GM Mogthrasir |

Regos (rey-gohs)
Human-Native, Immolator (Fire-Caller)
Look: Searing Eyes, Strange Brands, Manic Attitude, Whispering Voice
Regos is young man of slight build, but intentional posture. His black hair ombrés from soot black to a fiery red at the very tips. Whenever he cuts it, the new ends gradually redden over the next day or so. The hair atop his head is shaved on the sides but grown longer on top like a limp Mohawk to one side; and he has a manicured beard with curling mustache in spite of his youth. He only ever wears his thick robe, died blue, and a braided chord of copper wound around his left arm just above the elbow.
He is amiable and passionate about many things, though he often responds in outbursts of revelation as well as speaking under his breath in tones that only the closest can hear. These curiosities have made him somewhat of an outsider within the tribe.
Alignment: Chaotic - Spread a dangerous new idea.
Race: Human - When you Make Camp next to a large, open flame, regain all of your HP.
Stats: 8(-1) STR, 9(0) DEX, 12(0) CON, 16(+2) INT, 13(+1) WIS, 15(+1) CHA
Damage: D8 - Armor: 0 - HP:16 (4+constitution)
Starting Moves:
Burning Brand
When you conjure a weapon of pure flame, roll+CON. On a 10+ choose two of the following tags, on a 7-9 choose one. You may treat your INT as your STR or DEX in regards to making attacks with this weapon. The weapon always begins with the fiery, touch, dangerous, and 3 uses tags. Each attack with the weapon consumes one use.
- hand
- thrown, near
- +1 damage
- remove the dangerous tag
Fighting Fire With Fire
When you take damage, and that damage is odd (after armor) the flames within you come to your aid. Roll 1d4 and either add that many uses to your burning brand (if active), take that result forward to summon your burning brand, or reduce the damage by that amount, your choice.
Zuko Style
When you bend a flame to your will, roll+WIS. On a 10+ it does as you command, taking the shape and movement you desire for as long as it has fuel on which to burn. On a 7-9 the effect is short-lived, lasting only a moment.
Give Me Fuel, Give Me Fire
When you gaze intensely into someone's eyes, you may ask their player "what fuels the flames of your desire?" They'll answer with the truth, even if the character does not know or would otherwise keep this hidden.
Hand Crafted
You may use your hands in place of tools and fire to craft metal objects. Mundane weapons, armor and metal jewelry can all be formed from their raw components. You may unmake these things, as well, but to do so without time and safety might require that you Defy Danger first.
Load: 2/8 (9+STR)
Symbol of Sacrifices Past (Copper Armband)
Adventuring Gear (5 uses, 1 weight)
2 Healing Potions
Dungeon Rations (5 uses, 1 weight)

Azih |

Alright guys, worked with DM Frogfoot to change Bolus from caveman paladin to sci-fi paladin :).
Fiery Eyes
Flak Helmet
Worn Holy Symbol
Fit Body
Your load is 12+3 (15). You start with
military (dungeon) rations (5 uses, 1 weight),
Body (scale) armor (2 armor, 3 weight),
A worn talisman depicting a protective wall holding back the unforgiving wastes. It is a symbol of the Guardian order protecting the enclave city named Terminus a place of relative safety in the war scarred future. Worn like a dog tag around Bolus' neck (0 weight).
Stun Rod (Long sword close, +1 damage, 1 weight) and Riot shield (+1 armor, 2 weight)
Adventuring gear (1 weight)
Bolus is a dedicated and loyal member of the Guardian order, charged mainly with defending Terminus City; a bastion of safety and security in an unstable future time marked by wars over rapidly dwindling resources. The Guardians are held to be the main reason that Terminus is doing as well as it is. They are elite fighters dedicated to defending the city and some say that the almost supernatural powers they sometimes seem to exhibit are a manifestation of the planet trying to heal itself of whatever ails it. (Basically some sort of connection to Gaia as a divine source of power though Bolus probably isn't aware of that)
Whatever the case may be Bolus was tasked by his superiors to lead a scouting expedition into the mysterious magical wastelands that are slowly growing like a pestilence across the land. It is the opinion of command that understanding the wastes is key to understanding the cause of the crisis the world is in.
Bolus escorts the group capably through the dangers of the wasteland, his unit protecting a team of scientists loaded with all manners of chemicals, scanners, and other lab equipment. Their sensors pick up odd signals deep in the wastes which turns out to be a beacon. They get close and as soon as the scientists attempt to scan it deeply the beacon... pulses.. and the next thing Bolus knows he's waking up in a completely unfamiliar environment, lush and full of life in a way that's completely alien to him, with only his basic equipment on him.
Let me know what you guys think.