on targets that would normally immune.


Also! When I come back from this funeral and finally stop crying, I'll be setting up a New Game to be abused. Although it's mostly in the feedback stages, you're all welcome to apply.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

"When I come back from this funeral and finally stop crying"

:( again, all my sympathies.

Those are some neat abilities opn the diadem. I'll try and get the statblock for that eidolon up.

Would that be an Eidolon as per the Summoner or the Unchained Summoner?

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Indeed, condolences again.

Overlord Jon wrote:
"Your friends will need to learn not to judge by what things are...although given what they are, you'd think they'd have learned that by now."

I'm curious about this commentary. I feel like the group has done a good job with not attacking things on sight. From establishing relationships with the glass dragons and the kobolds to finding a way around the Tower Guard, we've been relatively non-violent. Do you have a different perspective? (This is meant as a genuine inquiry, not a challenge, in case that doesn't come across in text.)

Aibek, I enjoy how you're writing from Aibek's. Not everything is spelled out because some things are just understood between the two characters. It makes it fun to speculate.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

I'm more familiar with the normal eidolons, but I don't object to the unchained version if you prefer.

The conversation that Arman and Aibek are having is specifically about the Gnolls. It bugs Aibek because words like 'vermon' and 'all' and 'erradicate' were used when talking about them, and when you're related to werewolves...but Arman doesn't know about the Kobolds and such.

But yeah, you guys have been good at not being murder hobos

Normal is more fun, going with it

-Posted with Wayfinder

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

In a way, I feel bad about that, given Azri's views on life and death. XD Ah well.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

First off I hope the funeral goes well and you pull through just fine Jon.

Second. Nigrum has dealt with Gnolls, he knows what they are by nature and experience. Some could argue his culture is little better. But he is not the type to mince words and he gave them chances to surrender. Until he meets a gnoll paladin that saves kittens and takes care of orphans. His opinion is based on what he knows and experiences. He could care less about race/gender/religion/favorite color/best tasting pie. ;P

He has not looked twice at the lich, oddeyed cursed healer, half demon, shape shifting super fox, and shadow summoning furball he pals around with. Doubtful that will change. If all goes to plan we may end up with more oddballs calling our city home soon. :D

All that said I like how Nigrum gets misunderstood by everyone at times, even himself. Personally I find it very interesting playing such a PC. Not as interesting as reading about some other PCs here but it's not a contest.

P.S. Going with DM pick for my picture so that can finally go up. :)

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