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I would like to get some feedback on how our players would like to see playable races added into the campaign
I have to actually say that I love the set up you just announced. You've managed to incentivize travel to Conventions, being a player, being a GM, and already discussed that the rotations will prevent any of these "mega-regions" from becoming incentivized more so than others.
As Player hit this new system I'm sure we'll find new and interesting ways in which it may feel off, but I really cannot state enough how great this looks on paper (erm, on blog?).

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First off, thank you for keeping us in the loop!
Second, I see you've already answered (intentionally or not) to some of the feedback this and other topics have generated, in the use of a Player version of the GM support boon. Also something to thank you for.
As to suggestions on 'getting races out there', something I poked at in a thread recently was the idea of allowing a purchase via Fame of a boon for applying to a future character. I've since been able to think a little longer on that particular idea, and I could see the opening of a small list of races that are either already considered 'known' or are in the process of becoming introduced to the campaign via scenarios that Starfinders could be committing their personal influence(via Fame purchase)to recruit into the Star League... er, Starfinder Society. Perhaps each faction has a race that they 'hit it off with' early into First Contact, and so if you have a certain tier of Reputation with the faction, the Fame cost is a little lower (giving each faction someone this way, though I think the Wayfinders should either have a slightly better discount or more than one option to represent their 'shtick').
Likely I would suggest a chronicle boon downloaded with the rules of the purchase (and a note to photocopy the original character's chronicle noting the purchase to keep with it for proof of purchase) as a way to be able to get it out there outside of when the Guide is done/redone. I'll leave the math of what is appropriate costs to the professionals. :)

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One comment about the wording of the boon. In both tiers it says, "and you must bring a copy of one of the rulebooks listed below to all sessions in which you play this character" (emphasis mine)
There are no books "listed below" on the sheet. I realize that, in this case, the rulebook would be Alien Archive, but I thought I should point it out.

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So what exactly is the reasoning for GMs not to be able to get points for the Alien Archive Boon? Because GMs who run more games than they play get the short end of the stick, because GMs are not getting any points wouldn't they just want to play and never GM except at cons? Sure GMs get slightly more opportuinty to get race boons but not that much more, and sure its great for the players but there has to be some incentive for GMs to run because the GMs by the actual scenarios not the players. In my opinion it'd be fair if GMs get points toward the Alien Archive Boon because they're buying the scenarios and actually running them.

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I would like to see a way to play those floating gas aliens that can alter their dna at will. Brethedans? They sound wicked.
Like a group of them as PC's with the ability to merge together like voltron to fight a boss would be wicked.
Those are the barathus. That's the 12-game option for this first player boon! :)
Also, now I want to see a "We Be Barathus!" adventure module. ;)

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This sounds awesome, but one question: if there are going to be four mega regions and the con boons will rotate quarterly doesn't this mean that for the most part cons will still always end up with the same boons year on year since most cons are held yearly on more or less the same dates? Or is there going to be a mechanic in place to stop this? Like 5 pairs of boon rotating so that when a con comes around the following year they'd have the fifth set of boons instead of the same ones again?

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Seism wrote:I would like to see a way to play those floating gas aliens that can alter their dna at will. Brethedans? They sound wicked.
Like a group of them as PC's with the ability to merge together like voltron to fight a boss would be wicked.Those are the barathus. That's the 12-game option for this first player boon! :)
Also, now I want to see a "We Be Barathus!" adventure module. ;)
Yes, where they have to merge into a flotilla for success!!!

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So what exactly is the reasoning for GMs not to be able to get points for the Alien Archive Boon? Because GMs who run more games than they play get the short end of the stick, because GMs are not getting any points wouldn't they just want to play and never GM except at cons? Sure GMs get slightly more opportuinty to get race boons but not that much more, and sure its great for the players but there has to be some incentive for GMs to run because the GMs by the actual scenarios not the players. In my opinion it'd be fair if GMs get points toward the Alien Archive Boon because they're buying the scenarios and actually running them.
The Regional Support GM Boon does give access to the legacy races, however it is after 12 games GM'd.
I do think that they should look at future Regional Support GM boons. In the future, access to races via this boon should be on par with the Player Focused Boon. This coming from a GM that has yet to actually play an SFS scenario, and does not normally see the chance to outside of Cons.

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I'm not really a fan of these methods.
Method #1: Distributing boons based on region seems like an overcomplicated and unnecessary thing to do. Especially when most people go to no more than 1-3 conventions a year, if at all. I don't see why you need to segregate the racial boons.
Method #2: While I like the idea of getting access to races periodically by playing more games, I really dislike the amount of book keeping this adds. This method also concerns me due to the fact that repeatable scenarios only count once and there's only four scenarios with no indication what the release schedule will look like.

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The player focused boon is great! Any news on whether Summon Monster will be SFS legal?
This blog wasn't the place to announce the specific Additional Resources update for Alien Archive. But rest assured that it's coming, along with sanctioning for Dead Suns #2, which I've sent off for final checks and to be posted. As for summoning, I guess you'll have to wait and see (and maybe be pleasantly surprised?)

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What about gms who don't get to play or go to conventions? I personally don't get to play as much I'm too busy running for my venue.
Our main avenue for rewarding non-convention GMs is the Regional Support Boon. It's up and running for Starfinder Society, so if you want that to happen, you should contact your local Venture-Officer. You may also want to look at getting your specific location to be a registered retailer!

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One comment about the wording of the boon. In both tiers it says, "and you must bring a copy of one of the rulebooks listed below to all sessions in which you play this character" (emphasis mine)
There are no books "listed below" on the sheet. I realize that, in this case, the rulebook would be Alien Archive, but I thought I should point it out.
Woooops! This was a bit of formatting magic that changed between the boon and when it got imprinted on the Chronicle sheet. I think people get the gist (you need Alien Archive.)

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So what exactly is the reasoning for GMs not to be able to get points for the Alien Archive Boon? Because GMs who run more games than they play get the short end of the stick, because GMs are not getting any points wouldn't they just want to play and never GM except at cons? Sure GMs get slightly more opportuinty to get race boons but not that much more, and sure its great for the players but there has to be some incentive for GMs to run because the GMs by the actual scenarios not the players. In my opinion it'd be fair if GMs get points toward the Alien Archive Boon because they're buying the scenarios and actually running them.
We've had numerous requests for boons that aren't specifically geared to GMing. Currently we have a lot of GM-specific rewards, and a lot of people aren't comfortable with GMing, or have medical reasons that they can't. Focusing on a player boon is something new we wanted to try here. Given that Alien Archive has a large number of player options, I also suspect that many players will be picking up this book —and really should, if they haven't already!

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This sounds awesome, but one question: if there are going to be four mega regions and the con boons will rotate quarterly doesn't this mean that for the most part cons will still always end up with the same boons year on year since most cons are held yearly on more or less the same dates? Or is there going to be a mechanic in place to stop this? Like 5 pairs of boon rotating so that when a con comes around the following year they'd have the fifth set of boons instead of the same ones again?
This is certainly on our radar. We're also hoping to see people put together events that meet the minimum support requirements throughout the year, as then there'll be more incentive to collect these boons!

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It does seem that everyone can get access to a race Boon, with the exception of GMs that run at non-registered locations.
I also find it strange that players get their boons after 6 games, but Regional Support GMs don't get a boon until they have GMed 12 games. is it possible to align these so that GMs can also get one after 6 games.

Diego Hopkins |
Your company sells books and comics. Put boons in them. Increase sales + get boons out there = profit.
You have customers who are doing things like: working full time, going to grad school, and raising a family. This method would grant them an opportunity to access new races sooner than their otherwise limited time would allow. (This probably sounds oddly specific. It is. :P)
I'd go so far as to suggest a series, comic or otherwise, featuring the misadventures of a plucky crew of Starfinders. Include a boon or two corresponding to aliens they meet, gear they use, ship features they acquire, etc. The publishing schedule dictates a slow enough release cycle that GM's have a chance to prepare for upcoming additions.

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I am curious if Online is considered a region? And if not, why not? If I run a game on Roll20, why do I not have a chance to get regional boons?
We've not finalized the "mega regions" or how Online factors into this. Part of the problem we've experienced with Online in the past, is that if we put Online together with another region, it reduces the incentive for other regions put together, as someone could just run a game from their home instead of putting in the effort and resources of going to a convention.
I'll be speaking with the team about this, but we don't have anything to announce yet.
That being said, the Player Boon is entirely open to Online play!

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If there is novel support of the Starfinder line (see Pathfinder Tales), please also add boons for reading those. As a subscriber, I have a copy (and have read ~25/30+) of all the Tales books, and think it is one of the best ways to immerse yourself in the campaign setting. I really do appreciate the boons for reading those.

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For the previously played SFS chronicles, who needs to sign off on them? Particularly if the game was played at an out-of-state convention.
On a slightly different tangent, who signs the boons for on-line play? That may be difficult in person if the GM is on the other side of the continent (or a different continent altogether).

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Earlier this year, I started organizing regular game days at a new FLGS and it was our area's first RSP location. And I really like that program for GMing. Anything to motivate folks to GM and requires them to do so a bunch of times to earn something is a plus in my opinion. Without GMs, organized play doesn't happen. And in most areas, it's the same small core group of GMs that do almost ALL of the GMing. Anything that motivates people who never GM to give it a whirl and contribute is a good thing, if you ask me.

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Method 3: Boons for given years/adventure paths. ie, Year of Scoured Stars has a chronicle for x race, or if you play through x adventure path, you can get a boon for x race.
I also like Farrindor's suggestion of races that can be purchased with Fame.

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Method 3: How about fan loyalty? Such as the On-going Subscriptions in a tiered chronicle? If you have 1 on-going subscription, you qualify for this race..., 2-this race or race 1, 3...
Having multiple subscriptions, I like this idea. But then I think it has a taint of "pay-to-win" on it and I stop liking it.

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Michael J. Card wrote:The player focused boon is great! Any news on whether Summon Monster will be SFS legal?This blog wasn't the place to announce the specific Additional Resources update for Alien Archive. But rest assured that it's coming, along with sanctioning for Dead Suns #2, which I've sent off for final checks and to be posted. As for summoning, I guess you'll have to wait and see (and maybe be pleasantly surprised?)
I'm always pleasantly surprised :). Thanks for the reply!

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There's been a hint about new playable races through a Wayfinder exclusive "Alien Allies" slotless boon (reference : http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5ljyz?Faction-Overview-Wayfinders).
Is there stil any plans about this or did I missed some informations about that?
Shouldn't some Alien Archives races accessible through that particular boon?

Thomas M. |
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Hiya. First time poster to the Paizo Blogs comments section, and rather new to organized play still.
I was wondering if there will be a list of what races might be available at conventions at any given time?
Otherwise, I love the player boon. It makes it worth the effort to attend games, go through scenarios as core races, and build up until you get the race you want. I'd love to see more like these going forward as well.
Another thought that has popped up: Why not make some sort of tracker through the society game tracker for this if that is an option? Just send an e-mail whenever you get your 12th or so individual game that you have this available.

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I know this is rather against the usual mindset of organized play, but why not make most races available with no boon?
Completely agree. If a "cantina" atmosphere is the goal, this seems like the most logical and straightforward way to accomplish it.
Convention boons, while nice, can be inaccessible to those in some countries. And while the player boon is clearly designed to incentivise play, it offers only three options - which, judging by the boon expiry date, will be the only ones available through this method until next June.
Players in Organized Play scenarios are required to bring source rulebooks for every option used by their characters - including race. As such, Society GMs would be able to request to see the material at any time should issues of racial abilities arise.
This suggestion is very much against the usual mindset of organized play - Pathfinder organized play. I see no reason why Starfinder should follow that same restrictive structure.

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Another thought that has popped up: Why not make some sort of tracker through the society game tracker for this if that is an option? Just send an e-mail whenever you get your 12th or so individual game that you have this available.
I think something like this would be a fantastic idea as it can/will be cumbersome getting those signed off for the retroactive games people have played out of state or online games. It wouldn't be impossible but a QoL thing.

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As a long time living campaign player, organizer and one who helps run a local convention twice a year, thank you. These boons and the support that Paizo shows to the local and regional conventions does go a long way to help us promote our shows as well as growing the living campaign community. I am looking forward to working with the new regional coordinators and if they are anything like the Venture Captains and Lieutenants that we have had experience with, it will be a great relationship.
Again, thank you.

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There's been a hint about new playable races through a Wayfinder exclusive "Alien Allies" slotless boon (reference : http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5ljyz?Faction-Overview-Wayfinders).
Is there stil any plans about this or did I missed some informations about that?
Shouldn't some Alien Archives races accessible through that particular boon?
It's the Capstone Boon for the faction. Which race it is has yet to be announced(AFAIK):
Alien Allies (Slotless Boon)
Your work in championing the Wayfinders’ cause introduced a new
variety of aliens into the Starfinder Society.
Prerequisites: Wayfinders Tier 4
Cost: 4 Fame
Benefit: When you select this boon, it does not apply to your
current character. Instead, select one of your Starfinder Society
characters with 0 XP. That character can select a new playable race
without needing to expend the Personal boon slot. That character
cannot slot a different race boon into the Personal boon slot, but
can slot another type of Personal boon. The rules on this new race
will appear in a future update.

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Is it possible to get some clarification on this piece, "Once you apply either of the boons present on this Chronicle sheet to a character, you gain no further benefits from this Chronicle sheet, but you can
begin filling out a new copy of this Chronicle sheet"
Does this preclude having two or more of these boons active simultaneously so that we could apply multiple plays of the repeatables while working toward multiple boon races without losing the plays(or applying retroactively as the ruling above allows.)

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I am kinda on the fence with this.
On one hand: I was a huge opponent of opening up races willy nilly in Pathfinder Society and a huge proponent of the convention boon method of delivery. I think in the fantasy setting, where Human is the most plentiful race on the planet, by a huge margin, it does strain credulity a bit to have a smorgasbord of obscure races running about.
So I think allowing them in a bit with a highly restricted boon method was the right choice. Doing this also promotes convention play, something that his highly important for organized play.
So I support some sort of boon method for allowing new races.
I also like the fact that the races won't be introduced until later in the season, because it gives a feeling of "discovery."
On the other hand: I am not sure even this much loser level of restricted access grants the cantina feel you are going for. I am also fundamentally opposed to tying boons to number of played sessions. Starfinder Society, by most accounts I can find and hear about, is highly successful already and people are worried about not having enough content. I do not think that getting people to play will be an issue, so if that's part of the reason for tying the boon to number of sessions played, then I think it isn't necessary.
I discussed the feeling of discovery and these races not being seen until later in the season (with the limited release of just 1 scenario a month and requiring a minimum 6 plays for the first new available race, it may be a month or two and on secondary characters before those become readily seen in play.) But the feeling of discovery is more meta instead of immersive and character driven.
What I'd like to see: I'd like to see scenarios where you meet and interact with these other races, and based on how positive that interaction is, determines whether that player gets that race boon (attached as a second chronicle to the scenario.)