Clebsch RoW |

Sorry for the delay again. The current players have been having some issues with things in RL and also the PM system. I wanted to give everyone ample chance to indicate any preferences.
The following three characters have been selected for joining the ROW campaign. Please post in the discussion thread and work out any remaining character creation decisions, including background. Then we'll work on how to work the characters into the game.
Knight of Rust: Gnome Arcanist (Elemental Master)
Malinor.: Crasius Leone, a human bard (arrowsong Minstrel)/Dragon Discple (Brass)
polyfrequencies: Human or half-elf bard (chronicler of worlds or studius librarian)
All the submissions had promise, but in the end, these were the three I think fit best with the established players. To those not chosen, thank you for your interest.

Clebsch RoW |

Seven years ago, this Reign of Winter campaign kicked off. I took over the GM duties less than a year later. Some PCs have left and new ones joined. The campaign is in the middle of the third book of the Adventure Path and the players are keen to keep going.
I am however beginning to burn out and need a break. The players and their PCs are interesting and disciplined, so if someone is willing to take over the GM duties, it will be a pleasant challenge to escort them on the trail to locate Baba Yaga and save Golarian from a Reign of Winter.

Hadda Sogard |

Bumping this to see if there's any interest! Our current party (now known as the Hellboars, from our slaying and cooking of a fiendish dire boar shortly after coming together in the near-current incarnation) consists of the following:
We're at 8th level now in the depths of Artrosa, one of Baba Yaga's ancient homes in far Iobaria. We find ourselves in the midst of a three-way guerilla war between the servants of Baba Yaga, a powerful hag coven, and a group of demon worshipers. Among the six of us, we have associations with all three of Baba Yaga's now-dead Riders, representing the different points at which the party came together on this quest. We have different motivations (other than our geas) for continuing but are all spurred on to find Baba Yaga and end the Winter woes of the Jadwiga of Irrisen.

Clebsch RoW |

Recruitment is open for 1 to 3 new PCs for this campaign. The new characters will join a team of three PCs: Crasius Leone, Ingrit, and Rurik Voralius. They are a bard/dragon disciple, a ranger, and a cleric, respectively.
Only Ingrit remains of the PCs who started the campaign in 2016 under a different GM. I took over the GM duties early in that campaign, which is now at the end of Book 3. The new PCs will join as the we transition to Book 4, which (spoiler alert) takes place on another planet, one you may be familiar with if you've played Starfinder.
All PCs will be 10th level. Existing players will have a vote in which new characters to invite. At least one of the new PCs should probably be an arcane caster. The Reign of Winter AP has a lot of good RP opportunities for the witch class, but a witch is not essential. There should probably also be one more good front line fighter.
The original recruitment specified "20 point buy, two traits (one from the campaign guide)." Advance to 10th level with 62,000 gp for equipment. We'll be open to any PF 1e races, classes, feats, and equipment, but we reserve the right to veto anything that might not fit well with the campaign theme and/or the existing PCs. For hit points past first level, roll your class hit die and if the result is less than half, the result half your hit die +1.
The AP has the PCs in an alliance with an evil NPC, Baba Yaga, but the goal is to prevent a great evil that will befall Golarion if the current queen of Irissen has her way: nothing short of the entire planet becoming a snow covered ice planet. The predominant alignment of current and recent PCs is either CG or N. I'd prefer PCs that are not evil.
They learn, however, of a plot by a daughter of Baba Yaga, the current queen of Irissen, to avoid the fate of past daughter/queens: Baba Yaga shows up and the current queen is removed (fate uncertain) and a new daughter is placed on the throne. The current queen has apparently figured out a way to keep Baba Yaga from returning. She has created multiple gates to various temperate and tropical regions of Golarian which, left unchecked, will turn all Golarion into a permanent state of winter much like current country of Irissen.
They must commandeer Baba Yaga's famous hut, which is in Irissen's capitol, Whitethrone. They do this and end up taking the hut to a location chosen by Baba Yaga where her agents were to be directed should Baba Yaga not return. The first location is the area of Iobaria. They venture into the interior of a mountain top set of giant sculptures made by Baba Yaga long ago, called Atrosa. They don't find Baba Yaga in the complex but they find keys of another location where they might locate her.
In order for your character to connect with the group, they should ideally be in Iobaria. If not from this region, new PCs should have a reason they are adventuring there. Natural choices for classes would be barbarian (unchained), bloodrager, hunter, skald, slayer, sorcerer, or witch. Races found in the area are human, Mitzenki catfolk, and centaurs. Any race or class is possible, with a plausible reason to be in the area. I'm willing to work with anyone wishing to create a centaur PC. It would involve toning down some of the bonuses to ability scores, so the centaur might be a smaller, weaker sub-race, perhaps analogous to how ponies relate to most horses.
I would recommend describing the character and his/her/their reasons for being in the area before spending too much time on the crunch details. If the character is chosen to join the campaign, then you can continue to the detailed build.
Recruitment will remain open until new PCs are chosen. Hopefully, it won't take more than a week or two.
I like to vet new players by looking at their PBP characters and posts. I'm looking for flavorful posts with lots of descriptive detail beyond the basic 'I hit with my sword' information. I'll also look to see if any PC a players has played has dropped out of a campaign without notifying the GM/players, as that is bad form and a red flag.

Mightypion |
Dotting, seems like a melee beatsteak is good?
Instant ideas:
Bloodrager mercenary who moonlights as an Assassin. Has a contract to kill the big bad of book 3 (I dont know who that is ooc).
Technically works for Baba Yaga as she set a number of assasination contracts as a contingency if deposed. Chaotic Neutral alignment, highly professional mercenary attitude. would, to progress plot, would willingly accept the rider boon.
Likes Golarion, has purchased some real estate in Andoran and is against it being covered by snow and ice forever.
Could be an Urban Bloodrager who is more on the charismatic and less bestial side.

"The Lucky Halfling" |

I'm definitely interested, but I know my games have been hit or miss over the years so I understand if you go another direction. My currently active game does back to 2021 currently if that helps.
Otherwise, I'm just going to have fun making a character and see what comes of it. Regardless of selection, thanks for running!

Leif "Elsewhere" Leifson |

Quick question: from my experience, inserting a new level 10 character into an existing level 10 party almost always results in that character being stronger, on account of having purchased tailor made equipment, rather then things found on a dungeon floor.
I plan to burn around 10K-13K on party wide utility items,
such as wands of haste etc.
Skill wise, as there are particular holes? I plan to invest in bluff and UMD.
Also, all of the current PCs seem to be strongly below the 62K wealth level (all 3 have 20kish wealth on their sheets), this is fixable by having a non geassed individual go on a shopping spree :).

KoolKobold |

what would you say to a gnome who takes 3 levels in shadowdancer? I’ve had one idea for said character some years ago but that didn’t fall through. as for what class to select, that’s still something to think on but right now the idea would be slayer
EDIT: spur of the moment brainstorming but my idea for why this character is in Iobaria would be simply, they were good at deception and assassination and they were set up to botch the wrong target, leading to her having to flee all across Avistan until she finally lost her enemies by hiding in Iobaria, taking up a new name while continuing her services as an assassin or mercenary.

Oriol Argerich |

hp: 9d10 ⇒ (7, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 9, 2) = 47
Would like to submit this character for consideration. I'm repurposing the alias, but aside from that it is a completely new character created just for this game.
Still working on background, description and a hook for him to join. Should be done in the following day.

Pemta "the Shadow" Broilbree |

hp slayer: 6d10 ⇒ (10, 6, 3, 8, 2, 4) = 33
hp shadowdancer: 3d8 ⇒ (7, 5, 3) = 15
Slayer 1st HP 10 + Slayer HP 39 + Shadowdancer HP 16 + 20 (Con) + 10 (Toughness) = 95 (I might have done the math wrong)
I'll definitely be working on her gear, crunch and background more tomorrow but here's the submission for Koolkobold's gnome slayer/shadowdancer. I plan to keep her leveling up as a slayer, just getting the shadowdancer levels to get the summon shadow ability.

Ouachitonian |

Ooh, the idea of playing a centaur sounds fun. I'd probably play a cavalier of the Charger archetype, because when else would I get a chance to? Whatever downgrading you want to do, I'm happy to work with.
As for who I am, I've been playing on here since late 2014, IIRC, and have played some else where as well. More experience in PF1 than anything (which I've also very occasionally GMed IRL), but I've also played 3.5, 5e, Starfinder, GURPS, Traveller, DCC, Mutants & Masterminds, Star Wars Saga Edition, and probably at least one other system I'm forgetting. I've played bits and pieces of RoW before, but never a game that's lasted, and games run differently enough from each other that even playing the same campaign with a different party, GM, and character is almost always a new enough experience that I've found prior knowledge of a campaign to hardly matter. I've got plenty of prior campaigns for you to look through. Level of detail on my posts can vary, I tend to fit to the game; some game don't want much more than "post your initiative rolls", or "everybody roll perception", but others, whether by GM request or organic party desires, tend to be more descriptive. I'm happy to be more creative.

Twilight Hunter |

iobaria is fairly close to numeria, so would a savage technologist who fled the technic league be okay? obviously i'm not asking for tech weapons, i'd be mostly in it for the DEX rage for a rapier. you already have someone with a level in urban bloodrager, so i didn't want to take the same archetype.
i know a few beats to the campaign, mostly what happens in book 5... which, admittedly, influenced my archetype choice a bit here. hope it's okay that i know the vaguest of story beats to the campaign

trawets71 |

I have a wizard that has started this AP several times but they have all collapsed before finishing the first book. He is an admixture (evoker) specializing in fire magics. He is a devout worshiper of Nethys. He is in Iobaria looking for ancient cyclops relics and magic items. If you are interested I can stat him out. Thank you.

Leif "Elsewhere" Leifson |

I have two slight different version, one is focuses on messing up spell casters, the other is really good at feinting, but deals a bit less damage. Still, I can see a number of ways in which the party benefis from me feinting enemies, and the anticipated opposition may be quite dodgy, and feinting is more synergisitic with the party overall imho so I am leaning towards the latter.

Clebsch RoW |

Quick question: from my experience, inserting a new level 10 character into an existing level 10 party almost always results in that character being stronger, on account of having purchased tailor made equipment, rather then things found on a dungeon floor.
I plan to burn around 10K-13K on party wide utility items,
such as wands of haste etc.Skill wise, as there are particular holes? I plan to invest in bluff and UMD.
Also, all of the current PCs seem to be strongly below the 62K wealth level (all 3 have 20kish wealth on their sheets), this is fixable by having a non geassed individual go on a shopping spree :).
Good point about the wealth. I'll give current PC's the option to add items to bring their gear up to standard levels. They can also spend that on party items if they choose.
Regarding skills, here are the highest skill bonuses of the existing PCs.
Acrobatics +17
Bluff +3
Climb +11
Diplomacy +15
Heal +15
Knowledge: Arcana +11
Knowledge: Dungeoneering +5
Knowledge: Engineering +5
Knowledge: Geography +5
Knowledge: History +5
Knowledge: Local +6
Knowledge: Nature +11
Knowledge: Planes +6
Knowledge: Religion +12
Linguistics +14
Perform Oratory +11
Perception +14
Sense Motive +9
Spellcraft +11
Stealth +2
Survival +17
Swim +5

Clebsch RoW |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

what would you say to a gnome who takes 3 levels in shadowdancer? I’ve had one idea for said character some years ago but that didn’t fall through. as for what class to select, that’s still something to think on but right now the idea would be slayer
EDIT: spur of the moment brainstorming but my idea for why this character is in Iobaria would be simply, they were good at deception and assassination and they were set up to botch the wrong target, leading to her having to flee all across Avistan until she finally lost her enemies by hiding in Iobaria, taking up a new name while continuing her services as an assassin or mercenary.
I see nothing wrong with some levels of shadowdancer. The source says they do not generally have the Lawful alignment, but that's fine for this campaign, as everyone is cooperating with an Evil NPC but for the greater good of Golarion.
Iobaria is largely depopulated due to past plagues that are still a risk to anyone living there, so it would be a good place to go to escape pursuit.

Clebsch RoW |

Would a hunter be a good fit here, or maybe a brawler/shield champion? Or even a skald, I have played a skald briefly and really enjoyed that part, any words of advice would be welcome. I have always wanted to play Reign of winter but never have nor found anyone really into playing it.
Create a character you would enjoy playing. Any of these could contribute. There is a player with 5 levels of bard, so maybe check Crasius out to avoid overlap with a skald.

Clebsch RoW |

iobaria is fairly close to numeria, so would a savage technologist who fled the technic league be okay? obviously i'm not asking for tech weapons, i'd be mostly in it for the DEX rage for a rapier. you already have someone with a level in urban bloodrager, so i didn't want to take the same archetype.
** spoiler omitted **
I'm not familiar with the details of the savage technologist but I expect it would be a good fit, given the proximity to Numeria. It might also be helpful in book 5.

Clebsch RoW |

I have a wizard that has started this AP several times but they have all collapsed before finishing the first book. He is an admixture (evoker) specializing in fire magics. He is a devout worshiper of Nethys. He is in Iobaria looking for ancient cyclops relics and magic items. If you are interested I can stat him out. Thank you.
The group could use a good arcane caster, so feel free to propose a wizard.

Clebsch RoW |

[dice=HP roll] 2d8 + 7d12
the dice do not shine on me, it seems. when do you hope to close recruitment?
Every hp roll below half the highest die result will change to half +1.
So 2d8 + 7d12 = (1, 3) + (8, 7, 3, 6, 4, 6, 5) = 43 will change to
(5 + 5) + 8 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 60
Response is brisk so far, so I expect we'll have a good crop of applicants within a week. You don't need a lot of crunch, just the general features you would create along with some info on background.

Ouachitonian |

Should I go ahead and build a Centaur cavalier and then make modifications on the back end, or do you want to tone down the centaur before building? (Mostly I’m asking if I should add the full 10 levels, given that a centaur is usually a CR3 creature with 4 HD. It’d be good to know before building how many class levels I’m knocking off.)

Clebsch RoW |

@ everyone: Don't feel rushed to develop all the details of a character if you have limited time over the next week. What we need is an indication of what class or classes you propose, any archetypes, race, alignment, and ideas about the character's background, personality, motivations, and reason(s) for being in Iobaria.
There will be time for those selected to work out the details, as we will have some events to play through with the current players.
There is a players' guide to the campaign you can download free:
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Reign of Winter Player's Guide (PFRPG) PDF
If you just want to see the campaign traits, they can be found in the Reign of Winter section of this link.

Clebsch RoW |

iobaria is fairly close to numeria, so would a savage technologist who fled the technic league be okay? obviously i'm not asking for tech weapons, i'd be mostly in it for the DEX rage for a rapier. you already have someone with a level in urban bloodrager, so i didn't want to take the same archetype.
** spoiler omitted **
The PC Domitian Olavsgaard is leaving the campaign after this book concludes, so don't worry about overlap with him. He has been the primary melee combatant and front line fighter up to this point.

Pemta "the Shadow" Broilbree |

Pemta's backstory is done, but I'll copy paste her backstory here for convenience. I changed her alignment to True Neutral, but that's more due to her years of isolation, near insanity, and partially shattered soul than anything.
Where her memories become more clearer was with one particular night-she was promised a big pay to eliminate a certain politician, as well as her own home nearby the Lake of Mists and Veils, a place where she can live the rest of her days...only to realize it was too good to be true. House Surtova either no longer considered the gnome assassin useful, or they were afraid someone else would pay her to attack them; regardless, Pemta almost stumbled into an ambush. A voice whispered in her ear to flee, and flee she did-she fled into the Gronzi Forest, only to be discovered there, and climbed over the Icerime Peaks into Iobaria. Somehow, she managed to throw her pursuers off once she entered there.
However, the event shattered her mind quite a bit-while not enough to throw her to complete insanity and evil, her life felt like it fell apart through her fingers, and eventually she decided to stay in Iobaria even well after she believed House Surtova stopped looking for her. She continued her skills as an assassin within whatever settlements remained in Iobaria, but she cut her hair, garnered a cloak to hide her face, and traveled only at night when she was paid a few coins to kill some farmer or barkeep. Since then, she has been known as "Iobaria's Shadow", more of a local legend than a living person to the residents. Which fits her fine.
Her loneliness would have eaten her alive and possibly put her over the edge had she not had a single friend, a single voice of reason-her very own shadow. Her shadow speaks in a tongue that only she understands, whispering vague sentences of confidence to keep her from losing her mind completely. Pemta does know that her shadow might only be keeping her alive so it can continue to exist, but either way, she learned to live with her shadow speaking to her-pointing out things she might have missed, helping her weigh her options, and, like that very night she almost died, prevented her from wandering into a trap...

Hatashi Iancu |

@ GM Clebsch, don't worry about me finishing already; i love creating characters and have about ~20 shelved concepts. hope some minor tech gear for flavor (flashlight and a battery) is okay.
one more question, though: how/where will we be meeting up with the party? i have most of the basic fluff done, but that'd help flesh out his motivation beyond a potential paranoia that the technic league is still after him.

Pemta "the Shadow" Broilbree |

@ GM Clebsch, don't worry about me finishing already; i love creating characters and have about ~20 shelved concepts. hope some minor tech gear for flavor (flashlight and a battery) is okay.
one more question, though: how/where will we be meeting up with the party? i have most of the basic fluff done, but that'd help flesh out his motivation beyond a potential paranoia that the technic league is still after him.
This is the first time I’ve ever heard of a savage technologist, yet another cool archetype to add to my list of cool archetypes.
Grok *handshake emoji* Pemta
Fleeing from a powerful group