bigrig107 |
Yeah basically a base to alter and customize with my own ideas. I think I’m sorta getting the hang of it, so I’ll work on getting a few of the basics done and what powers are the most critical and combine that with the base Deathquaker is working on for me.
I talked to them a bit about what’s important to the character idea so I’ll see what they come up with.
Cwethan Owner - Gator Games & Hobby |
DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
Lóngshēng |
I've put the base build start here, working on modifying a few things here and there so she'll look slightly different in the final product. Thanks so much DQ!
Current ideas I'm working with are switching out the drowning water power for some sort of "create water then use it to bull rush (or appropriate term for M&M) enemies" power, and maybe seeing if I can fit in a dragon's fear roar or something.
Will at least have background and personality typed up by the end of today.
Edit: just found the water cannon power from Power Profiles, might just use that.
Lord Hathaway |
Thanks GM
I am working in him now and should have him done soon.
Lord Hathaway TBC sheet
Lord Hathaway {The Dark Spector}
Strength 8{16p}, Stamina 8{16p}, Agility 4{8p}, Dexterity 6{12p}, Fighting 4{8p}, Intellect 10{20p}, Awareness 6{12p}, Presence 6{12p}
Int +8 / Dodge 10 {2p} Parry 4 Fortitude 10 {2p} Will 10 {4p}
6 tones left. -2 size Rank /
Assessment / Benefits Alt ID [The Dark Spector] / Security Clearance / Status [Lord] / Wealth 5 [Billions] / connected / Contacts / Cool [Persecution] / Diehard / Eidetic Memory / Fascinate [Deception] / fearless / Great Endurance / Inventor / Jack of all trades / Leadership / Well Informed.
Powers TBC
Device 20p
BioMechanical Prosthesis
Alt Forms.
The Dark Specter
Alt Form
Public Lord Hathaway.
Alt From
Nondescript man.
Whatever he wants, he is rich.
Acrobatics 8, Athletics 8, Close Combat: Unarmed Strikes 8, Deception (+6), Insight (+6), Intimidation 6, Investigation 10, Perception 6 , Persuasion 6, sleight of hand 8 Stealth (+8), Technology 10 Treatment 10, Vehicles 6
Initiative +2
Unarmed Strike +8, Damage , Toughness DC 10
Dodge 10, Parry 4
Toughness 8, Fortitude 10, Will 10
Power Points
Abilities 48 + Powers 67 + Advantages 14 + Skills 20 + Defenses 0 = Total 149
As posted.
bigrig107 |
Lóngshēng wrote:If someone could take a look at the roar specifically and make sure I did it right, I'd appreciate it!I'm a little surprised that it is a Fort save as opposed to a Will save to resist but it looks fine to me
Is that a choice you can make? I might have messed that up, lemme double check.
GM SuperTumbler |
It is a choice you can make. Any effect can have any save that makes sense. If it is fear based, that would make the most sense to be Will. But it could be that it causes vibrations in the target and affects their reptile brain or something, skipping their will and affecting their body.
Just an example of how the rules can serve the flavor.
Lóngshēng |
It is a choice you can make. Any effect can have any save that makes sense. If it is fear based, that would make the most sense to be Will. But it could be that it causes vibrations in the target and affects their reptile brain or something, skipping their will and affecting their body.
Just an example of how the rules can serve the flavor.
I’ll definitely switch it to Will, that makes a lot more sense. Think I just got confused by an example in the book somewhere. Thanks!
GM SuperTumbler |
Submissions so far or in progress:
bigrig107---Longsheng (Dragon Sorcerer)
WhtKnt----Henrietta Jekyll/Hyde
Andostre---Son of the Invisible Man
DeathQuaker----The Mummy's Bride
Panic---Lord Hathaway (Phantom)
Pauljathome---Sekmet (Cat warrior)
Let me know if I missed anyone.
DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
Lóngshēng |
Lóngshēng wrote:Couldn't get around to finishing background and personality today, will get it done tomorrow after work.Lóngshēng might be slightly too versatile compared to other characters, but I need to spend some time with the build to decide.
Absolutely willing to whittle down her powers and general abilities to something you’re more comfortable with, this is my first foray into this system so kinda just went with what felt cool and fun.
If you could provide some pointers as to what general areas/categories you’d like her to specialize in over others, that’d help me decide which way to go with her. Not familiar enough with the system yet to know what is good to cut and what is fine.
bigrig107 |
Thursday and Friday I'm not going to have much time to attend to evaluating builds, so feel free to take the weekend. I'll spend Sunday and Monday figuring out how to proceed. Whether to do a big group, two tables, or have to cut a couple folks, which I don't want to do.
If you want my unrequested opinion, I’d aim for two smaller tables over one large group. I find large groups to be worse for both sides (GM and players) in character development and combat terms.
Of course I’m not sure how this system handles the combat side quite yet, so that may be irrelevant.
GM SuperTumbler |
GM SuperTumbler wrote:Lóngshēng wrote:Couldn't get around to finishing background and personality today, will get it done tomorrow after work.Lóngshēng might be slightly too versatile compared to other characters, but I need to spend some time with the build to decide.Absolutely willing to whittle down her powers and general abilities to something you’re more comfortable with, this is my first foray into this system so kinda just went with what felt cool and fun.
If you could provide some pointers as to what general areas/categories you’d like her to specialize in over others, that’d help me decide which way to go with her. Not familiar enough with the system yet to know what is good to cut and what is fine.
Just to be clear, it's nothing to do with the build. This system is deliberately easy to break. Balance is expected to be via conversation and agreement between everyone involved. I'm sure we can work it out. I just want to make sure everyone has cool things to do and can feel awesome to play.
GM SuperTumbler |
GM SuperTumbler wrote:Thursday and Friday I'm not going to have much time to attend to evaluating builds, so feel free to take the weekend. I'll spend Sunday and Monday figuring out how to proceed. Whether to do a big group, two tables, or have to cut a couple folks, which I don't want to do.
If you want my unrequested opinion, I’d aim for two smaller tables over one large group. I find large groups to be worse for both sides (GM and players) in character development and combat terms.
Of course I’m not sure how this system handles the combat side quite yet, so that may be irrelevant.
If we end up at 2 tables of 4, that is probably the direction I would go.
Cwethan Owner - Gator Games & Hobby |
Okay, here she is, not quite on schedule!
Strength 10, Stamina -, Agility 0, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 0, Awareness 0, Presence 0
All Out Attack, Ambidextrous, Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Interpose, Move-by-Attack, Power Attack, Prone Fighting, Second Chance (Mind Control), Startle, Takedown 2
Acrobatics 20 (+20), Athletics 0 (+10), Close Combat (Unarmed) 10 (+10), Expertise (Mad Doctor) 20 (+20), Expertise (Punk Musician) 10 (+10), Insight 10 (+10), Intimidation 15 (+15), Perception 10 (+10), Ranged Combat (Thrown) 10 (+10), Stealth 15 (+15), Technology 12 (+12), Treatment 20 (+20)
Deathless (No Stamina -10, Immune to Fortitude 30) 20
Unimportant Flesh (Protection 12; Regen 1) 13
Was That Supposed to Hurt? (Regen 2-11, Limited - only active the turn after being hit) 5
Self-Assembly Required (Immortal 2, Limited - can't be cremated/disintegrated) 2
Quick Touch Up (Healing 1) 2
Radical Bodily Autonomy (array) 13
Eyes and Ears To Go! (Visual, Hearing) Rank 4 (Continuous, Feedback, Limited (has to travel there), Subtle
Take Up Arms Extra Limbs 5 (Continuous)/Elongation 4
Let the Fingers do the Walking (Elongation 4)
Tendon Swinging (Speed 7, Limited to swinging; swinging)
Fleshtinkering (array) 4
Snatch & Patch (Healing 10, Grab-Based, Skill Required (Treatment DC 20)
Soften the Clay (Weaken Defenses 10, Grab-Based, Skill Required (Treatment DC 20)
Pressure Points (Afflict 10 (impaired/stunned/incapacitated) (Grab-Based, Cumulative, Skill Required (Treament DC 20))
Morph 2 (Standard action, Distracting, Affects other, Limited (requires body parts). Requires Check Treatment DC 20)
Slithering 2
Initiative +4
Grab, +11 (DC Spec 20)
Throw, +10 (DC 25)
Unarmed, +10 (DC 25)
Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude NA, Toughness 12, Will 10
Power Points
Abilities 10 + Powers 71 + Advantages 15 + Skills 38 (152 ranks) + Defenses 26 = 160
DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
Updated Mummy's Bride. Made her mummy form stronger and her resurrect faster (but not as fast as you suggested, because it just costs too much or it would be all she could do), changed a few skills and advantages, and added a flight spell in her alt array. I also actually remembered for once to add to saving throws which I never do (I didn't beef up Fortitude since she's immune to poison, disease, suffocation, etc. and the other stuff she's not immune to I figure is probably something that would hurt a desiccated human fairly easily). I'm not sure if her university benefit should actually be a contacts advantage instead.
HELEN WISE: "Bride of the Mummy"
Strength 2 (10 in form of the mummy), Stamina 2, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 2, Intellect 5, Awareness 3, Presence 4
Form of the Mummy [Magic, Isis]:
Mummy's Frightful Gaze: Affliction 10 [Gaze attack inflicts impaired or disabled (2 degrees of failure) (Will Save); Ranged (1), Concentration (1); Limited Degree (1), Activation (part of Form of the Mummy)], Mummy's Resilience: Protection 8 [Impervious; Activation (part of alternate form)], Mummy's Strength: Enhanced Strength 8 [Strength +8 in mummy form; Activation (part of alternate form), Noticeable (Her mummy form is fairly obvious)],
(22 points)
A Woman Living and Unliving [Magic, Isis]:
Regeneration 10 [Recover 1 toughness/round; Persistent (cure even Incurable conditions)], Unliving Life: Immortality 5 [Returns to life in 1 day], Unliving Immunity: Immunity 10 [Life support immunities]
(40 points)
Rituals of Isis [Magic, Isis]:
Call on Isis' Aid: Variable 2 [Request Isis's intervention (but Isis chooses how she helps); Affects Others or Self (1), Ranged (1); Uncontrolled (1), Tiring (1)]
Alt: Healing Rite of Isis: Healing 10 [Heals, takes a full round; Affects undead/flesh golems as well as living (1); Increased Action (1)]
Alt: Wings of Isis: Flight 6 [Grow a pair of magical phantom wings to fly (magic, Isis; wings aren't real) 1,800 feet]
(16 points)
Speak to Amunet:
Get Advice from the Priestess: Feature 1 [Helen can speak to Amunet by looking in a mirror and get advice. Or fight with her. ]
(1 points)
Standard Equipment
Flashlight (1 ep), Laptop (1 ep), Camera (1 ep), Binoculars (1 ep), Really cool hat(1 ep)
Languages 4 [English (native) + 8 languages], Benefit 1 [University of Someplace Prestigious and Nerdy], Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Chokehold, Well-Informed [She's lived a long time], Fearless, Artificer, Skill Mastery [Expertise: Magic], Equipment 1
Acrobatics 0 (+2), Athletics 4 (+14), Close Combat: Unarmed Strikes 8 (+10), Deception (+4), Expertise: Ancient Egyptian Religion/Cosmology 10 (+15), Expertise: Magic 10 (+15), Insight (+3), Intimidation (+4), Investigation 10 (+15), Perception 8 (+11), Persuasion 8 (+12), Stealth (+2), Treatment 4 (+9), Vehicles 2 (+4)
Initiative +2
Unarmed Strike +10, Damage , Toughness DC 10/14 in Mummy Form
Dodge 2, Parry 2
Toughness 10 (Def Roll 0), Fortitude 2, Will 11
Power Points
Abilities 44 + Powers 79 + Advantages 13 + Skills 16 + Defenses 8 = Total 160
Unsettling: Even in her ""human"" form, her skin is oddly dry and many ordinary folk find her creepy without understanding why
Two Lives: Her past life Amunet awakened during the Mummy's ritual and remains awake. Helen is usually in charge but Amunet may take over if she feels passionately different from Helen about something.
Motivation: Protect the world from dark magic
Lord Hathaway |
I need to spend some Point on his Base, and kit, but the basics are there.
My aim is to have his Stately home as a base for the rest of the oddballs. Think Doom Patrol, a safe space for you all.
PC based on the Phantom of the Opera
Main super power, His is Rich, very very rich, powerful and contented.
He has easy to remove Alt human [Bio-Skin} forms so can look like any male human with in a range. Disgies and blending in are his thing.
the rest of you can rip down the town and tank Godzilla
pauljathome |
He has easy to remove Alt human [Bio-Skin} forms so can look like any male human with in a range. Disgies and blending in are his thing.
Just bring along your little innocent pet cat if you're going into a potentially dangerous situation :-). You get to do all the talking, I'll just purr and look pretty.
bigrig107 |
Hate to do this after all the work DeathQuaker put in for me, but I’m just not feeling the theme and I don’t have the time to learn the system to the full confidence I feel I need.
I’m gonna sit this one out, work on my understanding of the game and come back for the more Avenger style one you mentioned.
Thanks for all the help and the opportunity!
DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |
DeathQuaker wrote:Updated Mummy's Bride.One thing that I noticed. You’ve built her to be quite effective at grabbing but you will rarely be able to actually grab. The skill applies to only one of hitting for damage or initiating a grab. Best bet is to buy the close fighting (I think) advantage
At least as I've played it before with a grab-specialized character in SuperTumbler's M&M games, unarmed strike (which she has a +10 to) can be used as the attack roll for grab, and then grabee has to oppose my character's Strength with their Strength or Dodge. In Mummy form her Strength is 10 so I think she'll be alright.
Close fighting advantage is just a way of buying up your attack bonus for all close attacks (e.g., melee weapons, close range damage powers, etc.); it does nothing special for grabbing (it applies, but so does my skill in Close Combat: Unarmed; I don't need both).
If I'm missing something here do you mind clarifying?
Now what I could do, and didn't, is buy fast grab advantage. Which would let her simultaneously use her unarmed attack to both do damage and attempt to initiate a grab. Otherwise I have to choose whether I deal damage or the affliction. But I've no issue with that.
PS I forgot to update her damage stats. I will fix that and other idiosyncrasies later.