Jod Eastwind |

Kira, I don't know what that means. What loose ends do you intend to tie up? Return and get the folks we left in the village? Put Muray to the sword? (I'm not advocating the latter, for the record.)

Kira Valerious |

We left equipment in the camp, as well as the people, I thought. That's been brought back to the lair we just cleared out, but we need to pop back in for it.
It also feels like we need to close off with the leaders of the group that helped us. We have returned the favor by getting rid of an enemy for them, but it would be quite rude to just disappear....

Jod Eastwind |

OK, so two options? Return below ground to gather up gear and people, then head to the Library? Or head to the library to get the lay of the land, then return belowground to gather up gear and people? Is there a different option?

Hannik |

"I think we should scout the library- discretely. When we bring the others this far we are going to need a place to lay low until we can figure out what is going on and hopefully find some of the evidence Hosilla was supposed to destroy at one of those three safe houses they mentioned in the letter. If we are lucky we might find some information about how they tampered with the wardstone. Then the library would be the best place to figure out if there is anything we can do about it to undo the damage. Would be a lot easier of Aravashniel could see, but he knows the place and the others can work as his eyes while we scout the safe houses. In the meantime we will have an idea if the city is fallen or fighting back and whether or not we need to drop the whole thing and get the hell out of here."

Jod Eastwind |

"Around," says Muray evasively.
Heading the the library?
Jod motions for Muray to stay with him as he gets a few steps in front of the others to take point. In a low voice, he says,
"Come on, buddy! If you are keeping secrets, you make me think I can't trust you! You need friends - you've got me. What are you hiding? I mean, the big invasion already happened, so what's it going to hurt to tell now?"

Mulluq'Tar Sheptat |

Once they are free of the confines of the tunnels and sewers, Mulluq returns to his more defensive posture. His shield is borne before him, with the new blade held tightly at the ready. He is eager to lead, protectively, but Jod continues to step to the fore in a scouting position. Sadly, Mulluq does not have the speed to overtake him with all his armor on, and is resigned to at least being near enough the front to be of use if needed.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

"It don't matter now," mutters Muray, unwilling to talk further.
Hannik orients the group and sets off towards the librarium. Although this street has suffered little serious damage, the same is not true a few streets further on. Something enormous seems to have ploughed a trail, oblivious to any buildings in its path, leaving a swathe a rubble and broken timbers heading from the centre of town, through the walls and beyond.
Standing on the edge of this path of destruction is the librarium. It is a shadow of its former self. Most of the structure is now blackened ruins. Only a single part of the building, the main hall, still seems to be standing.

Jod Eastwind |

Jod shakes his head. "You never know. Rhok says everything means something. Everything matters."
When they get to the amazing damage, Jod signals a stop, taking a moment to study the area before trying to approach the librarium.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Hannik |

Hannik is tense and silent during the walk until they met up with the trail gouged out through various buildings. "Holy hell." She fishes for her bolt case and grabs another handful holding them out to Kira. "I don't know what good they'll do, but I'm gonna bet you're a better shot than I am. Take these."
Huddled in the shadows of a cross street she nods, "Well there it is. What's left of it anyway. But it is something."
"I think I'd feel better about this if Ghroth were here, injured or not. Give me a minute." She closes her eyes and begins tracing out sigils in the air around her while whispering her calling in an understandable, but archaic form of Hallit. Thos ewho speak Hallit might be able to make out bits and peices as she invokes an ancient pact with her family line and calls on an immortal and unknowable being to honor that pact with the barest trace of its essence required to send send Ghroth to her. When she opens her eyes again they have gone white until a blue sigil flares into life on her forehead and they regain their natural dark brown and Ghroth appears in front of her crouched on all fours.
Noting the Library in the distance he turns to look back at her and gurgles, "So we are unemployed I take it?" She snorts, "And homeless to boot. Here. Drink this." She hands him the potion pilfered from the cultists. "We are going to try to sneak our way in without drawing too much attention but I thought it would be better to have you here in case we bungle it."
"Hey- everybody keep your eyes out for sewer entrances. We might end up needing them to get around town."
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14 Scanning buildings looking for signs of humanity in hiding.
Since she worked there, is there a side or back entrance? Anything less visible than trying to force our way through a presumably barred and locked main entrance?
Potion of CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 Brings him to 12/20

Hannik |

"Nothing left but the main door. The main hall was built to withstand earthquakes and other catastrophes." Hannik looks back at the others nervously. "So are we ready? Maybe you two ought to pray about now," she says looking at Kira and Mulluq.

Mulluq'Tar Sheptat |

Mulluq looks somewhat confused, "Mistress Hannik, I spend much time in prayer, and have done so frequently throughout our time together. I do not believe this time is any more appropriate for prayer than any other situation we have faced previously." He adds, for the sake of the plan, "If sneaking is called for, I warn you that I am unintentionally much worse at it than not lying by choice. Sadly, I am naturally more capable of lies than stealth. I will do my best, despite how awful it may be." He consistently sends forth his connection to evil, looking for others that bear the stain.
Detect Evil (as usual)
Perception 1d20 ⇒ 13
Stealth 1d20 - 5 ⇒ (17) - 5 = 12 (if we are sneaking)

Jod Eastwind |

Jod looks for a route that could bring the party around to the front side of the building without exposing them any more than necessary. He looks at the Hallit mage, "Maybe we can back up, go around this block to circle around? It doesn't make much sense to just stroll down the street if we expect resistance."

Jod Eastwind |

Jod shakes his head in reply, "Mammoths don't do that kind of damage. I am not sure I want to know what's at the end." He gestures toward where the line of damage disappears in the distance.

Hannik |

Hanniks flushes and snaps back at Mulluq and Kira's expression, "Look- you two are new to the Worldwound, but it's like this- demons don't fight quietly. They shriek and roar and make an awful racket. That tends to draw in other demons who want in on the action. We are in a city full of demons as far as I know. If they see us while we are trying to make a break for the Library or trying to break the door down to get in a small fight could escalate quickly. They could be swooping in from the sky, teleporting from down the block, hell for all I know whatever stomped these buildings might still be around. But yeah- this should be just about the same level of danger as killing giant maggots or a few cultists. You've got it all figured out. Let's go." She turns away and darts out for the Library.
Using the previous stealth check and cover as possible.

Kira Valerious |

Kira quickly follows Hannik, as quietly as her armour allows.
Stealth: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19
"Hannik, while your summoned companion is useful, he is not a God. We will get along better if you leave the how and when to pray questions to us. Arguing in the street does not improve your stealth either."

![]() |

Sol's mouth hangs slackjawed while he looks from side to side at the carnage, but he takes up his customary place in line when the others start to move.
Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Jod Eastwind |

Seeing that the decision has been made, Jod grabs Muray by the arm and hustles him forward, trying to catch up or get in front of Hannik.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Ugh. Sorry, all!

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

The adventurers approach the front door of the librarium. Although the library is largely destroyed, the buildings around it are in a better condition, as if the Blackwing was singled out for devastation. The heavy wooden double door is ajar, and inside a voice barks, "Stack them up! Damn it, do it!"

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Rhok sticks his head round the door. He has seen the inside of the hall before. In better times it was a place of studious quiet, with rows of shelves filled with neatly catalogued books and scrolls. But now the place has been ransacked, the stacks toppled and shreds of vellum everywhere. He also sees four people in simple robes - he recognises them as librarians - bound hand-and-foot in the open centre of the hall. Around them another librarian is creating a ring of books, tears rolling down her face. Three horned humanoids, probably tieflings, laugh and jeer. Meanwhile, a human dressed in the armour of a crusader shouts and shoves the librarian building the ring of books, sword in hand. The crusader's head is uncovered, showing a dark-haired man, his unkempt hair greasy and his face smudged with dirt.