Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

"The chief can explain everything," replies Lann to Kira.
The walk to the village takes about half an hour. The tunnel ends at a stout stone door, guarded by two more mongrelfolk. They react with suspicion as they spot the strangers, but Lann steps forward and explains the situation and they visibly relax. They open the portal and the adventurers enter the mongrelfolk village.
A small, dark lake ripples in the center of this two-hundredfoot-wide cavern, the walls and ceiling aglow with thick sheets of luminescent fungi. In the center of the lake, over two dozen low stone buildings cluster on a rocky one-hundred-foot-wide island. Lights glow in the windows of the buildings, giving the settlement an almost welcoming look. Rafts made of mismatched planks of timber bob along the length of a crooked pier at the lake’s closest shore.
A few more mongrelfolk are fishing by the lakeshore, and are surprised when the large party arrives. Lann makes swift introductions and soon the surface-world delegation are punted across the water. Horgus just looks disgusted at everything, but Aravashnial is very animated. "What can you see? Fascinating! A whole pitling village, under our very noses. The civilisation of the mole-people. Please, what can you see?"
The group makes landfall. The village is little more than a few stone shelters made of boulders and debris. The misshaped inhabitants trail after the visitors to the headman's hut, which is indistinguishable from the others. Inside it is dark and smokey, and a squeeze to get everyone in.
Lann introduces chief Sull. His flesh hangs in flabby folds and his face, which is both rodenty and lizard-like, is wrinkled. His grey hair is a sparse tangle while his deep-set eyes are watery, one of them milky with a cataract. But his smile is friendly enough.
"Welcome, strangers, to Neathhome. What brings you here?"

Jod Eastwind |

Jod alternates between rubbernecking as they move into the mongrelfolk city, greeting everyone with a friendly wave, and trying not to stare, especially at the more unusual variations on the human form. He tries to describe the sights - but not the residents - of the city to the inquisitive wizard.
When they get to Chief Sull's, he hangs back to let those with more skilled tongues do the talking.

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Sol seems to shrink smaller and smaller as they follow Lann into the village. His head bows and he glances sideways under the brim of his cap at the trailing crowd.
Chief Sull, the demons have broken into the city above.
In the battle's course the earth itself gave way and dropped us into this cavernous realm. We have wandered for days in search of a path back to the surface. Can you show us such a path? Have you any news of the battle?
Too embarrassed to actually speak, Sol remains silent.

Mulluq'Tar Sheptat |

Diplomacy 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Mulluq looks to the others, wondering if they will speak, but accepting that it just may be his hideously deformed appearance that could cause the mongrelmen to be more willing to treat with him. "Greetings Chief Sull".
Mulluq continues "It is sadly not under good conditions that we meet. The tremors and shaking earth was the result of an attack on the city above and the slaying the great dragon protector. We were dropped through a crack in the earth, and are now just trying to get back to the surface."

Kira Valerious |

Diplomacy Aid: 1d20 ⇒ 19
"As my friend says, we have been wandering the tunnels for a day or so, we are hungry and tired, and trying to find a way back to the surface. We also have some questions about some men we found dead in the cavern outside, but they will wait."

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Chief Sull nods sagely as Mulluq speaks. "I know little of dragons. But who attacked the city? Was it the accursed forces from the Worldwound? We may live under the earth, hidden from the eyes of those above, but we are the children of crusaders. I will stand for demons invading the city no more than any other follower of the light."
In response to Kira's words, he adds, "You are welcome here, to share our meagre food and rest in our homes. But you speak of men slain near our village. If there is a danger to my people, that cannot wait at all - please tell me more."

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Conversation initiated successfully, Sol feels he can speak too.
"Aye, demons from the Worldwound. We fear the Warding Stone is broken. Terendelev the silver dragon rose above the square in which we stood to fight the Storm King himself while squadrons of demons swooped over the city.
When the Storm King slew him they plunged into the square and the ground buckled, plunging us all down here. Terendelev's last act was to soften our fall with a spell."

Rhok Redmoon |

A few more mongrelfolk are fishing by the lakeshore, and are surprised when the large party arrives. Lann makes swift introductions and soon the surface-world delegation are punted across the water. Horgus just looks disgusted at everything, but Aravashnial is very animated. "What can you see? Fascinating! A whole pitling village, under our very noses. The civilisation of the mole-people. Please, what can you see?"
"Here's a request, wizard. The ones we met by the collapsed tower didn't like being called molefolk. So, while we're in their village, why don't you keep real quiet. I'd like to make it out of here in one piece, and I don't want that jeopardised by you and your big mouth."
Later, as the party meets the chieftain, Rhok steps up to answer his latest question. "The dead men we found were dressed as city guards but carried the weapons and holy symbols associated with the worship of the demon lord Baphomet. We are, frankly, not sure what they were down here for, but we are sure they were up to no good."

Kira Valerious |

Kira will take out the things she took from the men.
"You see, they were dressed as though they were from my church, but beneath they carried unholy relics. It would appear that the fungus monster in the cavern outside killed them, just as they killed it, which is rather fortunate for us. We don't know if there will be others, but we believe they are passing through here to infiltrate the city, rather than causing you any direct threat."

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

The chief nods sympathetically as Sol speaks, but doesn't seem to entirely understand what he's talking about. The more practical matter of the cultists grabs his attention more.
"These bad people, we have seen them in the tunnels before. Normally we avoid them. But lately, there have been more and we have seen them more often. If they are followers of demons, they will not be content to leave us alone for long. And we are not content to leave them alone either. They are not just a threat to us but to all good people.
"And now you tell us that the demons have broken through. I think it is perhaps time for my folk to take their proper place with the crusaders in the surface world. It is what our ancestors came here for, and it is the duty of all good people to fight the demons and send them back from where they came."
He taps his chin. "There is a bad tribe in the tunnels. Recently they have allied with these demon-worshippers from above. Before we ignored them, for they are weak and they have little that we want. But now that time is over. This tribe controls a tunnel to the surface world which you can use to return to your people. If you can drive out this bad tribe you can return to you home, and I would ask you to give a message to your leaders telling him that my folk are ready to join them in their battle."
With his one good eye, Chief Sull fixes each of the adventurers with a beady look. "Do you agree?"

Kira Valerious |

Sense motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 He's not trying to use us to settle old rivalries is he?
"It doesn't sound like we have much choice if we want to get back to the surface. Would some of your warriors be able to help us? We need food and rest first."

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Sol nods his agreement with Chief Sull even though he knows the crusader leadership would never listen to him. But the others could convince them. I'm sure of it.
[dice=Sense motive]1d20+5 He's not trying to use us to settle old rivalries is he?
What a suspicious mind you have. I like it.

Rhok Redmoon |

"Tonight we need to rest up, eat and drink, and regain our strength." Though Rhok has avoided the debilitating injuries of the party's civilian charges, he's clearly much worse for wear. "Tell us about these bad tribesmen tomorrow morning. Anything will help - a good plan, after all, is half the battle."
Diplomacy, if necessary, 13+7=20.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

"Of course! We can tell you what we know about the bad tribe, but now you must rest. But I think it should be you who should tackle the tribe. My people are needed to spread word to the other tribes. Time is short."
And with six PCs you have plenty of resources already.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

The meeting breaks up and the visitors are given places to rest amongst the villagers. None of their huts is large enough for the hole troop of strangers, so they are split between different dwellings, sharing them with the inhabitants. They are given food to eat - tough dried mushrooms with the consistency and taste of shoe leather, and a broth made of fish heads - and places to bed down. For those suffering injuries, the chief sends the tribes witchdoctor, Seer Opoli, to tend them.
All the while the newcomers are gawped at by locals. Aravashnial is fascinated, although mindful of Rhok's comments he moderates his language. Horgus seems to be disgusted by the squalor, but Anevia takes everything in her (limping) stride.
OK, you can rest up. On the basis of a decent sleep in reasonable comform and being fed, you can each regain 2hp. You can also regain another 5hp each from having your wounds tended. Please say where that leaves you in respect of hp, as more healing is possible.
Also, 150xp each for concluding the alliance with the mongrelfolk.

Jod Eastwind |

That brings me to 11 of 12 hit points.
Jod is on his best, if slightly uncivilized behavior, and most of his speaking unless he's asked a question is probably some form of gratitude as he tries not to stare at his hosts.

Mulluq'Tar Sheptat |

Mulluq is used to the gazes to his appearance, but is somewhat comforted to see that they are not the looks of fear or disgust, merely curiosity. He gets looks no different than those of his non-demonic companions, and almost feels like he is more accepted amongst these mongrelfolk. He is comforted with the way the community is able to accept their own appearance, and figures it is due to them not having to struggle with an evil soul that consumes them.
He tears into the food easily with his prodigious fangs, and thanks all of their hosts profusely for everything they offer.
Rest and healing puts me up to 11 out of 12

Kira Valerious |

Kira hadn't lost any HP anyway.
Kira will make sure she ends up in the same place as Wirra, and makes sure she is looked after properly. Other than that, she gets the food and rest she sorely needs.

Hannik |

Understanding that there is a limit to what one can expect from a stranger's hospitality, Hannik dismisses Ghroth when the tribe is discussing lodging for the night. Over dinner she forces an overly enthusiastic and not entirely convincing smile for her hosts while she chews and chews and then chews some more her first bite of dried mushrooms. Luckily the fishy broth is a little more to her taste and she is sincere in her thanks to them for both and a place to sleep.
Before sleep bedding down for the night she sits outside watching the evening activity in the cavern-village and thinking about the challenge to come.
Hannik and Ghroth were uninjured.
Btw- I like the story point / skill based challenge XP bumps in this AP. I haven't really noticed it before, but it gives a little variety to the challenges at when you can't be fighting all day at low levels.

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

I think that's why they did it that way - constant carnage would probably mean the loss of lots of characters on the way. Of course, the relative difficulty and danger of crossing a chasm compared with slaying a beast may not be strictly comparable, but on balance I think it's a good way to get through the "fragile levels" while keeping it interesting. They keep doing it at higher levels, though not quite as much. This installment of the AP is also interesting as you are pretty much hitting 5th level or so by the end, and the non-combat xp contributes to that.
When the adventurers awake, they are given another meal of cavern cuisine and are then ready for the attack on the enemy tribe. Chief Sull explains, "This tribe are not far. To reach them it is a short walk through the tunnels. We do not know much about their lair, but we know that through it you can reach the surface. They have never posed any danger to us - their chief is lazy and stupid, and they are few in number. But now they are allied with demon-loving scum, it is time they are driven out.
"I shall also send Lann with you. He will be my messenger to your lords. And take these - they may help you in your battle." Seer Opoli hands out two jars of foul-smelling paste.
One jar is effectively a topical potion of Cure Light Wounds, the other is one dose of Antivenom. I'll stick some stats up for Lann in the Campaign Info page.
Horgus, Anevia and Aravashnial approach the group. "We will stay here for now," says Anevia. "In our state, we will only slow you down. When you have dealt with the tribe, come back and we will follow you up to the surface. We'll also keep an eye on Wirra."
"And make sure you do come back," grunts Horgus, "Not sure I can take much more of this place."

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I think that's why they did it that way - constant carnage would probably mean the loss of lots of characters on the way. Of course, the relative difficulty and danger of crossing a chasm compared with slaying a beast may not be strictly comparable, but on balance I think it's a good way to get through the "fragile levels" while keeping it interesting. They keep doing it at higher levels, though not quite as much. This installment of the AP is also interesting as you are pretty much hitting 5th level or so by the end, and the non-combat xp contributes to that.
It seems to be the more modern way of designing RPGs too. 4e's skill challenge system, and the indie games where combat is just another skill challenge. I quite like it, it makes sense that your decisions allow your character to grow as much as fighting the beast.
Kira nods at Chief Sull's words. Still a little dubious about attacking a tribe she has no knowledge of.
To Anevia she says "That is probably the safest way. We will return as swiftly as we can."
That doesn't seem to mesh too well, the messenger coming with us and coming back for the others. But getting the path cleared is the way forward. Let's go!

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

Yeah, actually, that's a good point. I was having the others stay back to avoid them getting in the way - you don't normally take a cripple, a blind person and a useless moaning git on a commando raid. So I held them back, especially as there are six PCs and so plenty to do already. So assume Lann will wait until you return as well. THEN he will be the messenger.

Jod Eastwind |

Knowing it will irritate the man, Jod chuckles and slaps the merchant (?) on the back. "Our old shaman always said few things teach you as much as sleeping in another tribe's campsite. Consider it a learning experience!"
As they gather at the start to their next tunnel of travel, he is much more serious and maybe a touch nervous as he asks, "If we were planning this raid on the surface, my uncle would suggest that we send scouts to approach the enemy from multiple directions and observe. That doesn't seem to apply here, but scouting still seems wise."
"I would scout, but I cannot see down here. If I take a light and they have a sentry of any value, they will know I'm there long before I will see him. Unless," he looks around, "do we know if the members of the tribe need light, also? I mean...." He trails off, not sure how to finish the thought and not wanting to offend their hosts.
Weakly, he finishes, "This tribe has light in the village, so maybe this other tribe does, too."

Aubrey the Demented/Malformed |

The chief smiles. "You will not get lost. And even if the people of the bad tribe do not need light, the people from the surface world will. But it is true that they will see your lights as you approach. But do you not have their armour and clothing. And do they not dress like some of you anyway?" He nods at Mulluq and Kira.

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"Terendelev’s scale might help too. It's magic allows a form of disguise."
I believe Sol's got the T-scale of disguise. (alter self, 3x/day, 19 min per casting?) Not sure if it would let us make an exact copy of one of the false crusaders. Aubrey?
School transmutation (polymorph); Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a piece of the creature whose form you plan to assume)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min./level (D)
When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the humanoid type. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, scent, and swim 30 feet.
Small creature: If the form you take is that of a Small humanoid, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Dexterity.
Medium creature: If the form you take is that of a Medium humanoid, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Strength.

Jod Eastwind |

"I suppose I could wear one of the tabards and carry a glaive to get close." He looks at Mulluq, "You have a pretty unique appearance, my friend. No offense, but it might be just the thing for fooling them."
As far as I can tell, the second chainshirt is still available. Did Sol want to claim it?

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"Yeah! We probably could pass Mulluq off as some kind of demonic messenger. And maybe Hannik as a prisoner and Ghroth as Mulluq's minion...."
What if we used a piece of false crusader as a material component? Although I guess we don't use material components with the scale.
Sol would be interested in the chain shirt.

Mulluq'Tar Sheptat |

Mulluq watches the planning with consternation, before finally speaking. "I know I can do nothing about my horrible visage, but must do everything within my power to continue to walk the path of righteousness. I will not claim to be a devil worshiper, though I can understand the need to conceal my religious allegiance. Also, although deceit may come naturally to my kind, I will not delve into it willingly. I can only, in my right mind, agree to this idea if I go no further into deception than keeping hidden my holy symbols and not speaking. I accept that being silent and letting them reach their own conclusions about me may be enough without my having to speak or act falsely."

Jod Eastwind |

Jod nods, "That's perfect. No offense, but being the strong silent type is the perfect role for you here - I doubt they will find it odd in the least."
Jod proceeds to pull on the tabard and takes up the glaive, looking longingly at his falchion, but he hands it to Rhok. "I don't think she's their style. When things get exciting, I hope you find a way to get her to me."

Rhok Redmoon |

"I will do that. I like this plan - use their demonic allegiance against them. Your sword will be part of my disguise. Is there a tabard left for me too?"
He quickly scans the others. "Kira keeps hers, obviously. Sol and Jod need tabards. Mulluq, can you give me yours? You'll pose as a, um, recent arrival; extraplanar reinforcements don't need human uniforms. Hannik poses as a captive, and Ghroth is Mulluq's familiar. How can this not work?"

Mulluq'Tar Sheptat |

Mulluq offers but a single slight nod to go with his somewhat passive-agressive complaint, "If that is the deceit you wish to tell, I accept it, though I will neither speak it nor propogate it by my own tongue." With that he begs a prayer of forgiveness for any transgression to his deity as he removes his religious apparal to hand to Rhok, and tucks the holy symbol under his armor.

Kira Valerious |

Kira looks at Mulluq. "I fully expect our deception will collapse as soon as we get close my friend. You need not claim to be something you are not. Just to allow them to believe what they see for as long as possible, to get us close and allow our attack to succeed. The more surprise we have when we jump them, the better."