Aubrey's Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master Aubrey the Malformed

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Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:

Sol and Kaygan talk privately for a moment (at an appropriate point). Kaygan can't help but look back at the tiefling paladin (the man can't Bluff obviosuly), but he looks reassured.


Kaygan nods. "Your friend appears to be a demon-blooded tiefling if I am not mistaken. I've heard of people with his heritage who manage to overcome the evil in their ancestry, but I've never heard of such a one being accepted into the church of the Inheritor. And yet ... he obviously has no love for evil, and I just saw him heal your friend with a touch. I'm amazed but not worried."

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:
Jod Eastwind wrote:

After helping with freeing the remaining librarians, Jod stands and considers a rather nasty gash in his side that his actions had hidden from the healers.

"Say, folks, if anyone has some healing to spare, I think I could use a bit here."

Hand outstretched in greeting, he leans toward Kaygan. "Welcome aboard, Kaygan! If Sol's vouching for you, that's good enough for me!"

"So, if we are going to bring the wounded up from the depths, is there some place here we can keep them safe? Or do we need to find a different spot to hole up?" He looks around at the recently-freed and his friends.

"Thankyou," Kaygan replies to the ranger, returning the handshake in a reasonable facsimile of the traditional Kellid fashion.

"I don't know how safe it is here to be honest. We thought it was, but," he pauses and shrugs, looking at the dead tieflings, "obviously we were wrong. If the city is still overrun with demons, perhaps it would be safer to remain underground? Although that still sounds like hiding, and I am tired of that." He walks over and huddles together with his fellow librarians, asking them what they plan to do and their opinion of whether the remains of the library can be made secure.

Any hints or NPC advice here Aubrey?

"By the way," Kaygan adds to Jod, "weren't you about to look for that odd looking fellow who came with you, then dashed back outside? Should we be worried about him?"

Ranger (Infiltrator, Skirmisher) 4/Champion 1 | 41/43 hp | AC 18, T12, F16 | Saves F8, R7, W4 | Perc +11 | MP 4/5 | Effects: [i][/i]

The young man's expression darkens. "Probably. He surrendered rather than die with his tribe. I let him live, gave him a second chance. If he doesn't come back on his own soon, I won't make that mistake a second time."

Dark Archive

Male Human Percept 6+, Sense Motive, +4, Init +2 HP 41/41 : AC 16 T 13 FF 12 (+1 v traps) : F 3 R 6 (+1 v traps) W 4

"He probably got scared and ran for it. He isn't the bravest -- person."

"Good. He's solid as any of the others. I'd never have gotten out of the pits alive without them." Sol reiterates. "Hey, what does the library have on the hero Yaniel and his sword? Or a place called Drezen?"

Male, Pitborn Tiefling Warrior of Iomedae's Holy Light 4/Guardian 1 (AC: 21 [T: 11 /FF: 20]; HP: 52/66; F+9, R+5, W+7; Init: +1; Perc: +0 [Darkvision 60'])

Mulluq turns abruptly at Jod's request, "Yes, I can offer some healing. I apologize for my delay in providing it. I was... distracted." With that, he moves over, and with a prayer to Iomedae, lays his taloned hand on one of Jod's wounds. Seeing his effort produce minor results, he grows determined to help. That's when the effect pays off. "I'm sorry I could not provide more, it's my fault for doubting my own worthiness in receiving Her righteous glory. Who am I to question her choice?" He turns to the library as a whole, and takes time to scan it for any sense of evil, before moving out to the doorway and scanning the courtyard in front of the building.

LoH on Jod 1d6 ⇒ 1, another one 1d6 ⇒ 5
Taking however many rounds needed for an initial scan of the interior, and the front area with Detect Evil.

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:
Jod Eastwind wrote:
The young man's expression darkens. "Probably. He surrendered rather than die with his tribe. I let him live, gave him a second chance. If he doesn't come back on his own soon, I won't make that mistake a second time."

"So ... he won't go and tell any passing demons that we're in here will he?" Kaygan asks mildly.

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:

Aubrey, Sol has asked Kaygan if the library has any materials on Yaniel, his sword, or Drezen: do Kaygan or any of the other librarians know of any relevant books and their possible whereabouts (I'm aware that the books probably aren't properly shelved at the moment...)?

For that matter, what does Kaygan know of such things?
Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Knowledge History: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Knowledge Planes: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Mythic Power: 5{5}Wand Female Human Inquisitor 4 HP: 31{31} AC: 18 Judgement 2{2}:, T: 12 FF: 16 XP Treasure

"Not likely. He would be too scared. He'd struggle to ask his own shadow to help."

1 person marked this as a favorite.


You will have a copy of Yaniel's demon-fighting manual, but that's quite a common book. There are no official biographies of Yaniel that you are aware of, although she may be mentioned in other sources.

There will also be histories of the previous crusades which will mention Drezen, and somewhere there will be older volumes which detail the city as it was before it was absorbed by the expansion of the Worldwound. Drezen is, however, quite famous as its loss at the beginning of the disastrous Second Crusade is still a piece of unfinished business as far as the Church of Iomedae was concerned. At least until the recent attack.

How much of all this survives given the devastated state of the Librarium is debatable, however. Certainly it might be hard to find right now.

Kaygan, again:

The head of the Librarium, Quendys Orlun, was absent at the time the demons struck. As a local dignitary, he would have been on the podium near the Cathedral. It is possible he is still alive somewhere, but he hasn't shown up here.

The Librarium is fairly secure providing you don't make the mistake (which the librarians did) of opening the door to people claiming to be crusaders. So they can stay here in reasonable safety.

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:
Aubrey the Demented/Malformed wrote:
The Librarium is fairly secure providing you don't make the mistake (which the librarians did) of opening the door to people claiming to be crusaders. So they can stay here in reasonable safety.

Oops. But they looked so friendly!

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:
Jod Eastwind wrote:

"So, if we are going to bring the wounded up from the depths, is there some place here we can keep them safe? Or do we need to find a different spot to hole up?" He looks around at the recently-freed and his friends.

One of the other librarians speaks up. “The main hall of the Librarium here is well constructed, and the front doors are heavy and intact. If he hadn’t fooled us into thinking he was here to help, I don’t think that false crusader would have had much luck getting in here. I’d think it may be a good place to bring your wounded friends. We’ve managed to scrounge up some supplies, you’d be secure and safe here for a while.”

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:

Following Sol’s question, Kaygan confers quietly with his fellow librarians, as well as trying to recall his own studies on such matters. Shortly he speaks up, addressing Sol but speaking loudly enough so that the others can also hear.

“Well, the Librarium has a copy of Yaniel’s A Treatise on Slaying Demons of course; but most in Kenabres would be familiar with the teachings in that tome, even if they don’t know who wrote them – it’s a common enough book. Neither my colleagues nor myself are aware of any official biographies of Yaniel, though she is mentioned in other sources, such as general histories of the Crusades. I don’t know anything specific about her sword – to be honest, it could show up right in front of me and I wouldn’t know it from any other blade.

“Drezen is quite famous – or infamous – for being lost to the marilith Aponavicius at the start of the Second Crusade – or rather it was the loss of that crusader city that prompted the call for the Second Crusade, which, as you no doubt know, was quite a disaster for our side – Sarkoris in particular. The demons still occupy Drezen as far as anyone knows – I’ve heard that the Church of Iomedae consider that a particular piece of unfinished business. There are – or were – plenty of books in the Librarium that mention Drezen; any history of the Second Crusade for instance, and I know there are some older volumes around that detail the city as it was before it was absorbed by the expansion of the Worldwound.

“But trying to find any particular book in this mess …” Kaygan trails off and looks about the room in dismay. “Most wings of the Librarium were all but destroyed in the initial attack – any books that survived will be buried in the rubble. The books and scrolls here in the main hall mainly survived, but those tieflings destroyed more of a few of them, and as you can see they forced poor Alisia to stack most of the rest in a pile – they’re all out of catalogue order now. We,” his gesture takes in himself and the other librarians, “are all quite junior members of staff, not necessarily privy to the overall catalogue of texts. If you are looking for a particular book or piece of information, the man to ask would be Quendys Orlun, the head of the Librarium. He was over at Clydwell Plaza for the festival when the demons struck – as an important member of the city, he probably would have been somewhere near the Prelate or the Archbishop. If Desna smiles he may have survived the attack, but if so he hasn’t come back here.”

Ranger (Infiltrator, Skirmisher) 4/Champion 1 | 41/43 hp | AC 18, T12, F16 | Saves F8, R7, W4 | Perc +11 | MP 4/5 | Effects: [i][/i]
Mulluq'Tar Sheptat wrote:
Mulluq turns abruptly at Jod's request, "Yes, I can offer some healing. I apologize for my delay in providing it. I was... distracted." With that, he moves over, and with a prayer to Iomedae, lays his taloned hand on one of Jod's wounds. Seeing his effort produce minor results, he grows determined to help. That's when the effect pays off. "I'm sorry I could not provide more, it's my fault for doubting my own worthiness in receiving Her righteous glory. Who am I to question her choice?"

The ranger's relief is apparent as the healing flows. He puts a hand on the paladin's shoulder. "Mulluq, you know I'm no holy man and I'm not scholar, but Rhok told me once that trying to know the mind of a god is a waste of time. I am glad you are here with us."

Dark Archive

Male Human Percept 6+, Sense Motive, +4, Init +2 HP 41/41 : AC 16 T 13 FF 12 (+1 v traps) : F 3 R 6 (+1 v traps) W 4
Kaygan Veer wrote:

Following Sol’s question, Kaygan confers quietly with his fellow librarians, as well as trying to recall his own studies on such matters. Shortly he speaks up, addressing Sol but speaking loudly enough so that the others can also hear.

“Well, the Librarium has a copy of Yaniel’s [i]A Treatise ... I don’t know anything specific about her sword – to be honest, it could show up right in front of me and I wouldn’t know it from any other blade.

“Drezen is quite famous – or infamous – for being lost to the marilith Aponavicius at the start of the Second Crusade ... there are some older volumes around that detail the city as it was before it was absorbed by the expansion of the Worldwound.

“But trying to find any particular book in this mess …” Kaygan trails off and looks about the room in dismay. ... If you are looking for a particular book or piece of information, the man to ask would be Quendys Orlun, the head of the Librarium. He was over at Clydwell Plaza for the festival when the demons struck – as an important member of the city, he probably would have been somewhere near the Prelate or the Archbishop. If Desna smiles he may have survived the attack, but if so he hasn’t come back here.”

Sol listens carefully, but with disappointment. "That's not a lot. Finding Orlun, finding him, would just be shear luck. If he survived. The whole plaza caved in. We would have died in the fall without Terendelev's spell."

The letter also mentioned Nyserian Manor, Topaz Solutions, and the Tower of Estrod, but did we roll for knowledge of those places. I remember only rolling for Yaniel.


Can't remember - you can roll now, anyway. Knowledge (Local).

Mythic Power: 5{5}Wand Female Human Inquisitor 4 HP: 31{31} AC: 18 Judgement 2{2}:, T: 12 FF: 16 XP Treasure

"What does this Orlun look like? Any chance he is one of those we left below? Some of them were definitely hiding something."

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:

Kaygan thinks for a moment and does a google image search.

"Head Librarian Orlun is a stern looking older gentleman with swept back white hair. He has a tattoo down his cheek sweeping towards his chin, and usually wears black. He's kind of tough looking for a librarian ..."

Hopefully Google has not led me astray here - if I am looking at the wrong picture hopefully Aubrey will correct me.

Male, Pitborn Tiefling Warrior of Iomedae's Holy Light 4/Guardian 1 (AC: 21 [T: 11 /FF: 20]; HP: 52/66; F+9, R+5, W+7; Init: +1; Perc: +0 [Darkvision 60'])

Jod's easy attitude, and ability to know how to say the right thing, works to help lift Mulluq's self-doubt. He offers a weak and fangy smile at the man, with a soft, "Thank you."

On the discussion at hand, Mulluq offers, "According to the false crusaders' missive, this is Yaniel's sword." He holds up the blade he has been using. "They had it below ground with one of their own. I need to return it to somewhere safe, somewhere its magnificence belongs."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Knowledge (Local), DC 10:

Orlun is a wizard who fought in the last crusades, and is consequently tougher than the average librarian. He set up the Librarium as a repository for lore on the city's abyssal foes.

If you got 20 or more on the check:

Orlun is rumoured to be sympathetic to the Riftwardens, an organization of arcane casters interested in planar phenomena. The Riftwardens have not had an official presence in Kenebres due to the city leadership's longstanding antipathy to arcane casters.

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Kaygan is still waxing lyrical about Librarian Orlun.

“… and he looks tough because he is! He’s quite a powerful wizard, fought in the Fourth Crusade! The Third two I think actually. Anyway, he set up the Librarium after he retired from demon killing as a repository for lore on Kenabre’s Abyssal foes.” He looks like he could go on, and is indeed about to go on, but then seems to think better of it and trails off. “Anyway, hopefully he’s still alive out there …”

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:
Mulluq'Tar Sheptat wrote:

Jod's easy attitude, and ability to know how to say the right thing, works to help lift Mulluq's self-doubt. He offers a weak and fangy smile at the man, with a soft, "Thank you."

On the discussion at hand, Mulluq offers, "According to the false crusaders' missive, this is Yaniel's sword." He holds up the blade he has been using. "They had it below ground with one of their own. I need to return it to somewhere safe, somewhere its magnificence belongs."

To Mulluq, Kaygan says, “Really? Yaniel’s sword? Oh, I don’t doubt your word, warrior of the Inheritor,” he adds hastily. “However, if the information you have from the false crusaders is true, that is a great find. Though as I said I don’t know anything specific about Yaniel’s sword, I would expect that the sword of a famous demon slayer may bear some truly potent enchantments. Has any amongst you yet examined the blade for such?”

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:

As the various conversations go on, one of the other librarians clears his throat. “Uh, one of you mentioned some injured friends? You were going to go and fetch them here?”

Kaygan nods. “There was some talk of that, wasn’t there. Are you lot all content to stay here for the time being?” This is addressed at the other librarians, who all nod, preferring the relative safety of the remains of the Librarium to the unknown dangers of the city. “Alright; I’m going to go with Sol and his friends, if they’ll have me. I’ll help them get their injured companions here if I can – and if it seems safe to do so without drawing attention to you. If I get a chance I’ll keep an eye out for Head Librarian Orlun, or anyone else we know. If we run into any sort of a rescue party, I’ll let them know where you are. Don’t open the doors to anyone else unless you’re sure they’re on our side. Hmmm, we should do a secret knock.” He spends a few moments practicing a complex knock with the other librarians on a nearby book shelf.

“If I’m going out there, do you mind if I take some of the supplies and weapons we managed to scrounge up from the rubble?” The other librarians raise no objections, so Kaygan strides over to a low hidey-hole between a wall alcove and a partially fallen shelf, and shoves some items hidden there into a backpack. One of these is a large book, that he wraps carefully in an oil cloth before placing into the backpack. He attaches a light crossbow to a hook on the side of the pack. Lastly, he coaxes a big grey rat out from the hidey hole. The rat looks at Kaygan, rubs its snout with one tiny paw, then scurries up the librarian’s arm and into a large pocket in his robe.

“Right,” says Kaygan, returning to stand near Sol and Jod as he shoulders the backpack. “I’m ready to go if you are.”

Mythic Power: 5{5}Wand Female Human Inquisitor 4 HP: 31{31} AC: 18 Judgement 2{2}:, T: 12 FF: 16 XP Treasure

Kira sighs at all of the arrangements, especially the secret knock. But manages to keep quiet.

"As ready as I can be today."

Dark Archive

Male Human Percept 6+, Sense Motive, +4, Init +2 HP 41/41 : AC 16 T 13 FF 12 (+1 v traps) : F 3 R 6 (+1 v traps) W 4

Sol grins at Kira's sigh, before addressing the librarians. "If something happens to Kaygan, I'll just yell when we get back."

But after his weak jest the youth's smile dissolves into a brow-furrowed frown. HE opens his mouth then snaps it shut.

Ranger (Infiltrator, Skirmisher) 4/Champion 1 | 41/43 hp | AC 18, T12, F16 | Saves F8, R7, W4 | Perc +11 | MP 4/5 | Effects: [i][/i]

Jod laughs at Sol's discomfort. "C'mon! Let's go do heroic deeds, eh?" He slaps him on the shoulder, throws an arm over Kaygan, and heads toward the door. "So you are good with words, right? You will be able to record the epic deeds we do and rights we wrong as we free the city from the demonic hordes? Of course you can!"

HP 34/34 | Init +2 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 R +3 W +4 | Per +1 | MP: 7/7

While the others confer with Kaygan, Hannik strips the false crusader and tieflings of anything useful and throws it in a pile to the side. Her scavenging is forceful, almost violent and her brow dark as she focuses on anger rather than tears. As much as anyplace else the Library had been her home since leaving Shelyn's temple and while Alissa wasn't a friend she had been a reliable part of that home. When she finishes with each one Ghroth throws the body over his shoulder and dumps them near the door side by side.

Finally she comes to Alissa and gently crosses her arms with whatever book she finds nearby under her heart and says a quiet prayer to Shelyn over her.

Once they are nearly ready to leave Hannik stops the librarian, "Kaygan you should also know that the Wardstone was tampered with from within to make this invasion possible. As far as we know it is heavily damaged, but still exist. The Baphomet worshiping crusaders had a note that mentioned Areelu Vorlesh wasn't finished with the Wardstone yet and once she was they would be leaving Kenabres for Drezen, but first they needed to go by each of the safehouses and destroy any evidence of the collaboration. We know the safehouses and the passphrase. Even if the city has fallen we want that evidence. After we bring the others up we are going to get it."

"Also- we need to be quick. Murray may be a coward, but he knows where we left the rest of the loot from the Baphomet cultists."

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:
Jod Eastwind wrote:
Jod laughs at Sol's discomfort. "C'mon! Let's go do heroic deeds, eh?" He slaps him on the shoulder, throws an arm over Kaygan, and heads toward the door. "So you are good with words, right? You will be able to record the epic deeds we do and rights we wrong as we free the city from the demonic hordes? Of course you can!"

“Uh, good with words? Not sure I’d say that … I probably talk too much though. I do a bit of writing … I could probably pen something …”

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:
Hannik wrote:

Once they are nearly ready to leave Hannik stops the librarian, "Kaygan you should also know that the Wardstone was tampered with from within to make this invasion possible. As far as we know it is heavily damaged, but still exist. The Baphomet worshiping crusaders had a note that mentioned Areelu Vorlesh wasn't finished with the Wardstone yet and once she was they would be leaving Kenabres for Drezen, but first they needed to go by each of the safehouses and destroy any evidence of the collaboration. We know the safehouses and the passphrase. Even if the city has fallen we want that evidence. After we bring the others up we are going to get it."

"Also- we need to be quick. Murray may be a coward, but he knows where we left the rest of the loot from the Baphomet cultists."

Kaygan stares at the young woman for a moment. “Alright,” he says after a moment, looking over at Alissa’s body, resting on the book that Hannik placed there. “That sounds like quite a task, but … I’ll help as I can. I know a few spells … nothing very powerful I’m afraid, but … I don’t know, I had sort of a bad feeling when I woke up this morning, I prepared some spells that I normally wouldn’t; some of them may actually be useful as it turns out.”

I would suppose that Wardstones are outside of Kaygan’s experience, but perhaps he’s read something useful on the subject; any idea what could be done with a damaged Wardstone that might interest Vorlesh? Would there be any likelihood of repairing it?
Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

Fair to say, he's got no idea.

Male Human (Kellid) Oracle of the Apocalypse 3

"Let's go. These streets resemble my dreamscapes too much." Rhok picks up his morningstar from where he left it and starts walking towards the manhole cover they emerged from.

Dark Archive

Male Human Percept 6+, Sense Motive, +4, Init +2 HP 41/41 : AC 16 T 13 FF 12 (+1 v traps) : F 3 R 6 (+1 v traps) W 4

"Uh," Sol kind of chokes. "If we're going to be moving that fast-- I can't -- I mean -- I need to check on my family. And it might take some time to even find home. But I've got to try. I could go now and meet you back here."

Ranger (Infiltrator, Skirmisher) 4/Champion 1 | 41/43 hp | AC 18, T12, F16 | Saves F8, R7, W4 | Perc +11 | MP 4/5 | Effects: [i][/i]

Jod turns and comes back to the youth, looking concerned. "I never even thought about it - I guess I didn't think people had families here, they came here to fight and went somewhere else to live." He looks at the others in the group, wondering how many others have loved ones - not just fellow warriors - in the rubble.

"I will absolutely help you find your family, but you have to remember. It's been, what, two days?" He looks at the newest member of the party. "I hate to say it like this, but if they survived the initial assault and rampaging demons and fake crusaders, it's because they have found allies and a place to hide. You will be in more danger looking for them, especially alone, than they will be."

Putting a hand on each shoulder and looking Sol in the face, he offers, "Come with us. Stay with the tribe. Let us bring up those we left behind - the ones we know we can help - and we, all of us, will search for your family as we get the lay of the land when we return."

He stops and waits for the other fellow's response.

Seems odd to call Sol a youth. How old is he? I don't think there's a lot of difference between he and Jod, is there?

HP 34/34 | Init +2 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 R +3 W +4 | Per +1 | MP: 7/7

He's 16.

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:

There are some pretty young characters in this group, I hadn't realised. It reminds me of when I first started playing D&D at about age 11 or so, when all our (human) characters were 15 or 16 - beyond that seemed pretty old! Nowadays most of my group are playing characters in their thirties or forties - close to (or younger than) our real ages.

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:

Kaygan stays silent at Sol's words. He hadn't thought about family - all of his own are long dead as far as he is aware, and his adopted family is safely back in Nerosyan. He is on good terms with his fellow librarians, but hasn't really been here long enough to feel very close to them - with the exception of his respect for Alissa and his hero-worship of the Head Librarian.

He wants to help Sol, but secretly feels that the younger man's quest may be doomed, and that they are better of helping people they know still to be alive. Felling ashamed at the thought, he offers a silent prayer to Desna that she grant luck to Sol's family.

By the way, forgot to give the loot for the encounter:
crusader's mace (detects as magical)
two potion vials (detect as magical)
masterwork banded mail (might be of interest to a martial character)

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:

After thinking about it for a moment, Kaygan inclines his head towards Jod (nods at Jod sounded wrong) and then turns to Sol. “I’ll help you look for your family,” he says quietly. “But your friend is right – you are unlikely to be able to help anyone if you go alone, and you,” he indicates the group, not just Sol, “have told me that you have injured allies waiting for you to return to see them to safety. We should see to them soon – it sounds as if they are not so far away – and then search for family and friends.”

Mythic Power: 5{5}Wand Female Human Inquisitor 4 HP: 31{31} AC: 18 Judgement 2{2}:, T: 12 FF: 16 XP Treasure

Identify crusader's mace (detects as magical): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Identify potion vial 1 (detect as magical): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Identify potion vial 2 (detect as magical): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Trying to move about a bit, though still looking sore. Kira looks over some of the stuff Hannik has put to one side.

Aubs wrote:
masterwork banded mail (might be of interest to a martial character)

Ohh, Kira may take that if one of the more melee folks doesn't want it.

Does Kira have Heavy Armour Proficiency?

The mace is a heavy mace +1. The potions (they are both the same) are Cure Light Wounds.

Dark Archive

Wintergreen's CE PA IT Geek 10/Daddy 9/Physicist 3/Cartographer 1/Runner 3/Cub Scout Leader 2/Musician 1

That's why I said may. Sadly only light and medium, so better left for someone else.

HP 34/34 | Init +2 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 R +3 W +4 | Per +1 | MP: 7/7
Kaygan wrote:
I would suppose that Wardstones are outside of Kaygan’s experience, but perhaps he’s read something useful on the subject; any idea what could be done with a damaged Wardstone that might interest Vorlesh? Would there be any likelihood of repairing it?

Aside from the rolls there is the general knowledge about Wardstones that anyone living here would know. They define the boundary of the Worldwound and since being damaged Kenabres will be absorbed by it. This is likely going to be demon territory permanently unless it can be repaired.

To decide about potions-
Current HPs:
Kaygan 16/16
Kira 6/16
Hannik 18/18
Ghroth 12/20
Jod 15/20
Sol 12/17
Rhok 14/14
Mulluq 18/20

Kira and Jod most likely right? He's front line and she is currently in the danger zone.

Mythic Power: 5{5}Wand Female Human Inquisitor 4 HP: 31{31} AC: 18 Judgement 2{2}:, T: 12 FF: 16 XP Treasure
Hannik wrote:
Kira and Jod most likely right? He's front line and she is currently in the danger zone.

Oh no, now I'm going to have to watch Top Gun again.....

Kira takes one of the potions and downs it with a shivver. "Jod, take this." she hands Jod the other.

Cure light wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

HP 34/34 | Init +2 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 R +3 W +4 | Per +1 | MP: 7/7

"Surprise. Some of us grew up here. Before we leave the city I will have to see the temple of Shelyn. If it is still standing and the other temple wards are alive I'm taking them with us when we leave."

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:

Potion distribution sounds right.

Someone should claim the +1 mace, it’s always useful to have another magic weapon in the group, to overcome DR if not for the hit and damage bonuses. It may make a fitting weapon for Rhok, or Kira (though she may prefer to stick to the Iomedean longsword).

Mythic Power: 5{5}Wand Female Human Inquisitor 4 HP: 31{31} AC: 18 Judgement 2{2}:, T: 12 FF: 16 XP Treasure

Yeah, I think Rhok should swap it out for his morning star....

Dark Archive

Male Human Percept 6+, Sense Motive, +4, Init +2 HP 41/41 : AC 16 T 13 FF 12 (+1 v traps) : F 3 R 6 (+1 v traps) W 4
Jod Eastwind wrote:

Jod turns and comes back to the youth, looking concerned. "I never even thought about it - I guess I didn't think people had families here, they came here to fight and went somewhere else to live." He looks at the others in the group, wondering how many others have loved ones - not just fellow warriors - in the rubble.

"I will absolutely help you find your family, ...."

Putting a hand on each shoulder and looking Sol in the face, he offers, "Come with us. Stay with the tribe. Let us bring up those we left behind - the ones we know we can help - and we, all of us, will search for your family as we get the lay of the land when we return."

He stops and waits for the other fellow's response.

Kaygan Veer wrote:
After thinking about it for a moment, Kaygan inclines his head towards Jod (nods at Jod sounded wrong) and then turns to Sol. “I’ll help you look for your family,” he says quietly. “But your friend is right – you are unlikely to be able to help anyone if you go alone, and you,” he indicates the group, not just Sol, “have told me that you have injured allies waiting for you to return to see them to safety. We should see to them soon – it sounds as if they are not so far away – and then search for family and friends.”
Hannik wrote:
"Surprise. Some of us grew up here. Before we leave the city I will have to see the temple of Shelyn. If it is still standing and the other temple wards are alive I'm taking them with us when we leave."

Sol's brow unfurrows as each of his companions speaks. "Th- Thank you. I thought the mission to the safe houses would be more important than my troubles. I'm happy to have your help. And, Jod's right it's been days. A few more hours won't matter that much. Let's get Anevia and the others then."

Nobly spoken, guys.

Mulluq or Jod look like the best candidates for the banded armor. Is the extra AC worth the speed loss?

For anyone in medium armour the speed loss only applies when running.

Ready to head out and back to collect your friends Horgus, Arivashnial and Anevia?

Mythic Power: 5{5}Wand Female Human Inquisitor 4 HP: 31{31} AC: 18 Judgement 2{2}:, T: 12 FF: 16 XP Treasure

That looks like the plan.

Ranger (Infiltrator, Skirmisher) 4/Champion 1 | 41/43 hp | AC 18, T12, F16 | Saves F8, R7, W4 | Perc +11 | MP 4/5 | Effects: [i][/i]

Jod replaces his used potion (thanks, all!) and defers on the armor. "My friend Mulluq has proven himself by far more effective, we need to be sure he stays upright."

I might be convinced otherwise, but my vision of Jod is of a mobile warrior more than a tank. The banded mail doesn't match that mental image. I have not looked at the statistical improvement would be yet. Feel free to prove me wrong.

EDIT: We got off the road and I looked at the d20pfsrd - the banded mail doesn't work for Jod. If Mulluq doesn't want it, we should donate it to the cause of retaking the city.

Hp: 21 of 21; Effects active:

Kaygan peers about the seemingly deserted, ruined street as he steps outside the library for the first time in days.

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