GM Ascension |

Stats, saves, skills look good.
Bleeding Attack feat isn't from the allowed rule books, so you will need to select an alternate feat here.
AC 19 = +3 dex +2 snapping turtle shell +1 natural armor (iron monk) +2 wis +1 AC bonus at 4th
Touch 16 = +3 dex +2 wis +1 AC bonus at 4th
Flat 16 = +2 snapping turtle shell +1 natural armor (iron monk) +2 wis +1 AC bonus at 4th
Also note that your Iron Limb Defense won't stack with your snapping turtle feats as both provide a + to shield bonus. Only bonuses to dodge stack with other dodge sources. So the only benefit you would get from Iron Limb is if you burned a ki point to change your total shield bonus from +2 to +4. If you are fine with that then no problem. Otherwise you'll probably want to select different feats.
On a side note, you can combine your ring of sustenance with a ring of prot +1 to give you +1 deflection bonus to all your AC types.

Dev |

Combine ALL the rings and make the most of what money you get given at the start before you are doomed to your vow of poverty!
And aww, GM so nice to give tips. :D
On the plus side, more loot for the rest of us!

Jake the Rat |

If you are looking to be hard to hit have a look at crane style. You'll only be able to get the first two feats but the second one is very nice (one melee attack per round that has got past your high AC misses anyway).

Mong |

I would say that mong is ready now, but well, we will see :P.
Had an incredinly hard time finding feats i liked, so i settled with: crane style, crane wing, endurance, deny death

Jake the Rat |

Looking good (:
Only niceties left.
-Your will save is correct in your stats across the top but not in the alias proper.
-Your AC will vary quite a lot so you might want to put in some of the more common ACs (I assume you will be dodging and fighting defensively a lot AC=21 and if you do't move as well AC=23 (1 ki swift action for either +4 AC or +2 AC and +2 CMD) additionally having your attack while fighting defensively calculated might be good.)
-I don't think you get the second ki from the favoured class until 8th lv and you might want to think about having favoured class give HP as you already have a large ki pool. (Feel free to ignore me on this you probably know better, I've never played a monk under pathfinder)

Mong |

To be honest i have always been confused on fav class. It was only when i started playing pbp that it was really mentioned. So i always just go by what i can find. Although extra hp sounds MUCH better than extra Ki

Rocosmia Semvelo |

The idea is, that you've (and all of us, independently-ish according to backstory) been more-or-less participating in the rebellion by down-talking the mageocracy up until now, when you've been discreetly invited to join the current situation. You and the other rebles were pulled aside from the rest, and given a mission. We're now speaking amongst one another about the methods we plan to use. The gameplay tab should be visible to you, but, here's a link.
Gameplay thread for the Rebellion
Once you make a post in it, you can go back to it by clicking your name and going to the campaigns tab. (link to it)
If that didn't answer your question after looking at the gameplay thread, please ask. On a side note, I am a bit worried as to Mong's offensive capability. If he's not hitting hard enough and literally not grabbing attention, they can just ignore him and wipe out the rest of the group. That's why I was sad to see Improved Grapple go away... but, I'll speak no more of it.

Drewan Shadowson |

If it helps, Drewan can be the front-man for combat. He's got power attack and cleave, and almost full BAB, so he should be able to put out a considerable amount of damage...

Rocosmia Semvelo |

It seems to me that Jake, Rocosmia, Digger, and Dev all favor trying to use disguise and bluff to get the job done, and Drewan, Dev and Rocosmia want to have a sure-set ambush, while Digger is indifferent to that and Jake hasn't voiced an opinion on it. Given that tomorrow, the game officially starts, I hope pushing it along a bit is acceptable. If anyone doesn't care for this style of ... commandeering, I can cease such actions. I kind of like the idea of Rocosmia being a rookie tactical commander though.
heh heh heh...

Drewan Shadowson |

I think that's an accurate picture of who's voting for what, and I, for one, don't mind you moving things along at all. I also don't mind some help when it comes to tactics...:-P

Dev |

@GM Oh, before I forget, I added a miniature shovel (10 gp) to my purchases. Just wanted you to know just in case you notice it mysteriously appearing in my inventory.

Rocosmia Semvelo |

Final adjustments have been made.
Wand of cure light wounds 750 gp
Wand of Silent Image 750 gp
Acid 10 gp
Alchemical grease (2) 10 gp
Antiplague 50 gp
Smokestick 20 gp
Arrows (40) 1 gp (assuming 20 are free)
Blunt Arrows (20) 2 gp
+1 Chain shirt 1250 gp
+1 Buckler 1155 gp
+1 Composite shortbow (Str +2) 2525 gp
Masterwork Dagger 302 gp
Backpack (masterwork) 50 gp
Disguise kit 50 gp
Silk rope 10 gp
50 gp worth of jewelry
15 gp
Unlisted minor items (powder, tent, rations, whistle, etc)
STR 14, DEX 15, CON 11, INT 12, WIS 8, CHA 15
+1 CHA level 4 adjustment, +2 DEX, +2 CHA, -2 WIS racial
WIS change reduces perception to +2 and will save to +2.
STR adjustment accounted for bow value, damage, carrying capacity, CMB/CMD.
Dropped Arcane Strike feat, picked up Spellsong in its place.
Raised Acrobatics skill to 3, dropped Appraise and Sense Motive.
Added Efreeti Magic alternate racial trait, changes Burning Hands spell-like ability to Enlarge Person.

Rocosmia Semvelo |

If we're set with planning at the desert camp, we should be ready to actually set up ambush and scout the caravan? Banter during travel could be continued here while we conduct preparations and execute the ambush.

Rocosmia Semvelo |

Mouthing words without the girl understanding should be Bluff check if anything for sending a message that you want her not to understand, DC 15 (simple message). Anyone who can speak can mouth words otherwise. For reading lips, anyone with ranks in Linguistics can do so provided they can see the 'speaker' (according to SRD). In case the bluff check is needed, then receiving the hidden message is needed... Rocosmia succeeds even with a 1.

Dev |

Seeing Jake's message, she lets the doors lay open and steps back. We don't have time to be cleaning this up. A resigned sigh takes her, and looks to the others, whispering under the effects of Message. "Jake wants us to hide the bodies. But we don't have time to coddle her..."
Weeeell, technically, I could just summon Vower and he could clean up. Probably by dragging the bodies someplace and eating them. I'm still not sure if that puts me near the evil end of the alignment.
It's just a question of whether that's okay with the GM and whether Dev would want to do so in the first place, though he reasons that you all are probably going to see his partner sometime and it'd be better when it's not in the middle of battle. :P
But, yannow, seeing Vower would just panic the girl more.
Other options would be having Jake get his dogs to drag the bodies. But conspicuous blood trails and things aside, not actually seeing the corpses would be a move up.

Dev |

Yup, definitely evil. The whole thing with Vower is that he eats things. Sooooo.
*checks Rebellion's restricted alignments*
Neutral Evil? Dev isn't that much chaotic and True Neutral was my initial choice so NE isn't too far out.
GM okay with moving Dev to NE? What are morals anyway? Can't remember, amnesiac. Heh.

GM Ascension |

Yup, definitely evil. The whole thing with Vower is that he eats things. Sooooo.
*checks Rebellion's restricted alignments*
Neutral Evil? Dev isn't that much chaotic and True Neutral was my initial choice so NE isn't too far out.
GM okay with moving Dev to NE? What are morals anyway? Can't remember, amnesiac. Heh.
Oh certainly allowed here :). Just a matter if you want to make that choice.

Dev |

Dev wrote:Oh certainly allowed here :). Just a matter if you want to make that choice.Yup, definitely evil. The whole thing with Vower is that he eats things. Sooooo.
*checks Rebellion's restricted alignments*
Neutral Evil? Dev isn't that much chaotic and True Neutral was my initial choice so NE isn't too far out.
GM okay with moving Dev to NE? What are morals anyway? Can't remember, amnesiac. Heh.
Yup, moving to NE. \o/

Jake the Rat |

Puck is a bit of practical joker. If you have ideas feel free to either let me know or feel free to just post for him in your post.
A couple of guide lines: his sense of humour is rather dark and would quite turn a man's head into a donkey's head if he could. While his practical jokes are often unpleasant he would never endanger someone life, at least not deliberately. I have based him very loosely off Puck in "a midnight's summer dream" for those who like Shakespeare.

Rocosmia Semvelo |

Dev |

Bad news: my internet got disconnected and I'm not sure how soon I can have it back up. This means I don't have a stable connection so I'm no longer sure how often I can post, but I'll try to get on when I can. Feel free to bot me--Dev's being passive at the moment since he's not much interested in the detour we've taken. He'll avoid summoning Vower for now.

Dev |

Does Dev use mage armor on himself or just his eidolon?
Just his eidolon. Though if he gets in a bad spot, he won't be averse to casting it on himself (or anyone else).

Rocosmia Semvelo |

Brief messages could very quickly be transmitted by any of the three with Message up. Jake, Rocosmia, and Dev should all have it, allowing them to send and receive from everyone, which works within 150 ft. Drewan and Mong will get a slightly delayed transmitted message from Digger if one of the three will convey it to them.

Rocosmia Semvelo |

How can this work for us? Doubtful they'll be pro-rebellion by being saved by us. Probably skeptical, the captain already called it a setup. Even if it does, what would they do with us after we've been put down? This would be a pointless sacrifice, since we can probably overpower them. Let's sacrifice the captain instead of us?

Drewan Shadowson |

Does one of the folks that wanted to take the 'ruse route' want to fill the rest of us in on the plan at this point? Hardly anyone is actually *doing* anything, and at this point I don't know if I should kill the lieutenant outright, stand down, or switch targets (of course, then it's a question of to who? The Captain or nameless guard X?).