GM 8574 |

Thanks for checking in, team, and for starting updates on the ledger! I have to leave for work in a bit, but the gameplay thread is up.
This AP as written presumes that you know each other before heading to the town hall to speak to the council about the goings-on. If you'd like to do so, I'd say feel free to play that out on the Gameplay, or just say, "Let's meet at the town hall".
I'll be home in several hours, but will check in mid-afternoon.

Oleg Dhuzy |

It isn't apparent from my gameplay post, but there's nothing stopping Oleg from knowing any of you. You may have talked to Oleg, been his drinking buddy on occasion, got him to assist you for the day in exchange for a few coins, or something similar. He's that friendly guy that everyone knows because he talks to almost everyone about almost anything, and you can almost be certain to find him at the bar.
In fact, I'm sure Oleg would have gossiped about "That poor girl of the Shellbacks" and Cinder's accident. Oleg has downed at least one or two drinks along with a prayer to Sarenrae to "have pity and restore that girl's sight" over the last few weeks on the subject.
He has a big heart for people and for their problems.

Cinder Shellback |

I wouldn't have thought them that famous, but that does work out, especially since the family as a whole is wealthy enough to buy Remove blindness.

GM 8574 |

Regarding combat (because we'll get there eventually): I would prefer to "theater of the mind" our combats, as map updating tends to be something that bogs down most GMs in PBPs. Until Paizo gets their own version going, I may just post a link to a snapshot of a map so that you can get a feel for the room in addition to my description, then act accordingly.
Question: Does this work for you all?

Oleg Dhuzy |

GM8574: No-map combat would work fine for me. I can just say "Oleg tries to get into flank, then attack" and let you tell me whether he can in the results. Being a GM myself, I know how much work goes into running a game, anything to make it easier on you and keep you having fun along with us works for me.
Cinder: I mis-remembered your background and was under the impression that you were living in Torch as opposed to traveling there from Blackpipe. Torch is small enough (5000 or so people) that mostly anything interesting is spread around as gossip between locals, at least that's how it was in a small town for me growing up. I'm not sure if news from Blackpipe would make it over to Torch, but it might be reasonable that news of your misfortune would spread once your family made it over for their bi-annual visit?
GM8574: I want to wait for the other players to get a chance to post before continuing, but I am assuming that Oleg would be in the Tavern at the same time as Cinder, and both can see each other as people interested in looking into this crisis, correct?

GM 8574 |

GM8574: No-map combat would work fine for me. I can just say "Oleg tries to get into flank, then attack" and let you tell me whether he can in the results. Being a GM myself, I know how much work goes into running a game, anything to make it easier on you and keep you having fun along with us works for me.
GM8574: I want to wait for the other players to get a chance to post before continuing, but I am assuming that Oleg would be in the Tavern at the same time as Cinder, and both can see each other as people interested in looking into this crisis, correct?
Yes, let's give the other two a chance to post if they are also trying to gather rumors around town, but correct, you definitely see each other at the Copper Coin.

GM 8574 |

Cinder Shellback |

GM 8574: I've got no problem with the map, however, I may be asking, "Can I use [spell] without hitting my allies?" later on.
Oleg: "You all meet in a tavern...."
Edit: Okay, having read the Gameplay, I have to ask: Clouded Vision gamewise says "Your eyes are obscured, making it difficult for you to see." I see this like cataracts, where the farther out, the less you see. While that wouldn't mean she's completely blind, it is harder to see the farther out something is. So, she could see doors right in front of her, though she would still appreciate gentleman's favors.
Like Oleg, I'm going to wait until the others post before going on.

GM 8574 |

GM 8574: I've got no problem with the map, however, I may be asking, "Can I use [spell] without hitting my allies?" later on.
Oleg: "You all meet in a tavern...."
Edit: Okay, having read the Gameplay, I have to ask: Clouded Vision gamewise says "Your eyes are obscured, making it difficult for you to see." I see this like cataracts, where the farther out, the less you see. While that wouldn't mean she's completely blind, it is harder to see the farther out something is. So, she could see doors right in front of her, though she would still appreciate gentleman's favors.
Like Oleg, I'm going to wait until the others post before going on.
1) Understood - feel free to ask! If the melee is really heavy, then the answer will be "unlikely", but maybe we can mitigate this with percentage dice rolls. I'll tend to be generous with effects that have small radii, but fireballs tend to catch just about everyone. Make sense?
2) Of course you do!
3) Yes, it's more that the men of the town are appreciating a high-Charisma lady, or guessing that the cataracts are bad enough that she needs assistance with minor things.

Cinder Shellback |

I know that I'll have times where 'unlikely' will be the case. Options are key, after all.
And Cinder has no problem with attentive men, I just wanted to get a feel for the in character effects as opposed to the technical effects.

GM 8574 |

Hi, team,
Great start! Loving your descriptions and fleshing out your PCs.
I'll move you along to Town Hall with my next Gameplay post after work today, but wanted to write quickly and say that if I ever jump the gun overmuch on moving the story forward, please call me on it and we can address things appropriately.
Also, if you're finding that I'm waiting too long to do something, or if it looks like I'm glossing over something that you think should be better addressed, please give me a nudge via this thread or via PM. Sound good?

Alexander Sokolov |

Sounds good!
Personally however I'd possibly take things one step further and skip the Town Hall meeting entirely - not to say we don't go to the Town Hall, but what I mean is the questions we'll be asking there will be fairly predictable, if not outright pre-written in the Fires of Creation book itself, and for the sake of keeping things moving we could assume all the usual questions were asked (when did the flames go out, who are we looking for, how do we get into the caves, etc.)

Cinder Shellback |

I think Sasha's right in this. There are general questions that have answers in the books, and we know a bit about the story anyway from the background and a few rumors. I wouldn't mind if you skip the Town hall meeting with a GM post either.

Mr. Bubbles |

Hate to say it, but I'm going to have to bow out of this campaign. It's not an issue with you guys or the DM or how the AP is shaping up, but rather I'm just realizing I'm *really* getting turned off by Play-by-Post.
So instead of sticking around with something that's just frustrating me, I think it would be prudent (and fair to people waiting in the wings as replacements) to call it while the campaign is early and let someone else slip into where Alexander is.

S.c.a.r.l.e.t. |

At work
Used the 'Advanced race guide'. Two of those traits are 'racial'. 10 Point race build. Won't be able to change anything for another day or so..... Sorry. :(
Wishing every one all the very best.

*S.c.a.r.l.e.t.* |

If the DM is happy with this build and avatar of Scarlet then I shall begin working on an equipment list.
Though, given different time zones et,al, I'll still be a day or so away from finalizing that sort of thing.
Also, the song that always inspires my 'Gunslinger' role playing. Story of Sunset
Wishing every one all the very best. Again, sad to see Alexander go.

Cinder Shellback |

Looking at my spell list, its acctualy not really optimized for this party. Sun Metal for instance, when our melee guy uses his fists mostly, instead of a weapon. (Yes, I know he's using Cestus right now, still.) As well, Divine Favor, which has been pointed out (Again!) is a personal spell. While at this stage even casters have to resort to melee a bit, its still annoying.
Not complaining or ranting, just - okay, maybe a little bit of rant. That's all folks!

GM 8574 |

Take a look at the Retraining rules from Ultimate Campaign. I would permit you to retrain as you would want, let's just take a look at the time required and the cost to do so so that we plan appropriately.
FYI - it's about noon on Day 1 of the campaign.
Y'all took care of the enemy. I'll post plot advancement here in a few hours once work settles down. Thanks!