GM Dark Shadows |

Let me know what, if any, Ravenloft modules you have played through. I suppose it would also be good to know if any of you played through the two APs.

Lady Ladile |

Hmm...let's see. The biggest one is that I did play in a PbP run of Carrion Crown that made it to the beginning of Book 4 before the GM had to shelve it due to RL stuff - that said, that particular game began August 2015 and ended April 2019 so it's been a while since I've actually experienced any of the material.
I played in a PbP Strange Aeons game for a short while but dropped it due to a combination of slow pacing + hitting some PbP burnout and needing to cut back on games. I don't think I even played my character past the first area where the AP starts.
Also briefly played in a PbP run of I6: Castle Ravenloft but dropped it for similar burnout reasons.
And a loooong time ago, my old home group played through the Ravenloft modules 'The Created' and 'Night of the Walking Dead'. There might've been more but I can't remember what they would've been.

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Hoooo, a Discussion Thread...
Haven't touched Strange Aeons or Ravenloft. Did my best to prep Carrion Crown, only to collide with Covid come calling, and we also shelved it. Barely made it through its beginning couple of chapters in Book 1.
If this be on the horizon, I'll need to get to finishing some other tables to make sure I've got the stamina for this gathering :)

GM Dark Shadows |

Hoooo, a Discussion Thread...
Haven't touched Strange Aeons or Ravenloft. Did my best to prep Carrion Crown, only to collide with Covid come calling, and we also shelved it. Barely made it through its beginning couple of chapters in Book 1.
If this be on the horizon, I'll need to get to finishing some other tables to make sure I've got the stamina for this gathering :)
We are looking at probably a February/March timetable to start as I will be heavily pinned down by RL till then.
As I will be modifying a bit or a lot, will need time to get that all figured out as well.

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It maybe worth making a gameplay thread just to dot into so this shows up in folks campaigns.
No issues with the timeframe. Ustalav seems a highly appropriate starting location.

GM Dark Shadows |

It maybe worth making a gameplay thread just to dot into so this shows up in folks campaigns.
No issues with the timeframe. Ustalav seems a highly appropriate starting location.
Dot and delete as there are no PCs prepared as of yet. :-)

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Woo hoo, many thanks. Much better way to make sure it doesn't get lost over summer. Well, my Summer. Winter for you lot.

GM Dark Shadows |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I have started reviewing the first two books of each AP for modifications and selecting some Ravenloft modules to insert into the AP, even if only some chapters of said modules.
If this plays out as I envision it, there may be some chance of moving into Mythic, but that's a while away.
I am considering utilizing a modified version of Automatic Bonus Progression. I will absolutely be utilizing a modified version of Weapons of Legacy. I will also be selecting bloodlines for each PC to tie you to the story more deeply, I will not reveal the nature of those bloodlines as they will be revealed as the story unfolds. At certain levels, each PC will receive abilities related to their bloodlines.
I am seeing this as a 5 PC game, hopefully all of the Shackled City PCs and our DM will be able to participate, if not, I will seek out one or two more PCs to fill in those gaps.

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I remember bloodlines from3.5. I imagine they changed a bit. I ran a whole campaign based on bloodlines, and having various classes gated by bloodlines as well. But it was complex.

GM Dark Shadows |

I remember bloodlines from3.5. I imagine they changed a bit. I ran a whole campaign based on bloodlines, and having various classes gated by bloodlines as well. But it was complex.
Yes, these Bloodlines are something from 3.5 but I'll not be making it overly complex. It's mainly for flavor and storytelling purposes, but it's always nice to have a little extra something as a PC that you don't have to buy with Feats selections!

GM Dark Shadows |
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OK, I think I'm done with the initial conversion on Book 1 of both APs. I will try and go through Book 2 for each AP within the next two weeks or so. Assuming I can get through a book a week, that puts me on pace to get things going in late February early March.
Once we get closer to that timetable I'll issue the character creation rules and we can see if I get all 5 of you or if I need to recruit to complete the group!

GM Dark Shadows |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

A bit farther along on Strange Aeons Book II than Carrion Crown Book II, mainly because I am trying to do my best to replace even some of the mundane NPCs with Ravenloft NPCs and place both adventures within Ravenloft.
I do not think I will run any FULL Ravenloft modules but I will use some chapters from some modules to blend into the story and fit in the cracks between both.
The nice thing about trying to blend both is that I can eliminate some of the more random encounters and make most encounters faced applicable to the plot.
I was hoping to be a further along this week but the last two days were a bit of a mess so I will need to use all my free time tomorrow to prep for my table top game of Vampire this Friday instead of tinkering with this project :-(

Black Dow |

Let me know what, if any, Ravenloft modules you have played through. I suppose it would also be good to know if any of you played through the two APs.
Apologies all - missed that this was up and running from our Shackled City OOC.
I've played the original I6 up to a TPK. Ran Feast of Goblyns with my RL group back in the 90s but we only got about halfway thru.
Regards concepts for this one - am mulling a Pharasmin Penitent of some shape and vocation.

GM Dark Shadows |

Zero progress on this, ended up sick the day after my last post and just been trying to dig out of the hole that being sick created ever since. I am hoping by next week to get back to the background prep work.

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Coasty coast coasting here. Holidays are speckled with birthdays and graduations, and I'm fixing to crack a brandy pug in my wife's honor tomorrow night for completing her master's degree at 53 years of age. Gonna be a great day. Hope you all are enjoying what life should be, friends and family abounding.

Storyteller Shadow |

Coasty coast coasting here. Holidays are speckled with birthdays and graduations, and I'm fixing to crack a brandy pug in my wife's honor tomorrow night for completing her master's degree at 53 years of age. Gonna be a great day. Hope you all are enjoying what life should be, friends and family abounding.
Congrats to your Wife!
Relaxing today, behind at work because of so much going on in RL, but sometimes you just need to downshift and rest. Probably looking at an early April instead of March timeline on this one folks. My apologies, but if this one is going to play well, I need to have the storyline make sense from level 1 to whatever level we finish.

GM Dark Shadows |

Between resting on the Holidays after a grueling end of year at work and scrambling to move into my house the next few weeks, I have made zero progress here. Still likely an April start date though. When I have an actual update I'll post up again.

GM Dark Shadows |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Probably May as it turns out, I haven't touched anything at all this year. By this weekend though I will be fully settled in the house, caught up on work, and on the other games I run on the board, then I can get back to this! :-)

GM Dark Shadows |

Well, that didn't go as planned! Two days and then got sidetracked again. Probably by next week I will be able to actually get back to this in a more meaningful way.
Can I get a roll call on who's still interested? I think even if the entire original gang isn't interested I'm still going to try and get 5 PC

GM Dark Shadows |

Probably looking at mid-May for character creation.
I'm through the first two books, I don't think I need to read through all 6 of both series before we start but will skim.
Let me know by May 15 who is in so I can further recruit if need be. Thanks!

He'sDeadJim |

Greetings all! I was just invited in.
I have pretty extensive experience with the old original Ravenloft module. From there I also have some experience with the World building portion with multiple realms (Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, etc...). Although I have not dealt with any of the latest published stuff.
I started with a PbP on the Strange Aeons recently in the last year, but it died quickly once the GM disappeared suddenly.
I have gone through Carrion Crown IRL with one GM years ago, but it was a truncated experience and not the complete AP as I understand because the GM wanted to only use some of it and not all of it. I also started a Carrion Crown PbP last year, but it died quickly too.

He'sDeadJim |

Should we start discussing character ideas we might want to try out? I know we don't have build rules yet, but I thought it might be fun to see what everyone wants to try out.
I have tons of ideas, but I'm leaning toward two that I really want to try again if possible. Strangely enough both are Fire based characters, and I have no idea what will be allowed by the GM, but they both still really appeal to me.
Either a Half-Orc Pyro-Kineticist, or a Half-Elf Oracle of Flame.
I started Strange Aeons PbP with a version of the Half-Orc and Started my recent Carrion Crown PbP game with the Half-Elf. I really liked them both before those games quickly died in their infancy. The Half-Orc was from Lastwall basically and the Half-Elf was from Ustalav, so the basic concepts still fit...mostly.

GM Dark Shadows |

Should we start discussing character ideas we might want to try out? I know we don't have build rules yet, but I thought it might be fun to see what everyone wants to try out.
I have tons of ideas, but I'm leaning toward two that I really want to try again if possible. Strangely enough both are Fire based characters, and I have no idea what will be allowed by the GM, but they both still really appeal to me.
Either a Half-Orc Pyro-Kineticist, or a Half-Elf Oracle of Flame.
I started Strange Aeons PbP with a version of the Half-Orc and Started my recent Carrion Crown PbP game with the Half-Elf. I really liked them both before those games quickly died in their infancy. The Half-Orc was from Lastwall basically and the Half-Elf was from Ustalav, so the basic concepts still fit...mostly.
That's fine, post away.
I have some bells and whistles for the PCs that will be added on to character creation as well. I am going to try and get those rules ironed out this weekend though I probably won't post until May 15th.

_JJ Surabar |

I think a caster of some type may be what I am looking for.
I have to admit that a ranger specializing in undead crossed my mind, but that sounded just a bit too much like JJ :-(
I remember playing a LG necromancer a while back, he viewed his job as putting them back in the ground rather than raising them up.

Black Dow |

Hey gang, am mulling a Cleric - Roaming Exorcist archetype - will plan to tie them into the lore of Pharasman Penitents somehow also.
Like the idea of a child who was possessed at some point - did something heinous (which caused loss of family) - then raised in a Pharasman Orphanage or Abbey etc to become a Penitent who wanders seeking atonement thru the exorcism and expulsion of daemons, the risen dead and the like.

_JJ Surabar |

If you are keen on a white necro, then go for it.
I'm really in the early stages, probably should be focusing on some type of back story for my character about how they ended up in ravenloft rather than the mechanics.

GM Dark Shadows |

Just an FYI, this is PF1E. All books will be legal so enjoy speculating away. I'll try and get character creation up this weekend as ideas are percolating.

He'sDeadJim |

If you are keen on a white necro, then go for it.
I'm really in the early stages, probably should be focusing on some type of back story for my character about how they ended up in ravenloft rather than the mechanics.
Thanks but no, I have a hundred and one ideas running through my head. I was just admiring your thought because I had a similar one!
I think I'm going to try and focus on my Half-Orc pyro-kineticist if I can.
He's literally a pyromaniac for hire.

He'sDeadJim |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey gang, am mulling a Cleric - Roaming Exorcist archetype - will plan to tie them into the lore of Pharasman Penitents somehow also.
Like the idea of a child who was possessed at some point - did something heinous (which caused loss of family) - then raised in a Pharasman Orphanage or Abbey etc to become a Penitent who wanders seeking atonement thru the exorcism and expulsion of daemons, the risen dead and the like.
A great choice for this game. Roaming Exorcist? Let's see...OK, Never seen that one before. Looks fun!
GM Dark Shadows |

Character Creation
1. 25 Point Buy.
2. Max HP at 1st level (roll OR 1/2+1 per level thereafter).
3. Background Skills.
4. Automatic Bonus Progression will be utilized. Bonuses start at Second Level.
5. Skill unlocks will be used.
6. Two Traits.
7. Hero Points Character Gain 1 Hero Point Per Level each time they level capping at 5 (i.e. at 6th level you gain 5 more). Characters can carry over unused points.
Hero Point Mechanics:
1) One permanent Hero Point may be used to avoid a final death scenario allowing a narrow cinematic escape,
2) One temporary Hero Point may be used if you are between -1 and -9 hit points to stabilize yourself to prevent further blood loss,
3) Temporary Hero Points may be expended to power Feats. These grant a lasting bonus for a one scene or one round duration depending on the feat description,
4) One temporary Hero Point grants a character a chance to supplement their d20 roll by 1d6 and add the result (whatever it was - no re-roll) to the d20 result,
Progression system:
Level 1-10 1d6,
Level 11-20 2d6,
Level 21-?? 3d6. and
5) No more than one Hero Point may be expended per round.
Optional rules mostly in the form of New Feats for Hero Points:
Arcane Surge (Prerequisites - Arcane Class) (Allows wielder to increase a spell DC by 3 for 1 round by expending a Hero Point),
Attune Item (Prerequisites - A Weapon of Legacy) (Allows wielder to expend one hero point to add +3 to attack and damage for the scene with chosen item),
Defensive Ward (Prerequisites - Dodge) (Allows wielder to expend one hero point to give yourself a +3 Luck bonus to AC for the scene),
Divine Surge (Prerequisites - Divine Class) (Allows wielder to increase a spell DC by 3 for 1 round by expending a Hero Point),
Heroic Feat (Prerequisites - None) (Any saving throw successfully made 10 points above an effects DC automatically allows the character to regain 1 used Hero Point),
Heroic Grace (Prerequisite - None) (Allows wielder to expend one hero point to add +1 to all saving throws or +3 to one saving throw for one scene),
Heroic Quickness (Prerequisites - Improved Initiative) (Allows wielder to expend one hero point to add +3 to Initiative checks),
Manifesting Surge (Prerequisites - Psionic Class) (Allows wielder to increase a powers save DC by 3 for 1 round by expending a Hero Point).
8. Legacies. Each player must select one of the following Legacies:
Von Zarovich,
Mordenheim, or
Depending on what you pick will grant you bonuses at the start of character creation. I won't list the bonuses so character creation will be a bit more interesting as you have no idea what you get depending on what you pick. These Legacies will also grant bonus Feats (my choice) at 5th and 10th level.
9. Weapons of Legacy. I will be using the Weapons of Legacy rules (modified) to transform one of your weapons or other items depending on the class selected into an item that gains magical abilities with you while you level.
While I allow all official and third party splat books, if something seems a bit mechanically OP'd I reserve the right to veto.
All classes are fine. Most races are fine, though if you want to play a Goblin or an Orc (a race that would receive hostility in a majority Human settlement let's discuss).
All PC's will have either adventured with, been a student of, or met (in whatever manner you wish to described it in your background) the esteemed Dr. Rudolph van Richten of Lepidstadt University. The Doctor has spent a lifetime researching foes of the living, specifically the Undead (though he has tackled other horrors of Ustalav as well). After a lifetime of research as well as adventuring, he has retired to Ravengro, his home city in Ustalav to be with his daughter Kendra as his wife recently passed away. Some of you may have met Kendra (up to you in your background) or just heard about her in passing from the Doctor.
Characters can start within Ustalav or an area near Ustalav in Golarion, but not within Ravengro. You can also know one another if you wish.
You receive from him a missive requesting your urgent assistance.... in fact, the letter is the opening post in Gameplay.

_JJ Surabar |

Any background guff about what the legacies mean?
Also... automatic bonus progression how does that work with legacy weapons?

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Hello hello! Just found out about this from GM DS.
Looks like the older business was familiarity with the materials. So...
Zero familiarity with Ravenloft. I've heard of it so the name doesn't baffle me. I'll raise familiarity to 2%.
I've started Strange Aeons a couple of times. But, the games never went anywhere. I think between the attempts, I've explored about 8 or maybe 10 rooms.
I've started Carrion Crown once. The game didn't last long enough to make it to the prison or asylum, or whatever it is.
As for character ideas, I do have the Carrion Crown character I made. A Life Oracle that I liked. Life Oracle might be a bit too on the nose though? Here's the character; we started at 4th level so I could lower it to 1st level and rebuild: Magdali Kiritescu
Otherwise a Ranger could be good, Transporter archetype and probably archer. A specialist in getting people from one place to another safely and discreetly. Seems like the kind of service that would be in demand in a place like Ravenloft, or Ustalav.
Also, where can I find out something about the legacies?

GM Dark Shadows |

Any background guff about what the legacies mean?
Also... automatic bonus progression how does that work with legacy weapons?
I'd like to keep it a mystery that becomes revealed as the campaign progresses.
The bonuses would not stack with the Legacy item but would apply to a secondary weapon or item.

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@Black Dow & Lady Ladile: Hello you two! I don't think I've seen either of you around since that Jade Regent campaign a few years back. Good to see you!
Black Dow, if you're set on a Cleric and I decide to go with Oracle it looks like we'd both be Pharasman. Maybe we know each other? Work together? I could stick with the Life mystery, which makes for a weird, but perhaps effective undead hunter. Maybe switch races to Aasimar and pick up the first couple of Force Channel feats. Or, if that's too many positive energy eggs in one basket between us, I can switch to say the Occult mystery and take the Spirit Guide archetype. I can choose the Life Spirit if I need to pull extra healing out of my back pocket, or something else if I don't. More versatility on my part that way.

He'sDeadJim |

Are the Legacies supposed to be blood related (directly related) to the character or are they just 'Legacies' that each of us has some sort of connection to somehow?
Can we get a third trait if we take a disadvantage?
Optional Rules:
Would you allow Varient Multiclassing?

_JJ Surabar |

So for the legacies, we just pick a random one. I'm not that fussed about the mechanics, but the fluff might be helpful for character building.
I'm vaguely leaning toward a bard type character at the moment. A bit of everything. How many players are you currently thinking of having?

Black Dow |

@Black Dow & Lady Ladile: Hello you two! I don't think I've seen either of you around since that Jade Regent campaign a few years back. Good to see you!
Black Dow, if you're set on a Cleric and I decide to go with Oracle it looks like we'd both be Pharasman. Maybe we know each other? Work together? I could stick with the Life mystery, which makes for a weird, but perhaps effective undead hunter. Maybe switch races to Aasimar and pick up the first couple of Force Channel feats. Or, if that's too many positive energy eggs in one basket between us, I can switch to say the Occult mystery and take the Spirit Guide archetype. I can choose the Life Spirit if I need to pull extra healing out of my back pocket, or something else if I don't. More versatility on my part that way.
Hey RDK - long time indeed my friend :)
No set per say - Roaming Exorcist just seemed to fit :) Am also looking at Investigator (Spiritualist) as another option, but again will be Pharasman. Clexorcist is currently the front-runner tho'
Agree though a collaboration and partnership would make sense :)
@GM DS: You know me and my love of Traits - is Additional Traits feat permitted? Also what about Drawbacks?

GM Dark Shadows |

Are the Legacies supposed to be blood related (directly related) to the character or are they just 'Legacies' that each of us has some sort of connection to somehow?
Can we get a third trait if we take a disadvantage?
Optional Rules:
Would you allow Varient Multiclassing?
Directly related ancestors.
Yes, you can take up to 2 disadvantages for 2 more Traits, forgot about disadvantages, been a while since I ran PF.
Yes but I'd like to see the proposed build.

GM Dark Shadows |

So for the legacies, we just pick a random one. I'm not that fussed about the mechanics, but the fluff might be helpful for character building.
I'm vaguely leaning toward a bard type character at the moment. A bit of everything. How many players are you currently thinking of having?
It's ancient ancestry so the PCs have no idea about it, it will be revealed via the plot of the campaign. Saying anything more would be spoilers!
5 to 7 characters.