The Arcane Spell-Caster.

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Welcome to the recruitment page for Destiny’s Call. and the path of the (Arcane Spell-Caster.)

This recruitment is for a sandbox style pathfinder campaign that will be set in the world of Golarion. Ultimately, I have prepared multiple modules, scenarios, and adventures with different storyline hooks that will surface within the campaign in order to allow (you) the player to choose which adventure you will participate in. This is intended to create a nonlinear experience where the (PC) group can affect the dynamic of the world they live in by choosing their own path. That being said, this link is specifically for the role of an Arcane Spell-Caster . If you choose to submit a character on this thread, please do so knowing that the character is meant to fill that role. The class should include skills in Spell craft, knowledge arcane, and have the ability to cast arcane spells. Only (1) character from this category will be accepted with 2 others selected as alternates. Only one charter submission per category will be allowed. Multiple character submissions within a single category will result in disqualification. Only characters with complete profiles will be considered.

Other strong considerations for selection include a robust background, which is completely open to the player, a solid personality concept, and a strong visual description.

The Crunch:

Content: I am open to virtually all Paizo content as long as the character makes sense and the background strongly supports the choices made by the player. Preferably, no third party content.

Expectations: I intend to review the game daily and expect that players will do the same. That being said, if someone is going to be absent, one of three things will happen. 1) The game will be placed on hold for a short break. 2) The character will be botted. 3) The character will be shadowed. This campaign is intended to be a long running campaign with a strong focus on depth and detail. I realize that sometimes too much detail can stagnate a game, but I feel confident that I can apply momentum when necessary.

Role play: Within the realm of role play, it is sometimes difficult to embrace a unique personality concept without stepping on other people’s toes. Ultimately, I intend this campaign to be approached with an adult mind set. On the other hand, I have little tolerance for someone who is set upon ruining the game for others. Simply put, don’t be a tool! If a players personality concept, role play, or posts become inappropriate, I will PM the player with the hopes that an adjustment can be made. If the problem persists, the player will be asked to leave.

Timeline: Cutoff date for submissions will be on All Hallows Eve (October 31st). After which I will make a selection and post in this thread as well as PM the player with a link to the game.

2nd addition Pathfinder: Upon the release of 2nd addition pathfinder, I will be tabling the option of converting the campaign over. That means if 2nd addition is any good and the group decides they would enjoy the new content, than I am willing to consider the possibility of conversion.

Maps] I will be using google for map content and icon display.

Stats: Use the (20) point buy with no stat lower than an 8 before racial adjustments.

Races: All pathfinder base races, which include Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-elf, Halfling, Half-orc, and Human, are acceptable.

Other races: Other races, which will include Aasimar, Catfolk, Fetchling, Ifrit, Oread, Ratfolk, Sylph Tengu, Tiefling, and Undine will be considered with a Strong and well put together background. Note: These races will be considered very unique in my game. As such, reactions of npc’s and other players could make replaying these races extremely difficult.

Racial traits: Are acceptable as long as they are not third party.

Starting Wealth All characters will begin play with a flat (200 GP).

Traits: Because the campaign path is undeclared, no background traits will be included. Two non-background traits are acceptable with a third trait (optional) upon the selection of a drawback.

Background skills: Background skills are acceptable and encouraged as long as they fall in line with the characters background.

Quick reference items: The (Race) category within the characters profile should list | HP | AC | Intuitive | Perception | Speed | CMB | CMD | Saving throws|. The Class/levels line should include | Primary weapon stats | Spell availability.

Knowledge, Item identification, and appraise: I personally believe these skills belong independently to the character that has vested points into advancing them. That being the case, I intend to pass information onto the player through (PM) whenever possible and allow them to decide how much of their skill they wish to share with the group. (Optional) A player may state up front that they intend to share everything with the group. In this case I will post via spoiler any information that is not time sensitive. Other information, such as creature identification, will be specifically passed on as a (PM)

Combat Communication: While in combat, I will allow a single brief statement (one sentence or less) to be posted out of turn without affecting a character’s economy. This will allow some creature identification information to be passed on during critical combat moments. Alternatively: A player may forgo a move action and state whatever they like.


Male Human (advanced) Godling

Also, dotting.

No kobolds! Noooo!

Well, maybe I can play tiefling without it feeling like I'm a human for once. Appropriate npc reactions? That'll be a wonderful change of pace.

Male Dwarf Nerd 15/Engineer 5

Wow. This is why I always grab strange cubes in rooms. After all, rule 1 of the 200 rules to live by: Doing ANYTHING in a dungeon can get you killed. This includes doing nothing. Therefore, act. Tis better to die daring awesomely.

But I digress:

With such an interesting recruitment methodology, I feel inspired to go back to my roots and play one of the two characters that remain near and dear to my heart.

Tiasar Auvreathem was the first character I ever made for a role playing game, an elven conjurer who ends up dabbling with binding outsiders (particularly evil ones).

Nareth I'grada was the first 'villain' I ever made for the first campaign I ran, a human cleric of Zon-Kuthon who fashions himself as an undead general, bolstering his undead ranks and crashing into melee himself.

However I had a number of questions before proceeding:

1) How do you feel about alignment? Tiasar is strictly neutral, but later on will be summoning and binding all sorts of creatures from over the spectrum, including evil ones. He does take the Balancer's Banishing trait which represents his devotion to neutrality when it comes to outsiders. Nareth is LN, but obviously since he worships a LE god and creates undead minions he has evil tendencies and definitely can come off as evil to others. In truth he has a grand long-term plan that he can help discover what happened to Dou-Bral in the Dark Tapestry to turn him into Zon-Kuthon.

2) Obviously Tiasar would fit into the arcane role, but would you want Nareth in the healer role or the undeclared role? Mechanically he is a negative energy cleric with the Undead Lord archetype (which grants the undead subdomain), which means that he will be able to heal more than a standard negative energy cleric but not as much as a standard positive energy cleric.

Male Dwarf Nerd 15/Engineer 5

Oh another question:

3) What is the nature of the reserved archer slot? Is that another PbP player who is joining, or is that a GMPC? Or perhaps an NPC? Or perhaps the villain?!

Maps | Hero Points
CampinCarl9127 wrote:

1) How do you feel about alignment? Tiasar is strictly neutral, but later on will be summoning and binding all sorts of creatures from over the spectrum, including evil ones. He does take the Balancer's Banishing trait which represents his devotion to neutrality when it comes to outsiders. Nareth is LN, but obviously since he worships a LE god and creates undead minions he has evil tendencies and definitely can come off as evil to others. In truth he has a grand long-term plan that he can help discover what happened to Dou-Bral in the Dark Tapestry to turn him into Zon-Kuthon.

2) Obviously Tiasar would fit into the arcane role, but would you want Nareth in the healer role or the undeclared role? Mechanically he is a negative energy cleric with the Undead Lord archetype (which grants the...

3) What is the nature of the reserved archer slot? Is that another PbP player who is joining, or is that a GMPC? Or perhaps an NPC? Or perhaps the villain?!

1) Alignment: any non-evil alignment is acceptable. That being said, character’s action will most definitely have logical NPC reactions. Summoning an evil outsider in the middle of an unobserved dungeon would generally be a pc only reaction. This could result in an unfavorable reaction depending on the groups make up, but would generally not affect NPCs. On the other hand, summoning an evil outsider to fight off a rogue ambush in the middle of town, that's a different story and would most likely have an undesirable outcome. Role play (Diplomacy, intimidate, and bluff) would most likely determine the aftermath of such an event. I believe there to be an argument about summoning an evil outsider and binding it to perform positive actions. Demographics also makes a difference on perception as well. For example, summoning a devil in the province of Cheliax would most likely not raise as many eyebrows as say Andora.

2) If Nareth meets the minimum expectations of a healer, and you feel comfortable taking on that role, you are more than welcome to post him in the cleric thread.

3) That seat is being reserved for another pbp player.

Male Dwarf Nerd 15/Engineer 5

1) Understood, thanks!

2) Hmm. At higher levels the point is probably moot with access to wands and other magic items, but at lower levels his lack of reliable healing would be noticeable. Would it be out of the question to apply Nareth to both the healer and undeclared role? I feel as if he might be able to fit into either category based on party composition.

If the warrior ends up being a paladin (not considering alignment issues :P) and we have a bard with cure spells as the undeclared, he would fit in well as the healer.

But if the healer role ends up being something like an oracle or a druid (or even another cleric with different combat and spell choices), he would fit better as an undeclared.

3) Do we know anything about his build other than (supposedly) ranged DPS? Ranger perhaps?

Edit: 4) Any idea what level this campaign plans on being run until?

Question, SoP is clearly out as 3pp, but what about words of power by paizo?

Maps | Hero Points
GM DarkLightHitomi wrote:
Question, SoP is clearly out as 3pp, but what about words of power by paizo?

I will not be using the (Optional) words of power listed in Ultimate magic.

Maps | Hero Points
CampinCarl9127 wrote:

1) Understood, thanks!

2) Hmm. At higher levels the point is probably moot with access to wands and other magic items, but at lower levels his lack of reliable healing would be noticeable. Would it be out of the question to apply Nareth to both the healer and undeclared role? I feel as if he might be able to fit into either category based on party composition.

If the warrior ends up being a paladin (not considering alignment issues :P) and we have a bard with cure spells as the undeclared, he would fit in well as the healer.

But if the healer role ends up being something like an oracle or a druid (or even another cleric with different combat and spell choices), he would fit better as an undeclared.

3) Do we know anything about his build other than (supposedly) ranged DPS? Ranger perhaps?

Edit: 4) Any idea what level this campaign plans on being run until?

2) You are welcome to submit the character in both healer as well as undeclared. If the character is selected under one of those roles it will obviously be removed as an option for the other.

3) Besides the fact the the character will be filling the role of scout, No.

4) I am game to see it through to level 20 if the group is successful.

Male Dwarf Nerd 15/Engineer 5

Gotcha. That's all the questions I have for now, I'll hit the drawing board!

Male Dwarf Nerd 15/Engineer 5

Alright I have returned. I've come to a decision.

GM Nightfiend wrote:
The reason for this is to allow for none stereotypical builds. An example of this would be ...the healer that prefers front line combat over healing.

That description encapsulates Nareth's role in the party well, so I will be applying him to the Undeclared role when the time comes. Although he has some pretty decent out of combat healing, he is simply better at knocking enemies down than keeping allies up. Also, in an effort to avoid controversies (as well as personal headaches from bookkeeping), I'm going to avoid using him as a necromancer. Perhaps sometime at later levels if we have a particularly potent corpse and the party is willing Nareth might create something, but for the most part I'm planning to run him as a destructive battle cleric.

I did have one more question before putting the final touches on: When it comes to background, do you prefer a summary describing their lives and goals in a few paragraphs, or would a longer narrative style be better suited?

Maps | Hero Points
CampinCarl9127 wrote:

Alright I have returned. I've come to a decision.

GM Nightfiend wrote:
The reason for this is to allow for none stereotypical builds. An example of this would be ...the healer that prefers front line combat over healing.
I did have one more question before putting the final touches on: When it comes to background, do you prefer a summary describing their lives and goals in a few paragraphs, or would a longer narrative style be better suited?

The more you can contribute, the better. That being said, longer isn't always better. I'm looking for details based around where your from, what brought you to your profession, what your short and long-term motivations are, and an explanation of how you came across any unique skills or knowledge's that you may posses ....etc. It is also good to have a general idea about the character's personality, even though i'm sure it will develop as the game moves along.

Male Dwarf Nerd 15/Engineer 5

I humbly present Tiasar Soseshtian for your consideration. The profile should be completely finished. Please let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns, and I always appreciate feedback!

Maps | Hero Points
CampinCarl9127 wrote:
I humbly present Tiasar Soseshtian for your consideration. The profile should be completely finished. Please let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns, and I always appreciate feedback!

I would normally be reluctant to allow a build that summons evil outsiders. That being said, I found your background compelling and well thought out. There is little doubt that it supports the build and explains the reason for it. The build itself is solid minus a couple small things you might consider. Ink, pen, journal, food, water, and crossbow bolts. These are only observations, not requirements. I consider this build complete and a solid possibility for the role of caster.

P.S. My kingdom for a Handy Haversack (LoL)

Male Dwarf Nerd 15/Engineer 5

I appreciate you looking over the character in such detail, as well as the pointed feedback.

As for summoning evil outsiders, Tiasar is somewhat inspired by the 3.5 Malconvoker class. The idea is not to surrender oneself to evil for greater power. The idea is to make the forces of evil fight each other, that way all casualties are good casualties.

That being said, although he does plan to make use of evil outsiders, he will not solely focus on that. He will use whatever he thinks best for the situation, which will include good outsiders and neutral creatures as well. Likely he will use them more often since they're less dangerous to dabble with.

Ah yes, gear! Especially the journal, which will be very important since Tiasar plans to record all of his adventures. I have it updated and ready to go now (added some scrolls too, bought at full price since I assume pre-game crafting is not ok). I did have to drop the quarterstaff and switch to a travelling spellbook in order to maintain a light load, but the quarterstaff was going to be more of a walking stick anyways and I can deal with the smaller spellbook issue down the road. You know, once I trade that kingdom for a certain magical carrying item ;)

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

I would like to dot in for Arcane.
I shall draw something up and post a profile here.

Thank you for running.

GM, I can't send you pms for some reason. The option simply doesn't show up.

Maps | Hero Points
GM DarkLightHitomi wrote:
GM, I can't send you pms for some reason. The option simply doesn't show up.

Well it seems paizo's privacy settings are set to off for private message. Yay default settings. I had to go into account settings and change that. I should be good to go for private messages now. Thanks for pointing that out.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map


I am flirting with a Magus (I have never played one). Would you still consider that Arcane, per your groupings?

Maps | Hero Points
Dorian 'Grey' wrote:


I am flirting with a Magus (I have never played one). Would you still consider that Arcane, per your groupings?

A magus can be built in a large number of different ways. It can easily meet the minimum requirements for arcane caster and has the capability of filling the role. As you begin building the Magus you will see the variable options in which I speak. Depending on the build, I would say the Magus could almost fill any of the roles. I would determine how you intend to play and advance the character and then deiced from there where it best fits in.

Male Teifling Welcome players! Roll20 Map

Thank yee, Ser.

I have tomorrow off for researching!

Magus here I come!

Dark Archive

Human Witch (Cartomancer) 6/Harrower 4 | HP 72 | AC 17 (T 13, FF 15) | Per +11 | F +7 | R +7 | W +10* (* +1 vs Ench) | Hero Points 1/3 | Flight Hex 6 minutes/day | Blessing of the Harrow 1/day

Welp. I did warn you that it might happen. I have now applied to every role.

Apoc Golem with my fifth and (ACTUALLY) final submission, the indomitable Katia Karela! (Yes, she is the older sister of my healer submission. Magic is strong in that family, apparently!)

Maps | Hero Points
Katia Karela wrote:

Welp. I did warn you that it might happen. I have now applied to every role.

Apoc Golem with my fifth and (ACTUALLY) final submission, the indomitable Katia Karela! (Yes, she is the older sister of my healer submission. Magic is strong in that family, apparently!)

This character looks like a solid submission as well Apoc.

Dark Archive

Human Witch (Cartomancer) 6/Harrower 4 | HP 72 | AC 17 (T 13, FF 15) | Per +11 | F +7 | R +7 | W +10* (* +1 vs Ench) | Hero Points 1/3 | Flight Hex 6 minutes/day | Blessing of the Harrow 1/day


Of course, I just realized this means that even if I get picked, I still have to find homes for four characters because I like all of them. :D

Loved the recruitment. Dotting the arcane role, but I have a question. I didn't follow most of the releases of Pathfinder and wonder if that would be a problem.

More specifically, if I build a Wizard from the Core Rulebook with Traits from APG, only adjusting for background skills, would that be a valid character?

Maps | Hero Points
Anthorg wrote:

Loved the recruitment. Dotting the arcane role, but I have a question. I didn't follow most of the releases of Pathfinder and wonder if that would be a problem.

More specifically, if I build a Wizard from the Core Rulebook with Traits from APG, only adjusting for background skills, would that be a valid character?

It would. I would also like to point out that most information is available online as well. All you have to do is google it.

For now, what I am mainly focused on is a a solid character concept. The character's background, their ties to the world, and what motivates them to adventure. I will audit the crunch before we start and address any concerns about specifics at that time.

Male NG Human Inquisitor 7 / Marshal Tier 1 | HP: 74/74 AC:22, T: 14 FF: 19| CMB: +6, CMD: 19| F: +7, R: +4, W: +9 | Init: +6 | Perc: +18, SM: +17| Speed 30ft | | Active conditions: Heightened Awareness Hero Points:1/3

This is Dorian's submission.
I am still rounding out the rough edges.

Thank you

Maps | Hero Points
Edgar Allen Poe wrote:

This is Dorian's submission.

I am still rounding out the rough edges.

Thank you

Looks good

Grand Lodge

Meet Sunol, a young arcanist on the run after the disappearance of her adopted father:

Sunal Aerthromas
Female human (Kellid) arcanist 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 8)
NG Medium humanoid (human)


Init +2; Senses Perception +3
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks arcane reservoir (1/4), arcanist exploits (familiar[ACG], lightning lance[ACG], potent magic[ACG]), consume spells
Arcanist Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st (3/day)—color spray (DC 14), mage armor
. . 0 (at will)—light, mage hand, mending, read magic
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Alertness, Extra Arcanist Exploit[ACG], Extra Arcanist Exploit[ACG]
Traits dangerously curious, nimble fingers, keen mind
Skills Craft (alchemy) +7, Disable Device +7, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Linguistics +7, Perception +3, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +7, Use Magic Device +6
Languages Azlanti, Common, Draconic, Hallit, Thassilonian, Varisian
Other Gear light crossbow, ioun torch ioun stone[APG], alchemy crafting kit[APG], arcanist starting spellbook, bandolier[UE], thieves' tools, 34 gp, 5 sp
Special Abilities
Arcane Reservoir +2 DC or CL (4/day) (Su) Pool of points fuel exploits, or can expend to add +2 CL or DC while cast spell.
Consume Spells (1/day) (Su) As a move action, expend a spell slot to add its spell levels to arcane reservoir.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Familiar Bonus: +1 natural armor bonus to AC You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Lightning Lance (1d6+1 electricity damage, DC 11) (Su) Use 1 reservoir, touch att deals elec dam & all foes are concealed 1 rd vs. foe in 30 ft (Fort part).
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.


Sunol was rescued from the slave pits at an early age by the man who would become her mentor and Father figure. He was a mage fleeing from the Technic League. They. ran south and settled in a small town where under an assumed name he soon became a important figure for his magical and crafting skills. She became his apprentice and toiled along with him at the Craft and the craft. She couldn’t wrap her head around the way he did magic but managed to find her own way.

They lead what seemed to her to be an idylic life. She worked in the lab and helped around the tavern that was attached to it (and truthfully provided much of the income in such a small community). She learned from her “father” and spent time learning how to make friends with the locals in the tavern.

She was more charismatic than her father and became the face of the family when it came to the local folk. Somehow while still young and not particularily extraordinary looking with her mousy brown hair and slight build, she still managed to make friends of most everyone who came ito the tavern. Her facility behind the bar kept her from having to roam the tables and debase herself as the barmaids often did.

If not for her fathers strange disapearance on a local investigation, Sunol would have likely spent the rest of her life in the tavern and the adjoining manufactory. However with him gone, it soon became apparent, that as much as she was liked, she would have trouble holding on to her father’s businesses. She was just too young to be taken seriously by the people ihn power in the town. She was smart enough to see what was coming down the pike, and gathered those things that were hers and left the town before the elders decided to foster her on to someone she couldn’t stand.

Familiar: Glowman:

Glowman CR –
Ioun wyrd (Ultimate Wilderness 197)
N Tiny construct
Init +2; Senses blindsight 30 ft.; Perception +2
AC 16, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +2 size)
hp 4 (1d10)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +4
Defensive Abilities improved evasion; Immune construct traits
Speed fly 30 ft. (average)
Melee slam +0 (1d4-3)
Space 2½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 4, Dex 15, Con —, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 5
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 9
Feats Dodge
Skills Disable Device +1, Fly +10, Linguistics -1, Spellcraft -1, Use Magic Device -2
SQ empathic link, ioun affinity, share iouns
Special Abilities
Blindsight (30 feet) (Ex) Sense things and creatures without seeing them.
Construct Traits (+0 HP) Constructs have many immunities.
Empathic Link (Su) You have an empathic link with your master.
Fly (30 feet, Average) You can fly!
Immunity to Ability Damage Immunity to ability damage
Immunity to Ability Drain Immunity to ability drain
Immunity to Bleed You are immune to bleed.
Immunity to Death and Necromancy effects You are immune to Death and Necromancy effects.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Immunity to Exhausted You are immune to the exhausted condition.
Immunity to Fatigue You are immune to the fatigued condition.
Immunity to Mind-Affecting effects You are immune to Mind-Affecting effects.
Immunity to Nonlethal Damage You are immune to Nonlethal Damage
Immunity to Paralysis You are immune to paralysis.
Immunity to Poison You are immune to poison.
Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects.
Immunity to Stunning You are immune to being stunned.
Improved Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save; half on failed save.
Ioun Affinity (1 stones) (Su) May integrate a number of stones into its body.
Share Iouns (Su) Master shares benefits of ioun stones while within 30 feet.
Share Spells Spells with a target of "You" can be delivered by a familiar with a range of touch.

Male Human (advanced) Godling

I'm dropping out of the running. The conjurer I was intending to submits is very similar to the wizards already posted, plus ironing out his backstory has become laborious. I wish those who choose The Tome the best of luck!

Withdrawing dot

Maps | Hero Points
CA Jademan wrote:

Meet Sunol, a young arcanist on the run after the disappearance of her adopted father:

Sunal Aerthromas
Female human (Kellid) arcanist 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 8)
NG Medium humanoid (human)

The build concept looks presentable.

The backstory leaves me with a couple questions.
1. Where in Golarion is the small town.
2. In the end, it states that she gathered her things and left the town before the elders could have her fostered. How old is she---(P).

Although not critical at this point, if selected I would need to know more about her father and possibly some insight on where she is heading off to. Over all a good start.

Maps | Hero Points
TheWaskally wrote:
I'm dropping out of the running. The conjurer I was intending to submits is very similar to the wizards already posted, plus ironing out his backstory has become laborious. I wish those who choose The Tome the best of luck!

Thanks for the consideration TheWaskally. Unfortunately, In the upcoming game, the background is going to be important. This means more work for a submission, but extra depth in the game. I have high hopes that the work will be worth it in the long run.

Hey there!

So I stumbled upon this cube once, and a few moments later - here we are! I would like to submit my witch for this role. Crunch is done (just finished), but I'll need to come up with some fluff in the upcoming days. Just wanted to say 'Hi', so... Hi!

And also to ask a question. Any idea where on Golarion will this game be happening? Asking for tie-in purposes. Thanks!

PS: Love the recruitment process.

Grand Lodge

Sunol is a re-skin of Val Blaine from the Iron Gods AP. She is from Torch. She is 16 years old.

Maps | Hero Points
CA Jademan wrote:
Sunol is a re-skin of Val Blaine from the Iron Gods AP. She is from Torch. She is 16 years old.

Sounds interesting.

Maps | Hero Points
Chenaii wrote:

Hey there!

So I stumbled upon this cube once, and a few moments later - here we are! I would like to submit my witch for this role. Crunch is done (just finished), but I'll need to come up with some fluff in the upcoming days. Just wanted to say 'Hi', so... Hi!

And also to ask a question. Any idea where on Golarion will this game be happening? Asking for tie-in purposes. Thanks!

PS: Love the recruitment process.

Build looks interesting. I'm looking forward to the backstory.

Male Dwarf Nerd 15/Engineer 5
Chenaii wrote:
And also to ask a question. Any idea where on Golarion will this game be happening? Asking for tie-in purposes. Thanks!

The GM has specified in another thread that the starting point is unknown, and it is important to remain mysterious for campaign reasons.

Good luck!

Maps | Hero Points
Chenaii wrote:

And also to ask a question. Any idea where on Golarion will this game be happening? Asking for tie-in purposes. Thanks!

Whoops, missed this part. As CampinCarl9127 stated. Starting point is undeclared. For background generation, anywhere in Golarion is acceptable.

GM Nightfiend wrote:
Whoops, missed this part. As CampinCarl9127 stated. Starting point is undeclared. For background generation, anywhere in Golarion is acceptable.

Fair enough. Left it open-ended for that purpose. Feel free to check the profile for the backstory. Just finished the first draft.

Thanks for the reply Carl, I must have missed it- somehow. Made a write-up with your post in mind.

Maps | Hero Points
Chenaii wrote:
GM Nightfiend wrote:
Whoops, missed this part. As CampinCarl9127 stated. Starting point is undeclared. For background generation, anywhere in Golarion is acceptable.

Fair enough. Left it open-ended for that purpose. Feel free to check the profile for the backstory. Just finished the first draft.

Thanks for the reply Carl, I must have missed it- somehow. Made a write-up with your post in mind.

I will read through it tonight.

Maps | Hero Points
Chenaii wrote:
GM Nightfiend wrote:
Whoops, missed this part. As CampinCarl9127 stated. Starting point is undeclared. For background generation, anywhere in Golarion is acceptable.

Fair enough. Left it open-ended for that purpose. Feel free to check the profile for the backstory. Just finished the first draft.

Thanks for the reply Carl, I must have missed it- somehow. Made a write-up with your post in mind.

Well, I had a chance to read through the background and I found it well written. Although you state that its not in your native language, you did quite well with both the articulation as well as the dynamic of the characters feelings. Overall, I enjoyed the read. The character is a solid submission.

Thanks for the kind words. In that case, I will consider the application completed. Unless you want anything else to add.

The spell spoiler will come up after the first daily prep. As for weapons, it's not something I'd use, really. Unless absolutely necessary.

I'll leave the profile as it is for now, and wish good luck to everyone who applied!

Maps | Hero Points

Recruitment is now Closed.

Well, it looks like the time has finally arrived. I would like to begin by thanking everyone for their submissions. I have read a lot of well thought out backstories and reviewed some unique character concepts. In all, I believe every character I have gone over has promise. That being said, only five selections can be made. I will maintain a list of alternates that will be contacted through PM in the event that someone bows out.

For this category, I would like to invite:

Playing: Tiasar Soseshtian

To join me on the Destiny’s Call discussion page.

The alternates for this category will be:

1. Dorian Gray / Playing: Edgar Allen Poe
2. CA Jademan / Playing: Sunal Aethromas

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