Broken Towers (Inactive)

Game Master JonGarrett

The Glorious Website
Underground Fortress

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Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

I thought so. But it was an excuse to talk about my character, and everyone loves doing that. Almost as much as people love hearing about other people's chracters, right? See, the thing about Ayreth is.... Guys, guys, where are you going? ;)

Although, I do actually dig the intricacies woven into everyone's characters. It's fun to play off that stuff.

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)

Posting this in all the games I'm in: I'll be without internet connection for the next three or so days, so bot me as necessary.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

No, no, go ahead! XD I'll probably want to talk about Azri at some point, so the least I can do is listen when you want to talk.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Getting to know the goals and motivations of each others characters will probably not be a bad thing.

And noted Selena. Have fun. Without the internet. Primitive, internetless fun. Maybe with rocks?

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

I'm always up for hearing about other characters. ^^

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

Nigrum is more about action but I'll listen. ;)

Anyways when will he ever figure out that he can fly! xD

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |
Overlord Jon wrote:
Everyone bar Ayreth is up....

Ayreth's perfect record of acting last remains unsullied. ;)

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

The dice roller can taste all tears...

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

...and mine are delicious, obviously.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12


Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Don't forget Protection from Evil


Buff: Aura of Divine Favor(20'): +2 luck bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls | Affected: Nigrum/Azri/Ayreth/Selena/Aibek/Mihara


Overlord Jon wrote:

Nigrum, you'll need to make a DC 20 save or be stunned for one round.

Anyone struck by a Junk Golem, please a DC 12 save. Don't worry! It won't kick in during this fight...

What kind of saves?

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Fortitude. Because my brain is not pudding.

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)
JonGarrett wrote:

And noted Selena. Have fun. Without the internet. Primitive, internetless fun. Maybe with rocks?

Back from rocks throwing (temporarily at least). I had time at least to work on my home game, including a mid-boss that's not going to get used for 6 months or so: even if I have the feeling that a tanky boss followed around by two Broken Soul, Vitalist/Life Oracle health batteries is a bit much...

Regarding combat, I'm a little confused: is it round two? Can I act? Also, is whatever we have to say against the golems a poison or a disease? Selena is immune to both.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

A disease. And for you, it is round 2.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

Big apologies for the delay. Tomorrow I have some free time and I'll be catching up on updating Mihara's sheet and posting.

It'd be really handy for me to know if Selena's grapple has succeeded, as it will affect my post greatly.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

Sorry about the delay, I know I said I'd post sunday... and then I failed multiple fort saves against the flu.

I'll try to get my character sheet updated ASAP.

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)

I was half-hoping the golem and the devil would have lived long enough for Selena to tie them up and use them as a giant nunchuk. :(

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

...we are pleased by this visual. Something will be arranged.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

I'm having another Selena vision.

Selena goes full on kung fu mode, grabs a pair of enemies by the legs and spins them around like mini cyclones battering other enemies with them. xD

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Aibek may be slow to post due to a combination of our wedding anniversary this Tuesday and everything in their body turning awful. I'll be botting them as needed.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

Get better soon, Aibek!

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |
Yao Mihara wrote:
Get better soon, Aibek!


A HP: 69/69 | Mythic Points: 9/9pd | Ki Pool: 4/4 || R HP: HP: 42/42 Persona time left: 9 mins, Ext Persona 1/1
AC: 20 + 4 Deflection Bonus when moving, T: 16, FF: 14, SR: 11| Fort: +4/6, Ref: +14/16, Will: +8/12 | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | Init: +8, Perception: +11
AC: 18 Human, 20 Hybrid & Wolf | T: 11, FF: 12 Human/13 | Fort: +7, Ref: +4, Will +6 | CMB: +4; CMD: +15 (19 vs trip as wolf) | Init +2, Perc: +6. Personas may differ.

Thanks for the well wishes :)

I'm just having one of those weeks where all of my medical conditions are flaring up - everything all at once - with some extra new niggles to add to the pain.

So everything hurts particularly around my joints and quadruple around my neck, shoulders, and spine, the world seems to be spinning at random even when I'm sitting still, on occasions having full control of my hands is a struggle which makes typing an exciting challenge with added bonus of pins and needles and/or numbness in my arm and legs - the latter making walking not fun, my head is full of achiness, fog and added sore throat and a new addition of wheezing which has never happened to me before which made it quite scary for me.

Thankfully whatever has set this off is starting to pass. Still quite achey and randomly lightheaded at times, but I've regained most of my motor and mental controls and the wheeze has turned into just an annoying cough. I'll still likely be slow for a bit, Jon has my permission to bot me if I get too slow to move things along though I'll likely read his postings over his shoulder while I'm curled up into a little ball of frustration and pain on the couch.

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)

Posting this in all of my games: I've had repeated problems with my internet connection in the last month, and I've struggled to fix them with no results. Because of this, I can't update consistently, so please bot me until I've managed to get everything back up and running.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

Not a problem, hopefully it'll all be resolved soon.

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

Can you crit a swarm?

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |



Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

There's a reason no one likes swarms.

No one.


Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

Well, maybe alchemists... XD Also, I think I can craft Swarmbane Clasps for the future...

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

I was just checking. Seeing as I got a rare crit and clearly the universe would not make sense if I got to use it. >:Z

Selena Halfblood Half Succubus Monk (Qinggong Tetori) 5/ Champion 1
HP:53/53|AC:20 T:18 FF:16| DR 5/Magic |Init:+6| Fire,Acid,Cold, Electricity Resistance 10 | Spell Resistance 16 | Fort:+7 Ref:+8 Will:+7(+2 vs Enchantements)|CMB:+13(+15 Grapple,+17 Dan Bong) CMD:26(30 vs. Grapple)
Darkness 3/3 Detect Thought 1/1Alter Self 1/1 Kiss 0/1 Level Drain 5/5; Mythic Pool 3/7 Ki Pool 5/5 Stunning Fist 5/5 Smite Law 1/1; Perception+11 Acrobatics+12 Diplomacy+13(14 to gather information)

Internet's back!

We've been trying to kill this thing since two weeks or so D:
Does it look like we're doing any damage?

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

It's being hurt...but yes, this is less fun than we had hoped. I knocked it's Regeneration on the head once I realize it was just going to drag a boring fight out even longer, but...

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

But we need more AoE's, I think. XD Or Swarmbane Clasps. ...The former is much easier to get right now.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

Agreed, Azri. More AoE would be good.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Cisor Slayer 6 / Champion 2 l HP 86 l AC: 29, T: 15, FF: 24 l F: +11, R: +11, W: +7 (+4 vs Poison) l Init +7 l Perception +12

I'm melee this go around, AoE's are not my department. While would find it funny for Nigrum to get whirlwind attack, that's not in my plans. xP

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

One of my revelations is an aoe & I was thinking about taking it for this reason. Overlord Jon brought us together for RP reasons rather than just trying to fill roles. It's much more fun this way, we just need to shore up a few things here and there.

Spray of Shooting Stars (Su): As a standard action, you can unleash a ball of energy that explodes in a 5-foot radius burst dealing 1d4 points of fire damage per level. A successful Reflex save halves this damage. This attack has a range of 60 feet. You can fire one explosive ball per day, plus one additional ball per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels thereafter. You can fire more than one ball at a time, but creatures caught inside more than one simultaneous explosions only take damage once.

A HP: 69/69 | Mythic Points: 9/9pd | Ki Pool: 4/4 || R HP: HP: 42/42 Persona time left: 9 mins, Ext Persona 1/1
AC: 20 + 4 Deflection Bonus when moving, T: 16, FF: 14, SR: 11| Fort: +4/6, Ref: +14/16, Will: +8/12 | CMB: +7, CMD: 23 | Init: +8, Perception: +11
AC: 18 Human, 20 Hybrid & Wolf | T: 11, FF: 12 Human/13 | Fort: +7, Ref: +4, Will +6 | CMB: +4; CMD: +15 (19 vs trip as wolf) | Init +2, Perc: +6. Personas may differ.

That is a cool spell revelation Ayreth :)

Aibek now has a little AoE as backup...except all shadow conjuration magic allows spell resistance which isn't helpful on constructs.

I will have my shadow snowball in the desert soon enough XD

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

The sad part is that I actually do have a lot of AoE's myself... but they generally aren't damage-dealing abilities, which is what you want against swarms. XD Ah well.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

I... have very little in the way of AoE. One or two non-damage spell likes.

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

That's OK. You bring the stab.

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

You really, really do.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10


*kicks in the japanese folk instrumental for background music*

Time to update me a character sheet.

Woops. Posted in game instead of discussion last time.

I realized today that ultimate versatility is tier 3. I'll pick something else tonight.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

... well, looks like my character sheet hadn't saved. Sure glad I kept a back up.

Mihara is ACTUALLY updated now.

In the end, I picked Extra Mythic Power, because you can never have too much.

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

I'd be happy to look through my mythic handbooks for you sometime. o wo/ There's probably something worthwhile in there.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

I'm open to suggestions.

On the other hand, more Sudden Strikes and extra standard actions is never a bad thing.

I am really, really, REALLY looking forward to rank 3, though.

Path Dabbling: Fleet Warrior... *laughter*

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist

*Shivers* Why am I suddenly filled with feelings of dread an regret?

Witch 8/Arch. 3 | HP: 75/75 | Melee: +5, Ranged: +7 | AC: 26, T: 13, FF: 23, DR: 8 (Blu/Mag) | Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +8 (+4 vs Chan. Ener.) | CMB: +5, CMD: 18 | Init: +12, Perception: +23 |

Everything would be subject to GM approval, of course, but...

Mythic Sneak Attack (Ex): The rogue is an expert at creating situations where she can make an unexpected attack. Her first attack each round targeting a non-mythic creature is a sneak attack, even if the creature is not flanked or denied its Dex to AC. Additionally, when the rogue sneak attacks a creature that is immune to sneak attacks (such as an elemental) or negates sneak attack damage (such as a target with armor of fortification), she may expend one use of mythic power to still deal her sneak attack damage to the creature.

Backstabber (Ex): You are an expert in the fine art of attacking when an opponent’s back is turned. When flanking an opponent, add one-half your tier to attack rolls (minimum +1) and if you have the sneak attack class feature you may add 1d6 to your sneak attack damage for every two mythic tiers you possess (rounding down). If you are in flanking position threatening a non-mythic enemy that normally cannot be flanked, you can expend one use of your mythic power to treat that creature as flanked until the end of your next turn.

Female Fey Kitsune Kitsune Rogue 7 / Trickster Tier 2 | HP: 60/60 - M: 6/7 | AC: 22 T: 18 FF: 14 | F: +4 R: +13 W: +2 (+5 vs. Mind Affecting)| Init: +10 Perc: +10

Hm. Backstabber feels overpowered even by mythic standards, quite honestly.

Meanwhile, Mythic Sneak Attack would be pretty underwhelming for Mihara. Mythic Sneak Attack looks decent but... sort of bland. I'll pass on it, I think.

Dark Archive

CG Changeling Heavens Oracle(8) | HP: 87 | AC: 19 T:13 FF:17 | DR: 5/cold iron | CMD:20 | F:+5 R:+4 W:+9* | Init:+5 | Perc:+14 | Darkvision: 60' | Low-light Vision | Speed: 30' | Mythic Power: 7 | True Lore: 2 | Vision: 2 | Cleric Channel(1d6): 11 | Oracle Channel(4d6): 11 | Spells: 1st: 9 | 2nd: 9 | 3rd: 7 | 4th: 5 |

Nice, Nigrum. I didn't even remember we had that.

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