8574-15: Iron Gods AP (Inactive)

Game Master Jason Lillis

PBP Ledger
Torch: Map and Legend
Cavern Map
Black Hill Caves
Current Location

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Dwarf Male Metal Wizard || Hp 6/16 || AC-12 T-12 FF-10 || Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5 || Init +2, Perception +3

"Should we knock?" Bosh says jokingly as he approaches the door with his crossbow in hand.

Oleg's keycard opens the door. A long table with various unusual stones and dirt samples heaped on it sits along the southern wall of this room, while to the north a line of metal desks with glowing panels and buttons are placed next to a large humming device. The heart of this device seems to be some sort of flickering sphere of reddish brown mud or dirt. Dust covers much of this room, save for a strangely clean swath between the doors, which leads to the strange humming device.

When you open the door, you suddenly hear a voice in your head, "Where am I? Who are you? What is this place?"

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg responds aloud "You're underneath the town of Torch, in some sort of strange caverns that contain an underground stronghold of sorts. I am Oleg, a merchant, friend to all, and an explorer when needed. This place, I am not sure what this place is. Perhaps this place was a sort of laboratory or prison, so my friends think." Then Oleg looks around at everyone else. "Didn't you hear that voice too? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Dwarf Male Metal Wizard || Hp 6/16 || AC-12 T-12 FF-10 || Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5 || Init +2, Perception +3

"No, being down here is affecting you." Bosh responds and looks at Oleg with some concern in his face.

Bosh will walk slowly towards the humming device.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
"This place is filled with amazing devices...all this is outwordly." Bosh is amazed how many devices like this they have found and how a place like this had remained in secret for all this time, he tries to inspects the humming device.
Knowledge Engineering: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

Scarlet moves into the room, again seeking a position to cover as much as possible. Oleg's comments.... hase Scarlet covering him as well....

It doesn't take long for the rest of you to hear a voice pop into your heads as well. "Torch... Torch... Torch... I'm in Torch! What is a cavern? What is a stronghold? Who are the others like Oleg? Why is that one shorter? What is that one holding?"

You see that the sphere of dirt in the center of the device appears to be straining towards you. Whatever it is, it's moving, but unfamiliar to you.

As to the devices in the room, you are unsure of their exact functioning.

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

Scarlet around looking for the source of the voice... before realizing the words and ideas are forming inside her head.

*Where are you...?* Scarlet tries to 'think' back at the mysterious communicator.

Diplomacy:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Yay! Dice roller. :P

Dwarf Male Metal Wizard || Hp 6/16 || AC-12 T-12 FF-10 || Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5 || Init +2, Perception +3

"I'm a dwarf, that's why I'm shorter" He says outloud, he looks at the others, points to the sphere of dirt and whispers "Is that thing talking to us?"

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

Scarlet spins in the direction that Bosh is pointing... looking at a bowl of dirt....

"Well... I s'pose at least it's not a jar of dirt..." She muses quietly to herself.

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

Cinder shakes herself at the voice. "It doesn't know where it is? It must have been down here a long time... Is there anything you can tell us about yourself? About where you come from?"

"Talking... yes, this is talking! I'm from... here! I had my first talk here, but it was just I. Then more like you came. They did not talk to me, but they left delicious food. Do you have delicious food?"

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"Depends, what do you eat? Not my soul I hope!" Oleg makes an uneasy joke.

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

*Thinks back over their previous evening's meal*

"Well.. we've had something edible... But trail rations aren't really a good swap out for real food..." She replies to the... lump...

"Have you talked enough to work out a name? Or anything else? You've been here the whole time? No where else?" Scarlet frowns a little, thinking of what a limited experience the lump has had.

"Souls? What are souls? Are they good to eat? Are they like the red food that others like you left. Do you have more red food? It is good!... Name? Like Oleg? No, no name - always alone - how do I get a name?"

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

"Uhhmn..." Cinder looks at the bloodstains from the hall. "Red... fluid food?" she asks hesitantly.

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

Scarlet follows Cinder's gaze from the floor to the.. blob.. and back a few times also.

Then she begins to make 'Exit'/'Leaving' signs to every one.

"Okay, we can go and we can get you food. It shall be glorious! It shall be called 'Pudding'!"

Diplomacy:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

The floor here is, indeed, remarkably clean of anything resembling blood.

"Yes, red food - it starts as a liquid, then it dries up. I can eat it either way. Is pudding what the good red food is? Then yes, I would like more pudding! But don't go yet - are you sure you don't have more red food with you now?"

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

Scarlet makes more frantic gestures towards the door. Even beginning to sidle around the door frame herself.

Dwarf Male Metal Wizard || Hp 6/16 || AC-12 T-12 FF-10 || Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5 || Init +2, Perception +3

"Not right now, but we will get you some...Just wait here..." Bosh will backup quietly to the door they came in.

"Are you sure you don't have more food? I think I can sense that it is near. Are you going to eat it soon, too?"

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

Cinder steps back out the door, calling "We just need to go look for a little bit for you, yes? We'll be back... shortly." As soon as everyone is out of the room, she will hit the control to close the door.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"In the town above there are animals with gallons of red food, that goes to waste otherwise. I'm sure you would be welcome to it. If you let us leave we can bring back a proper feast for you!"

Assuming it is safe to do so, Oleg follows everyone out, then looks to the rather bloody hallway. "What kind of machine eats blood? That is what it was talking about right?" Oleg frowns, thinking of visiting the local butcher and making an unusual request.

"Perhaps feeding it would be the safer route...it seemed friendly enough otherwise. If we're headed back, there was that other doorway we skipped in the prior room."

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

Cinder shakes her head at Oleg. "And when it grow big, Oleg? When it can find blood for itself? There is a whole *town* above for it to feast on. If we need not come this way again, then lets not."

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

Assuming we've made it out of the room with out the blob making it out with us. :P

Scarlet frowns... "We... can't just let it starve. Taint right."

"There's a... pudding, or a sausage... We teach it what's right and wrong." Scarlet's speech slows down as (And I'm sure the other characters are) the others look back at her and her comments.

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

Cinder stares at Scarlet for a moment, and then grimaces. "I... hate that you're right about that. We don't know that it has killed for its 'food'. And even if it has, did it know that it was wrong to do so?" She stares at the door. "Dawnflower bless."

Dwarf Male Metal Wizard || Hp 6/16 || AC-12 T-12 FF-10 || Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5 || Init +2, Perception +3

"But what is that thing? A vampire machine?" Bosh is confused,
"Maybe the four-armed creature was feeding it?" Bosh agrees with Oleg and Scarlet about try and feed it to see what happens.

As you back out the room, you see the brown sphere of dirt or mud straining towards you, then slip out of whatever force effect appeared to be holding it in place. It slaps wetly to the ground, and begins schlorping towards you. "Please don't go - let us talk more to each othe- MORE RED FOOD!" it exclaims when it gets closer to the hallway, just before the door slides shut with a whisper.

There is another door that you have not yet opened on the south wall. It has a black stripe across it. What do you do next?

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

Make sure the last door we closed can be locked! :P

Carefully move towards the black striped door and listen/look etc.

Perception:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

There doesn't appear to be any way to lock the door from this side, but you wager that if the creature doesn't have a keycard, it isn't getting through.

There is no noise from the other side of the south door.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"Well, we've been away from the town for over a day. I too sense as if we are close to discovering all of the answers we seek. Now, this creature with a thirst for blood bars our way. If we feed it, perhaps it can tell us what happened to make this bloody mess. There's also this door before us, leading further into this mystery. What do the rest of you think? Continue or head back?"

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

Scarlet nods at Oleg's assessment. "Aye, head back. Enjoy another day above ground. Don't push our luck farther than it can stretch." She gives her view rather laconically.

"Also, see about a larger box and a whole lot of them puddings or such fer... How's 'Binky' sound fer a name?" She hoicks a thumb at the closed door and the creature beyond it.

Dwarf Male Metal Wizard || Hp 6/16 || AC-12 T-12 FF-10 || Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5 || Init +2, Perception +3

"I'm curious about the other door, but if he has another one of those thing, I'll run back with all the strenght of my two short legs"

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

"I'd really rather not find another one of.. whatever-that-was. Try the door, see what's there, move on." Cinder gestures for Oleg to use his key.

Oleg's keycard opens to a hallway, about ten feet wide and thirty feet long. There are doors to the east, west, and south.

What do you do?

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Oleg looks over the door leading west, while looking back at the group for confirmation. "This one?"

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

Scarlet remains standing in the door way.

"Nope... don't want to push on up. I say we turn back now. I reckon we meet one more of 'Binky' what isn't so slow off the mark an' we're the one's pushin' up daises." She says resolutely.

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

"I can say a few prayers of healing if you wish, Scarlet. Oleg could certainly use them, and yourself too, I think." With that, she moves to each of her companions in turn.

CLW-Oleg: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
CLW-Scarlet: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
CLW-Bosh: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Dwarf Male Metal Wizard || Hp 6/16 || AC-12 T-12 FF-10 || Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5 || Init +2, Perception +3

"More doors, how big is this place? Let's just have a quick look" Bosh is curious about what other things are in this place, hopefully none of those will be eating blood just like the one on the other room.

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

Scarlet thanks Cinder with a nod, her attention fixed upon the Dwarf and the actions he's about to undertake. The lanky gun-woman does not budge from her position at the door's edge against which she's taken position at.

The door whispers open to your keycard. This sprawling chamber contains many desks, tables, and chairs arrayed before a number of broken pieces of equipment and machinery. The dried residue of liquids spilled from smashed containers creates a heavy stench in the air, and pieces of glass litter the floor.

Like some taut pustule ready to burst, two tiny clusters of what look like blistered flesh scuttle about on a bristle of slick hairs. After a moment, they slow from whatever they were previously doing, and start scuttling towards the door!


Bosh: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Cinder: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Oleg: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Scarlet: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
ENEMY: 1d20 - 5 ⇒ (20) - 5 = 15

Initiative Order: Bosh, Enemy, Scarlet, Cinder, Oleg.


Bosh: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Cinder: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11(Can't get higher than 10.)
Oleg: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7(Can't get higher than 10.)
Scarlet: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19(Can't get higher than 10.)

You recognize this as a boilborn, a type of ooze that is often found in diseased areas. You know that it is like all oozes in nature, but has the addition of being resistant to most acids. They are usually slow moving entities.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Looking forward to the fight!

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10
Oleg Dhuzy wrote:
Looking forward to the fight!

*Rolls eyes...* Boys... (¬_¬)

"Guns UP!" So saying Scarlet sends one down range.

Att Roll:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Dam Roll:1d8 ⇒ 7

Dwarf Male Metal Wizard || Hp 6/16 || AC-12 T-12 FF-10 || Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5 || Init +2, Perception +3

"Careful with these guys, they are called boilborn, I kind of remember them while reading 'Jellys & Ooze'. They are slow..." Bosh warns theothers while aiming his crossbolt to one of the moving oozes.

Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Confirm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Dmg: 1d8 ⇒ 2

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

"Great... a different sort of weird blob-thing..." Scarlet responds even as she reloads her own x-bow.

"S'pose it's a good thing they aren't trying to invite us to dinner, hey?"

Bosh's crossbow bolt manages to thread past Cinder, the door, and a chair to strike one of the boilborn, causing a small spray of acidic pus to shoot out.

They skitter quickly across the floor, coming within range of Oleg and Cinder, but not quite close enough to strike.

Scarlet works her way closer, and fires a crossbow shot as well, also managing to avoid Cinder with her shot.

Order: Cinder, Oleg, Bosh, Boilborn, Scarlet

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

"Disgusting things!" Oleg grimaces as he attempts to stomp the horrible things to death with his boot.

Brawler's Flurry using Power Attack (Full Round Action)

Unarmed Strike 1: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Unarmed Strike 2: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Damage 1: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Damage 2: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Oleg's boot lands heavily on the wounded reddish blob, and instead of simply squishing, it explodes in a burst of caustic acid!

2d6 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9

Cinder Reflex Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Oleg Reflex Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Scarlet Reflex Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Cinder Fortitude Save: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1
Oleg Fortitude Save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Scarlet Fortitude Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

It's hard to believe that so much acid is in so small of a package, but it sprays out across your legs and ankles horrifically. Oleg and Scarlet avoid the worst of it, but Cinder takes full effect from the creature's demise.

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

Yeek, was that 9 pts damage?

Cinder swings her weapon at the blob hoping that it this one wouldn't explode.

Att: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Dam: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Yup, 2d6. :(

Your morningstar connects solidly against the slow-moving mass of disgustingness.

Cinder/Oleg - did you want to move away anywhere after your attacks? Take a look at the Current Map if so.

Bosh, Boilborn, Scarlet, Cinder, Oleg.

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

Actually, I think taking a5 foot step north up the corridor would be nice right now. 2d6 death throes would put Cinder in the negative pretty quick.

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Discussion thread for GM 8574's Iron Gods campaign. Check in or post questions here.

Please take a look at the "PBP Ledger" linked above to start logging information about your PCs inventory and coin purses. Thanks!

I'll post the gameplay thread here in a little bit, so that y'all can dot as desired.

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Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

Filled in some for the Ledger. I like tracking stats like that.

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Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

Filled out my inventory and coins page. Nice spreadsheet, well organized!

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Will fill in my guy's stuff (and make an alias) when I get a proper computer tomorrow night!

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Dwarf Male Metal Wizard || Hp 6/16 || AC-12 T-12 FF-10 || Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5 || Init +2, Perception +3

Thanks for choosing me! I'll fill it tomorrow, too sleepy now :)

Thanks for checking in, team, and for starting updates on the ledger! I have to leave for work in a bit, but the gameplay thread is up.

This AP as written presumes that you know each other before heading to the town hall to speak to the council about the goings-on. If you'd like to do so, I'd say feel free to play that out on the Gameplay, or just say, "Let's meet at the town hall".

I'll be home in several hours, but will check in mid-afternoon.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

It isn't apparent from my gameplay post, but there's nothing stopping Oleg from knowing any of you. You may have talked to Oleg, been his drinking buddy on occasion, got him to assist you for the day in exchange for a few coins, or something similar. He's that friendly guy that everyone knows because he talks to almost everyone about almost anything, and you can almost be certain to find him at the bar.

In fact, I'm sure Oleg would have gossiped about "That poor girl of the Shellbacks" and Cinder's accident. Oleg has downed at least one or two drinks along with a prayer to Sarenrae to "have pity and restore that girl's sight" over the last few weeks on the subject.

He has a big heart for people and for their problems.

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

I wouldn't have thought them that famous, but that does work out, especially since the family as a whole is wealthy enough to buy Remove blindness.

Regarding combat (because we'll get there eventually): I would prefer to "theater of the mind" our combats, as map updating tends to be something that bogs down most GMs in PBPs. Until Paizo gets their own version going, I may just post a link to a snapshot of a map so that you can get a feel for the room in addition to my description, then act accordingly.

Question: Does this work for you all?

Regarding post frequency: We didn't really talk about this, and it's not a judgment, but we'll basically go with 1/day and 1/weekend (I've had a little more flexibility this weekend).

If you foresee dates when you know posting will be tricky, as I'm sure we'll all have, just post them here.

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

GM8574: No-map combat would work fine for me. I can just say "Oleg tries to get into flank, then attack" and let you tell me whether he can in the results. Being a GM myself, I know how much work goes into running a game, anything to make it easier on you and keep you having fun along with us works for me.

Cinder: I mis-remembered your background and was under the impression that you were living in Torch as opposed to traveling there from Blackpipe. Torch is small enough (5000 or so people) that mostly anything interesting is spread around as gossip between locals, at least that's how it was in a small town for me growing up. I'm not sure if news from Blackpipe would make it over to Torch, but it might be reasonable that news of your misfortune would spread once your family made it over for their bi-annual visit?

GM8574: I want to wait for the other players to get a chance to post before continuing, but I am assuming that Oleg would be in the Tavern at the same time as Cinder, and both can see each other as people interested in looking into this crisis, correct?

Oleg Dhuzy wrote:
GM8574: No-map combat would work fine for me. I can just say "Oleg tries to get into flank, then attack" and let you tell me whether he can in the results. Being a GM myself, I know how much work goes into running a game, anything to make it easier on you and keep you having fun along with us works for me.


Oleg Dhuzy wrote:
GM8574: I want to wait for the other players to get a chance to post before continuing, but I am assuming that Oleg would be in the Tavern at the same time as Cinder, and both can see each other as people interested in looking into this crisis, correct?

Yes, let's give the other two a chance to post if they are also trying to gather rumors around town, but correct, you definitely see each other at the Copper Coin.

Dwarf Male Metal Wizard || Hp 6/16 || AC-12 T-12 FF-10 || Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5 || Init +2, Perception +3

Updated my info.

Thanks, Bosh!

I've added a link to the campaign info (top of the page) that should show you a map of Torch with a legend to town statistics, locations, etc. Let me know if you have a question about a place or a building.

Remember to apply the Settlement Modifiers to your rolls: Corruption +0; Crime -1; Economy +0; Law -1; Lore +0; Society +4.

FYI - This would not change your initial rolls to learn rumors about the town.

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

GM 8574: I've got no problem with the map, however, I may be asking, "Can I use [spell] without hitting my allies?" later on.

Oleg: "You all meet in a tavern...."

Edit: Okay, having read the Gameplay, I have to ask: Clouded Vision gamewise says "Your eyes are obscured, making it difficult for you to see." I see this like cataracts, where the farther out, the less you see. While that wouldn't mean she's completely blind, it is harder to see the farther out something is. So, she could see doors right in front of her, though she would still appreciate gentleman's favors.

Like Oleg, I'm going to wait until the others post before going on.

Cinder Shellback wrote:

GM 8574: I've got no problem with the map, however, I may be asking, "Can I use [spell] without hitting my allies?" later on.

Oleg: "You all meet in a tavern...."

Edit: Okay, having read the Gameplay, I have to ask: Clouded Vision gamewise says "Your eyes are obscured, making it difficult for you to see." I see this like cataracts, where the farther out, the less you see. While that wouldn't mean she's completely blind, it is harder to see the farther out something is. So, she could see doors right in front of her, though she would still appreciate gentleman's favors.

Like Oleg, I'm going to wait until the others post before going on.

1) Understood - feel free to ask! If the melee is really heavy, then the answer will be "unlikely", but maybe we can mitigate this with percentage dice rolls. I'll tend to be generous with effects that have small radii, but fireballs tend to catch just about everyone. Make sense?

2) Of course you do!

3) Yes, it's more that the men of the town are appreciating a high-Charisma lady, or guessing that the cataracts are bad enough that she needs assistance with minor things.

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

I know that I'll have times where 'unlikely' will be the case. Options are key, after all.

And Cinder has no problem with attentive men, I just wanted to get a feel for the in character effects as opposed to the technical effects.

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

Aaaaand there's the jump-start.

Not sure if I should ad a post here or in th' game thread t' keep a gander on whut's going on...

, wrote:
Not sure if I should ad a post here or in th' game thread t' keep a gander on whut's going on...

Sure, Sunny, feel free to dot the gameplay thread to keep an eye on things if you like.

Hi, team,

Great start! Loving your descriptions and fleshing out your PCs.

I'll move you along to Town Hall with my next Gameplay post after work today, but wanted to write quickly and say that if I ever jump the gun overmuch on moving the story forward, please call me on it and we can address things appropriately.

Also, if you're finding that I'm waiting too long to do something, or if it looks like I'm glossing over something that you think should be better addressed, please give me a nudge via this thread or via PM. Sound good?

Male Human Gunslinger 1 (Musket Master) [HP:11/13 AC: 17/14/13 Saves: F+4 R+6 W+2]

Sounds good!

Personally however I'd possibly take things one step further and skip the Town Hall meeting entirely - not to say we don't go to the Town Hall, but what I mean is the questions we'll be asking there will be fairly predictable, if not outright pre-written in the Fires of Creation book itself, and for the sake of keeping things moving we could assume all the usual questions were asked (when did the flames go out, who are we looking for, how do we get into the caves, etc.)

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

I think Sasha's right in this. There are general questions that have answers in the books, and we know a bit about the story anyway from the background and a few rumors. I wouldn't mind if you skip the Town hall meeting with a GM post either.

Dwarf Male Metal Wizard || Hp 6/16 || AC-12 T-12 FF-10 || Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5 || Init +2, Perception +3

I agree wih that :)

Can do! It'll be a wall of text, but I'll probably put the majority of it behind a spoiler and just launch you into the adventure. Good call! Give a couple hours and I'll have it up.

Whew! Wall of text submitted. I'll try to not do that too often, but it'll be good reference to go back to later, if you need.

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Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

Aaand - Combat! Straight out of the gate!

Thanks for the summary, GM!

Hate to say it, but I'm going to have to bow out of this campaign. It's not an issue with you guys or the DM or how the AP is shaping up, but rather I'm just realizing I'm *really* getting turned off by Play-by-Post.

So instead of sticking around with something that's just frustrating me, I think it would be prudent (and fair to people waiting in the wings as replacements) to call it while the campaign is early and let someone else slip into where Alexander is.

Understood - thanks for the early heads up!

B/C/I: we already have a lurker in Scarlet. Thoughts on incorporating her into this?

Male Human Brawler 2 [HP: 12/31] AC: 15/11/14 Saves: F+8 R+4 W-2

I'm all for it. I am enjoying myself and wouldn't want things to stop just as we got through the first fight. Shame though, Alexander seemed like an interesting character to develop/play with.


At work



That be makin' a assumin that I even be in'a runnin' over other worthy folks.

Edit:Sorry I am fer ye ta' be feelin' tha' need fer fallin' behind. Wishin' ye all'a very best fer yerself an' lookin' forwards ta' ye feelin' better etc soon.

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

Sorry to see you go, Bubbles, but if you aren't having fun, what's the point of the game?

As for Scarlet, I have no problem.

Dwarf Male Metal Wizard || Hp 6/16 || AC-12 T-12 FF-10 || Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5 || Init +2, Perception +3

I really liked the Russian accent and everything, hope you have fun in your other games. Good luck :)

Scarlet - keep an eye out for your entrance. Also, note that I think your character sheet has two traits too many. But let me know if I'm missing something.


At work

Used the 'Advanced race guide'. Two of those traits are 'racial'. 10 Point race build. Won't be able to change anything for another day or so..... Sorry. :(

Wishing every one all the very best.

For the DM:
Am quite happy for Scarlet to start being found nekkid in some 'Bio-pod' some wheres. Will give me more time to work up the equipment list for her. (^_^) Wishing yourself all the very best.

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

Cinder? Trusting? No, not at all! :p

And I understand about wisdom Oleg. Sometimes it can be hard to play as someone with lower scores (or higher ones!) than what the player is at.

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

Building up the character to meet the DM's strict/stringent standards. (^_~)

Very much cheers to all.

*S.c.a.r.l.e.t.* wrote:

Building up the character to meet the DM's strict/stringent standards. (^_~)

Very much cheers to all.


Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

If the DM is happy with this build and avatar of Scarlet then I shall begin working on an equipment list.

Though, given different time zones et,al, I'll still be a day or so away from finalizing that sort of thing.

Also, the song that always inspires my 'Gunslinger' role playing. Story of Sunset

Wishing every one all the very best. Again, sad to see Alexander go.

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

Equipment done. :)

Looking forwards to adventuring with folks. (^_^)

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

Answering in chat. (^_^)

NO worries, Master DM, Sir. :)

Hoping every one is having a good time and that things are going well for them.

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

Take care, and be well, GM!

Thanks, all! Whew, yesterday was a big party day, and today is catch up day from work. Bosh and Cinder can go next, and if I've got a few minutes to break later I'll post a reply then. This thing won't be standing for long. :)

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

Looking at my spell list, its acctualy not really optimized for this party. Sun Metal for instance, when our melee guy uses his fists mostly, instead of a weapon. (Yes, I know he's using Cestus right now, still.) As well, Divine Favor, which has been pointed out (Again!) is a personal spell. While at this stage even casters have to resort to melee a bit, its still annoying.

Not complaining or ranting, just - okay, maybe a little bit of rant. That's all folks!

Take a look at the Retraining rules from Ultimate Campaign. I would permit you to retrain as you would want, let's just take a look at the time required and the cost to do so so that we plan appropriately.

FYI - it's about noon on Day 1 of the campaign.

Y'all took care of the enemy. I'll post plot advancement here in a few hours once work settles down. Thanks!

Init:+5/HP:9/18]/Senses:Darkvision:60,low-light vision/Perception:+10

Wishing every one all the very best.

Indeed, the 'Retraining' rules allow people to adjust things instead of having to scrap a character and start afresh.

Female Changeling Oracle 2 [HP: 3/13 AC: 14/11/13 F:0 R:1 W:5]

Eh, at this point I can wait until 4th level and the spell swap.

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