GM 8574 |

It is possible that the ashes have some intrinsic value, but it is difficult to say without further research. When you cast detect magic and examine the items left behind on the floor, the cloak emits a magical aura...Arcana: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20...of Abjuration...Arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12...but you aren't sure what the enchantment might be.
There are no chairs or easy places to sit in this room besides the floor, but the keycard that Oleg used earlier can also close the door if you would like to hide inside here.
There is a metal mesh in a couple corners of the ceiling, each is only a foot across.
If you rest for the night, please deduct one trail ration from your inventory. If you don't have rations, you'll need to make plans to head back to town. You think that you've been underground for about 4 hours since you first entered, encountered the cave of brown mold, fought the skeletons, made your way across the cavern, went through the illusory wall, and now fought this creature in this room. What do you do?

Oleg Dhuzy |

Oleg painfully moves to the door and looks to find another lock on this side to close it. "This place looks safe, if anything crazy happens maybe we can break that strange looking set of windows to get out. It's not comfortable, but that's adventuring isn't it?"
Oleg votes to rest here for now, and then deciding in the morning whether to go on or go back. "We're all burned, bruised, cut and bumped to exhaustion as is, we may not have the strength to deal with anything else, and we shouldn't assume the way back will be safe"
If we are resting here, Oleg will spend an hour or more carefully looking the room over (Take 20 Perception) for anything dangerous or unusual. "I encourage everyone to look around, last thing we need is to lean back onto any strange red buttons by accident!"

*S.c.a.r.l.e.t.* |

Scarlet nods and begins her own slow, methodical searching of the room. Buttons hold no awe or mystery to her but she definitely refrains from touching anything.
Also taking 20 to search. Total is 30
And Scarlet forgot to bring trail rations. Two canteens of water, though. Maybe asks the Skulks politely fro some cave fungus?

Cinder Shellback |

Cinder has enough rations for everyone, if they do not have their own. She will try to close/lock the door as soon as she makes sure that there is ventilation. "The 'windows' won't lead into the cavern Oleg. Think of them as... a scrying pool, I guess? They don't directly lead there, they just look at it. I have enough food for us all, and I really want to look around here..."
Cinder's 20 is 24, she will also take the time to see if she can find out more about the items in the room, see if she can find any controls for the screens and whatnot.

Bosh Firebeard |

"Hey guys, the cloak the creature was wearing it has magical properties" He picks up the pouch of coins and the cloak.
"Let me help you check that Oleg" He'll help inspect the swords.
Appraise: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
"I don't know what enchanment it has but if someone want to wear it, go ahead." He tells the others and later joins them to inspect the room.
My perception is low, so I'm going with Engineering to check around, taking 20 is 27 for me. I know Cinder has already inspected some of the machines, maybe I could study them more to know their functions.

GM 8574 |

You thoroughly scour the room, find anything that looks like a button or lever and avoid it carefully. There aren't many, and their exact purpose is unknowable without context or experimentation. If you'd like to try a knowledge check, or poke a few random buttons, you are welcome to do so. :)

Bosh Firebeard |

"These are some expensive sword, Oleg. Might want to keep them" Bosh gives the swords to Oleg after inspecting them.
"Should we press some button? Or wait until we are rested?" He asks the others, Bosh looks for a place to sit down and puts out his books to prepare some of his spells.

*S.c.a.r.l.e.t.* |

Scarlet helps clean up the mess left by the monster turning to dust. Then at making the space within the room some what more comfortable for an evening stay.
Thanking Cinder for offering to share rations Scarlet is happy to share around her reserves of water. As to Bosh's question, she frowns a little.
"Maybe wait till we're rested... and' ready to run out the doors?" She offers in response, though with a slight smile to show she's joking... a little.

Oleg Dhuzy |

"Thanks Bosh" Oleg accepts the two swords and places them carefully in his backpack, sheathed. Then, Oleg turns to studying what he can of the room and the technology within, seeing if he can figure out what the room's few buttons and controls are for, and what pressing them might accomplish. He also sees if there are labels that might help. If nothing interesting comes up, Oleg will wish everyone a good night, and prop himself up against the door to sleep. He figures that if anything opens the door while everyone's resting, the loud thud of Oleg suddenly falling over will likely wake him up, and the noise might wake up the rest of the group.
Kn.(Eng.): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

GM 8574 |

Oleg Dhuzy |

GM 8574 |

1 1d100 ⇒ 51 - Bosh Watch
2 1d100 ⇒ 100 - Bosh Watch
3 1d100 ⇒ 80 - Cinder Watch
4 1d100 ⇒ 54 - Cinder Watch
5 1d100 ⇒ 36 - Scarlet Watch
6 1d100 ⇒ 79 - Scarlet Watch
7 1d100 ⇒ 51 - Scarlet Watch
8 1d100 ⇒ 15 - Oleg Watch
9 1d100 ⇒ 2 - Oleg Watch
0 1d100 ⇒ 67 - Oleg Watch
8 1d100 ⇒ 64 - Oleg Watch
9 1d100 ⇒ 94 - Oleg Watch
The night passes quietly, the four of you taking long watches so that everyone gets a full night's rest over the course of 12 hours.
(Cinder, I don't think you have any healing left, correct? If I'm wrong, feel free to roll it now, and we'll count it as used before sleeping.)
(Bosh, what spells do you memorize today?)
After you wake, Oleg begins fiddling with the buttons and dials on the panel, and after some trial experimentation (including tornado-strength winds at one point), he appears to have learned how to manipulate not only weather effects, but the appearance of sun, stars, and moon.
You consume the remains of your trail rations for the night and feel set for the day.
What do you do? If you go back out into the hallway, it bends around to the north, including a room that the four-armed creature came out of, and a door on the east wall of the passageway.

Cinder Shellback |

I've marked off four of my rations for everyone.
Cinder looks around the hall, wondering at the amount of metal just laying around in the walls. "You know, thinking on it, the veiwports were looking into the desert, so there's probably nothing there." she points further up the hall. "Shall we continue on?"

Oleg Dhuzy |

"I'm up to going a bit further in, though it wasn't much of a night and I feel almost as sore as I did before the rest. Let's call this a scouting run and then let's return to town, to let them know we're still alive, and to prepare for whatever we run into."
Oleg packs up his gear and begins getting ready to move forward with Cinder.

*S.c.a.r.l.e.t.* |

Scarlet watches Oleg poking things, wincing slightly at the hurricane he produces momentarily, even as she works the kinks out of herself after a night sleeping on the floor.
At people's decision to continue on for a bit she nods and assists them.
Perception:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

GM 8574 |

A large metal table is surrounded by odd-looking chairs in this room. To the west, what appears to be a transparent wall looks out over a strange desert valley. Four pillars support the fifteen-foot-high ceiling, while dozens of crude images of a pickaxe made of a skull and bones have been painted onto the walls with some sort of ivory pigment along with several phrases in an unrecognizable language.
You recall the pickaxe of skull and bones from the silver holy symbol you retrieved off the frog with bright eyes, and that the priest in town called it a symbol to Zyphus.
What do you do?

Bosh Firebeard |

My spells: Shocking Grasp, Grease, Magic Missile, Color spray and Gravity Bow
"Do you think the frog we killed back there did this?" He ask the others as he inspects the writtings next to the symbols.
Linguistics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Bosh Firebeard |

"Well, I haven't seen a language like this. There are spells to help us understand languages we don't speak, maybe back in town someone should have a scroll. I'll try to get one when we get back."

*S.c.a.r.l.e.t.* |

Scarlet straightens up, then seems to notice the walls.
"Here. We're lookin' fer things like this, hey?" She asks absently, the weird scrawling taking her attention for the moment.
"Geeze... That smokin' critter got bored, huh..."
She holds up a small card, about the size of the brown-striped ones you have already found. This card instead has a black band across it.

GM 8574 |

There is nothing else of note that you discover in the room, and without magical means to discern the scrawlings, it is unlikely that you will learn more.
When you go back out to the hallway and try the door leading further east, it opens with a whoosh, revealing a long, dark corridor. It bends around to the right, perfectly crafted, disappears into the darkness.
Directly across from this entrance is another door, heading further east. It has a black stripe across it, and a small panel to the right side of the doorway.
The hallway appears to be empty.
What do you do?

Bosh Firebeard |

"Should we try one of those card in this door?" Enev asks the others,
"Or should we try the dark corridor?" He summons some lights dancing around his hand to light up the corridor.
Dancing lights to light up more.

Cinder Shellback |

Cinder looks at the rubble in the corridor, then back to the darkened hall and worries on her lip. "The desert dome... D'you think this goes around it, or is meant to go around it, considering? We found what could have been partners to this passage filled in with rubble on the way in on the other side, yeah?"

*S.c.a.r.l.e.t.* |

Scarlet holds her x-bow loose but ready and moves towards the closest door. Edging around the corner of the doors into the curved great hall she glances North.
"Looks like we've more doors over there." She indicates towards the North East.Pointing to the doors that appear to lead further Eastwards

Bosh Firebeard |

"It sounds like it, Cinder. Maybe the desert dome is where they made their experiments and they where just watching from here. And there are too many doors...Should I try drawing a map to remember what we already saw?" Bosh asks to the others, they have been here for a while and haven't found much about the other expeditions other than the few corpses, he is starting to worry about finding the others.

GM 8574 |

You follow the tunnel around to the right until you reach its rubble-strewn end. There are no other doors or outlets, but you are fairly sure that you are most of the way back around the cavern.
When you return to the door next to the rubble, it does indeed open to the card with the black stripe, and you see a short hallway that ends in a pair of doors that appear to be made of glass, or some other translucent material.
Through them, you see a large metal desk with blinking lights and strange glowing panels, sitting atop a raised area on the east side of this room near a circular table.
Two couches covered with black material sit to the south a pair of black metal pillars.
Splatters of dried blood stain the floor and walls near a pair of doors to the north, while here and there patches of rust-red mold and fungus cling to the southern wall.
The room itself is brightly lit by glowing panels on the ceiling.
The door is currently still closed. I'll have an area map up later this afternoon. What do you do?

Oleg Dhuzy |

Oleg appears to be almost mesmerized by the desk with the glowing lights and panels. He attempts to open the translucent doors in order to enter the room and better examine this marvel of technology.
"Windowed doors, doesn't seem private or secure, why would anyone want such a thing?" he muses aloud.

GM 8574 |

The doors open to your touch, and you enter the room to approach the desk. It has a few viewports, each flickering strange lights in no apparent pattern.
As you watch, occasionally you see string of Androffan text go by:
...roczny zgoda unieważnia trudną płytę ....
...przejście okrąża poradnik funkcjonalny...
...sole logiki w pochylony opticl...
Images also appear at times. Some are of sleek, four armed humanoids, like the skeletons that you fought earlier, but as they appeared before their raising as unquiet dead.
One is a hairless blue lion with twin tentacular tails. Dozens more thick tentacles quiver and twitch where its mane should be.
In another, a strange, vibrant plant slowly but dangerously whips about its trio of tendrils with spiked heads.
Here on the raised area, there is a door right next to the desk, and another on the east wall of the platform.
The map titled CURRENT LOCATION at the top of the page has been updated with this area's rooms. Take a look - what do you do?

Cinder Shellback |

Cinder checks over the blood, trying to see how old it is.
Heal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
"This is all too likely from one of the expeditions. We should probably follow it." She looks at the others, "Find anything else interesting?"

GM 8574 |

Your striped card opens the door to the north. Bloodstains mar the floor and walls of this hallway, while scorch marks and smears of ash on the walls evidence some sort of altercation having taken place in this area relatively recently. Four tangled mounds of metal and other materials lie further up the hall, surrounded by strangely colored stains.
If you celebrate it, happy easter! Link above is to updated area map. What do you do?

Bosh Firebeard |

on the back room
Bosh takes a look at what Oleg is doing, "Mmmmm, that seems like they were monitoring those things. Is this place a lab or a prison?" He comments to Oleg and tries to read the messages on the screen.
What the messages said?
After hearing about the blood, Bosh readies his crossbow, "Now it's a tomb..."

Oleg Dhuzy |

"I'm not sure which, Bosh, maybe both?" Oleg responds. He points over to the side door next to the desk area and says "Let's come back to this later, looks like the ladies are on the trail of the missing councilman."
Oleg follows Scarlet and Cinder into the blood filled hallway.

Cinder Shellback |

Cinder will lead the group down the hall, following the bloodstains, but looking at the strange spots as well. Oil perhaps? Blood from a different sort of creature?
At the end of the hall, she looks at the obvious choice, and waves Oleg forward. "Before we enter, you look like you need a pick me up."
CLW: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7