Dreads Carrion Crown


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Welcome to the Recruitment Thread for Carrion Crown.

You hold in your hands a letter informing you of Professor Petros Lorrimor, esteemed Instructor and Researcher of The University of Lepidstadt. A man Loved, feared, or hated depending on who you were. No details of his demise followed. Just an invitation to his funeral in Ravengro, the home of the Professor, which will be held on the 28th of Kuth (AR). Signed by his Daughter Kendra Lorrimor

Whether he was a father figure, a mentor, a friend, a colleague, an ally or even merely someone who touched your life. The fact he was respected means everything. That you will attend is not in doubt. You know you have to leave quickly because that is a too soon to do anything but make haste.

and so starts The campaign.

about the DM:
My psuedonym is Dread, after my favorite villain in a long standing home brew campaign set in the Forgotten Realms. Kelthas Dread, a Red Wizard of Thay. My GM name is GMMichael. Ive been playing D&D/Pathfinder since 1975 (yes that makes me old) Ive been running PBP games since 1995. I have been away from it for a bit of time recently...but am ready to take on the mantle again!.

about my games:
I prefer a game that is very player oriented and emphasizes role playing over roll playing, though combat is very much a THING, and a necessary thing. I will not allow player vs player under no condition and never hope to see the phrase 'but thats what my character would do' . In my opinion that breaks the social contract inherent in role playing games, which is collaborative fun. Sexual situations and things that are extremely edgy or triggering are fade to black. Noone should ever feel uncomfortable in my games. That being said. Carrion Crown is a 'horror based campaign' touching on all the tropes of that genre, so the game will be decidedly NC17 . If you have questions...ask

questions about game specifics/timeframes/who gets chosen etc:
I will be choosing from those that want to join, 4-6 players to go on this journey with me. I will probably make the choices before April 4th at the furthest. Ive found normally within a week you get the majority of players responding, so once I feel enough of a choice is available, I will give a 24 hour notice and then choose. My choice will be made using three criteria. 1. Character Choice (does the character fit within the campaign. Has the player gone outside what I put forth in the character building guidelines. Is it a character Id like to DM for.) 2. The Player (Is it someone who reads what I type. Is it someone who will play well with the rest of the kids in the sandbox. Is the player responsive and attentive.) 3. Synergy of the Group. (There is a dynamic in games that is oft overlooked How well do the players and characters work together. Thats hard to tell in a recruitment thread, but I will be looking for signs that they will).

Now onto character building information.

Note: I do not require a full character build but a few paragraphs about the character will suffice. That being said, I know how hard it is once your creative juices get flowing to stop at name rank and serial number....Most of us love creating characters. so without further adieu.

1. No 3pp material.

2. No Evil. Period.

3. Races: Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Human, Aasimar, Tiefling, Android, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc, Changeling, Dhampir.

4. Classes: Any except- Omdura, Vigilante, Vampire Hunter, Shifter.

*Yes to Unchained versions.*
*No To Prestige Classes.*

5. 20 point builds for all classes except
You may choose to start as an NPC class (Adept/Aristocrat/Expert/Warrior) and gain a 20 point build Plus a d6 (meaning 21-26) or a Commoner and gain a 20 point build plus 2d4 (meaning 22-28).

*Under no case will I allow a reroll for points*

--What happens if I am thinking of being an NPC class and I roll low gaining only 21 points and decide its not worth it. and just stay with a regular class...Thats ok to do, just dont flip flop and go back and forth rolling til you get a good one.---

*If you choose to start as an NPC class you must progress into a regular class that would be a natural progression logically. Example: Adept to Cleric or Wizard. Commoner to Ranger or Rogue. ie make it make sense.

6. Hit points Max at first level. Every level after 1/2+1 except the NPC Classes. Should you want to stay as an NPC class you can keep max hit points . Realizing the Commoner doesnt benefit from that, The Commoner is the only class that will be allowed Hero Points. per the Hero Point rule. (and thats kinda thematic). Yes if he changes classes he can still use Hero Points.

7. No to Background skills. However I will give each character a profession skill free at game start. Only a Profession Skill.

*NPC Skills become class skills with class change.*
*Spell casting level stacks from Adept to ny other spell casting class*
Adept spell availability merges spell lists (only of spells capable of casting...in other words, if youre a Druid who wants Invisibility in your repertoire you need to stay Adept til youre at least 4th level)*

Benefits of going regular class over NPC class...class specific benefits will be of higher level.
Benefits of NPC class over regular class. slightly higher stats. and maybe slightly higher hit points.


8. No to Elephant in the room feat changes.

9. Average starting Gold for classes (NPC classes- Adept uses Druid, Aristocrat uses Cavalier, Commoner uses Monk, Expert uses Alchemist, Warrior uses Fighter)

10. No Crafting prior to game start for equipping.

I think that does it. Ask in case I left things out.

lets get on with it shall we?

Scarab Sages

What about homebrewed material (e.g. Classes, Archetypes, Orders, Bloodlines), or updated D&D 3.5 material (I've always REALLY wanted to play stuff from the Tome of Magic), or limited adjustments (Just For Example: A particular class's magic can be based on a different ability score, or a particular feature of a particular class Archetype replaces a different base-class feature, or making a few additions/subtractions from a class's spell list or an Arcane School, or Alchemists don't need to take a Discovery just to share their infusions, or Unchained Summoners can keep the original spell-list, or Sorcerers gain their Bloodline Spells earlier like Oracles or Psychics do)?

GMMichael wrote:
No Evil. Period.

This doesn't include spells with the [Evil] descriptor, does it, or at least not without some case-by-case adjudication? I've never liked the whole "undead/creating the undead MUST be Evil" thing (in 2nd Edition that was specifically "Grey" Necromancy, after all).

GMMichael wrote:
No to Elephant in the room feat changes.

What exactly does this mean?

GMMichael wrote:
10. No Crafting prior to game start for equipping.

Does this imply that making our own stuff could be a major part of the game down the line?

What about (in a nod back to my first question) R&D of original spells, a normally-overlooked, but technically-core potentiality of the game?

@Dread: What about starting gold?

@I'm Hiding in Your Closet: Elephant in the Room feat tax. Dude just came up with his own version on how he feels a few feats should actually be put into play. Here's a link if you're interested: Link

I have an idea for an orc brawler. Couple questions:

1) Rules on alternate racial traits?

2) What traits do we select for the campaign, if any?

Oh this sounds great! Any issues with someone who hasn't been in a PbP game applying? I've thrown my hat in for a couple but couldn't settle on a concept; I've always wanted to play carrion crown though so I'm very interested!

If it helps, I have a GM alias that I've recently started running a game on (Trail of the Hunted). It's been a blast so far, but I'd love to see how it goes from the player side! If you're happy to let me apply, I'll get to work posting up a character idea ASAP.

Definitely going to submit something for this, quite possibly a paladin. Will get on it right away...just need to read the Carrion Crown player's guide.

Ahh yes...i did forget a few things.

First to add to the list then to answer questions

11. Traits: 2 traits. 1 must be from the list of campaign traits found in the Free Players Guide the other from any of the other traits except another campaign trait from any other source. I know it's difficult to know if a trait is 3pp so please look at the source.

12. No to Drawbacks.

magic shops:
They simply don't exist. It suspends my belief in magic. There's really no reason a spell Caster would tie himself down to a shop on a town to produce magic weapons or wands. It takes too long to be profitable. Potions? Scrolls? Yes. You m8ght be able to find a temple or a wizard living someplace and commision an item to be made, but it's unlikely given the course of an adventure that you'll be there weeks later to get it. That's why there are so many Alchemical items. Those are readily available in shops made by folks to help in a world where magic exists. Now that's not to say you might find a magic item in a regular general store or armorer or might not be able to convince a npc to part with his magical cloak....but just looking fir that wizard who mass produces +1 rings of protection...ain't gonna happen.

13. Crafting magic items on the road....yes could happen. Just have to use ALL the rules on crafting. And given the nature of this campaign, I'd say you'd best limit what you're crafting to quick items or very specific much wanted items.

14. No to homebrew classes.

15. Yes to alternate racial traits

Now to other questions

Had an eye on carrion crown for a long time and I have a number of character ideas. GM how do you feel about a Solar bloodline sorcerer? I think the combat visuals for that would be fun to RP, but it is something of an undead slaying specialist which may or may not be what you're looking for given the horror theme of this AP :)

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
What about homebrewed material (e.g. Classes, Archetypes, Orders, Bloodlines)

For the most part no. Primarily because there's too great a risk of being over powered.


or updated D&D 3.5 material (I've always REALLY wanted to play stuff from the Tome of Magic)[/unquote]

Hands down no. Tome of Swords And Tome of magic had a great many things that were way way unbalanced


or limited adjustments (Just For Example: A particular class's magic can be based on a different ability score, or a particular feature of a particular class Archetype replaces a different base-class feature, [/unquote]

On a case by case basis maybe if it's for theme and role playing and not roll playing if you catch my drift. But first is there a Feat that does it?

My take on this is usually it's asked because a character wants to be more powerful. That's not a good reason. The classes are already powerful in their own right.


or making a few additions/subtractions from a class's spell list or an Arcane School, or Alchemists don't need to take a Discovery just to share their infusions, or Unchained Summoners can keep the original spell-list, or Sorcerers gain their Bloodline Spells earlier like Oracles or Psychics do)?

no to tinkering with the classes . They were play tested by Paizo and don't need to be adjusted as hoc. Find a feat that alters things...I'm all for


This doesn't include spells with the [Evil] descriptor, does it, or at least not without some case-by-case adjudication? I've never liked the whole "undead/creating the undead MUST be Evil" thing (in 2nd Edition that was specifically "Grey" Necromancy, after all).[/unquote]

no it doesn't. Though there are in game consequences to creating undead....just as there are for a wizard casting fireball and setting fire to a community.

GMMichael wrote:

No to Elephant in the room feat changes.

What exactly does this mean?

Javelle DeLeon answered that. If you Google that phrase, you will find a lot of information on a proposed feat change system. It lessons the feat chains. And proposes inherent Feats. I understand it.i just don't necessarily agree with it.

What about (in a nod back to my first question) R&D of original spells, a normally-overlooked, but technically-core potentiality of the game?

Hands down yes. I've always allowed it. Just always look to other level appropriate spells for balance.

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Javell- starting Gold is #9 in first post. However to answer directly it's average. I say it's 9 because there's other info there.

Two-Hands- I welcome new pbp players.

FangDragon- it's fine. If it's thematic to the character. There's plenty of non undead villains to attend with.

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Not applying to this one, as Carrion Crown is the one AP I ever managed to complete on these boards.

But wanted to drop a line and say I played with GMMichael in several games, and they were all great, especially the Falcon’s Hollow one. You are in for a great one. Good luck to the applicants!

GMMichael wrote:
Javell- starting Gold is #9 in first post. However to answer directly it's average. I say it's 9 because there's other info there.

Dangit. My bad. I totally missed that. Thanks.

Working on a Dwarven Paladin of Torag for this. GMMichael, what's the general outlook on Torag in the Ustalav region? This isn't going to brand him as a heretic or something, is it? If so, I'd probably switch to a different diety like Imoedae...

That all said, would you prefer that we all start as an NPC class?

I am definitely interested in this.

I will most likely play a swashbuckler, but I'm not 100%

Coffee Dragon wrote:

Working on a Dwarven Paladin of Torag for this. GMMichael, what's the general outlook on Torag in the Ustalav region? This isn't going to brand him as a heretic or something, is it? If so, I'd probably switch to a different diety like Imoedae...

That all said, would you prefer that we all start as an NPC class?

To the first question. Ustilav is about 80% human. But there's plenty of other races represented. A Dwarf wouldn't be be treated any differently than anyone else. The races I chose could all be seen and operate relatively freely.

No. I only put the NPC classes I'm there for two reasons. A. A player preferred to have higher stats. B. For a variance of player start

Carrion Crown is one of those APs I would really like to see through, I played parts of it in various campaigns but sadly none of them got past book 2.

Submitting Smaranda, a shy girl who can punch a hole in a brick wall (dhampir brawler). I'm a long time player and GM on these boards and I also prefer roleplaying and collaborative storytelling.

Liberty's Edge

@GMMichael: Glad to see you're back! Hope things have been on the upside for you!

I'll most likely apply with the below character, though names and some other details will have to change as I'm using the Lizbit profile in another game. A paladin of some sort. Is Variant Multiclassing allowed?

Pala of some sort:

Picture of Lizbit.

Height: 5'3" | Weight: 145 lbs. | Hair: Red | Eyes: Light Brown
Lizbit is on the short side for a human, with an athletic build. Her eyes are dark brown and her red hair hangs nearly to her waist, her face heart-shaped with an angular jaw and small, pointed nose. Her complexion is tanned.

She usually dresses in loose-fitting brown or black cotton trousers and brightly colored, loose-fitting, sleeveless silk blouses. The sleeveless tops not only display her impressive musculature but also the tattoos – songbirds all colors of the rainbow are tattooed from the tips of both her fingers and running the lengths of her arms up to her shoulders. The birds turn to kaleidoscopic leaves near her shoulder blades, forming the canopy of an oak tree that covers most of her upper back. The trunk of the oak tree runs down the center of her back where it meets a pool of water at her lower back; Lizbit’s nymph mother lounges in the pool. The tree’s roots plunge below the surface of the water, down her buttocks and snaking down her legs, turning into multicolored ribbons, tapering off and ending at her toes. This large tattoo is not visible under her normal clothing, but she dresses to show it off when she can. She carries herself with confidence and moves in a way that suggests both grace and power.

Lizbit is confident, patient, and kind. Outgoing and extroverted, she has a huge circle of friends and acquaintances. She quickly flits from one group of friends to the next, not favoring any groups or individuals over any others. She takes the tenets of her faith seriously, promoting ideals of peace, forgiveness, love, and acceptance to those she meets. She can often be found counseling quarreling couples or business partners. While she often comes off as naïve due to her insistence that all conflicts can be solved peacefully, she was raised in circles of duplicitous nobility and is more than capable of sussing out those with ulterior motives.
Lizbit adores all forms of artistic expression. Very often she is late to appointments because she stops to enjoy any street performance she comes across. She spends a probably foolish amount of coin attending theater and the opera. Never one to take things too seriously, Lizbit is quick to laugh. Free-spirited and bubbling with positivity, she always offers a bright spark of hope in dark times. She has a burning passion for all forms of art and loves to sing and dance, even if she is not very skilled at either.

Dandelion Honeywood, nymph of the Sanos Forest in central Varisia, was used to the little gnomes of the forest bringing her petitions from outsiders. Most of the petitions implored her to save failing crops or relocate dangerous magical beasts. Lord Cornelis Lukas Applestar of Magnimar’s request was unique: sit for a year as a model for a marble sculpture. Magnimar was far further afield than she had ever been and the idea of leaving her secluded spring for a whole year frankly terrified her, but the flowery prose of lord Applestar’s petition and the rough sketch of the finished sculpture, as well as the adventure of traveling to and from the city, convinced her.

Lord Cornelis Lukas Applestar of Magnimar was the youngest son of lord and lady Applestar. With many older brothers and sisters to fulfil the families’ noble obligations, Cornelis was free to pursue his own desires in life. His passions turned out to be the arts, primarily painting and sculptures. In a vivid dream one night he was inspired to create a sculpture of a nymph standing in her pond. Cornelis decided to pursue the dream and create the statue. It was to be the largest sculpture he had ever produced and, in keeping with his dream, he sought out an appropriate nymph to be his muse, and a muse he found.

Dandelion Honeywood was the most beautiful being Cornelis had ever seen or could even imagine. It took him some time to acclimatize to working with such a stunning subject, but eventually work on the sculpture began in earnest. Despite having no other obligations to distract him from his work, the sculpture, made to be twice as large as Dandelion was, took over a year to complete. The artistic duo got to know and enjoy each other’s company over the months and were sorry to part ways as the project was finished. The pair were not romantically inclined towards each other but, perhaps with their passions fired by the long-awaited completion of the sculpture, they spent Dandelion’s last night in Magnimar together. Dandelion returned to her spring and Cornelis returned to smaller artistic projects.

Some months later, Dandelion surprised Cornelis at the family manor. She had not written that she would be visiting and, even more surprising, she carried an infant swaddled in oversized leaves in her arms. Their one night together had been more productive than they had planned. Dandelion, a flighty fey who lived in the woods and oft fought with owlbears and werewolves, had no desire to raise a child and she left their daughter with her father.

Elizabeth, who went by Lizbit, had a typical childhood for the daughter of a noble artist. Her education was focused more on the arts than practical knowledge and her father, who absolutely adored her, gave her free run of the manor and grounds. It was clear from early on that the girl was favored by the Radiant Prism; songbirds flocked to the half-nymph, announcing her presence wherever she went. Lizbit spent much of her time traipsing through the expansive yards of the noble district of Magnimar, drawn to nature by her fey ancestry. Her skill with traditional arts surpassed most children her age, but there was one art she excelled at: martial arts. Her family was not entirely pleased that Lizbit was traveling the path of a warrior, but it was obvious Sarenrae was calling her to something bigger than sculptures and paintings.

As an adolescent, Lizbit was sent to the far side of the Inner Sea region to Oppara, the capital of Taldor, to be trained at the Golden Rose and House of Dawn's Redemption, the oldest and largest known temples to Shelyn and Sarenrae. Her father traveled with her to experience to art scene of the Taldane. It took much grooming and gentle but firm guidance from the priests, but Lizbit learned to tame her wild, fey nature; she was molded into a warrior of strong morals, reflecting the virtues of the Radiant Prism. She was no stick in the mud, though, and enjoyed the city life.

Years passed and Lizbit entered adulthood and completed her training. She was finally ready to set out on the missions Shelyn intended for her. Guided by her Muse and the scholars of Shelyn and Sarenrae's temples, Lizbit was to delve in to forgotten crypts and temples and recover lost artworks to be catalogued and displayed as they were intended. Before leaving on her first mission, Lizbit took the name “Freewind” to represent her free-spirited nature.

After many successful missions for Shelyn, Sarenrae called Lizbit far to the north, to the haunted lands of Ustalav. Fragments of a powerful artifact, posited to be related to the Whispering Tyrant, had been uncovered deep in an old salt mine in the county of Barstoi, on the northeastern edge of Ustalav. The artifact was too powerful to be destroyed by the three temples of Pharasma the small county boasts, and needed to be transported to the Grand Cathedral of Pharasma in Korvosa to be properly disposed of. Many paladins and clerics of Sarenrae and Iomedae, led by a rather unpleasant paladin of Ragathiel were drafted into the important move, and Lizbit was included. The Sarenties were to meet the procession of Iomedaean in Caliphas to aid in moving the artifact through the treacherous Gravelands and then on through Varisia to Korvosa.

On her way to Caliphas, somewhere betwixt Grayce and the capital at a long forgotten and grown over cemetery, Lizbit met professor Lorrimor, his scream through the fog drawing the young woman's attention. Using the haft of her glaive, she vaulted over the rotten wrought iron fence that bordered the lost collection of graves, sprinting over fallen headstones and cracked sarcophagi exposed by erosion or something more sinister. The sight of the two ghouls circling the scholar, hopelessly throwing various instruments of archeology and surveying at the undead, may have been enough to halt most people, but not Lizbit. She had spent plenty of time in old necropoli searching for lost artwork and she was familiar with the monsters that haunt dark tombs and, being part fey, she was not threatened by the terrible diseases ghouls and their ilk carry. She quickly cut down one of the monsters, her polearm keeping her safe from its reaching claws, but lost her glaive when she struck an overhead tree branch. Quickly shifting to her shield and scimitar, she called upon the purifying holy flame of Sarenrae and cut down the second ghoul.

As it happened, professor Lorrimor was also headed to Caliphas once his research in the graveyard was finished. Lizbit helped him, then the two made their way to Caliphas. the professor promised he would never forget what she had done for him. True to his word, months later, long after she had left Ustalav behind, a courier found her at a roadside chapel. He bore a letter sealed with wax—the crest of Petros Lorrimor. A summons from beyond the grave.

After some thought and looking through the classes, I think my dwarf is going to be a cleric of Torag rather than a paladin. Pretty sure he'll be useful. :)

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Thank you CrisisChild. Indeed a couple years of hell can rearrange your priorities. But Things are greatly on the upswing.

No Variant Multiclassing.

and Albion, Thank you for the endorsement. Falcons Hollow does have a fond place in my heart. So much that I did buy the PF2 version. Almost chose that for my come back dance.

1. I'm Hiding In Your Closet---Nothing Yet
2. Javell DeLeon---Nothing Yet
3. KoolKobold---Orc Brawler?
4. Two-Hands---Nothing Yet
5. Coffee Dragon---Dwarven Cleric of Torag?
6. FangDragon---Sorcerer (Solar Bloodline)?
7. Anirtak---Swashbuckler?
8. Kittymancer---Smaranda Zografu Dhampir (Nosferatu Born) Brawler (Steel Breaker)
9. CrisisChild---Paladin?

It helps for me to arrange them this way and keep tabs so I dont forget....

I present my Bard (Detective) offering.


NO SCORE CAN BE BELOW 8 to start with.

Thank you for the clarification GMMichael, I adjusted Smaranda's ability scores so she's a little bit less of a repulsive weirdo. :D

Scarab Sages

Would you mind linking the Player's Guide or whatever it is we'd need?

Oh goodness, there's a "money"-trait among the Campaign traits!

I probably wouldn't take it even if it were, but are you allowing things like Rich Parents???

GMMichael wrote:
My take on this is usually it's asked because a character wants to be more powerful. That's not a good reason. The classes are already powerful in their own right.

I am not just some bean-counter; let us be clear on that.

GMMichael wrote:
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
What about homebrewed material (e.g. Classes, Archetypes, Orders, Bloodlines)
For the most part no. Primarily because there's too great a risk of being over powered.

"For the most part"? I could PM you some things I have in mind, I assure you I made them with reasonable balance in mind.

GMMichael wrote:


NO SCORE CAN BE BELOW 8 to start with.

Does this include racial penalties (e.g. a Dwarf with 6 Charisma)?

For your consideration, Caasandra Blackpoole, Changeling Oracle of Life.

I'm gonna roll with this guy.


He's gonna be Ranger(Trapper) at 1st level. After that, he's gonna go Unchained Rogue(Knife Master/Relic Raider).

I DO NOT have his build on his sheet yet. I've still got to get that done.

Although, I do have a 7th level version of him when he was in a previous CC game that was canceled; which will give you an idea of the direction I would like to take him.

And within the 7th level build are links to all of the archetypes I would be rolling with.

@I'm Hiding in Your Closet: On your Paizo page, if you place your cursor over "My Account" a list pops up and you'll click on "Digital Content".

You'll see a full list of Player's Guides. Just scroll down until you find CC. Once you do, click on it and download and you'll have it. :) *thumbs up*

CoffeeDragon here. I'll be rolling with this character, though the profile doesn't have the background yet. Still a work in process, and should be done with that soon.

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Would you mind linking the Player's Guide or whatever it is we'd need?
Javell DeLeon wrote:

@I'm Hiding in Your Closet: On your Paizo page, if you place your cursor over "My Account" a list pops up and you'll click on "Digital Content".

You'll see a full list of Player's Guides. Just scroll down until you find CC. Once you do, click on it and download and you'll have it. :) *thumbs up*

Carrion Crown Player's Guide since I'm not sure those are automatically added to download.

Few questions:
- How will you handle age categories?
- Young Characters?
- Templates?

Liberty's Edge

Here be my submission.

Lady Briar Rose Applestar, Scintillating Ray of the Radiant Prism:

Picture of Briar Rose.
Height: 5'3" | Weight: 145 lbs. | Hair: Red | Eyes: Light Brown
Briar Rose is on the short side for a human, with an athletic build. Her eyes are dark brown and her red hair hangs nearly to her waist, her face heart-shaped with an angular jaw and small, pointed nose. Her complexion is tanned.

She usually dresses in loose-fitting brown or black cotton trousers and brightly colored, loose-fitting, sleeveless silk blouses. The sleeveless tops not only display her impressive musculature but also the tattoos – songbirds all colors of the rainbow are tattooed from the tips of both her fingers and running the lengths of her arms up to her shoulders. The birds turn to kaleidoscopic leaves near her shoulder blades, forming the canopy of an oak tree that covers most of her upper back. The trunk of the oak tree runs down the center of her back where it meets a pool of water at her lower back; Briar Rose's nymph mother lounges in the pool. The tree’s roots plunge below the surface of the water, down her buttocks and snaking down her legs, turning into multicolored ribbons, tapering off and ending at her toes. This large tattoo is not visible under her normal clothing, but she dresses to show it off when she can. She carries herself with confidence and moves in a way that suggests both grace and power.

Briar Rose is confident, patient, and kind. Outgoing and extroverted, she has a huge circle of friends and acquaintances. She quickly flits from one group of friends to the next, not favoring any groups or individuals over any others. She takes the tenets of her faith seriously, promoting ideals of peace, forgiveness, love, and acceptance to those she meets. She can often be found counseling quarreling couples or business partners. While she often comes off as naïve due to her insistence that all conflicts can be solved peacefully, she was raised in circles of duplicitous nobility and is more than capable of sussing out those with ulterior motives.
Briar Rose adores all forms of artistic expression. Very often she is late to appointments because she stops to enjoy any street performance she comes across. She spends a probably foolish amount of coin attending theater and the opera. Never one to take things too seriously, Briar Rose is quick to laugh. Free-spirited and bubbling with positivity, she always offers a bright spark of hope in dark times. She has a burning passion for all forms of art and loves to sing and dance, even if she is not very skilled at either.

Dandelion Honeywood, nymph of the Sanos Forest in central Varisia, was used to the little gnomes of the forest bringing her petitions from outsiders. Most of the petitions implored her to save failing crops or relocate dangerous magical beasts. Lord Cornelis Lukas Applestar of Magnimar’s request was unique: sit for a year as a model for a marble sculpture. Magnimar was far further afield than she had ever been and the idea of leaving her secluded spring for a whole year frankly terrified her, but the flowery prose of lord Applestar’s petition and the rough sketch of the finished sculpture, as well as the adventure of traveling to and from the city, convinced her.

Lord Cornelis Lukas Applestar of Magnimar was the youngest son of lord and lady Applestar. With many older brothers and sisters to fulfil the families’ noble obligations, Cornelis was free to pursue his own desires in life. His passions turned out to be the arts, primarily painting and sculptures. In a vivid dream one night he was inspired to create a sculpture of a nymph standing in her pond. Cornelis decided to pursue the dream and create the statue. It was to be the largest sculpture he had ever produced and, in keeping with his dream, he sought out an appropriate nymph to be his muse, and a muse he found.

Dandelion Honeywood was the most beautiful being Cornelis had ever seen or could even imagine. It took him some time to acclimatize to working with such a stunning subject, but eventually work on the sculpture began in earnest. Despite having no other obligations to distract him from his work, the sculpture, made to be twice as large as Dandelion was, took over a year to complete. The artistic duo got to know and enjoy each other’s company over the months and were sorry to part ways as the project was finished. The pair were not romantically inclined towards each other but, perhaps with their passions fired by the long-awaited completion of the sculpture, they spent Dandelion’s last night in Magnimar together. Dandelion returned to her spring and Cornelis returned to smaller artistic projects.

Some months later, Dandelion surprised Cornelis at the family manor. She had not written that she would be visiting and, even more surprising, she carried an infant swaddled in oversized leaves in her arms. Their one night together had been more productive than they had planned. Dandelion, a flighty fey who lived in the woods and oft fought with owlbears and werewolves, had no desire to raise a child and she left their daughter with her father.

Briar Rose had a typical childhood for the daughter of a noble artist. Her education was focused more on the arts than practical knowledge and her father, who absolutely adored her, gave her free run of the manor and grounds. It was clear from early on that the girl was favored by the Radiant Prism; songbirds flocked to the half-nymph, announcing her presence wherever she went. Briar Rose spent much of her time traipsing through the expansive yards of the noble district of Magnimar, drawn to nature by her fey ancestry. Her skill with traditional arts surpassed most children her age, but there was one art she excelled at: martial arts. Her family was not entirely pleased that Briar Rose was traveling the path of a warrior, but it was obvious Sarenrae was calling her to something bigger than sculptures and paintings.

As an adolescent, Briar Rose was sent to the far side of the Inner Sea region to Oppara, the capital of Taldor, to be trained at the Golden Rose and House of Dawn's Redemption, the oldest and largest known temples to Shelyn and Sarenrae. Her father traveled with her to experience to art scene of the Taldane. It took much grooming and gentle but firm guidance from the priests, but Briar Rose learned to tame her wild, fey nature; she was molded into a warrior of strong morals, reflecting the virtues of the Radiant Prism. She was no stick in the mud, though, and enjoyed the city life.

Years passed and Briar Rose entered adulthood and completed her training. She was finally ready to set out on the missions Shelyn intended for her. Guided by her Muse and the scholars of Shelyn and Sarenrae's temples, Briar Rose was to delve in to forgotten crypts and temples and recover lost artworks to be catalogued and displayed as they were intended.

After many successful missions for Shelyn, Sarenrae called Briar Rose far to the north, to the haunted lands of Ustalav. Fragments of a powerful artifact, posited to be related to the Whispering Tyrant, had been uncovered deep in an old salt mine in the county of Barstoi, on the northeastern edge of Ustalav. The artifact was too powerful to be destroyed by the three temples of Pharasma the small county boasts, and needed to be transported to the Grand Cathedral of Pharasma in Korvosa to be properly disposed of. Many paladins and clerics of Sarenrae and Iomedae, led by a rather unpleasant paladin of Ragathiel, were drafted into the important move, and Briar Rose was included. The Sarenties were to meet the procession of Iomedaean in Caliphas to aid in moving the artifact through the treacherous Gravelands and then on through Varisia to Korvosa.

On her way to Caliphas, somewhere betwixt Grayce and the capital at a long forgotten and grown over cemetery, Briar Rose met professor Lorrimor, his scream through the fog drawing the young woman's attention. Using the haft of her glaive, she vaulted over the rotten wrought iron fence that bordered the lost collection of graves, sprinting over fallen headstones and cracked sarcophagi exposed by erosion or something more sinister. The sight of the two ghouls circling the scholar, hopelessly throwing various instruments of archeology and surveying at the undead, may have been enough to halt most people, but not Briar Rose. She had spent plenty of time in old necropoli searching for lost artwork and she was familiar with the monsters that haunt dark tombs and, being part fey, she was not threatened by the terrible diseases ghouls and their ilk carry. She quickly cut down one of the monsters, her polearm keeping her safe from its reaching claws, but lost her glaive when she struck an overhead tree branch. Quickly shifting to her shield and scimitar, she called upon the purifying holy flame of Sarenrae and cut down the second ghoul.

As it happened, professor Lorrimor was also headed to Caliphas once his research in the graveyard was finished. Briar Rose helped him, then the two made their way to Caliphas. the professor promised he would never forget what she had done for him. True to his word, months later, long after she had left Ustalav behind, a courier found her at a roadside chapel. He bore a letter sealed with wax—the crest of Petros Lorrimor. A summons from beyond the grave.

I have stats for both dex and strength build. Not sure which I'll go with but either one won't have any effect on her party roll. I'll try to decide on one before the deadline =) I think the str build is winning out for keeping spells and having an easier feat plan, but we'll see.

Dex Pala Stats:

Lady Briar Rose Applestar
Human (Varisian) paladin (virtuous bravo) 1
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init 5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger -2 (1d4+1 P or S/19+) or
. . glaive +5 (1d10+1 S/×3)
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . At will—detect evil
Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB 2; CMD 15
Feats Bladed Brush, Weapon Focus (glaive)
Traits chance savior, sacred conduit
Skills Diplomacy +6, Perception +4, Profession (other) +4
Languages Common, Sylvan, Varisian
Other Gear chain shirt, dagger, glaive, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, holy text (Radiant Prism), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of the Radiant Prism, 57 gp, 16 sp, 1 cp
Special Abilities
Bladed Brush Glaives become finess and swashbuckler weapons. As a move action, can change from reach to non-reach.
Bravo's Finesse (Ex) Use Dex for att with light/1-hand pierce wep. Use Cha instead of Int for combat feat pre-reqs.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Heart of the Fey: +1 Ref and Will Saves, Low-Light Vision, Nature and Perception as class skills. Replaces Skilled.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Smite Evil (1/day) (Su) +2 to hit, +1 to damage, +0 deflection bonus to AC when used.

Trait: Sacred Conduit - +1 Channel DCs.
Trait: Chance Savior - +2 Init.

Paladin Code
The paladins of the Dawnflower are fierce warriors, like their goddess. They provide hope to the weak and support to the righteous. Their tenets include the following adages.
- I will protect my allies with my life. They are my light and my strength, as I am their light and their strength. We rise together.
- I will seek out and destroy the spawn of the Rough Beast. If I cannot defeat them, I will give my life trying. If my life would be wasted in the attempt, I will find allies. If any fall because of my inaction, their deaths lie upon my soul, and I will atone for each.
- I am fair to others. I expect nothing for myself but that which I need to survive.
- The best battle is a battle I win. If I die, I can no longer fight. I will fight fairly when the fight is fair, and I will strike quickly and without mercy when it is not.
- I will redeem the ignorant with my words and my actions. If they will not turn toward the light, I will redeem them by the sword.
- I will not abide evil, and will combat it with steel when words are not enough. I do not flinch from my faith, and do not fear embarrassment. My soul cannot be bought for all the stars in the sky.
- I will show the less fortunate the light of the Dawnflower. I will live my life as her mortal blade, shining with the light of truth.
- Each day is another step toward perfection. I will not turn back into the dark.

The paladins of Shelyn are peaceable promoters of art and beauty. They see the ugliness in evil, even when cloaked in the form of beauty, and their mission is to defend those who devote their lives to the creation of beauty, bring it forth themselves, and prevent the weak and foolish from being seduced by false promises. Their tenets include the following adages.
- I see beauty in others. As a rough stone hides a diamond, a drab face may hide the heart of a saint.
- I am peaceful. I come first with a rose rather than a weapon, and act to prevent conflict before it blossoms. I never strike first, unless it is the only way to protect the innocent.
- I accept surrender if my opponent can be redeemed—and I never assume that they cannot be. All things that live love beauty, and - I will show beauty’s answer to them.
- I live my life as art. I will choose an art and perfect it. When I have mastered it, I will choose another. The works I leave behind make life richer for those who follow.
- I will never destroy a work of art, nor allow one to come to harm, unless greater art arises from its loss. I will only sacrifice art if doing so allows me to save a life, for untold beauty can arise from an awakened soul.
- I lead by example, not with my blade. Where my blade passes, a life is cut short, and the world’s potential for beauty is lessened.

Str Pala stats:

Lady Briar Rose Applestar
Human (Varisian) paladin (oath against undeath) 1
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init 4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +3
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort 4, Ref 3, Will 2
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +4 (1d4+3 P or S/19+) or
. . glaive +4 (1d10+4 S/×3) or
. . scimitar +4 (1d6+3 S/18+)
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . At will—detect evil
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB 4; CMD 16
Feats Combat Reflexes, Power Attack
Traits chance savior, sacred conduit
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Diplomacy +6, Linguistics +1, Perception +3, Profession (other) +3
Languages Common, Sylvan, Varisian
Other Gear four-mirror[UC], heavy wooden shield, dagger, glaive, scimitar, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, holy text (Shelyn)[UE], waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Shelyn, 11 gp, 6 sp, 1 cp
Special Abilities
Combat Reflexes +2 AoO's.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Power Attack +2 Damn, -1 Acc.
Smite Evil (1/day) (Su) +2 to hit, +1 to damage, +2 deflection bonus to AC when used.

1. I'm Hiding In Your Closet---Nothing Yet
2. Javell DeLeon---Jack Ryder Human Ranger (Trapper)
3. KoolKobold---Orc Brawler?
4. Two-Hands---Nothing Yet
5. Coffee Dragon---Ghrael Kragthorn Dwarven Cleric of Torag?
6. FangDragon---Sorcerer (Solar Bloodline)?
7. Anirtak---Swashbuckler?
8. Kittymancer---Smaranda Zografu Dhampir (Nosferatu Born) Brawler (Steel Breaker)
9. CrisisChild---Lady Briar Rose Applestar Human Paladin
10. Scorchedone---Preston Sucner Human Bard (Detective)
11. AJM4885---Cassandra Blackpoole Changling Oracle (Life Mystery)
12. Souls at war---Nothing Yet

I'm Hiding In Your Closet- Yes if you think itll help to have the additional gold rather than a trait that 'does' something...Im fine with that. Though one of the Campaign Traits give you an item I think is valued at 500 Gold or under. If Im remembering right.

If you want to PM me or if you want to post things hear. Im ok either way.

and yes, you cannot take a stat down to below 8 for a dump stat. That character wouldnt be adventuring. Theyd be taken care of by someone else.

souls at war- hmmm Interesting. Id allow it, still no score below 8 though. (regarding Young Characters)

Regarding Templates...they are for monsters...not for characters. I had this discussion a while ago with a player and showed him where it says this, Im hoping you dont make me hunt it up again ;)

Ghrael's Backstory:
To be fair, I weren’t always a priest o’ Torag. Not even a little bit. For quite a while there, I was planning ta’ be a brewer, like most o’ me kin. Spent a lot o’ time riding on our old delivery wagon, acting as a guard, but still, I spent my fair share o’ time making ale. I kin still do it, brew ale, that is, and it ain’t half bad. But then, as I grew older, and got it into my head ta’ see the world, well…that, and a few harsh words between me an’ my father that I don’t really remember any more…well, it was off ta see what was what in the world.

Now, I spent some time travelin’ about as a mercenary soldier. Not a very good one, mind you. But it’s what it was. I joined a small company and got paid ta’ fight over in some backwater conflict, and boy, did we fight. Didn’t really ask any questions or take sides. Wasn’t a lot of honor in it, despite all the high and mighty talk the wannabe nobles were tossin’ around. I was, I’m ashamed ta say, just in it for the coin.

Then came the dark day we got ambushed by these orcs in a few days west of one of the battle colleges in the River Kingdoms…only me an’ our elven scout survived, and then, it were mostly due to luck. The elf had been off scoutin’ when the attack came, and me? Apparently I were just too stubborn ta’ die that day, apparently. Wounded, I were, layin’ bleeding and unconscious…likely to move on ta’ the next life, when a couple of priests o’ Torag and this human scholar came across me in their wagon on the way to the college nearby.

Saved me, they did. Hauled my sorry arse into their wagon, and took me on with them, bandaged me up, all the time singing and tellin’ bawdy jokes and in between, fittin’ in the gospel o’ Torag, such as it is.
Meanwhile that human fella, a professor by the name o’ Lorrimor, he started lecturin’ me on various aspects of dwarven mythology and religion…not sure how exactly he got so darned informed on it…but who was I ta argue with him… I were recoverin’ from battle wounds, so I just listened. Eventually I started askin all o’ them questions, and boy did they have answers. Suffice it ta say, they won me over.

I spent the next few years studyin’ and workin’ in their temple smithy, learnin’ what’s what about the ways of Torag. That, and I spent some time travelin’ to the nearby university to speak and do some drinkin’ with the Professor when he was available. Those were good times.

A few days ago, I received a letter from some folks sayin’ that the Professor had passed away and that his funeral was bein’ held in the town of Ravengro…and so, I’m off ta pay my respects and find out what happened to him...and why the letter said something about me bein' in his will...?

Liberty's Edge

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Love me a good old fashioned dwarf cleric.

@GMMichael: if this dance is enjoyable, and you have the bandwidth for another, let me know if you run that 2e Falcon’s Hollow!!!

Here’s KoolKobold. will flesh out the stats tomorrow

I'm leaning toward an Ustalavan native with a dash of Kellid ancestry. He's going to be a Barbarian with the superstitious archetype; I'm kind of leaning toward a witch-hunter type of build. I've seen players use this archetype before as an excuse to be a thug toward other magic users in the party, and I just want to point out that I have no such intentions. I'm want him to be superstitious but pragmatic; he knows that not everyone can swing a sword or fire a bow, and that for some magic is a powerful tool against the darkness. I'll try and get some build and backstory up later today, thanks GM for giving me the opportunity to apply!

1. I'm Hiding In Your Closet---Nothing Yet
2. Javell DeLeon---Jack Ryder Human Ranger (Trapper)
3. KoolKobold---Balurk the Jawbreaker Orc Brawler
4. Two-Hands---Human Barbarian (Superstitious)
5. Coffee Dragon---Ghrael Kragthorn Dwarven Cleric of Torag?
6. FangDragon---Sorcerer (Solar Bloodline)?
7. Anirtak---Swashbuckler?
8. Kittymancer---Smaranda Zografu Dhampir (Nosferatu Born) Brawler (Steel Breaker)
9. CrisisChild---Lady Briar Rose Applestar Human Paladin
10. Scorchedone---Preston Sucner Human Bard (Detective)
11. AJM4885---Cassandra Blackpoole Changling Oracle (Life Mystery)
12. Souls at war---Nothing Yet

This is Anirtak's Swashbuckler.

Dark Archive

Very interested.

Question: would the GameMaster be alright with an elder mythos scholar diviner?

I submit Alloysius "Lloyd" Daedalus, Human Archivist Bard, scholar and advocate of nonmagical technology, and seeker of truth.

Here's some background stuff to start.

Lloyd is a rotund pale human with slicked-back blond hair. His eyes are obscured by a pair of thick goggles that he rarely removes. He dresses in fine clothes in shades of red and brown, but he isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty with whatever he's trying to do.

He is a man of great knowledge and few words, though making sure that what little he does say is impactful and to the point. While not against magic, he prefers nonmagical sciences, hoping to engineer new nonmagical technology for the benefit of the mortals of Golarion, in particular those who would not be able to use or afford magical tech.

Having enrolled in the University of Lepidstadt in order to make his visions a reality, he met Professor Petros Lorrimor. While merely one of the professor's students, Lloyd saw the man as a colleague and rival in his ambitions. Alas, once he graduated, Lloyd took to traveling in search of inspiration for his inventions.

Despite his benevolent ideals, Lloyd has a dim view of most people and becomes greatly annoyed by people who refuse his help and people who ignore evidence - especially evidence that he provides. When using his bardic knowledge to "inspire", he instead acts more like a drill instructor, insulting and berating his allies, in the hopes that he'll goad them into proving him wrong.

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TheChelaxian wrote:

Very interested.

Question: would the GameMaster be alright with an elder mythos scholar diviner?

I cannot see any reason not too

TheChelaxian's submission. Will finish up the background in the next couple of days.


Okay, I think I've got him done. It's possible I might've missed something - because it does happen from time to time - but I believe that's everything.

Here is my submission for this :-)

Aldous Preklikin, Summoner (Unchained), CG 'Human', with a Bipedal companion.

Two-Hands here with the crunch for my barbarian. I'm working on the fluff, just had to dig out the Rule of Fear book to get my head around Ustalav again before I write it out. I have the bare bones down, just want to make sure the details are correct.

Side note, it's been a minute since I made a PF1E character; I think I've nailed the mechanical stuff, but if there are errors I'll make adjustments ASAP.

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1. I'm Hiding In Your Closet---Nothing Yet
2. Javell DeLeon---Jack Ryder Human Ranger (Trapper)
3. KoolKobold---Balurk the Jawbreaker Orc Brawler
4. Two-Hands---Helmund Human Barbarian (Superstitious)
5. Coffee Dragon---Ghrael Kragthorn Dwarven Cleric of Torag?
6. FangDragon---Sorcerer (Solar Bloodline)?
7. Anirtak---Marie Bellecosa Human Swashbuckler
8. Kittymancer---Smaranda Zografu Dhampir (Nosferatu Born) Brawler (Steel Breaker)
9. CrisisChild---Lady Briar Rose Applestar Human Paladin
10. Scorchedone---Preston Sucner Human Bard (Detective)
11. AJM4885---Cassandra Blackpoole Changling Oracle (Life Mystery)
12. Souls at war---Nothing Yet
13. Luke_Perry---Aldous Preklikin half-Elf Summoner
14. TheChelaxian---Hofar of Wati Human Diviner (Elder Myhos Scholar)
15. Supreveio---Alloysius "Lloyd" Daedalus Human Bard (Archivist)

Wow I'm eager to get this going and these are quality and interesting entries if you've expressed interest and haven't come up with at least a concert...please hurry. I don't think I'll keep the recruitment open for more than a couple more days. With what I have now, I could make a quality group bit ill wait just a little longer but not more than a couple days

Its fun coming up with characters, here I'm going for an enthusiastic youngster who has been swept up into the romantic notion of a grand adventure to attend the funeral of a man she corresponded with for years but never met. Of course Utalav is a rather dangerous place for such notions...

I grew up in far away Qaharid, a sun baked mining town in Qadria famed for its turquoise. My parents Farzeen and Zhela died in a mining accident when I was small, so I was raised by my grandfather Huushmad, a retired mine engineer who doted on me. Qaharid is a long way from anywhere with few prospects but Huushmad was determined that I would have a proper education, especially when my powers started manifesting.

Huushmad taught me my letters, mathematics and engineering, but my real education came from the correspondence from professors and other luminaries from half a dozen far flung academies and universities. Professor Lorrimor wasn’t the first scholar I wrote to but he is, no sorry, was by far the most generous with his time and we corresponded for seven years on a great variety of subjects. He was fascinated by the strange ways my powers had grown and he suggested various exercises I should try to better control them.

Despite having never met him, over the years I felt I’d come to know him well. So it came as a terrible shock to learn of his sudden death, naturally I felt duty bound to attend his funeral. It’s been quite the adventure getting to Ravengro, I took coastal boats the long way from Qaharid to Hawah and then a ship across the ocean to Cassomir. From there I traveled in a barge up the mighty Sellen before turning east along the Glass river and Lake Encarthan and ultimately Caliphas. The last step of the journey was a bone-rattling wagon train toLepidstadt via Ravengro.

I’m not sure what to make of Ustalav, cold and rainy, it's a world away from the sun drenched deserts I grew up in. The people are different, hardly anyone speaks Keleshite although I get by with Taldane. I can feel the oppressive weight of history on this land and I note the subtle ways that fear has seeped into superstitious locals. Still for all that, there’s something about this place, everything is so green and the land has a haunted beauty that’s growing on me. Perhaps I’ll stay for a while.

Description and Personality:
Inaya is young at twenty one, with dusky keleshite looks, a radiant smile, long plaited black hair and chocolate brown eyes. She’s relatively short at only 5’4” and at first seems unassuming, bookish even, although she has an inner core of iron that shows in times of stress. Used to warmer climes she tends to favour layers of brightly colored coats, scarves and cardigans that make people shake their heads. Inaya has a warm, adventurous, easy going personality. She’s definitely a glass half full kind of person.

Female human (Keleshite) sorcerer 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +4
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2
Immune dazzled
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st (4/day)—burning hands (DC 16), mage armor
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, disrupt undead, light, prestidigitation
. . Bloodline Solar
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats Eschew Materials, Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Specialization[UM]
Traits inspired by greatness, trustworthy
Skills Bluff +8 (+9 to fool others), Diplomacy +9, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Perception +4, Profession (engineer) +4, Spellcraft +6
Languages Common, Kelish, Varisian
SQ bloodline arcana (fire spells deal +1 damage per die), sunsight
Other Gear light crossbow, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, mess kit[UE], pot, soap, trail rations (5), waterskin
Special Abilities
Bloodline Arcana: Solar (Ex) +1 damage per die for fire spells.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Immunity to Dazzled You are immune to the dazzled condition.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Spell Focus (Evocation) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Spell Specialization (Burning Hands) Pick one spell and cast it as if you were higher level
Sunsight (Su) Gain low-light vision, and cannot be dazzled.

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1. I'm Hiding In Your Closet---Nothing Yet
2. Javell DeLeon---Jack Ryder Human Ranger (Trapper)
3. KoolKobold---Balurk the Jawbreaker Orc Brawler
4. Two-Hands---Helmund Human Barbarian (Superstitious)
5. Coffee Dragon---Ghrael Kragthorn Dwarven Cleric of Torag?
6. FangDragon---Inaya Sorcerer (Solar Bloodline)
7. Anirtak---Marie Bellecosa Human Swashbuckler
8. Kittenmancer---Smaranda Zografu Dhampir (Nosferatu Born) Brawler (Steel Breaker)
9. CrisisChild---Lady Briar Rose Applestar Human Paladin
10. ScorchedOne---Preston Sucner Human Bard (Detective)
11. AJM4885---Cassandra Blackpoole Changling Oracle (Life Mystery)
12. Souls at war---Nothing Yet
13. Luke_Parry---Aldous Preklikin half-Elf Summoner
14. TheChelaxian---Hofar of Wati Human Diviner (Elder Myhos Scholar)
15. Supreveio---Alloysius "Lloyd" Daedalus Human Bard (Archivist)

There, now we have a list with url links to the posts / profiles so nobody has to go hunting for them.

Updated Marie with a backstory and traits... still working on the gear.

Since her combat kit takes her close to the limit of light encumbrance, I bought her a mule to carry non-battle stuff. Let me know if that's out of bounds.

And just for clarity, she's a half elf. I may have hidden that little detail... oops.

Ill update it soon. Thank you

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