Ascension - Rebellion (Inactive)

Game Master bbangerter

Library Street

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M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

Got selected for jury duty the same day as my parents came into town ...I might be awol-ish, especially during the day.

Heh, no worries Digger. I ended up driving four hours tonight to go pick up my daughter, so no updates from me tonight.

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

Just so I understand the plan correctly...
We're gonna disguise ourselves as guards and loiter outside the meeting area. Then one of us will tail prospective targets and give us the signal to descend on them like a swarm of locusts armed with giant swords and fireballs.
That the jist of it?

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

Don't forget the silence. So we can go in /warriorrage and just worry about the awkwardly quiet appearance instead of attracting attention.

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

Sounds good

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I'm going to push a number of d20 rolls to hidden GM rolls.

Generally any roll that has an obvious success/fail related to it should still be rolled by the players.

Anything that has varying degrees of possible success related to it should be done as a hidden roll by me.

Players Roll:
Attack Rolls
Damage Rolls
Saving Throws
Skills which have a obvious success or failure condition - which are:
Bluff (diplomacy, intimidate) when used in combat, these have a obvious success/failure in combat
Disable Device
Escape Artist
Knowledge Skills (but in some cases I will roll these for you - if you encounter an unknown creature I will roll the appropriate knowledge roll and provide what that reveals as part of the physical description I give of the creature).
Sleight of Hand
Spellcraft (I will roll these for you if an opponent is casting a spell though just so the game doesn't need to pause to know what the spell is)
Survival (sometimes - like if you were trying to forage for food, other times I will roll it for something like tracking)
Use Magic Device

GM Rolls:
Rolls I will make because these can have varying degrees of success or failure but the players wouldn't really know how well they did or failed by.
Bluff (diplomacy, intimidate) when used out of combat, these have varying degrees of success out of combat and a opposing player/NPC might choose to play along even though they were unaffected.
Handle Animal
Sense Motive
Survival (sometimes - see section on player rolls)

I'm putting a copy of this information in the campaign tab for easy reference.

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

This makes a lot of sense. *nod*

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

Is there a roll I can make to positively determine if the elf is a cleric or not?

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

Do we want to split up and cover all sides of the library or hang together and cover the main entrance?

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

I assume we're waiting for our insiders to come out and designate a target

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

Ooooh baby baby let that crit confirm! Tasty like steak!

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

I don't know why, but for some reason I find the image of Jake summoning a second leopard hilarious. I see this sequence where his first leopard slides into the pit, then he stands there for a second and face palms before conjuring a new one. I see the same exasperated face one makes when you realize your tv remote is out of batteries and now you have to get more.

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

Yes that would be about right. Puck is uncontrolably laughing currently.

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

I see no enemies on the map.

Something went wrong with the map export. I won't be able to get a fixed up posted till later tonight. I did post in the game play thread where each enemy is if you want to go through the tedium of that, otherwise wait till tonight for a fixed map.

Silver Crusade

Oops, sorry to make you say that twice. Overlooked that post- and don't worry about remaking it. But, if I could ask, is there an alternative image site you might upload to? Photobucket makes the pictures hard to look at. Post Image works real fast and allows easy viewing, and doesn't need an account.

I have no particular ties to photobucket. I'll take a look at using post image.

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

Hazan's Liberation domain ability should make him immune to hold person (for 5 rounds) and will activate automatically when it is cast on him. Thus by my reading he shouldn't have been hit and pushed into the pit.

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

I thought since it was a supernatural ability, I had to use a standard round to activate it.

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

I've only read what you have in your character sheet, but you said there that it activates automatically if relevant. Would require a little retcon and I can't say I'm an expert on Pathfinder rules (I generally assume they are the same as 3.5 until proven otherwise) worth waiting for a GM ruling.

This is correct, good catch Jake. So the hold person timer is running, burning uses of the liberation ability, but has no effect for the time being. Hazan may take an AoO against one of the two guards, and then may take a normal round of actions.

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

A creature with climb speed (like Drewan) can always take 10- it was why I suggested he take a rank in climb way back in character creation, so he could take 10 on this very situation.

I've done a bit more of this than I usually do in this campaign. If its a bother, then I won't mention such things anymore lest it be really significant.

Climb (universal monster rules):
A creature with a climb speed has a +8 racial bonus on all Climb checks. The creature must make a Climb check to climb any wall or slope with a DC higher than 0, but it can always choose to take 10, even if rushed or threatened while climbing. If a creature with a climb speed chooses an accelerated climb*, it moves at double its climb speed (or at its base land speed, whichever is slower) and makes a single Climb check at a –5 penalty. Such a creature retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against it. It cannot, however, use the run action while climbing.

Ah, something new learned.

Unwanted loot can be sold to the rebellion, at the normal half sale price on magic items.

@Hazan, for new magic items you can order them made if you want, but it will take 1 day per 1000gp in cost to have crafted.

Nearly all potions can just be purchased with no wait time.

Scrolls/wands may or may not be available on short (less than days) - but otherwise are available within a days time.

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

Almost have enough money to start crafting my Headband of Alluring Charisma (+2)!

I can craft a Cloak of Resistance by the by, so if you want one I can make you guys for the crafting price. 500 gp for (+1). I can't do (+2) until next level but I can possibly upgrade existing magical items.

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

There are a couple mundane things I'd like as well. Can i just throw them in my inventory and subtract the cash?

Hazan Razzka wrote:
There are a couple mundane things I'd like as well. Can i just throw them in my inventory and subtract the cash?


Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

Since none took the warhammer or breastplate, everyone will be getting 305 out of 1,105 of your worth in gold, the other 800 in gems, if you care to track it separately, presuming we were able to sell them to the rebellion already. That and 900 gp in the party bucket. Dev and Digger, don't forget you each hold a potion of cure moderate wounds for us.

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

Gotcha. *adds it to his inventory*

Just a FYI, been pretty busy at work lately, with some expected overtime coming up. I should be able to continue to post once a day, but if I end up missing a day that is why.

Also I will be out of town from June 8-15. I may be able to post some, but probably very limited.

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

I'm away on work until Sunday, I'll have my phone but the reception out their is poor so I don't know if I'll be able to write. Please autopilot Jake if required. (He is likely to be fairly silent in a zone of truth anyway)

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

"My task is to determine whether you can meet my contacts needs while chasing your rebellion."

So if his contact's needs are to catch the murderers... this guy has a heck of a way of saying things if he is on our side. I totally wanted to mug Hezek for our message and leave him groaning in the alley, but Rocosmia is going to play this cat and mouse game until things look bad.

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

Digger's in hell with this spell.

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

Digger climbed out of hell with a miracle will save! Woohoo! Sorry for the verbiage but this is the sort of s&@& he lives for. Misinformation mixed with half-truths mixed with outright lies. Confusion.


@Hazan, I want to add a minor detail to your back story. The tavern Tilda owns is a place called The Silver Spirits. It has some questionable reputation about it (don't most taverns though?). The place is located near the south gate of the city, about a half a mile south of the great library.

I should throw a zone of truth spell at the thieve's guild group sometime as well, this is turning out quite entertaining - at least from my perspective :).

Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10


Elsewhere in the world right now there is a major battle going on (a PvP fight). Currently it is running at the rate of about one round of combat every four days real life time because of the very back and forth style of the combat with interwoven initiatives and AoO's. (i.e., one or two players take a turn, the other side has one or two players take a turn, etc).

First question then - would that pace be okay for you or would you like to see the pace a little bit faster? Note that for myself I'm indifferent to the pace - for me the game runs at whatever pace the players post at (and I have time to keep up with if they are posting multiple times per day).

If you want to see it faster I have a couple of ideas on this.
First: Players are paired in groups of 3 for initiative on each side.
So for example, if the six people in your group roll a 20, 15, 10, 8, 6, 4 for initiatives then I average three initiative scores each.
So the players who rolled 20, 15, and 10 get an average init of 15 – and all 3 players move on the 15 initiative. Likewise the players who rolled 8, 6, and 4 get an average of 6, all acting on init 6. This will still leave potential back and forth between groups, but will reduce it to a maximum of 2 alteration sets per round instead of a potential maximum of 6 per round.

Second: 24 hour posting time limit. At the point when I indicate it is your turn to take an action you have 24 hours to post an action. (not counting time over the weekend – Saturday and Sunday - or major holidays such as upcoming Memorial day). If you do not post in that time frame I could either make you auto-delay your actions (this could be bad as potentially if you are out for a couple of days you could completely miss your turn). Or I post actions on your behalf – I can almost guarantee you I won't make the choice you yourself would make, so this could also be bad for you. Of course if you expect to be out of town you can let me know and ask another player from your group to take actions for you during the interim, or give me instructions of what to do anticipating as best you can how the battle might play out while you are gone. e.g., cast a buff spell if our group is all close enough together, or cast disabling spells on enemies within 30', or what have you.


Half-Orc Inquisitor 5 HP 55/55 AC 21(25)/12/19 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6 Init +4; Perception +10

Personally, I'd vote for the 24 hour limit, but I'm not overly picky, especially since starting this new job, I've been posting less frequently.

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

I'm happy with either or both. I suggest asking people to put a general combat stratagy in their profile (or even specific one once the battle has started). If they haven't posted you can follow that, if they don't have one make them delay.

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

I would prefer a faster pace than one round every four days or so, personally, but when you're talking about a PvP battle in PbP, it is by definition going to take a while.

I agree with Jake - I would be fine with either or both of the proposed solutions. I would also agree with Jake's proposed solution to the 24 hour limit, if you chose to go that route. Drewan's strategy is going to be fairly consistent, and I think I could quantify it fairly succinctly, if necessary.

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

I'd prefer the 24-hour option, but either way is fine with me.

And what Jake said. They may also state just their intentions for the next round after they take their current round actions if they're worried they might not make it.

Ifrit Street Performer [ HP 40/40 | AC 20/13/17, Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3 | Init +9; Perception +2 ]

I prefer 24-hour with GM-PC control with contingencies and general battle plans. And that's even considering that this character has a lot of flexibility and thus acts very dependently on the situation.

I'm not happy about the initiative going that way, but I'm not going to get picky about it either. If you think/feel it's for the best, I'm behind you on it.

Just a note here on the current game play. I've intentionally left this part quite open ended so that the group can make whatever type of plans they might like to regarding how to take advantage of the information.

If you are feeling stuck though let me know and I will bring in some additional story line elements to give a more definite path of direction. I just don't want to railroad the group from event to event.

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

Sorry I've been slow recently. Work has been hectic all year but will be particularly bad for this month. So I am likely to be a little shorter on posts. Additional I'll also be away 8-10th at a convention.

And good news, everyone advance to level 6.

If you could also note significant changes to your character on leveling up. Class taken, any new spells and/or feats learned. Any new special abilities gained as a result of leveling up.

You don't need to list where skill points were spent, hit points gained, hp changes, saving throw changes, etc - though I won't object to seeing those things either.

No worries Jake. I'm also gone all of next week Mon-Fri. I may post from my phone or if I get access to a computer, but such posts are likely to be few and short.

Human Summoner (HP 54/54, AC 14/11/13, F+4, R+4, W+6 (+2 to AC and all saves if Puck is within reach), Init+1, Per+0)

Can anyone suggest a good feat for Puck? He isn't ment to get into a fight so that removes about 90% of feats. I could continue to give him skill focuses but I thought someone might know of something more useful (most of his skills are already insane).

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

Wooh, Level 6!

And Jake, I'd consider the Go Unnoticed feat for Puck. For some surprise use, you can take Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Net) for him to use a Net or Snag Net, but that might not be what you want to go for.

Male Catfolk Ranger (Skirmisher/Urban Ranger) 4/Rogue (Roof Runner) 2 [ HP 51/66 | AC 19/15/15 | Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +2 | Init +4 (+6 in Coran) | Perception +12 (+2 in Coran, +2 vs. Humans, +1 vs. Traps) ]

GM - Just confirming whether or not rangers are limited to the list of Animal Companions detailed in the Ranger description, or if there are other options available in your game.

Male Human Summoner 6 [ HP 60/60 | AC 16/12/14, Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 to all when within eidolon's reach) | Init +4; Perception +0 ]

@DM Would you allow the Improved Natural Attack (Bite) feat for my Eidolon?

@Jake Ooh, I just found Sow Terror which is a fun trick if you qualify for it.

Dev Level 6:

Summoner +1

HP +10 = 8 [max] + 2 [con]
BAB +1
Fort +1
Ref +1
Will +1
Maker's Call
Favored Class Bonus: +1 HP Eidolon

Skills: 4 (2 + int + skilled)
Spellcraft +1
Stealth +2
Use Magic Device +1

Spells Per Day: 2nd +1
Spells Known: 2nd +1
2nd: Summon Eidolon

Vower Level 6:

HP +10 = 10 [max] + 1 [con] + 1 [favoured class bonus]
BAB +1
Feat: Improved Natural Attack (Bite)

Skills: 4
Acrobatics +1
Fly +1
Perception +1
Stealth +1

Evolution Pool: 11 = 9 [Level 6] + 2 [summoner feat]
Bite (1)
Energy Attack [acid] (2)
Improved Natural Armor (1)
Flight (2)
Reach [bite] (1)
Tentacle (1)
Trip (2)
Unnatural Aura (1)

M Human (multi-ethnic) Rogue Charlatan 6

Digger Levels!:

Rogue Talent: False Friend
12 Skill Points:
Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge Local, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth +1; Linguistics +4
Feat: Iron Will

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