Ascension - Rebellion (Inactive)

Game Master bbangerter

Library Street

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Discussion thread is now open for the selected players.
Please post in here to indicate you are working on your character stat blocks (or to indicate you have completed your stat block).

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

Stat block's basically up there.

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

Working on stat block.

Just a quick question that isn't clear to me.

The Eidolon table gives a number of skills points the eidolon has. Now the Eidolon starts with 7 intelligence if I use an Ability increase to improve his intelligence to 8 would that give him an extra skill point each level?

Jake the Rat wrote:

Just a quick question that isn't clear to me.

The Eidolon table gives a number of skills points the eidolon has. Now the Eidolon starts with 7 intelligence if I use an Ability increase to improve his intelligence to 8 would that give him an extra skill point each level?


Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

Cheers everyone! This looks like it'll be fun.

Working on my statblocks and things.

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

Hey there, all. Working on crunch, etc.

I'm going to focus on making Drewan a finessing TWF rogue (dual short swords, normally) for maximum sneak attack damage. He'll have some sort of ranged weapon, just in case, but range won't be his focus as it's too hard to get sneak attack damage consistently at range.

He's got a climb speed, plus roof runner, plus acrobatics, so he should be able to go just about anywhere in the city.

Anyone have any tips for me?

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

Stat block already in. I'm willing to rework it, and expect to, depending on how much front line we have. Right now she's focused on ranged combat and on debilitation. She's unrivaled at disguises for a 5th, and has +10 or more modifier for Bluff, Escape Artist, Perform, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.

Eidolon 5 [ HP 59/59 | AC 18/12/16, Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4 (+8 against enchantment)| Init +2; Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8 ]

Hello. How much HP does an eidolon get per hit die? Roll for it, average, or max? Thank you.

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

What sort of languages would a man like Tock likely know?

Dark Archive

Not to be mean buy why was i not picked?
I do not wont to make the same mistake if so.

@Vower - Max HP for the eidolon for now. For future levels I may adjust the HP gained for the eidolons.

@Digger - will have to get back to you on that - gotta take off for the moment.

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

Roco and Digger will be one hell of an undercover pair. Their disguise and Bluffs are insane.

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

Dev and Vower are done!

Man, are we all sneaky.

Dev is a supporting summoner and Vower is a frontline grappling eidolon that focuses on taking out single enemies fast.

Dev has taken the Craft Wondrous Item feat by the way, so you might want to save some money by having him craft for you. Notable items he can make at the moment is Cloak of Resistance (+1) (500 gp) and Headband of Alluring Charisma (+2/+4/+6) (2000 gp for +2). Though he might charge more for a crafter's fee (if you can afford it).

By the way, Dev also makes sculptures in his spare time (I've taken up Craft (sculptures)). Can I start off with some creepy sculptures I've made that I'm lugging around for flavor?

Killer Munch wrote:

Not to be mean buy why was i not picked?

I do not wont to make the same mistake if so.

I just sent you a PM on this.

Digger Chandler wrote:
What sort of languages would a man like Tock likely know?

Any of the humanoid races is an easy fit, as are aquan and ignan. Aklo, Sylvan and undercommon are also good possibilities.

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

Mmmmmmmm ...charisma ...mmmmmmm ...

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

As best I can guess, this is the initial state of knowledge and disposition of everyone that Rocosmia has. They may or may not know how she feels, use your judgement.

Drewan - I remember seeing him on the street before, now that I know him a little. Sympathizing with that intensity comes naturally, though he's got it a couple grades stronger than me. Probably don't want to know why he's so angry with the mageocracy. I admire his physical qualities.
Dev - Unknown at start of game.
Axiom - Another face I've seen before. Don't really know anything about him though.
Jake - Neat little shop he's got going... what's he doing in the rebellion? (Pending coordination)
Tock Chandler - Great guy to know! I love hearing about Cayden Cailean's deeds and adventures. Now that we're working together in the rebellion, it seems we'll become good friends.

Her performance abilities are:
  • Disappearing Act
    All creatures within 30 feet that fail a DC 16 Will save treat two creatures chosen as if they were invisible. Cannot choose self.
  • Distraction
    An anti-illusion dance.
  • Fascinate
    DC 17 Will save on two targets, fascinating them. Combat breaks it, great for setting up an opponent for a sneak attack or two.
  • Harmless Performer
    DC 16 Will save dance that imitates Sanctuary on self. Would-be attacks or spells on her are wasted.

Her other notable abilities::
  • Enhance Healing (4/day)
    Use healing wands at her own caster level. Rocosmia has a CLW wand.
  • Quick Change
    Disguise as a standard action with a -5 and can take 10 anytime on bluff or disguise. Take 20 on a bluff or disguise once per day.

    She does not have bardic knowledge or inspire competence.

  • Combat synergy:

    Axiom will be a barbarian, hopefully a skilled urban archetype with good saves (won't need CON bonus with max HP) and be the centerpiece of our group in combat. Jake will saturate the field with summoned monsters and varied spells. Rocosmia will deal out debilitation and do some ranged damage. Dev will buff and do something nasty with his eidolon (?). Drewan will flank and stab. Tock will contribute some damage from the shadows with bow. I think this gives us a decent composition.

    Out-of-combat synergy:

    Everyone should be able to sneak well in some capacity. Everyone can heal with wands, except Axiom. Everyone can be a party face, except perhaps Axiom, though Tock is best. Drewan looks to be a great scout with his mobility, speed, and perception. Looks like we're pretty well covered between combats.

    Social/Political synergy:

    Drewan can be eyes and ears from the shadows, almost anywhere. Rocosmia and Tock can get close with disguises and charm and steal from a person. Jake's eidolon can steal and pick locks. Tock's got some powerful potential, depending on how bbangerter handles them. I'm not sure how Axiom and Dev can contribute in this.

    M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

    I look forward to rumormongering ...heh heh heh.

    Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

    GM: trapfinding and tracking each grant bonuses to skills. Are these bonuses based on the class level or character level? If it's class level, would trapfinding only use the ranger levels (since that's the source of the skill)?

    Roco: Thanks for the summary. Drewan is also none too shabby at picking locks, fwiw.

    All: I spread out my skill points a lot to take advantage of class skill bonuses. Would it be preferable for me to reign that in a bit and focus on fewer skills? I'll be getting 9 skill points per level from now on, if I use my favored class bonus for HP.

    Also, another question: my experience auto-leveling characters is fairly limited. Any guidelines? I'm considering a couple of +1 shortswords, +1 studded leather armor (possibly glamered or shadow?), maybe a handy haversack, ring of protection +1, cloak of resistance +1, and/or a wand or two. Thoughts on what I should definitely have, or what I can do without?

    I should hopefully be able to finish things up in the next day or two.

    @Drewan, those are both based on class levels in rogue/ranger respectively.

    Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

    The only reason I asked the second question was that I gave up trapfinding as a rogue benefit when I took roof runner, and got it again from Urban Ranger at level 3.

    Ah, both are based off your ranger level then. Rogue levels won't enhance either.

    Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

    Ah, thought I'd miss some things. With Drewan being that good at disable device, it seems Jake's eidolon may be redundant in terms of party usefulness. Off the top of my head, aside from disguising as a small creature, I'm not thinking of any suggestions to enable it to bring something unique to the rebellion. All I mean to say, is it ought to do something the rest of us can't, and it shouldn't be hard to find something. Its an eidolon, after all...

    Drewan: I think the skill spread is good. About them, in fact, a couple points in climb would make him auto-succeed at most climb checks. A point from disguise and bluff, perhaps? You can take 10 with climb speed, an upper-story building wall is DC 25. Most fortifications are DC 30. As for magical equipment- I would suggest one +1 shortsword and a MW cold iron, and a composite shortbow for weapons, to save money for other magic. +1 studded is very worthwhile. Cloak of resistance is very good for a scout, I agree with that. Its pricey at 3500 gp, but Lenses of Detection would do well with +5 to perception and tracking, allowing you a +17 perception in Coran. Take something Drewan is good at and make him great at it. I can only guess what the DC for tracking in the city would be. Tracking in a creek bed is DC 20, so a 30 should be on the high end? Depending on how GM handles tracking in cities, go with the lenses. Then... thank you for investing in a wand of CLW. With those, a single stunstone, a feather token or two, or some alchemical substances and mundane purchases, should be about it.

    Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

    Pretty much done, I haven't done equipment (so not ready to be reviewed) but should give people a good idea of what I am capable of.

    I am a little concerned that I might be treading on people's (the rogue's) toes with Puck's skill suite, Please have a look. I designed him how he would be working solo, I can always say I levelled up since joining the rebellion and move some of his evolution points (I think I'll leave skill points).

    I love Digger's Rumormonger ability. I think we all should come up with a few generic rumours that are floating around that the GM can put up on the Campaign info page for all groups. That way the city feels more alive, it reduces the GM's work load (which will be hugh) and gives a back drop for Digger to add more to later. I am thinking very generic ones, the GM can decide if they are real if anyone looks into them. I start with a couple but will think of more later.

    Sias Astiaon, you know from the Astiaon's bizarre family, had a baby crocodile when she was young. When her mother found out she ordered it killed but it escaped to the sewers, its now 18 foot long.

    The falling down tower 4 miles south out of town was once a guard house to protect the road. But the guards their once detained a witch, she cursed them and the place. Within out week they had killed each other.

    Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

    For one, Puck would be small and sneaky. Having the Flight evolution, he'll be able to get to some places Drewan wouldn't and works great as a second scout with his large Perception and Stealth. The Sense Motive is also great for social situations. Having a second person with Disable Device is somewhat useful, and it'll be great for the situations where we find ourselves in a spot of trouble. Puck will also be able to spring the enemy's own traps against them, or trigger them early.

    I have the feeling that we're being better at thieving than the Thieves' Guild.

    @Drewan, Roco already covered most of it. Cloak of Resistance or Ring of Protection is also good if you have any money left over.

    Haven't seen Axiom.

    And yes, the Eidolon deals nasty damage. If you call a potential 5d6+2d4+1d8+16 damage with trip for a full round nasty. Let me give you a sample damage roll: 5d6 + 2d4 + 1d8 + 16 ⇒ (4, 3, 5, 4, 6) + (1, 4) + (2) + 16 = 45. It also has the Unnatural Aura evolution, so normal animals don't approach it unless a handler makes a DC 25 Handle Animal check.

    Dev isn't really much of a social/political person, staying in the background due to how he looks. Though I'm sure he can be useful for intimidation. Or diplomacy.

    Dev is a mighty new face so I don't think any of you know him or vice versa. You might have seen him in Gumlat though, either as the stranger who visits the town every now and then or the odd inhabitant of the local general store's owner's house that makes the creepy sculptures depending on when you met him.

    Dev wrote:

    Haven't seen Axiom.

    I sent him a PM, I'll give him another day to respond here.

    Digger and Rocosmia, can I have you paste your back stories into your profiles with your stat blocks? Thanks.

    @Jake, I'd like to have your father have been a member of the standing army of the empire. He retired soon after your sister was born. He never spoke much of his experiences there, the few times he did he spoke of the horrors of war and his distaste for it. "There are better things to do with your life Jake then fight a cause someone else created."

    Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

    GM Ascension: Done.

    I'm a bit dubious of my spell selection. Got a metamagic rod of bouncing, that makes a targeted spell.

    Cause Fear <- Not a good choice I think
    Charm Person <- Better if I had Spellsong
    Grease <- awesome, keeping
    Touch of Gracelessness <- Dex damage, Fortitude partial save. But it is touch

    Blindness/Deafness <- Fortitude save, permanent, good with rod
    Mirror Image <- more awesome, too bad its personal only
    Pilfering Hand <- make +9 vs CMD to disarm at range, or steal, have it float over to me. doesn't work with rod

    Jake the Rat wrote:

    Sias Astiaon, you know from the Astiaon's bizarre family, had a baby crocodile when she was young. When her mother found out she ordered it killed but it escaped to the sewers, its now 18 foot long.

    The falling down tower 4 miles south out of town was once a guard house to protect the road. But the guards their once detained a witch, she cursed them and the place. Within out week they had killed each other.

    This kind of stuff is great as it adds additional depth and character to the world.

    Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

    Okay, so I've been giving this character a bit of thought. Namely, what I envision him being in a few levels - a rogue with a smattering of ranger, or a ranger with a smattering of rogue?

    When I think of Drewan, I think of him as an urban rogue, initially - roof runner fit my vision of him best. With the climb speed to get up there, and the various options he has on how to get down/into windows, etc., it sounds like a lot of fun.

    After his mother's death, however, he embraced a more militaristic side - the side that's out for revenge. That's where the urban ranger comes in. It's that that I envision him continuing.

    From a character-building standpoint, I've gotten most of the class skill bonuses I can get or would ever use. Jake's eidolon will be putting my rogue skills to shame for quite a few levels to come, though I'll still be putting my 7 skill points per level towards many of the same skills. I don't want to do away with my rogue levels altogether - I still like the benefits they give, and they fit from an RP perspective.

    If I made this change to the character concept, I'd switch to being more of a switch-hitter ranger (bow from range, then wade into melee with a greatsword). I'd still go for flanking positions for my minimal SA damage, but would focus more on power attack and would also bring an animal companion into the mix next level.

    I'm feeling pretty good about this change, but I'm interested in hearing your thoughts, if any.

    Dev wrote:
    Can I start off with some creepy sculptures I've made that I'm lugging around for flavor?

    Been meaning to respond to this. I'm cool with this. I assume all wood carvings?

    Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]
    GM Ascension wrote:
    Dev wrote:
    Can I start off with some creepy sculptures I've made that I'm lugging around for flavor?
    Been meaning to respond to this. I'm cool with this. I assume all wood carvings?

    Yuppers! Though he technically can do metal ones, most of his sculptures are carved from wood.

    @Drewan, sounds good and makes sense for your character.

    Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)
    GM Ascension wrote:
    @Jake, I'd like to have your father have been a member of the standing army of the empire. He retired soon after your sister was born. He never spoke much of his experiences there, the few times he did he spoke of the horrors of war and his distaste for it. "There are better things to do with your life Jake then fight a cause someone else created."

    No problem, will add this to my background.

    Do you want me (and anyone else who want to) to write more rumours?

    Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)
    Drewan Shadowson wrote:
    Jake's eidolon will be putting my rogue skills to shame for quite a few levels to come, though I'll still be putting my 7 skill points per level towards many of the same skills.

    I'm really happy to change Puck. I don't want to step on your toes (I was a bit worried when I saw more and more rogues and summoners apply, the GM is kind enough to let us fix this before the game starts). I don't see a huge problem in him having stealth and the Sense motive isn't your thing. Would you like me to pull the Skilled evolutions (and feats) out of disable device and/or perception (He'll still be good at them but not as good as Drewan)?

    M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

    I'm thinking up some rumors today, Digger-style. Heh.

    Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

    We can start posting in the gameplay thread for planning/asking questions?

    As for rumors, here are some I thought of:

    Strange beasts lurk in the deep forests of Gumlat. None know their origins but there are whispers that the mages somehow had a hand in it.

    Rumors say that the mages have been experimenting with something near the sea. None know what exactly they're doing there but mutated sealife has been showing up and there are horror stories of sailors encountering colossal creatures that threatened to sink their ships. This may be linked to the recent surge in food poisoning incidents concerning seafood.

    The fenced small garden on Gunlett street is not actually a garden. It is barred to the public and hooded figures can be seen entering it during the night. Nobody knows what happens in there or what the small garden actually is but there have been reports of unearthly howling and the wretched screams of the damned coming from it.

    The recent spread of ailments which include tuberculosis, impotence, tingling, sudden seizures and heart attacks has been found to be limited to the lower economic classes and those of unapproved affiliations that the mages frown upon. Doing anything that the mages would disapprove of increases your chances of acquiring one of these ailments. Or so they say.

    The mysterious luminescent fog that made its way through the slums of Coran, the one that caused an irrational all-encompassing fear of all that lurks in the shadows and the crushing despair of the inevitability of death, has been found to originate from the Tower of the Heavens. The homeless man living primarily on Chekkar Street sought answers from the mages but has not returned.

    Mysterious lights and sounds have been reported to come from the south wing of the library. Even more mysterious is the chorus of dark chanting and incomprehensible gibbering.

    M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

    Gnomes are halflings the mageocracy ...did things to.

    Beldeena spits in female patrons' drinks.

    Dwarven women have bigger genitals than dwarven men.

    Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

    Pffft. Hahahahaha.

    Dev wrote:
    We can start posting in the gameplay thread for planning/asking questions?


    And more rumors are good. You may want to save some of them for additional in game play usage. For those who have read my latest post in the game play thread you'll note that this is the sort of work you've been doing for the last month or two. You've a little jaunt out in the country side for the opening scenes, but I expect to get back to some rumor spreading as part of the game play.

    Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]
    Jake the Rat wrote:
    Drewan Shadowson wrote:
    Jake's eidolon will be putting my rogue skills to shame for quite a few levels to come, though I'll still be putting my 7 skill points per level towards many of the same skills.
    I'm really happy to change Puck. I don't want to step on your toes (I was a bit worried when I saw more and more rogues and summoners apply, the GM is kind enough to let us fix this before the game starts). I don't see a huge problem in him having stealth and the Sense motive isn't your thing. Would you like me to pull the Skilled evolutions (and feats) out of disable device and/or perception (He'll still be good at them but not as good as Drewan)?

    I'm fine with Puck, as is. I wasn't intending my comment to come across as a whine, I was just stating a fact.

    I definitely wouldn't advise taking his Skilled evolution out of perception - the more higher rolls we have to notice things, the better.

    As far as disable device - at the moment, he's better than I am, and I'm fine with that. I don't think he can handle magical traps, though, so I'll still be putting points into it for that purpose (assuming we think it's worthwhile).

    If don't think there's much need for magical trap disarming, I'd be willing to take points out of disable device and put them towards skills that Drewan will be particularly handy for - 2 points towards Survival, perhaps a couple more towards Sleight of Hand (for pick pocketing) or Linguistics (for forgery)?

    GM Ascension wrote:
    Dev wrote:

    Haven't seen Axiom.
    I sent him a PM, I'll give him another day to respond here.

    Looking to get a replacement player for Axiom.

    Dark Archive

    Sooooooo yeah..... Anyone want a monk by there side? :)

    Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

    If you were a non-lawful monk...

    Dark Archive

    Lol not possible unfortunately :P

    Dark Archive


    how soon do you need my character? And how/when do i come in?

    Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

    Jake is all done pending any changes to fit in with other characters and languages.

    On the topic of languages what languages are commonly spoken in Coran particularly among the poor?

    On the thieves guild recruitment page there are a discussion about a language used by the thieves. Do you have a problem with Jake knowing the language given he is a member of the thieves guild? If that is ok can you let me know what language it is?

    Given Ebonnard is replacing Axiom I'll allow him to still play his monk he'd created for the merchant's guild - and ignore the rebellion setup of no-lawfuls. In this case his lawful alignment would be more a representation of loyalty to the cause than it would be of following the laws of the land. The mages have proven themselves corrupt and there is no point in following corrupt laws.

    @Ebon, ideally by next monday, though if you need a bit more time that is understandable. I've posted a intro teaser for your first assignment/mission, but in truth I'm still reviewing characters.

    I'm starting to go through character stats for those who have finished.

    Dark Archive

    No thats more than enough time :).

    And i was totally confused, lol. But i see now that i am in the rebellion guild not the merchants guild. Totally went right over my head.

    I would be happy to create a different character though :)

    i have the monk, but i also have a tiefling cleric of dispater (can change race), a dual-cursed oracle of flame, an internal elf alchemist and a paladin orc of... I dont remember lol, already made if those fit better into here. I can tweak them a little to fit into this campaign, or i can have a completely new character made by tomorrow evening (i have a lot of free time lol)

    If you prefer me to make a character, you can give me a few preferred classes that might suit this group better and i can have a unique character come tomorrow evening :P.

    Whatever suits you man, im flexible and have absolutely nothing to do 24/7

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