Crown of Aeons - Pathfinder in Ravenloft

Game Master Dennis Harry


Vaneza [dice]1d20+[/dice]
Sterling Starshadow [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Kenzo Hagetora [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Cole Burns [dice]1d20+2[/dice]
Sergei the Haunted [dice]1d20+3[/dice]
Bastian 'Ogre' Zorovich [dice]1d20+0[/dice]
Alain O'Dim [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Teofila Agarici [dice]1d20+3[/dice]


Vaneza [dice]1d20+[/dice]
Sterling Starshadow [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Kenzo Hagetora [dice]1d20+7[/dice]
Cole Burns [dice]1d20+5[/dice]
Sergei the Haunted [dice]1d20+6[/dice]
Bastian 'Ogre' Zorovich [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
Alain O'Dim [dice]1d20+10[/dice]
Teofila Agarici [dice]1d20+9[/dice]

Ravengro Map

Ravengro Town Gazeteer:

A: Town Square. Simple wooden gazebo serves as the hub for Ravengro's gatherings. The town's favorite stray dog, Old River, is known to hang around here during the day.

B: Posting Poles: poles where townspeople can post all sorts of messages for the town, ranging from news to sales to advertisements.

C: The Laughing Demon: Zokar Elkarid runs this warm and friendly tavern.

D: Ravengro Town Hall: in classic small-town style, Ravengro citizens use this for virtually everything, from weddings to council meetings.

E: Temple of Pharasma: Vauran Grimburrow, the Father from the funeral, is officialy in charge of the temple, but any number of a dozen or so acolytes actually handle the day to day going-ons. The temple sells various healing and holy related items.

F: Ravengro General Store: Luthko and Marta Avanaki run the general store with their five daughters. While the store usually caters to local needs, the town is big enough and on a populated enough route to stock most simple adventuring items.

G: Ravengro Forge: Jorfa is the dwarven master of the forge. One of Ravengro's most valuable resources, she is as standoffish and quiet on her past as one would expect.

H: Jominda's Apothecary: Jominda Fallenbridge keeps a well-stocked supply of pharmacological provisions, both herbal and alchemical.

I: Ravengro Jail: a relatively small jail serves as Ravengro's home for the occasional drunk citizen. Sherriff Benjan Caller runs the jail with his four part-time deputies.

J: The Silk Purse: two moneylenders work out of this building, Luramin Taigh and Quess Yearburn. They have loans available for collateral to farmers or other potential clients. They also sell some of the items that have failed to me reclaimed.

K: The Outward Inn: board and breakfast run by Sarlanna Val. Highly reccomended, if you don't have a free place to stay that is. Local musicians and storytellers often visit for evenings of entertainment.

L: The Unfurling Scroll: Alendru Ghoroven, a retired wizard-turned-teacher teaches reading, math, and history, as well as beginning magical theory. In addition to teaching, Alendru supplements his income by buying and selling minor magic items (primarily scrolls) that he’s purchased or created.

M 1-4: Council Member's Houses.

N: The Van Richten Residence: formerly the professor's house, it is now Kendra's. And your current lodging.

O: Harrowstone Memorial: Other than the looming ruins of Harrowstone on a nearby hill, Ravengro’s most distinctive landmark is a 25-foot-tall, moss-covered stone statue that overlooks the river. The statue depicts a proud, muscular human man dressed in leathers and wielding a truncheon—a depiction of Warden Hawkran. A total of 25 names—the guards who died in the fire of 4661, as well as the warden’s wife, are chiseled into the statue’s stone base.

P: to The Restlands: a large stretch of moorland reserved for interring Ravengro's dead. Thanks to the Pharasmin church's influence in town, Ravengro's graveyard is large and well tended.

Q: Gibs Hephenus, the man who started the fight at the professor's funeral lives here.

R To Harrowstone: this reminder of Ravengro's original purpose looms over the town from atop its bleak hilltop, a constant inspiration for tall tales and bad dreams.

Sanity Rules:

Sanity Score: This is sort of like mental hit points. It’s the sum of all your mental stats (Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma) less any damage to those scores.

Sanity Damage: this is like hit point damage done in physical combat (like a sword blow, etc), only, it affects your sanity score, not your hit points. So, if you encounter an attack on your sanity and suffer damage, you deduct that damage from your sanity score.

Losing Sanity and Gaining Madness:
When you’re faced with a monster that can do sanity damage, you have to make an immediate will save. If you save, most of the time, you will be able to ignore all Sanity damage (i.e. your mental faculties hold up) though some creatures may do damage regardless of your save (like Great Old Ones).

If you lose ALL of your Sanity (i.e. Sanity pool moves to zero), you gain a lesser madness (this is generally a temporary condition), I will not have PCs suffer more than 1 lesser madness at a time. This mechanic is for flavor not to annihilate PCs effectiveness.

If you lose ALL of your Sanity facing a Great Old One, that will trigger a greater madness. This is permanent though each PC will only ever gain a single one of these.

Losing Madness and Gaining Sanity:
Madness can be lost (and sanity restored in several ways).
1. Rest: Every 7 full days of uninterrupted rest heals sanity damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You’re letting your own sense of self and force of personality reassert itself and mend together the tattered fragments of your tortured psyche.
2. Therapy: Tell someone else your problems (mentor, counselor, confidante, friend, family, priest, advisor, etc). At the end,, the ally attempts a Wisdom or Intelligence check (whichever is higher) DC equal to the amount of Sanity you have lost. Success means you add their ability modifier (wis or int, whichever is higher) to the amount of sanity damage you heal.
3. Magic:
a. lesser restoration: 1d2 points once per day
b. Restoration: 2d4 points per day
c. Heal: 3d4 points/day
d. Greater restoration, psychic surgery, limited wish: all of it, if your sanity was below your edge (in other words, you still had more than half your sanity points left). Or, to 1 point below your sanity edge if you had more than half of your sanity lost.
e. Miracle and wish fix everything

Effects of Restoring Sanity:
Lesser Madness - If all of your sanity damage is healed, your lesser madness is removed entirely.

Greater Madness - If all of your sanity damage is healed, your greater madness is dormant. It will become reactivated if you again suffer a full loss to your Sanity score. A greater madness can only be fully healed with a long term psychiatric stay (1 month, which could well be played out over a downtime depending on how the chronicle proceeds) r the use of a Wish or Miracle spell (hard to come by in Ravenloft!).

Fear, Horror, and Madness:

I will NOT be using Madness rules as the Sanity rules already cover that.

Fear, Horror, and Madness saves represent the power of terror — a roleplaying tool to help players visualize the hysteria that often clouds the minds of characters in classic tales of horror.

Making the Saving Throw

Fear and Horror saves are considered Will saves in all respects. Anything that modifies a Will save likewise modifies Fear and Horror saves; anything that modifies saves vs. fear effects modifies Fear saves.

Fear and Horror saves all use the same basic mechanic: a Will save against a specified DC. Specific DCs depend on the situation and type of check being made and will be provided by me. Luck effects and resistance effects (such as those generated by a luckstone or a cloak of resistance) do not affect Fear and Horror saves; they are outside the purview of luck and are not "active" effects that would be resisted. Divine effects do aid Fear and Horror saves, however.

If a character succeeds at the Will save, then there is no effect, and she is immune to that specific source of fear or horror for 24 hours. If a character fails the Will save, then the margin of failure determines the result. Subtract the final check result from the DC; this result determines whether the character suffers a minor, moderate, or major effect.

Failure Margin Effect

1-5 points Minor
6-10 points Moderate
11-15 points Major
16+ points Major, plus additional effect.

When determining the results of failed Horror save, the player should also concurrently roll 1d4 for the DM to select a specific effect.


A character should make a Fear save when facing overwhelming odds and/or immediate, dire physical danger.

Failure Results

Minor Effect: Shaken. The character suffers a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls, checks, and saves.

Moderate Effect: Frightened. The character is shaken and flees as well as she can. She can fight to defend herself if unable to flee. A frightened character can use special abilities, including spells, to flee; indeed, she must use such means if they are the only way to escape.

Major Effect: Panicked. The character suffers a -2 morale penalty on saving throws and must flee. She has a 50% chance to drop what she's holding, chooses her path randomly (as long as she escapes from immediate danger), and flees any other dangers that confront her. If cornered, she cowers. A panicked character may use a special ability or spell to escape.

Additional Failures: Fear effects stack. A shaken character who fails another Fear save becomes frightened. A frightened character who fails another Fear save becomes panicked.

Recovering from Fear

Fear effects last 5d6 rounds. Certain spell effects (such as modify memory or remove fear) can remove all Fear effects.

Note that as the characters level, the amount of fear checks will diminish as you confidence and power/abilities increase.


The heroes witness scenes of terrible cruelty or behold events that simply should not be. Horror is a broader emotion than fear, and more intimate. Horror often permanently colors a character's view of the world, be it through the shock of realizing that such merciless events are possible or the paralyzing dismay of discovering some monstrous trait within oneself. Horror is the murderer of innocence. Possible examples of scenes that might require a Horror save include seeing someone torn limb from limb, watching a friend transform into a hideous monster, or learning that you slew an innocent bystander while possessed by an evil spirit.

Horror saves are typically prompted by unusual, unique situations rather than by creatures, so unlike Fear saves there's no quick formula to determine the DC. Instead, I will use my best judgment to apply a DC to the scene. As a rule, the more gruesome, abnormal and/or insane the scene, the higher the DC should be.

Failure Results

If a character fails a Horror save, the player should roll 1d4 and compare it to the effect category to select a specific symptom of Horror. If a character fails a Horror save by 16+ points, he suffers Sanity Damage on a one for one basis for each point over 16 (i.e. failing a roll by 20 would result in 4 points of Sanity Damage).

Failure Results

Minor Effect: (1) Aversion, (2) Fearstruck, (3) Frozen, or (4) Nausea.

Moderate Effect: (1) Nightmares, (2) Obsession, (3) Rage, or (4) Revulsion

Major Effect: (1) Fascination, (2) Haunted, (3) Mental Shock, or (4) System Shock

Additional Failures: Some Horror effects have outburst durations that are measured in rounds. A character can carry only a single Horror effect at a time. If a subsequent failed Horror save indicates a result of equal or lesser severity, I will use another outburst of the existing effect. If a failed Horror save indicates a result of greater severity, the existing effect is removed and there is default to the greater one instead. Horror effects do not stack.

Recovering from Horror

Minor Horror effects last one week.

Moderate effects last two weeks.

Major effects last thirty days.

At the end of this duration, the character rolls a recovery check (a Horror save). Use the DC of the original Horror save with a -2 morale bonus, since time and distance heal all wounds. If the character succeeds at this check, the Horror effect is removed. If she fails, the Horror effect persists for another duration period. A character can retry failed Horror recovery checks each time she reaches the end of a duration period. The -2 DC modifier is cumulative with each attempt.

Numerous spells and magical effects (such as modify memory or remove fear) can also remove all Horror effects.

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Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Not sure how I missed that this was Carrion Crown. I kinda played that one, sorta.

Honestly, not a huge fan. But, still considering characters.

I do appreciate all the hospitality!

Shadow's Status

Been sick, I will update likely tomorrow at some point. A start for this weekend is not happening as there are still PCs in development.

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Not sure how I missed that this was Carrion Crown. I kinda played that one, sorta.

My understanding is this is a Carrion Crown/Strange Aeons/Ravenloft mashup. Don't know how much or what is getting used from the respective sources it's drawing from. The character backstories are supposed to connect in some way to Dr. Rudolph van Richten of Lepidstadt University, who is name-changed for the professor at the beginning of Carrion Crown. It looks like we'll maybe be starting in Ravengro. So, there's a Carrion Crown style opener, and after that it will start diverging at some point.

My impression is most of the campaign will use the Ravenloft setting.

Shadow's Status
Teofila Agarici wrote:
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Not sure how I missed that this was Carrion Crown. I kinda played that one, sorta.

My understanding is this is a Carrion Crown/Strange Aeons/Ravenloft mashup. Don't know how much or what is getting used from the respective sources it's drawing from. The character backstories are supposed to connect in some way to Dr. Rudolph van Richten of Lepidstadt University, who is name-changed for the professor at the beginning of Carrion Crown. It looks like we'll maybe be starting in Ravengro. So, there's a Carrion Crown style opener, and after that it will start diverging at some point.

My impression is most of the campaign will use the Ravenloft setting.


Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Anyone take d'Honaire?

Any thoughts on Elephant in the Room? Would really help my Whip/Trip build.

Unchained Rogue with a dip in Warpriest of Calistria (1-4 levels, max)... not sure how tightly you will play Alignment.

Shadow's Status

d’Honaire is indeed taken.

The remaining open Legacies are:

Mordenheim, and

Shadow's Status
Alessandro Khadaji wrote:

Any thoughts on Elephant in the Room? Would really help my Whip/Trip build.

Unchained Rogue with a dip in Warpriest of Calistria (1-4 levels, max)... not sure how tightly you will play Alignment.

I am granting Pathfinder Automatic Bonus Progression, a Legacy Item, and a Legacy Bloodline (which will include other goodies) so I am going to go no on Elephant in the Room.

Alignment will come into play, read my Dark Powers post. In Ravenloft, the wicked are recognized and invited to stay... forever!

Hello all,
I am Ragadolf, and I have been hanging around Shadow and Pat in a few various game threads for a while now.

(MORE like, they put up with me and allow me to play in their worlds, and I try to keep everyone entertained as thanks.) :)

GM DS was kind enough to invite me to join in, saying you still need a player or two. (?)
I speed-read the Chat thread today. You guys hooked me. When your chat about picking a PC is that entertaining, It's hard to resist!

IF you all will allow, I would very much like to join you.

Catching up with the rest of the thread,...
My name is Ragadolf,
I live in Lafayette Louisiana.
(SOUTH Louisiana. Yes, the Hurricane playground of North America)
I work at a university, managing and operating their Auditorium on campus.

I have played WITH the OG Ravenloft module, long ago. Never through it.
ALthough I DO own a module I always thought was supposed to be IN Ravenloft when it was first written? "Chateau D'Amberville" or something similar? (IIRC, Think "A gothic horror story meets Disney's Haunted Mansion")
I know about Ravenloft in general, that the Mists take you in but dont want to let you leave, and I'm pretty sure we all refused to play in the Ravenloft setting when it was first introduced, because it was the most potentially deadly game-place we had ever seen! (And my friends played the OG CTHULU games!) ;)

I subscribed to the Adventure paths for a couple of years when they first appeared. So I OWN both of the paths mentioned. And probably glanced or read through them for fun. But have never played them. (And I have a terrible memory. Honestly.)

I tend towards long, hopefully-entertaining posts, and (Arcane) magic using PC's, (It has been, politely, pointed out that I may have created more magic-using characters than JKR) But I do have other interests, and am more than happy to try something else for this game.

That is Ragadolf in a nutshell.
<waves and grins>

Ventrue | Gen 7 | Blood 20/20

Sadly, I don't think I can join.

Too dark, especially with the sanity rules I just saw.

I'm playing a SotDL (Shadow of the Demon Lord) campaign and boy do they have sanity rules. I can't take another.

Game on and enjoy, folks!

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

Sorry to hear you're declining Alessandro. Take care and maybe see you around.

Welcome aboard Ragadolf! Nice to meet you and I'm looking forward to playing with you. I'm sometimes guilty of long posting myself, though I have gotten lazier with time. Since we currently have no arcane magic in the party, I don't think you could possibly be bringing too much of it to the game no matter what you choose.

Sorry to see you go Alessandro.
I wont lie, the sanity rules scare me too. BUT I'm pretty sure the OG/1st ed version was worse.
I mean, in THIS version EVERYTHING cant do sanity dmg, right?

Um,... right?!? O_o

(Fortunately, Im also pretty good at playing crazy) :)

Thank you RDKnight, I am looking forward to playing with you all as well.

Well now I AM tempted to fall back on the ol' Arcane caster shtick.

But Ravenloft just kinda screams 'You might a want a CLERIC'!

SO, my first game-question is,
Can I play a Cleric of Cayden? Cuz that always sounded like fun.
But my previous attempts all ended in early game-deaths. (The games, not the pc)

SO I'm gonna link a couple of old builds here, (Ignore the stats, the Aasimar was a low-pt cost gimmick build. Concept was good, stats and build not so much)

2 toons, (2 versions of the second) basic concept was the same, fun-loving nearly always drunken cleric of Cayden. Usually dex based rapier user. The Aasimar version could be tweaked to a STR based w/ the listed choices of abilites.
Basically, these are all clerics that think they are swashbucklers,
they wanna have drink, be merry, and fight when they have to.

Example 1

Cleric 2, V1

Cleric 2, V2

Now in hindsight, I'm thinking maybe a RAPIER wielding cleric might not be the most practical choice vs skeletons etc. ;P

Seeing some of YOUR PC's, I'm just gonna flat-out ask for build ideas. I could make a decent 'classic' cleric, but I'm not great at mixing the various alternate class versions, Prestige classes, class dips, etc.
I dont need to play an "OP" toon, but I'd like to be able to keep up with the rest of you! ;)

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

Well yeah, if you're up for playing a Cleric that's probably what we need most for sure.

Personally I love Cayden Cailean. He's really a fun time with role play. I played an Inquisitor of Cayden in a Kingmaker game that was a bit dim, but really up for anything and everything heroic as a protector of the common people. Let's face it, there's really no other job for a Caydenite Inquisitor anyway when the whole of the religion's writings are contained on bar signs and can be summed up approximately to:

1. Be a good friend.

2. Enjoy a drink with your friends whenever you can.

3. Fight "The Man".

4. Never punch down.

I've seen plenty of Cayden hatred in posts here on the boards over the years. There are those people who think he's all about the booze. I don't think they understand him at all. It would probably help if they were familiar with traditional working class pub culture in the UK.

THIS would probably work well as Caydenite liturgical music for god's sake. That might even be Lucky Drunk himself showing up at 2:44.

If you haven't seen it before, there's a good, and quite funny, handbook for Chaotic Good HERE

I'm not much of a Cleric player, but I might have some general opinions to share once I get them composed in my head. Right now the dog is harassing me for her walk, so I'll try to organize it while doing that.

Darn you RDK,
Now I can't get that song out of my head! ;P

And while you may be right about the brief possible appearance of everyone's favorite accidental power, I think the guy right AFTER him, at about 2:47 or so, a couple of brief times, is more than likely Cayden.
I mean, that obviously fake p0rn stash is so bad that it's good! It practically screams 'I'm in disguise! You don't recognize me!' ;)

And I had not seen that handbook before! I luv it! VERY good, and funny, and helpful! Definitely using it to help my RP.
(Although, being a big Dresden fan, I'm not certain I agree with Harry Dresden being the 'Sour Lemon'. Totally. Although, I certainly can recall scenes where he has been one in.)

And I like your synopsis of the Tenets of Cayden. Thank you!

If I can figure out a build that will work (STR vs DEX based for fighting, alternate class features, etc) I can definitely roll with a Cleric of Cayden now!

Before, i was pretty much just playing them as a happy-go-lucky semi-drunkard lady-killers. (Think Aramis from most movie versions of the Three Musteers. Religious, but loved drinking ALMOST as much as he loved women!) ;P

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions on class (alternate) features, Traits, Feats, eetc etc etc?

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

Alright, I have a few Cleric ideas. But, there are a couple of things you should keep in mind. 1. I have barely played Clerics so all this is sort of what I've seen other people do here and there. 2. PbP games tend to run out of steam and stop before higher level play is reached. I haven't seen much beyond around 10th level since I only play PbP. These things mean this is less advice you should follow than broad ideas you might like (or not).

First thing is the question of degree of fightiness you're looking for. At one extreme you could invest heavily in physical stats at the expense of higher mental stats and just plan on using spells for buffing and healing. At the other end, you could invest heavily and in WIS and CHA and not worry much about the physical stats to be more of a caster.

Keeping in mind we have a generous 25 point buy, and the ancestry you choose will hive you a +2 to one stat depending on what you choose, you don't have to be particularly low in any of your stats. Being decent at both fighting and casting is viable. But, a couple of other things should be considered. Clerics have no bonus feats, which means you'll be limited in what you can do in combat. You will still be d8 for HP and 2/3 BAB. You have simple weapons and rapier to work with.

As time goes by and levels increase, a Cleric will fade as a combatant and grow as a caster. If it were me, I wouldn't fight that too much. I don't think I'd spend more than a feat or two on melee. That said, I don't think you harm yourself by investing in combat more if that's the direction you'd rather go. You'd just want to try casting offensively less if there would be a save involved.

If you want to use the rapier and do some Cayden-style swashbuckling, I'd say a 1 level dip into Swashbuckler is the way to do it. Choose the Inspired Blade archetype for Swashbuckler so you get at least one extra panache point for your INT. It limits you to rapier only, but that's what you want anyway. You spend one feat to pick up Fencing Grace, and you have Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus Rapier, and Fencing Grace for a 1 level dip + 1 feat. You can largely ignore strength and just raise DEX and/or CON.

If you went with this build, you could add the Evangelist archetype on the Cleric side. Some people think Evangelist Cleric is the best Cleric, but I think it's only okay, you give up quite a bit. But in this case, giving up medium armor doesn't matter because Swashbuckler means you must stick with light armor anyway, and you have a great DEX. The main thing you get from Evangelist is Bardic Performance and Inspire Courage; it turns you into a pocket Bard. Investing in CHA, which you'd want to do for Evangelist, also helps you on the Swashbuckler side by giving you more panache.

If you don't want to dip Swashbuckler, I would just use strength for rapier. You won't have good damage output though since it's a 1d6 weapon that can't be used two-handed. But spending 3 feats to to get DEX to attack and damage with no bonus feats is a real bone in the throat. Just level up into casting more and fighting less as your spells get more numerous and effective. Vanilla Bard is good here, and so is the Varisian Pilgrim archetype if you want more party buffing. You'd have to take Travel as one of your domains to meet the archetype requirements but Travel is very good.

If you don't care about using the rapier, the best Cleric weapon is a longspear. But, it's so good that it's done so much that it's almost cliche. The idea is to take the Combat Reflexes feat so during combat you can attack on any attacks of opportunity that come your way while still saving your standard action for casting. It's a reach weapon so it's also safer given your reduced HP and BAB.

A second way to do this is as an aid other build. You'd take the Combat Reflexes and Bodyguard feats and there's a trait that increases the bonus to aid other that you'd want (or play a Halfling for the win). You can use your attacks of opportunity to increase allies' AC if they're attacked. This is nice because it can save you healing work later, and you only have to hit the DC for aid another rather than an enemy's AC for it to work.

Finally there's the full caster route. In this case you have high spell and channel energy DCs so that's where your offense comes from. Of course you'd probably still use a weapon for a few early levels but only when you have nothing better to do. For this the Ecclesitheurge archetype is nice, for the extra domain spell access and the bonded item. A bonded item is great on a Cleric because they know all the spells on the Cleric list. You have no armor, so a 1 level dip into Unchained Monk is good because you can add WIS bonus to AC. For a weapon just use a crossbow and stay in the back.

There are a couple more Cleric archetypes I'll mention. Divine Paragon is very good depending on a deity's divine boons. Cayden's aren't stellar, but they're good enough. You lose domain abilities for one domain, but not the spells. In returm you get the Deific Obedience feat and the divine boons at earlier levels without needing to go into one of teh deific prestige classes. You also get to pick the boon from either Evangelist, Exalted, or Sentinal. Cayden's boons tend to be more combat oriented so this is probably best used on a more melee oriented build.

Finally, while I wouldn't generally think of the Roaming Exorcist archetype as a good choice generally, it this particular case it might be a good choice. It's a bit niche for the average game; but it has some neat abilities versus undead, possession, and curses. This would probably work with any kind of build.

I hope some of this helps!

Shadow's Status

Still meh, I'll post some ideas in a day or so.

Male Half-Orc (Pyro) Kineticist 2 / VMC Sorcerer (Orc)
HP 26/26 (-0NL) |Current Burn: 0 (Limit+1/rd) | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 | CMB +3 / CMD 15 | Init +2 | Perception +6|Sanity: 33/33 | Hero Pts: 2/-0 | Active:
Teofila Agarici wrote:

Sorry to hear you're declining Alessandro. Take care and maybe see you around.

Welcome aboard Ragadolf! Nice to meet you and I'm looking forward to playing with you. I'm sometimes guilty of long posting myself, though I have gotten lazier with time. Since we currently have no arcane magic in the party, I don't think you could possibly be bringing too much of it to the game no matter what you choose.

Technically my abilities could be considered’Arcane’ in origin. They are not divine at least. My power comes from the Astral plane channeled through my body. I’m also a VMC sorcerer but that is not a spellcasting thing in the end. It just gives me some bloodline abilities in exchange for some of my normal feats.

Male Half-Orc (Pyro) Kineticist 2 / VMC Sorcerer (Orc)
HP 26/26 (-0NL) |Current Burn: 0 (Limit+1/rd) | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 | CMB +3 / CMD 15 | Init +2 | Perception +6|Sanity: 33/33 | Hero Pts: 2/-0 | Active:

As far as character ideas, you could always split the difference and play wither an Oracle or witch? Witch is an Arcane caster with some Healing abilities. Picking your hexes and patron carefully is really where you get to have fun with that. Oracles have almost all the fun of sorcerers and still be divine without having to pick a god to follow.

Thanks for the notes Jeremy,

And Thank you for the ideas. I am going to take a look at some of those options.

I am however happy to play a cleric. COnsidering that my previous attempts were all short lived.
I just might not play a cleric of Cayden. (This time) and focus on another Good power that provides either Str or fire domains.

Seems to me that going a Str-based/melee cleric for fighting should work REALLY well with the STR domain gifts. And still leave enough points in build for Wis & Cha for casting and healing effects.

OR go Sun & Healing domains, if I/We are really worried about being effective vs undead & be a better healer. (The more caster-oriented version as mentioned above.)

ROFL! Curse you MAKING A DECISION! My true My nemesis! ;P

Shadow's Status
Ragadolf wrote:

Thanks for the notes Jeremy,

And Thank you for the ideas. I am going to take a look at some of those options.

I am however happy to play a cleric. COnsidering that my previous attempts were all short lived.
I just might not play a cleric of Cayden. (This time) and focus on another Good power that provides either Str or fire domains.

Seems to me that going a Str-based/melee cleric for fighting should work REALLY well with the STR domain gifts. And still leave enough points in build for Wis & Cha for casting and healing effects.

OR go Sun & Healing domains, if I/We are really worried about being effective vs undead & be a better healer. (The more caster-oriented version as mentioned above.)

ROFL! Curse you MAKING A DECISION! My true My nemesis! ;P

I have a bunch of builds like this, just of course I need to feel better to sit on my computer and pull some stuff!

Male Half-Orc (Pyro) Kineticist 2 / VMC Sorcerer (Orc)
HP 26/26 (-0NL) |Current Burn: 0 (Limit+1/rd) | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 | CMB +3 / CMD 15 | Init +2 | Perception +6|Sanity: 33/33 | Hero Pts: 2/-0 | Active:

Just note my character is mostly just a Fire Blaster type and my Biggest VMC bonuses I get are increased Str at later levels. Im not worried about doubling up on stuff like that…just making sure you are aware Ragadolf.

GM Dark Shadows wrote:


I have a bunch of builds like this, just of course I need to feel better to sit on my computer and pull some stuff!

Oh I get it. NO worries.

I myself am having 'issues' with some post surgery that 'didn't go as planned'. (Dr speak for 'We messed up, but don't wanna admit it) ;P

Hopefully NEXT time they'll get it right!
Hope springs eternal,...... >_<

Get better soon!

Cole Burrns wrote:
Just note my character is mostly just a Fire Blaster type and my Biggest VMC bonuses I get are increased Str at later levels. Im not worried about doubling up on stuff like that…just making sure you are aware Ragadolf.

No worries Jeremy. TYVM.

And by the way, fire blaster types are fun.
(Check out Pat's Planescape thread that they let me join. I made a wiz based on Harry Dresden. Using now-outdated 3.x & test phase PF1 rules, feats and stuff. He's awesome at burning things. Sometimes intentionally.) ;)

If I did decide to play (another) caster, I'd probably do something unusual for me. MAybe a brown fur transmuter/STR based melee wiz or something. That could be fun.
(Although with MY luck, he'd get mistaken for a werewolf or something and get chased by a mob w/ torches and pitchforks at lvl 1!) O_o

I'm actually good with playing a Cleric. WHich again, we're talking Ravenloft. Maybe I'm old school. (As in old, OLD school, PRE 1st-Ed D&D. I still have my OG red box & AD&D books!) ;) But to me, Ravenloft means you want a cleric. Or at least someone who can heal, and maybe break curses and such.

(I would like to be able to contribute as something other than just a basic heal-bot with no other helpful abilities though.)

I'm not even majorly concerned with the build itself., Although like all of us, I DO enjoy figuring out a good, fun (or maybe powerful) build!

I really want to find a solid build that works, whatever way I decide to go, but what sells me is the characterization i decide on.

Full disclosure. I'm a (frustrated) performer. I have Three degrees in Speech/Drama/Theater and assorted related secondary topics.
(Yeah, I have a MAster's Degree in Theater. You may call me "Master Thespian" (Flashback to OLD SNL) THAT and $5 will get me a cup of coffee at Starbucks. A very SMALL cup of coffee.) >_<


By the way RDK,
I have looked up almost all of the archetypes, etc that you mentioned.

OMG, NOT helping my indecision any! ;P

I hate 'giving stuff up' when talking about class features, but some of the trades in what you mentioned could be worthwhile. Or at least very interesting. ;)

Thank you,

Shadow's Status

Alrighty, still waiting to hear from some folks.... in the meantime Rags:

Choose high Wisdom, high Charisma and high Dexterity with point build. Alignment Neutral Good.

Human Pharasman Cleric Ecclesitheurge Archtype - Levels 1,

Level 2 Monk dip (Wisdom Bonus to AC) Deflect Arrows Feat, as you will never hold a shield or likely wield a weapon you can deflect an arrow coming at you each round as a free action.

3 - 6

Skill Monkeying Requirements for Stargazer --- by Level 7! Knowledge Geography 5, Knowledge Planes 5, Survival 3.

Select Healing as your Primary Domain.

Domain Mastery:

At 1st level, when an ecclesitheurge chooses his cleric domains, he designates one as his primary domain and the other as his secondary domain. An ecclesitheurge can use his non-domain spell slots to prepare spells from his primary domain’s spell list.

Each day when he prepares spells, an ecclesitheurge can select a different domain granted by his deity to gain access to that domain’s spell list instead of his secondary domain spell list. He does not lose access to his actual secondary domain’s granted powers or gain access to the other domain’s granted powers. For example, an ecclesitheurge with Glory as his primary domain and Good as his secondary domain can choose to gain access to the Healing domain; until the next time he prepares spells, he uses the Healing domain spell list as his secondary domain spell list instead of the Good domain spell list, but still keeps the granted powers of the Good domain and does not gain the granted powers of the Healing domain.

This ability alters the normal domain ability.

Just an amazing ability.

Hard to fight but there should be at least two frontliners here.


Level 7 Monk dip - Evasion - Feat Dodge +1 ac versus designated foe.


Stargazer Prestige Class (10 Levels) for Levels 8 - 17.

So many goodies its sick



Cleric 18 - 20.

After that, we'll see.


- Human Bonus Feat - Extra Channel
1 Level Feat - Improved Channeling
3 Level Feat - Selective Channeling
5 Level Feat - Turn Undead
7 Level Feat - Alignment Channeling (Harm Evil Outsiders)
9 Level Feat - Quick Channel
11 Level Feat - Threnodic Spellcasting [A threnodic spell affects undead creatures (even mindless undead) as if they weren’t immune to mind-affecting effects, but has no effect on living creatures].
13 Level Feat - Improved Channel
15 Level Feat - Quicken Spell OR Extra Channel
17 Level Feat - Channel Surge OR Extra Channel
19 Level Feat - Channeled Revival [As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, you can expend three uses of your channel energy class feature to restore a dead creature to life as if you had cast the breath of life spell]


Sacred Conduit - Whenever you channel energy, you gain a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of your channeled energy.

Paragon of Speed +2 Initiative. [Source: Pathfinder Player Companion: Inner Sea Primer]


That's my 2 cents for what it's worth.

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

Skill Monkeying Requirements for Stargazer --- by Level 7! Knowledge Geography 5, Knowledge Planes 5, Survival 3.

I'll add a ha'penny's worth of advice onto the above build. By level 7 you'll have accumulated 21 skill points if you choose human. So, about 2/3 of all your skill points will be going to meet those skill requirements for Stargazer.

If you can find the points somewhere to get your INT to 12, that will give you an extra 7 points you can put into other skills. You'd only be spending ~50% of your skill points getting into Stargazer.

If you can't afford a 12 INT but don't mind spending a feat, there's also this feat: Cunning . It will give you +1 skill point per level.

If you can't do either, Stargazer is still so fabulous it's completely worth it.

Just. Wow.

It's gonna take me a smidge to digest all of that. ;P

Although I've read about some of the stuff enough to have a couple of questions,

>So he's not a 'typical' front or second liner. This is a primarily caster & healer build yes? After the dip, Ends up with NO physical armor, and very few melee weapons? (I can work with that. Just checking.)

>With a 2-lvl dip in Monk, (presumably for the best benefits like Wis to AC, etc?) Will I be able to keep up with everyone? Or more specifically, IF I drop 2 caster levels behind, will I be able to keep up with what we need caster/Healer -wise? (At least he'll be able to punch folks inna face if need be!) ;P

>So til the monk dip I can fight with standard Cleric weapons + dagger (Pharasma's favored weapon) So just use a staff or other monk weapon to fight with after the dip?

>So, Start out as: Human Pharasman Cleric Ecclesitheurge Archtype - Levels 1 When do I take the 2-lvl dip to monk?

Woof, started reading, going to take me a bit to dig through this. :)
(Good thing I LIKE to read!) :D

See?!? THIS is why I asked for ideas & builds!
I'll make sense of this build and it's tricks. (Eventually.)
BUT I would NEVER have THOUGHT of all this. ;P

Thank you,

Ok,... starting to make some sense of it all.
(SOME.) ;)

I see now, (Yeah I'm slow. And tired.)
>Lvl 1 Cleric
>Lvl 2 Monk 1
>lvl 3-6 Cleric
>Lvl 7 Monk 2
>Lvl 8-17 Starfinder
Lvl 18-20 Cleric

So apparently Pharasma doesn't have half bad Domains. O_o
Which is cool because this build allows you to swap out 'secondary' domains for another domains spells, (but not domain abilities)
Seriously need to consider which domain for secondary.

Am I correct is thinking (hoping!) that as a Cleric/Monk, when I use flurry of blows, I can ALSO use Domain abilities requiring a touch attack WITH the flurry of blows?? :D
THIS just got very interesting,...

Thanks again,... going to keep reading, (AND apparently decide on a character personality/voice) ;)

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

@Ragadolf: A couple of things regarding your questions.

I don't think CL matters quite so much for Clerics as it does Arcane Casters. Since the Cleric spell list is less offensive the delay in CL and the delay in getting access to the next spell level doesn't decrease effectiveness of spells quite so much. It does still hurt some though. There is a trait that will keep your CL equal to class level as long as you don't dip more than 2 levels.

Magical Knack:

You were raised, either wholly or in part, by a magical creature, either after it found you abandoned in the woods or because your parents often left you in the care of a magical minion. This constant exposure to magic has made its mysteries easy for you to understand, even when you turn your mind to other devotions and tasks. Pick a class when you gain this trait—your caster level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn’t raise your caster level above your current Hit Dice.

Are you familiar with the Automatic Bonus Progression rules we'll be using? If not, here's where you can find them: ABP Rules

As you can see from looking through them, we will be getting more ability score boosts than under the standard rules since we get them automatically without having to scrounge up the usual belts, headbands, and such to get them magically. We're going to be pretty darn badass. While this won't fix a lagging CL, it should mean higher spell DCs. You might be getting spells by level a little later with the dip, But any spells with a save DC should stay relevant longer. Finally, you're a Cleric. If a spell doesn't work for you one day, don't pray for it the next. Screw spell books, the whole list is your oyster.

It probably goes without saying, but Ecclesitheurge is the Wizard of Clerics. No armor and I think the weapon proficiencies are the same as Wizard. No Mage Armor or Shield spells either (though Pharasmans?, Pharsmanites?, do get access to the excellent Defending Bone spell). BUT! That's not so bad, the Ecclesitheurge has no business being in melee. Stay back and use a crossbow until you have enough magic to just use it all the time.

Also, that Unchained Monk dip will give you that class's weapon proficiencies: "Monks are proficient with the club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, short sword, shortspear, shuriken, siangham, sling, spear, and any weapon with the monk special weapon quality."

Also, the list of feats GMDS listed will turn channel energy into a weapon. I don't think it's going too far out on a limb to predict an undead heavy campaign so there you go, well armed indeed! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You might want to prioritize CHA as much, or almost as much, as WIS. More channels per day, and higher channel DCs.

One thing to know about Domain spells for Pharasma:
"Since Pharasma despises undead, Pharasmin clerics with the Death domain replace the animate dead domain spell with speak with dead, replace create undead with antilife shell, and replace create greater undead with symbol of death. Clerics with the Souls subdomain (Advanced Player’s Guide 96) replace the animate dead domain spell with speak with dead."

Okay, more than a couple of things.

Shadow's Status
Ragadolf wrote:

Ok,... starting to make some sense of it all.

(SOME.) ;)

I see now, (Yeah I'm slow. And tired.)
>Lvl 1 Cleric
>Lvl 2 Monk 1
>lvl 3-6 Cleric
>Lvl 7 Monk 2
>Lvl 8-17 Starfinder
Lvl 18-20 Cleric

So apparently Pharasma doesn't have half bad Domains. O_o
Which is cool because this build allows you to swap out 'secondary' domains for another domains spells, (but not domain abilities)
Seriously need to consider which domain for secondary.

Am I correct is thinking (hoping!) that as a Cleric/Monk, when I use flurry of blows, I can ALSO use Domain abilities requiring a touch attack WITH the flurry of blows?? :D
THIS just got very interesting,...

Thanks again,... going to keep reading, (AND apparently decide on a character personality/voice) ;)

You can also swap out Domain powers each day, versatile as hell!

Teofila Agarici wrote:

@Ragadolf: A couple of things regarding your questions.

Thx RDK, As I said, I'm starting to make sense of it. (SLowly,...) ;P

>as an addicted-to-casters player, I AM familiar with the Magical Knack Trait. :) I am considering it,

>I had to look up Automatic Bonus Progression, Again. Wow. O_o
We WILL be Epic-Movie-lvl-bad@$$#$ before too long! :D

>Working as a caster with no armor I'm used to. True that Clerics dont get Mage armor or Shield spells, but they do get,...
WAITAMINUTE!?!?!?! What happened?!? They MOVED the Cleric spell 'Magic Vestments' to THIRD level?!? AND they nerfed it?
(WHat were they smoking?!? And where can I get some?) ;P

>A(nother) good thing about Monk dip is the extra weapons. I could spend a feat on Combat reflexes, use a spear, and AoO anyone who dares to step too close. :)

>HAving never managed to play a Cleric past Lvl 1 yet, I am NOT familiar with all the channel feats GMDS listed. I like the sound of turning CHannel into a weapon!

>Yeah, NEVER understood the decision to make Channel based on Cha instead of Wis. Just seems like a deliberate stat-tax to be able to use one of your primary class features worth a darn.

>I looked up Pharasma on the Nexus (I luv D20PFSRD, but it is not legally allowed to have a lot of things that Nexus is) Seems I might be able to call myself an Undead-hunter with this build. ;) more "put the uneasy spirits to rest' type of a Power.

THANK you for all the feedback. I really appreciate it!

GM Dark Shadows wrote:

You can also swap out Domain powers each day, versatile as hell!

Wait, I swear I read you can only swap out Domains SPELLS each day, NOT the powers?!?

IF I COULD swap out the powers too? THIS build just became very possibly OP. :)

Shadow's Status
Ragadolf wrote:
GM Dark Shadows wrote:

You can also swap out Domain powers each day, versatile as hell!

Wait, I swear I read you can only swap out Domains SPELLS each day, NOT the powers?!?

IF I COULD swap out the powers too? THIS build just became very possibly OP. :)

Yeah, its nasty, I built a PC using it, that's part of how I knew about it.

Hm, I found TWO different Automatic Bonus Progression(s).

This one from NEXUS PF 2nd ed, (as posted above by RDK)

And this one from D20PFSRD web site
I also found this version under Nexus PF 1st ed pages.

They are NOT the same. (Looks like they re-did the entire thing from PF 1st to 2nd ed.)
The PF2 version seems less, cluttered or complicated. AND it starts on 2ndlvl as you mentioned. Are we using that one? (PF2)

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

@Ragadolf: Use this site to look things up. It's the "official" Pathfinder content site. It won't steer you wrong.

Archives of Nethys

Yep! Positive energy channeling is an excellent weapon vs. undead. Of course you can call yourself an undead hunter. My "Pharasman" Inquisitor Teofila is an undead hunter amongst other things. Cole the Kineticist is teamed up with her (Teofila is the leader ;P), and you can join our team too if you like. It would be useful, um... I mean good, to have a truly respectable Pharasman with us.

Specifically what I mean is the three of us would have some shared backstory (in which Teofila is the leader), and know each other prior to the start of the adventure.


Sorry for my lack of posting folks. This month is turning out as bad as last month. . It’s been a rough Spring. I have put together my gunslingers rough stats, but I am iphoning it in r/n, and for some reason the mobile version of this site doesn’t allow character inputting.

Rags, great to see you are joining! If anyone can make a PbP interesting it is you (and Shadow, natch)

Shadow's Status

Pathfinder 1E ABP, I know there's some oddities to it, I'll resolve as necessary as we move along.

Teofila Agarici wrote:

@Ragadolf: Use this site to look things up. It's the "official" Pathfinder content site. It won't steer you wrong.

Archives of Nethys

Yep! Positive energy channeling is an excellent weapon vs. undead. Of course you can call yourself an undead hunter. My "Pharasman" Inquisitor Teofila is an undead hunter amongst other things. Cole the Kineticist is teamed up with her (Teofila is the leader ;P), and you can join our team too if you like. It would be useful, um... I mean good, to have a truly respectable Pharasman with us.

Specifically what I mean is the three of us would have some shared backstory (in which Teofila is the leader), and know each other prior to the start of the adventure.

ACK! ROFL (at myself)

Yes I typed NEXUS when I MEANT Nethys! Thank you! :D

I like it! Thanks, I (vaguely) recall the linked backstory from earlier posts. I'm sure I can find a way to squeeze my new toon into the mix.

(Not entirely certain how 'respectable' my PC will be yet. Still deciding character/personality as I work my way through this build!) ;P
AT least for NOW, I only really need to build a lvl 1 toon.:)

Hm. Which would be more entertaining?
A Pharasmin cleric who went Goth?
('Everything is depressing, oh look, a bad guy. I guess YOUR turn at judgement came up early') etc.

OR a Pharasmin Cleric who is inexplicably cheery. ALL the time.
(Which I think would be 'unusual' for a patron who deals with death?)

Once I find the voice/accent/mindset, this is gonna be fun! :)

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Sorry for my lack of posting folks. This month is turning out as bad as last month. . It’s been a rough Spring. I have put together my gunslingers rough stats, but I am iphoning it in r/n, and for some reason the mobile version of this site doesn’t allow character inputting.

Rags, great to see you are joining! If anyone can make a PbP interesting it is you (and Shadow, natch)

Sorry to hear your having a rough time. Hope everything calms down soon.

(Aren't summers supposed to be FUN?!? Let me know when that time gets here. I don't wanna blink and miss it!) ;P

And thanks! I appreciate that. Looking forward to it. :)

Shadow's Status
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Sorry for my lack of posting folks. This month is turning out as bad as last month. . It’s been a rough Spring. I have put together my gunslingers rough stats, but I am iphoning it in r/n, and for some reason the mobile version of this site doesn’t allow character inputting.

Rags, great to see you are joining! If anyone can make a PbP interesting it is you (and Shadow, natch)

No worries Pat, Rags still ahs to finish his build and crate his Avatar plus I have a few more PCs still out there, was hoping for this weekend but even that may be a bit delayed, good things come to those who wait.

Shadow's Status

Rags I sent you a PM.

GM Dark Shadows wrote:
Rags I sent you a PM.

Yes you did! :)

Thank you,

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

I think Goth is the default setting for all things Pharasman. Have you seen the Gray Lady? Her Churches? I mean yikes!

If you want to be even creepier than the average Pharasman, and want to think about nothing other than the destruction of all undead everywhere, you could be a member of The Voices of the Spire. It's a militant sect devoted to undead killing. Those people have no sense of humor at all. Met some of them in Mummy's Mask. They're the type who are willing to nuke a whole city, and everyone in it, if it's too difficult to sort the undead from the living.

As far as Ustalav and character backgrounds are concerned, Lepidstadt is a good location. If I remember correctly Cole and Teofila mostly know each other from the university there. There also a huge Pharasman cathedral there named Gravecharge. Also, all the characters are supposed to have some connection to Dr. Rudolph van Richten of Lepidstadt University, so it's simple to work everything in to the single location if you wish. It's not a mandatory location for backstories though, just some place in the region will do.

Shadow's Status

As of right now we have:

1) _Bastian 'Ogre' Zorovich - Aasimar(angelblooded) Bloodrager.
2) Alain O'Dim - Human Holy Gun.
3) Teofila Agarici - Half-Elf Inquisitor (Royal Accuser / Sanctified Slayer.
4) Cole Burrns - Half-Orc (Pyro) Kineticist 1 / VMC Sorcerer (Orc).

In the works:

5) Rags Pharasman Cleric in build stage.
6) Mystery Player 1 Concept (still in development)
7) Mystery Player 2 (Still Contemplating the Invite).

Teofila Agarici wrote:

I think Goth is the default setting for all things Pharasman. Have you seen the Gray Lady? Her Churches? I mean yikes!


True. Very, Very true.

Hm, The voices of the spire sound, interesting, but I'm not sure it's right for THIS toon. Although,.... Hm. Haveta think about it.
Sounds like they might be a little more 'intense' than I was thinking of playing this guy.
Gotta admire their dedication though. I guess. ;P

Lepidstadt is a city in Ustalav, yes? That'll work. New guy (need to think of a NAME) can be based out of, or stopping by Gravecharge for Pharasmin business. When he got the letter from Richten.

Thanks again!

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19
Ragadolf wrote:

Hm, The voices of the spire sound, interesting, but I'm not sure it's right for THIS toon. Although,.... Hm. Haveta think about it.

Sounds like they might be a little more 'intense' than I was thinking of playing this guy.
Gotta admire their dedication though. I guess. ;P

Yeah, too hardcore for Teofina for sure. She's just trying to make a living.

OK, Got the basics of the lvl 1 Pharasmin/Ecclesiasthurge/etc onto a page.

Still some FINE points, including which set of stats to choose, gear, etc.

But basically the page is a hot mess of stuff copied over from Nethys and D20PFSRD.

I'm just going to post it HERE (spoiler below) for corrections, advice, etc. Then I'll turn it into a 'real' character sheet and create the PC avatar.

Just realized, unless we get a Bard or something, I'm going to have the highest CHA. I'm going to have to drop a point or 3 into Diplomacy eventually aren't I? I have a feeling I'm going to be the party's Face man. ;P

Which could be hysterical RP if I go 'Goth' personality. He's the best at conversation. But he's SO 'over it' & obviously doesn't care. But he's so good at talking he always wins others over to his side anyway! ;D

All the stuff for lvl 1 Human cleric Ecclesitheurge of Pharsma:


Rags New Cleric build

Human Pharasman Cleric Ecclesitheurge Archtype – Level 1
(/Monk/Stargazer later)
Alignment: Neutral Good (NG)
STATS: (25 pt buy)
A: Str 10, Con 10, Dex 14, Int 13, Wis 15 (17 w/+2 bonus), Cha 16
B: Str 10, Con 10, Dex 14, Int 14, Wis 14 (16 w/+2 bonus), Cha 16
HP: 9 (+1 Human Bonus)
SKILLS: The cleric’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
(Skill Monkeying Requirements for Stargazer --- by Level 7! Knowledge Geography 5, Knowledge Planes 5, Survival 3.)
Cleric Skill points per lvl- 2+ Int Mod +1 Human (A= 4, B= 5)
Monk Skill points per lv -4+ Int Mod +1 Human (A= 6, B= 7)
BACKGROUND skills (+2 skill pts /lvl)
Appraise, Artistry, Craft, Handle Animal, Knowledge (engineering), Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility), Linguistics , Lore , Perform , Profession , Sleight of Hand

Starting skills:
Cleric: Heal: 7, K: Arcana 7, K: Planes: 7, K: Religion: 7, Sense Motive: 7
Background: K: Geography: 3, Linguistics: 6,
(Languages: Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, What are good choices for adding later?)
Sacred Conduit: +1 to DC of Channels
Paragon of Speed: +2 to Initiative [Source: Pathfinder Player Companion: Inner Sea Primer]

Improved Channel: +2 DC to channel (Human Bonus)
Selective Channel: Exclude # of targets = to CHA mod in area from your Channel (3)

Cleric Abilities:
Aura: Radiates Strong 'Good'
Weapons & Armor Proficiency: An ecclesitheurge is proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff, but he’s not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Dagger is Pharsama's favored weapon.
Ecclesitheurge’s Vow: At 1st level, an ecclesitheurge makes a vow to his deity to be protected solely by his faith, not by armor or shields. An ecclesitheurge who wears armor or uses a shield is unable to use his blessing of the faithful ability, use cleric domain powers, or cast cleric spells.

Blessing of the Faithful (Su) As a standard action, the ecclesitheurge can bless one ally within close range (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels). A blessed ally gains a +2 sacred or profane bonus (depending on whether the ecclesitheurge channels positive or negative energy) on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, or saving throws or to AC until the ecclesitheurge’s next turn. The ecclesitheurge can expend 1 use of channel energy when activating this ability to increase the duration to a number of rounds equal to the number of dice of his channel energy.

Domain Mastery: At 1st level, when an ecclesitheurge chooses his cleric domains, he designates one as his primary domain and the other as his secondary domain. An ecclesitheurge can use his non-domain spell slots to prepare spells from his primary domain’s spell list.
Each day when he prepares spells, an ecclesitheurge can select a different domain granted by his deity to gain access to that domain’s spell list instead of his secondary domain spell list. He does not lose access to his actual secondary domain’s granted powers or gain access to the other domain’s granted powers. For example, an ecclesitheurge with Glory as his primary domain and Good as his secondary domain can choose to gain access to the Healing domain; until the next time he prepares spells, he uses the Healing domain spell list as his secondary domain spell list instead of the Good domain spell list, but still keeps the granted powers of the Good domain and does not gain the granted powers of the Healing domain.
This ability alters the normal domain ability.

Bonded Holy Symbol (Su) At 3rd level, an ecclesitheurge forms a powerful bond with a holy symbol of his deity, which functions identically to a wizard’s bonded object except it can be used to cast cleric and domain spells (instead of wizard spells) and the ecclesitheurge can grant his bonded holy symbol only magic abilities appropriate for a holy symbol or a neck slot item. As with a wizard’s bonded item, an ecclesitheurge can add additional magic abilities to his bonded holy symbol as if he had the required item creation feat (typically Craft Wondrous Item), provided he meets the feat’s level prerequisites. For example, an ecclesitheurge with a bonded holy symbol who wants to add a wondrous amulet ability, like amulet of natural armor, to his bonded holy symbol must be at least 3rd level to do so. The magic properties of a bonded holy symbol, including any magic abilities the ecclesitheurge added to the object, function for only the ecclesitheurge. If a bonded holy symbol’s owner dies or the item is replaced, the object loses all enhancements the ecclesitheurge added using this ability.
This ability replaces the increase to channel energy gained at 3rd level.

Primary: Healing:
-Rebuke Death (Sp): You can touch a living creature as a standard action, healing it for 1d4 points of damage plus 1 for every two cleric levels you possess. You can only use this ability on a creature that is below 0 hit points. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
-Healer's Blessing (Su): At 6th level, all of your cure spells are treated as if they were empowered, increasing the amount of damage healed by half (+50%). This does not apply to damage dealt to undead with a cure spell. This does not stack with the Empower Spell metamagic feat.
-Domain Spells: 1st—cure light wounds, 2nd—cure moderate wounds, 3rd—cure serious wounds, 4th—cure critical wounds, 5th—breath of life, 6th—heal, 7th—regenerate, 8th—mass cure critical wounds, 9th—mass heal.
Secondary: (Death? Knowledge? Water?) Keeps the powers, but can swap domains for access to domain spells each day.
Cleric of Pharasma: (Domains) Death, Healing, Knowledge, Repose, Water
Since Pharasma despises undead, Pharasmin clerics with the Death domain replace the animate dead domain spell with speak with dead, replace create undead with antilife shell, and replace create greater undead with symbol of death.

Spellcasting (Divine):
Special for Clerics of Pharasma:
False Life can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance can be prepared as a 3rd-level spell
Moment of Prescience can be prepared as a 8th-level spell

Orisons (0-lvl spells) Select 3/day, can recast as often as desired.
Detect magic, Enhanced Diplomacy, Resistance
1st lvl spells: 1 (+1) +1 domain (3 total)
Bless, Command, (CLW or 2nd domain spell)
Spontaneus Casting: Can convert any prepared (Non-Domain) spell into same lvl heal spell.

Channel Energy: (Positive) 1d6, (Heal living or Harm undead)
The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the cleric’s level + the cleric’s Charisma modifier.
(DC:17 w/Trait & Feat)
A cleric may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. (6) This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A cleric can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect.

AC: 13, Touch AC 13, Flat footed 10,
HP: 9
Current HP: 9
BAB: +0
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30'
CMB: +0
CMD: 12

Fort: +2 (+2, +0 Con)
Ref: +2 (+0, +2 Dex)
Will: +5 (+2, +3 Wis)

Att: +0 (+2 if Dex weapon)
Dmg by Weapon type, (Club and staff, 1d6 bludgeon, Dagger 1d4 slashing)

Female Half-Elf Inquisitor 2 | HP: 22/22 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 (+1 vs Poisons) | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +6 | Speed 30' | Sanity 39 - Threshold 2 - Edge 19

I'd suggest two things.

1. Raise your CON score some, at least to 12 if you can't get 14. Clerics do have a good FORT save, but diseases early one, and later on ability score drains, etc. make failing them really nasty.

2. Don't forget to choose your legacy. That's going to give you an extra +2 on some ability score, and might help you raise CON.

The last time GMDS posted on them, the following ancestries were still available:

"The remaining open Legacies are:

Shadow's Status
Teofila Agarici wrote:

I'd suggest two things.

1. Raise your CON score some, at least to 12 if you can't get 14. Clerics do have a good FORT save, but diseases early one, and later on ability score drains, etc. make failing them really nasty.

2. Don't forget to choose your legacy. That's going to give you an extra +2 on some ability score, and might help you raise CON.

The last time GMDS posted on them, the following ancestries were still available:

"The remaining open Legacies are:

Need that Sanity score as well once stats are selected.

Teofila Agarici wrote:

I'd suggest two things.

1. Raise your CON score some, at least to 12 if you can't get 14. Clerics do have a good FORT save, but diseases early one, and later on ability score drains, etc. make failing them really nasty.

2. Don't forget to choose your legacy. That's going to give you an extra +2 on some ability score, and might help you raise CON.

The last time GMDS posted on them, the following ancestries were still available:

"The remaining open Legacies are:

Yes, Why Clerics are so MAD compared to any other class I cannot figure out.

(WHY CHA for cryin out loud?!? For Channel Energy? SHouldn't that be based on WIS? I guess it's the PC's 'Force of personality'? SHouldn't it be based on belief in your power? I guess that IS the 'force of your belief?) ;P

I guess I can trade the Int bonus for Con? Although I REALLY need the Int for skill points. (Too used playing Wizzies with HIGH INT and therefore lots of skill points. I feel positively uneducated!) ;)

OR, use Stat choice A and shave a point off of Int or Wis for a little extra CON?

Sigh, Decisions. ;P

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