About S.c.a.r.l.e.t.S.c.a.r.l.e.t. Entertaining background reading:
Scarlet has grown up in a wonderful, friendly environment. She loves her daily schedules and how they allow her to spend so much fun time learning new things with her sisters Jade, Amber and Violet. How on First day she and Violet get to engage in physical training and exercise, with Scarlet trying to physically out match the trickier Violet. On Second day how she gets to spend time with Jade in physio-therapy. Usually with Jade playing Doctor and Scarlet playing patient. On Third day she gets to help Amber test the various physical abilities of whatever project Amber has been given to work on, from personal protection gear to Personal protective/projective Ordinance Then the next two days usually spent with their personal trainers and techs who help them develop and learn to become better. "Quantok Industries, we make the future better." Is the motto she knows and recites by heart. (^_^) Whether it's learning how to range and fire the latest personal Mass Driver (TM) P.W.O or just getting better at personal inter-active communication This schedule currently leaves the four girls two whole days of time to themselves, where they are encouraged to learn and develop for themselves. Though as Amber and Jade have warned and been proven right on many an occasion, this also allows for the girl's schedule to change so that they can all be fast trained in whatever cross research and development the facility is engaged in at the time. Such as the 'team' testing certain combat gear, or a pair of them engaging in something more 'mission' specific, such as when Violet and Scarlet spent almost four complete week cycles learning how to use the B.R.O.N.T.O.S. Combat vehicle effectively (and to much adulation and cheers from their tech handlers) when they successfully defeated the rival R&D tech's "A.P.E." suited combat squad. Quantok Industries Data Sheet: The company representative walks out onto the stage, their suit pressed and tailored impeccably, they smile out into the darkened room, perfect teeth white under the spotlights glare. They adjust the setting on the laptop built into the face of the podium before them, the lighting shifts and they begin their presentation. "Hello, I needn't rehash any tired old phrases and terms. Let me get straight to the matter, no spin, no hype. Today I'd like to present a new line from Quantok industries." They speak straight to the audience arrayed before them, no glancing down at pre-prepared notes. "The modern age has become used to seeing and reading about U.C.A.Vs and other automated systems. Now, while we here at Quantok have our range of products available in the market, we also like to research into new and innovative areas." They pause as the large screen behind them runs through a series of product displays, the sequence created to show the range, depth and breadth of Quantok's production capabilities. "Now, Autonomous vehicles and craft are good, but they are as only as good as the designs and concepts manage to keep up to date with the environments for which they were created. Change even a small parameter within that environment and sometimes you end up with a weapon system that can no longer function, or perhaps is suddenly made obsolete." They pause again as the screen's displays run their course. "The Sailing ship of centuries past was the epitome of political power projection, then the industrial revolution swept them away. The great armored warships that followed were made redundant over night by the commissioning of one ship, which became the template for all such craft to follow. This vessel and her kind were themselves then shown, in less than a life time, to be dramatically 'out of touch' with the proper use and devastating use of air power." Again a kaleidoscope array of images cascade across the screen. "With the modern fields of conflict shifting and changing at an ever increasing pace, we are seeing the development and almost abandonment of equipment and technology at an ever increasing rate. But, I ask you, what fundamental level of the battle field has remained constant? Is their any area of conflict that has not changed?" Now the speaker pauses to allow the audience's minds to catch up with their line of reasoning and thought. "What element of engagement has remained constant, even since the time of Hannibal and other classical great leaders?" Again a slight pause for thought and dramatic, "Why the common fighting professional! That's right, through out history, the fundamental unit of might has rested upon the shoulders of the common personnel that make up the marrow of any fighting force." The screen behind the speaker now highlights the men and women that have filled the plethora of positions within fighting forces across the ages and countries. "So, why not apply research to the fundamentals of the combat equation? Why not create a combat Drone that is more than just a simple machine? Why not let the flexibility of nature, herself rampant through out her history as dripping red from tooth and claw, show us the advantage of a biological combat unit?" The lights dim upon the speaker to highlight the screen and the image of a single blank figure. Slowly this figure resolves into a person wearing a modern array of 'battle' dress. A rifle, combat webbing, back pack, helmet. Also are an array of electronic equipment such as vision enhancing goggles, small aerials/antennas, wiring and other 'gizmos'. Now other figures step 'backwards' away and 'out' of the initial figure, again wearing different hi-tech military outfits and uniforms better suited to naval and aircraft operations. More figures 'un-meld', showing yet more and more outfits and styles, until a crowd of people fill the screen. In unison they lift their helmets/caps/visors and the audience gasps even as the presentation music cuts out, leaving the sounds of pistol hammers cocking back to report loudly in the darkness. The theater lights brighten to reveal the four 'usherettes' are all identical figures in trim uniforms and covering the assembled impressive figures with compact, but nasty looking, pistols. The group eyes their acosters with trepidation. "Thank you ladies, thank you. Stand down." The speaker smiles as the four holster their weapons in the same choreographed motion. "May I present project 'Combat Bio=Drone'!" The speaker adds with a flourish. "Not just a weapons system, but a comprehensive package that has a myriad of other, every day uses." The screen now fills with images of call-centers 'manned' by ranks of 'Bio Drones'. "For where companies need to reduce over heads." Other images of gleaming white lab rooms with pale, smoke suited figures going about the routine and boring work of testing and retesting test tube vials. As the Quantok company presenter is about to finish their presentation with another adulation promoting the product a dissenting voice rings out, "What about the Tank fiasco?" The speaker stalls, glancing towards the heckler. Adjusting their suit, they change tack, though some of the audience continue to look at the four women who, only moments before, had held them at gun point. The four women continue to look back, neutrally, standing ready. The speaker clears their throat with a faux cough, "The B.R.O.N.T.O.S. muti-track was a system which had been deemed 'obsolete' by the very criteria this demonstration had displayed. The fact that under the guidance of these," The Speaker's arms sweep around the room to encompass the four women, "The mutli-track was able to beat double the assigned number of enemy weapons systems that had been slated to the test is the final proof and validation the 'Bio=Drone' system needed." Now the speaker glares at the dissenting voice, pushing their glasses authoritatively higher upon their nose. The dissenter simply huffs, folds their arms and settles deeper into their chair, the expression upon their face still dark and brooding. A single set of hands begin to clap as the large, importantly seated figure in the central front row stands. "Bravo, bravo, you have my attention and you have my confidence. Now, enough with the theatrics, show me the real, hard data." The commander in chief of the nations armed forces walks forward, hand presented for a 'business' man's hand shake. Custom Android Summoner 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 54)
Starting Gp: 1800 gp Wand(X1) (Experimental: 2D6 Electricity damage: 50' Range: 50 Charges) 360 Gp
Remaining: 139 Gp
-------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Amphibious (Ex) You can survive indefinitely on land. Against the Technic League: For whatever reason, you have a grudge against the Technic League. No matter the root cause, you’re convinced that the League is somehow responsible for the troubles facing Torch today. Choose either weapons or spells. If you choose weapons, you gain a +2 trait bonus on all damage rolls made against targets you know are associated with the Technic League. If you choose spells, increase the save DC of your spells by 1 when you target such a foe. Constructed (Ex) For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger’s favored enemy and bane weapons), this race counts as both their normal type and constructs. They gain a +4 racial bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, p Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only). Delicious (Ex) -2 penalty on Escape Artist and combat maneuver checks to escape bite grapples. Eidolon Link (Ex) Mental link allows communication over any distance, but share magic item slots. Emotionless (Ex) This race has problems processing emotions properly, and thus takes a -4 penalty on Sense Motive checks. Hedonistic If you do not gain a reward in a day, you are fatigued for 4h the next day (Fort DC 20 negates) Hero Points (1) Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses. Intense Artist (-Choose-) Your devotion to Shelyn has caused you to delve more deeply into your art. You gain a +1 trait bonus on two Perform skills of your choice, and Perform is always a class skill for you. Life Link (Su) Damage that dismisses Eidolon can be taken by you. It weakens if not in 100 ft. Magical Lineage (-Choose-) A chosen spell counts as 1 level lower when metamagic feats are applied to it. Nanite Surge +4 (1/day) (Ex) Bonus to any one d20 roll. Glow like a torch for 1 round when used. Share Spells with Eidolon (Ex) Your spells ignore type restrictions for Eidolon and it can recieve your personal spells. Summon Monster I (7/day) (Sp) Standard action summon lasts minutes, but only 1 active at a time and can't use with eidolon. Swimming (30 feet) You have a Swim speed. Trap Finder Use Disable Device to disarm magic traps, like a rogue. Race Trait (1): Get the cargo through Race Trait (2): Rich Parents |