calnivo |

Speaking of which ...
Source: Player Core 2, p. 21
Abstract: Legacy Wording "ability"
[...] You are trained in the spell attack modifier and spell DC statistics, and your key spellcasting ability is Charisma." (hyperlink and italics mine)
Correction: Replace spellcasting ability by spellcasting attribute.

calnivo |

Source: Player Core 2, p. 264
Abstract: Legacy-Remaster-Hybrid Wording "ability attribute" in Spell Jealous Hex
You draw forth a hag's innate jealousy to deny a target its greatest attribute. The target is cursed with an adverse condition depending on its highest attribute modifier: Strength (enfeebled); Dexterity (clumsy); Constitution (drained); or Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (stupefied). On a tie, the creature decides which of the conditions associated with the tied ability attribute to take.
(hyperlink and italics mine)
Correction: Remove word "ability".