Is Second Edition a new chance for Bears?

Prerelease Discussion

Silver Crusade

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Seeing as the bear is very underrepresented, especially in pfs, will there be more bear related options in second edition?

Will the Tyranny of the dinosaurs and great cats finally end?
Does the grizzly reign of the bears finally begin?

Wil we finally get a Bear equivalent of the warcat?
Are there going to be different bestiary bears aside from the last printed bear with the advanced template stapled to it?(why does a polar bear need 13 charisma?!)

Roar with me brothers and sisters! Bears will not remain silent forever!

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Paizo will eventually get to all the animals in time. Until then, you'll have to bear with them and grin and bear it.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think it's one of the bear necessities of the new edition.

Dark Archive

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I believe they mentioned a big reason why they are changing monster creation was due to a lot of non-magical creatures not really throwing a punch at that CR value. I think we can start to expect animals to feel like actual decent monsters with decent stats in 2e

I sure hope so, because even if they make a bear fall swiftly to a powerful magic spear, even in heavy armor bears are horrifically capable of disfiguring a human. They should honestly be a very capable threat well into the mid levels.

Dark Archive

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Shiroi wrote:
I sure hope so, because even if they make a bear fall swiftly to a powerful magic spear, even in heavy armor bears are horrifically capable of disfiguring a human. They should honestly be a very capable threat well into the mid levels.

I feel like regular bears should be around 3-5 dire bears 7-8ish with advanced and templates to bump things around. By level 11-13 you are basically a demi-god fighting angels and demons. IMO you'd be more likely to fight the god of bears at mid level

Honestly what they should do is make each kind of 'animal' a template and then give you a chart for base stats for tiny/small/medium/large/huge animals at each CR. This way you could generate an 'animal' for the CR you want to see.

This way you could have a Large CR 5 Bear, and you could later make a small sized CR 11 'Pygmy Bear' or a CR 15 Huge Fiendish Bear.

Dark Archive

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Richter Harding wrote:

why does a polar bear need 13 charisma?!

To sell Coca-Cola products obviously.

Bears need constitutional protection. Specifically:

A well endowed sleuth, being necessary to the security of the free Wild, the right of bears to keep people and Arms, shall not be infringed.

Backpack wrote:
I believe they mentioned a big reason why they are changing monster creation was due to a lot of non-magical creatures not really throwing a punch at that CR value. I think we can start to expect animals to feel like actual decent monsters with decent stats in 2e

If you are looking for good news about bears in 2E, this is ursine.

Backpack wrote:
Shiroi wrote:
I sure hope so, because even if they make a bear fall swiftly to a powerful magic spear, even in heavy armor bears are horrifically capable of disfiguring a human. They should honestly be a very capable threat well into the mid levels.
I feel like regular bears should be around 3-5 dire bears 7-8ish with advanced and templates to bump things around. By level 11-13 you are basically a demi-god fighting angels and demons. IMO you'd be more likely to fight the god of bears at mid level

I dunno, there's a small list of people who've survived being smited by lightning so many times they're not surprised when it happens anymore, and I'd be willing to bet a bear can still finish off the job. Lol

Naw, what I hear is, they are making bear animal companions even smaller. Tiny-sized bear boys, for traveling efficiency! It's the bear-volution you didn't know you wanted!

Shadow Lodge

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Marco Polaris wrote:
Naw, what I hear is, they are making bear animal companions even smaller. Tiny-sized bear boys, for traveling efficiency! It's the bear-volution you didn't know you wanted!

Oh bother.

Backpack wrote:
I believe they mentioned a big reason why they are changing monster creation was due to a lot of non-magical creatures not really throwing a punch at that CR value. I think we can start to expect animals to feel like actual decent monsters with decent stats in 2e

That seems like a strange reason, seeing as how it'd be trivial to make animals stronger in the current system.

Bears look like a very good choice compared to cats, at least. Cats can’t get any sort of pounce ability until level 14 (on Druid). Bears also have a good assist ability to fall back on, where they add some extra dice to your damage, making they’re still helpful if they don’t have as much accuracy. Probably especially good for TWF Rangers.

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UnArcaneElection wrote:

Bears need constitutional protection. Specifically:

A well endowed sleuth, being necessary to the security of the free Wild, the right of bears to keep people and Arms, shall not be infringed.

Mmmm. Arms.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Bears, if nothing else, need a more accurate representation of how stupidly strong they are. Pound for pound, they're pretty friggin' stout.

I'm incredibly annoyed at the lake of bears in 1E. We have a decent dog (wolf), cat, and plenty of dinos, why not a bear?

Far cry 5 has a bear animal companion that rocks! Are we going to let Far Cry out bear Pathfinder?

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SorrySleeping wrote:
I'm incredibly annoyed at the lake of bears

I am deeply disappointed that this was just a typo.

Scarab Sages

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Bear Lake - come for the gorgeous ursine splendor, stay because you can't escape a lake of bears.

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Eh, it's only the close ones you need to worry about. The others are Bearly a threat since they're behind the others.

Now, if they figure out ranged attacks, then it would become unbearable.

blahpers wrote:
Backpack wrote:
I believe they mentioned a big reason why they are changing monster creation was due to a lot of non-magical creatures not really throwing a punch at that CR value. I think we can start to expect animals to feel like actual decent monsters with decent stats in 2e
That seems like a strange reason, seeing as how it'd be trivial to make animals stronger in the current system.

They want to make animals stronger in ways that doesn't just involve pumping their numbers, basically. They've dialed back on universal rules and now animals individually have more Cool Stuff they can do.

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Arachnofiend wrote:
blahpers wrote:
Backpack wrote:
I believe they mentioned a big reason why they are changing monster creation was due to a lot of non-magical creatures not really throwing a punch at that CR value. I think we can start to expect animals to feel like actual decent monsters with decent stats in 2e
That seems like a strange reason, seeing as how it'd be trivial to make animals stronger in the current system.
They want to make animals stronger in ways that doesn't just involve pumping their numbers, basically. They've dialed back on universal rules and now animals individually have more Cool Stuff they can do.

Again, that seems like something they could have done without creating a distinction between PCs and "monsters". What problem is solved by doing so?

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