DM Frogfoot |

Quick update - while I was away from work on paternity leave, a big project started up finally and dumped a lot of work on all of us. Now, this week, I'm having to do the work I ordinarily would have had, plus the work my sick teammate can't do...
That's why I'm not posting, I really want to but I haven't had a spare moment except to wolf down some lunch today. Promise I'll be back tonight or tomorrow.

Dambreth |

Quick update - while I was away from work on paternity leave, a big project started up finally and dumped a lot of work on all of us. Now, this week, I'm having to do the work I ordinarily would have had, plus the work my sick teammate can't do...
That's why I'm not posting, I really want to but I haven't had a spare moment except to wolf down some lunch today. Promise I'll be back tonight or tomorrow.
No worries Froggy - good luck with the new project (yay! job security)

Olivius |

Ya, work seems to have successfully performed an Overrun maneuver on a few people I know, including me. Thanks for the update. :)

Bolus |

End of Session.
Did we learn something new and important about the world?
Yup. For one the Hand of Gaia isn't defunct in the future.
Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy?
A lot of them
Did we loot a memorable treasure?
I'd say getting a bunch of things for free from the caravan should count
Alignment Fulfilled:
Went into a lot of personal danger in order to get Guardians out of crashed skipper
Olivius and Yala do the wrong things. Got to make sure they keep doing the wrong things to the right people.
Resolved: Olivius especially did quite a lot of very wrong things to one particular right person.
Proposed: Olivius' is a killer with that dagger. What is it? What's it doing to him?
Sinathel doesn't seem to like the city much, but I hope she sees that it's the only thing keeping both people and nature safe from the wastes outside. well being.
Resolved. Sinathel got the city wildlife to help her when we needed it.
Proposed: Sinathel seems to have been with this Hand of Gaia from the start. Need to find out what's going on with them.
"Man, Viola talks a lot"
Resolved: Yup
Proposed: She seems unreliable and flighty and not interested in what we're doing. Will she be there when we need her skills?
Proposed: "The kind of magic Halwyr messes with doesn't sit right with me. Is he using it for the right reasons?"
Proposed: "Dambreth is a good man. He needs protection and I'll take that responsibility"
Proposed: "Eldar seems to be from the beyond. Is his purpose the same as mine?"
Proposed: "Borack the Despoiler... The hobgoblin seems to know a lot. What's his purpose in all this?"
That puts me up to 16 XP which gets me to level 4 easily with 6 XP left over. Pretty sure I got that right.

Viola Lark |

Viola's is perfectly fitting. :)

Viola Lark |

Tis the season to be busy.
My job picks up when school is out. I'm going to be a bit more busy for a while. This won't really affect whether or not I -do- post in threads, just the speed at which I do. Some days, I won't be able to really get posts in at work, other days it won't be very bad. Today is likely to be one of those days where I'll either post around noon, or not at all until I'm home.
I should still be highly responsive, just not nearly as responsive as you may be used to. :)

DM Frogfoot |

I'm here, I'm sorry, I'm really overwhelmed at work (still behind at this very moment,) and when I get home I have a newborn to look after plus I'm still exhausted from my work day. Generally when I get home I've been napping/trying to sleep in between feedings and changings of my baby boy. Posting in all my campaigns - I want to get on top of things again, hopefully this Memorial Day weekend will let me do that.

Halwyr |

As you guys have probably noticed, I haven't posted for a while. I'm not sure when I can get back but I will do all in my power to do so. In the meantime, keep the faith and the great bonds! I'm liking Dungeon World a lot and it's sad to be away from it.

Olivius |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

My second, another daughter, was born at 5:41 pm US Eastern time. I have no idea what this week do to my posting. We'll see. I hope it doesn't disrupt it too much, but, again, we'll see.

Viola Lark |

:( Did work dry up?

DM Frogfoot |

Yeah, work dried up. I'm going to find something else soon.
In the meantime, please enjoy this picture, it's very very close to what I imagined Terminus City to be, the view from the Wasteland side of the gorge.
https://cdn.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/693/665/large/sylvain -sarrailh-fissure.jpg?1430916318

DM Frogfoot |

Hey all, taking my 4th of July vacation trip this week. Going to be in Denver - updating sporadically. I'll get back home on Sunday. Sorry I've been in...such a lurch lately. I've been interviewing a lot and I've had this money put aside for this trip to Denver for months, so hopefully it shakes me back into what I used to be for this group! Wanna do right by you guys as DM. :)

Viola Lark |

We will survive :o

Dambreth |

Hey all, taking my 4th of July vacation trip this week. Going to be in Denver - updating sporadically. I'll get back home on Sunday. Sorry I've been in...such a lurch lately. I've been interviewing a lot and I've had this money put aside for this trip to Denver for months, so hopefully it shakes me back into what I used to be for this group! Wanna do right by you guys as DM. :)
No worries Froggy...have a great trip

Olivius |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

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