Broken Towers (Inactive)

Game Master JonGarrett

The Glorious Website
Underground Fortress

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Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

It's less about the fact you're not murder hobos and more about how you get perceived, in this case. You simply set of one of Aibek (the characters) mental tics with the whole labelling a race thing.

Given it's me, there will be other ways to deal with the Gnolls. But not all of them will be good, either. It'll depend on what you folks wanna do.

Thanks for the well wishes regarding the funeral. It is...draining, planning, waiting and throwing money at even getting there. Given how hard my brother's was I expect this to upset me even more, honestly. I loved my brother, but we weren't as close as some and frankly he was usually an a#%*@&& in some way, shape or form, often for a laugh. When I went to to see in the hospital before he died he ended up having a nurse come in to give him a sponge bath. His resonse was, "Ah, you come lookin' for some Davy love have you pet?" complete with suggestive eye brow waggling. His wife just sighed and shook her head.

My step dad raised me from the time I was six until I left home to go get my degree. He was closer to me than my biological father, and I saw him several times every year ever since I left home.

In short, this is going to suck, and will probably knock me on my ass emotionally for a while.

But my wife is with me, my friends are helping and I have my mother to help as well, so I'm mostly keeping busy and functional. I'm even getting counselling for depression. Eventually.

A HP: 69/69 | Mythic Points: 9/9pd | Ki Pool: 4/4 || R HP: HP: 42/42 Persona time left: 9 mins, Ext Persona 1/1
AC: 20 + 4 Deflection Bonus when moving, T: 16, FF: 14, SR: 11| Fort: +4/6, Ref: +14/16, Will: +8/12 | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | Init: +8, Perception: +11
AC: 18 Human, 20 Hybrid & Wolf | T: 11, FF: 12 Human/13 | Fort: +7, Ref: +4, Will +6 | CMB: +4; CMD: +15 (19 vs trip as wolf) | Init +2, Perc: +6. Personas may differ.

Aibek has been targetted for death for being a witchwolf, for living in a werewolf clan, for being of the Material Plane, for being a bound shadow creature, among others identities. People have a lot of horrible experiences and a lot to say about the nature of all those groups. Gnoll and werewolves are both chaotic evil broadly to most people; pretty much anything shadow related is marked as evil due to the corruption. Almost anything that could be applied to Gnolls can be applied to werewolf blood and shadow creatures - except Gnolls only having one way to make more of theirs to my knowledge. To Aibek, if Gnolls are vermin, what is cursed werewolf blood? what is a created shadow? Aibek has no idea what Nigrum has experienced, they just see the similarities in their faces and hears the similarities in the words.

Aibek's only experience with non-Tien humans and similar, especially the men, until this trip would be murderous thugs who rejoice in the bloody death of everyone and do unspeakable things to people, particularly women, before killing them and still see it as divinely blessed acts. They noticed no condemnation of the races/species of those involved in the slaver ships who look like those who haunted Aibek's youth and almost killed them more than once while the Gnolls, who have more than a few physical similarities to werewolves, were. I mean, the Gnolls are more furballs than Aibek - witchwolves only gets amber [or blue] eyes, sharper canines, longer ears, and a few patches of fur though are hairier than most humans in human form but Aibek covers all but the thicker eyebrows. Aibek only gets additional fur on their hands/wrists, forehead, and upper feet, but the similarity is clear to Aibek as their extra long claws. Aibek will not be able to see how they could be acceptable or tolerated when those who have the most similar features to their family and the accusations they've heard all their life thrown towards themself also being hurled towards them are not.

So yeah, Aibek's mental red flag is raised high and is still on guard from it. They would see themself as foolish not to be. Aibek has not been subtle about what they are, these identities are important to them obviously as they display if not flaunt those while hiding their gender which is the least likely thing about them to cause ire or mistrust. I don't think they would buy that Nigrum just doesn't notice or see the similarities between those he condemned and themself partially because of how much they show it and also how anxious Aibek is about others. Aibek's mind goes a mile a minute trying to notice everything as a survival method and wouldn't get that not everyone does that XD They think everyone else does with less anxiety and more success.

But then, Aibek has grudges on the Sworn, the Nihiloi "empire", and would find it difficult to trust or be nice to those devoted to certain deities or of which Jon has recently reminded me is major in this region and likely to come up so poor Aibek can have fun trying to play nice with them. Complicated characters are fun and Aibek is certainly complicated and full of biases.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

For the record, Nigrum worships the sword not any gods par se. None really speak to his or perhaps his people's outlook on life and culture. I guess by default their souls end up going to Shizuru or General Susumu for the more battle thirsty inclined. I guess in this part of the world Gorum may pick up that role.

Anyways he has no interest in the gods, unless maybe if he ever had the chance to fight one. That's a duel worth dying for. Ha! xD

P.S. Very interested in your new game Jon. The only time I have really considered a modern day based game actually. I also have some interesting idea's if your allowing templates. Anyways I am off to watch the dresden files tv show sense you brought it up and I have never seen it before. Good shows are hard to find. ;)

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

I've been pondering that little eidolon I've been granted, and I think I've figured out what to do with it. Therefore, I ask the party:

What Knowledge skills do you have? Are we missing any crucial ones? I'm thinking of making my Eidolon an advisor.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

I have always liked the pipefox and while I have a pipe I lack the fox. ;P

Anyways I have knowledge (geography, local, and nature) all at +12.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

I deliberately made the Eidolon such that it could be a minor scout or flanking buddy (although given it functions as a level 3 Eidolon, it's not the most effective thing ever), but could also become a full blown NPC for Mihara. Didn't wanna cram something in there.

Also, I hate to say it, but you're not likely to find a good show in the Dresden Files TV show. It was how I found the book series, but the books are infinitely better. The show has less naked Dresden.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

I'm not quite sure what I want to do with it just yet. A scout isn't all that useful to Mihara since she can do the fox scout tactic herself. I might try the flanker angle, but I already have a nice Monk lady for that. ^^

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

I'm an INT character, and got pretty much all the Knowledge skills. XD We're covered pretty well there, but a second mind rarely hurts.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

Make it a personal assistant. ;)

Seen a few eps already and I now want a skull with a spirit named bob in it. x)

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

If Azri has knowledge covered, then I'll figure out something else.

By the way, Jon, how are the Eidolon's stats affected from being tiny? Up dex lower strength? By how much?

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Ayreth has knowledge backup covered. All the skills & True Lore.

• True Lore (Su)(2/day): Once per day, a haunted one can gain a +20 insight bonus on any Knowledge skill check that it makes, provided that the haunted one possesses at least one skill rank in that Knowledge skill. Every 5 HD possessed by the haunted one grants an additional daily use of this ability.

Re: Dresden Files: If they had done it like Sherlock, it could have been better. Each book as an episode of 2-3 hours, and only a few episodes per year.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

-4 Strength +4 Dex seem fair Mihara?

Yeah, as much as I tend to dislike Steven Moffat, that is a solid format for converting a book.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

Yep, seems fair.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

Personally I find the show good, almost on the last ep. But a few things that bug me is the camera work, really they must have had a rookie because normally I don't notice it to that extent. As well as the special effects. Had they waited a few years it could have been great and ran for much longer.

Special effects are cheap to do these days and a lot better. I may jump back into grimm now that I have missed a season or two. ;)

P.S. Jon is so cruel to me. He keeps leading me on in Nigrum's story. Damn you! xD

P.S.S. I did find a new resource for the city so that's something. :P

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

I enjoy Grimm, though I wish they'd do a LOT less "this week our case is a Vesen case... again."

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

I like me some new Vesen's and more so if they go into background story mode about them. I am a sucker for the sweet fluff. ^.^

But yeah, same old vesen or a reworking kind of makes them less special and rare. Yes vesen are everywhere, no they don't commit every bad thing in the world or are involved in it.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

I think I watched the first two seasons of Grimm before I got bored and wandered off. I keep meaning to go and watch the rest of it...

And yeah, I could have just gone, Behold! Kobold! but I figured dropping a few hints about the origin of the city would keep things amusing.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Updated the City Building Rules with stability. I'm...concerned with how things are going to scale, and would like some input on what you guys think. One of the issues with Kingdom building was it got very, very easy after a while, with huge amounts of income. While a chunk of your income will go on military units (both the creation and Upkeep there of) I'd like your thoughts on what we already have.

Which isn't to say we won't tweek things if they start to go wrong, but I'd love to not do that too much.

I've also done the basic buildings, for the most part. If you have any suggestions please do add them.

The next group will be larger, Advanced buildings - Arenas, Academies, Castles and such. I intend to get them written up soon, because some of the existing buildings will likely qualify.

Finally, I'll be adding Unique buildings. That's the Towers and any bizarre stuff you guys dream up.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

I should note now that Azri's main goal for the city is establishing a great magical academy. XD But she can be persuaded out of it fairly easily - she thinks in the long term, and has no particular problem starting that thing in a decade or two if there's more important things to do now.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Academies are doable. Making them great will take more than BP, however.

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

How is Stability calculated? 'Cause the Control DC will get crazy.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Various buildings will increase it, Military units garrisoned will increase it, and you guys will increase it.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

I will take a closer look later today.

But at a glance, unless I am mistaken. Military units will cost a butt load upfront and as upkeep. A level 1 unit cost 1 BP and 1 BP to maintain (1 BP minimum and rounding I am guessing). While a level 2 unit cost 3 BP and 1 BP to maintain. A level 3 unit cost 6 BP and 2 BP to maintain. The cumulative cost jumps more and more as you level up the units which in turn is needed as threats will be greater as we level. A bunch of low level units can be maintained fairly well but unless our income has a good surplus we won't be able to support an army of any kind.

Here is an example. Say we have a small army of level 6 units which count as a CR 4 army. Level 6 units cost 21 BP each and 5 BP to maintain. So that's 1050 BP cost and 250 BP to maintain. I am not familiar enough with the rules at the moment to guess. But at face value that seems like a huge investment and a good chunk of BP to pay every round. Seeing as in mass combat the number of units for army's jumps per category. I expect the cost and upkeep to balloon accordingly.

Hopefully I am wrong or misunderstanding something. xZ

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Whoops, military units aren't done yet. But noted, especially since the units will cost even more once the special abilities are up. I'll reduce the upkeep for them at least - does 10% of the cost sound better? You'll also find a 'non military unit' section is going to be done, creating trade caravans that'll generate some more BP each turn, and some of the buildings and trade agreements you can form will do the same.

Thanks for the head's up.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

The funeral is Monday, as you know, so I'll be heading up to Northumberland tomorrow. Posts will resume when I dive into escapism and such.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

OK, back from the funeral.

I've finished the Military stuff, for now at least. I've designed it so it should be able to simulate having a unit with 15 killer robots, one monstrous dragon or three thousand angry Kobold Hatchlings. I suspect I'll need to add in more of the special abilities as we go, and if anyone has any suggestions please, please feel free to mention them, but I'm running out of brain power for now.

Unless anyone has any suggestions, my plan is to make up the current city of Khalharum and the three units you currently have - the Tower Guard, the Sword Dragon and Elie's Militia.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

Welcome back, Jon. ^^/

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Aye, I hope everything is as well as it can be.

A HP: 69/69 | Mythic Points: 9/9pd | Ki Pool: 4/4 || R HP: HP: 42/42 Persona time left: 9 mins, Ext Persona 1/1
AC: 20 + 4 Deflection Bonus when moving, T: 16, FF: 14, SR: 11| Fort: +4/6, Ref: +14/16, Will: +8/12 | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | Init: +8, Perception: +11
AC: 18 Human, 20 Hybrid & Wolf | T: 11, FF: 12 Human/13 | Fort: +7, Ref: +4, Will +6 | CMB: +4; CMD: +15 (19 vs trip as wolf) | Init +2, Perc: +6. Personas may differ.

I'm back though still sore from traveling and head's a bit fuzzy from everything, but it is as well as can be expected. It was a lovely service and a heartwarming time afterward with everyone. Now it's recovering and grieving which feels a bit odd while planning an almost-ten-year-old's upcoming birthday party...

I'm enjoying reading everyone else's stuff :) I've updated Aibek's mental list though it may change depending on what Jon throws at us next XD

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Oh, boy. I've been waiting on a response for a few days, figuring that you were taking time off. On a whim, I checked the thread and just realized my post must've been eaten by the boards when there were issues over the weekend. Argh!

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

I did wonder about that...

A HP: 69/69 | Mythic Points: 9/9pd | Ki Pool: 4/4 || R HP: HP: 42/42 Persona time left: 9 mins, Ext Persona 1/1
AC: 20 + 4 Deflection Bonus when moving, T: 16, FF: 14, SR: 11| Fort: +4/6, Ref: +14/16, Will: +8/12 | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | Init: +8, Perception: +11
AC: 18 Human, 20 Hybrid & Wolf | T: 11, FF: 12 Human/13 | Fort: +7, Ref: +4, Will +6 | CMB: +4; CMD: +15 (19 vs trip as wolf) | Init +2, Perc: +6. Personas may differ.

Bad paizo forums, we could have been having dream fun sooner XD

Welcome to dream realm Ayreth :D. Aibek is likely going to freak out, but I've been looking forward to this for a bit.

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Aye, sorry about that. I saw our esteemed Overlord posting elsewhere, like the Dream and just thought "It was a rough weekend. He'll get around to it. He just needs time." Feel free to poke if you're ever waiting on me. I don't want to be holding things up.


Name: Arman Aibek
Race: Witchwolf Skinwalker
Class: Bard
Status: ​Dreamy

This slayed me.


Name: Quera
Race: Changeling
Class: Cleric
Status: Useful

Just in case you were wondering, I noticed.

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Re-reading Thirsty Dryad scene. I enjoyed that a lot.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

I quite enjoy that one, yup.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

If you want to read about Nigrum getting spanked by a wee white kobold. That's up in his thread. xD

I blame myself, that's a scary template.

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Read that yesterday. I see that you're getting healed by some other oracle. That's fine, it's cool. I mean, it's not like you have a commitment or anything. As long as you're happy. ;)

Overlord Jon wrote:
The city, Khalharum. Magic pulsing through the city, like blood through veins, but so much of it was dark, lifeless, cold. And above...something else.

To be clear, you meant the city is dark, lifeless, and cold? Not the magic? 'Cause if it's the magic, that's a thing.

And anything on the something above, or did I get disconnected too quickly?

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

I need to keep up, been pretty busy. I'll be catching up with your threads as well soon. ^^

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist
Ayreth wrote:

To be clear, you meant the city is dark, lifeless, and cold? Not the magic? 'Cause if it's the magic, that's a thing.

And anything on the something above, or did I get disconnected too quickly?

Yeah, it's simply that power still isn't reaching the bulk of the city.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

By the way, Jon, how evil are you feeling right now...?

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Moderately so. Like, Dungeon Keeper won't let the dark mistresses torture themselves evil.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

Heh. XD Well, in that case, here are some more templates for ya. (Alas, most of them aren't appropriate for the new recruitment you're doing - I mean, maybe Sublime and Soulfire, but most of them really are clearly for enemies.) It's still being expanded, but should be done soon.

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)

Sorry if I've been a bit absent the last days, lessons started again. Should be back to usual posting from now.

@Azri: That Red Jester template is horrifying.
In Soviet Golarion, the Deck of Many Things draws YOU!

A HP: 69/69 | Mythic Points: 9/9pd | Ki Pool: 4/4 || R HP: HP: 42/42 Persona time left: 9 mins, Ext Persona 1/1
AC: 20 + 4 Deflection Bonus when moving, T: 16, FF: 14, SR: 11| Fort: +4/6, Ref: +14/16, Will: +8/12 | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | Init: +8, Perception: +11
AC: 18 Human, 20 Hybrid & Wolf | T: 11, FF: 12 Human/13 | Fort: +7, Ref: +4, Will +6 | CMB: +4; CMD: +15 (19 vs trip as wolf) | Init +2, Perc: +6. Personas may differ.

Welcome back Selena, just in time for more awkward Aibek is adorably hugged again. XD

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist
Selena Halfblood wrote:

Sorry if I've been a bit absent the last days, lessons started again. Should be back to usual posting from now.

@Azri: That Red Jester template is horrifying.
In Soviet Golarion, the Deck of Many Things draws YOU!

Welcome back.

And no, I never intended to adapt Carnival of Tears for you guys...until now.

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

By the way, if you're Warcrafting Zhen(turning a hero into a raid boss), that's just evil.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

I have plans, but hate cliches. Whatever could I be doing?

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Are we using auto bonus progression? I noticed that you are in your new game and couldn't remember.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

We aren't, because it didn't exist when I started this game.

A HP: 69/69 | Mythic Points: 9/9pd | Ki Pool: 4/4 || R HP: HP: 42/42 Persona time left: 9 mins, Ext Persona 1/1
AC: 20 + 4 Deflection Bonus when moving, T: 16, FF: 14, SR: 11| Fort: +4/6, Ref: +14/16, Will: +8/12 | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | Init: +8, Perception: +11
AC: 18 Human, 20 Hybrid & Wolf | T: 11, FF: 12 Human/13 | Fort: +7, Ref: +4, Will +6 | CMB: +4; CMD: +15 (19 vs trip as wolf) | Init +2, Perc: +6. Personas may differ.

Azri, that link to creature templates is great. I've had good fun creating an avatar of love with it XD

Also, one day I will be nice to Aibek and won't get carried away with their overactive imagination and bubbling panic. Today is not that day.

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