Sergei the Haunted |

Further question, does a switch in personality allow access to a different power set? Not a complete make-over but maybe each Ghost has one thing that's special to them when they are in "the driver's seat"?
That's an intersting idea. If I were GMing here's how I'd do it-
Sergei's telekinisis abilities aren't actually "his." They're a manifestation of all the ghosts around him. He's a walking Haunt. Poltergeist stuff happens around him all the time. He's good at getting the ghosts to do more detailed things (as shown by his Telekinetic Finess feat), but any personality in the driver's seat is going to have access to the basic Telekineticist class abilities.
Strong/special personalities would act sort of like a template over Sergei's existing character sheet. When a different personality is in control, Sergei would lose all his feats and use the other personality's feats instead. That would keep things mechanically simple to swap in and out.
Feats could be swapped for spell like abilities for ghosts that were spellcasters. Same with other iconic class abilities. I'd just use "how many feats is this class ability worth" to figure it out.
Eventually, I'd allow a version of the Leadership feat to give the various ghosts the ability to manifest, acting as "disposable" cohorts and followers. (I'd use the Phantom rules from the Spiritualist class as a template for this, and come up with some kind of cost Sergei needs to pay to "summon" a spirit who's body has been discorperated by damage. The Burn/Temporary Hit Points system Telekineticists already use seems like a good option).
At higher levels, Sergei will gain a Magic Jar style ability (from an Oracle Revelation). I'd love for a different personality to take over Sergei's body when that happens.

GM Dark Shadows |

How do legacy weapons work?
Does Bastion start with a greatsword, or something else?
And do legacy weapons come out of our initial cash ?
You start with the Weapon you selected, in your case, the Greatsword. It comes out of initial cash only from a character balance perspective, but you've either always had it, or came by it as part of your Background ("I inherited this sword from my Father") though I am not sure anyone had their items specifically as a feature of their background beside Sterling. Unlike the ABP weapon, a Weapon of Legacy can be used by anyone who can attune themselves to it. The idea from a narrative perspective is that each of you is meant to have the Weapon. As the story unfolds of course, you will all begin to find out just what you have.

GM Dark Shadows |

If I were GMing here's how I'd do it-
Sergei's telekinisis abilities aren't actually "his." They're a manifestation of all the ghosts around him. He's a walking Haunt. Poltergeist stuff happens around him all the time. He's good at getting the ghosts to do more detailed things (as shown by his Telekinetic Finess feat), but any personality in the driver's seat is going to have access to the basic Telekineticist class abilities.
Strong/special personalities would act sort of like a template over Sergei's existing character sheet. When a different personality is in control, Sergei would lose all his feats and use the other personality's feats instead. That would keep things mechanically simple to swap in and out.
Feats could be swapped for spell like abilities for ghosts that were spellcasters. Same with other iconic class abilities. I'd just use "how many feats is this class ability worth" to figure it out.
Eventually, I'd allow a version of the Leadership feat to give the various ghosts the ability to manifest, acting as "disposable" cohorts and followers. (I'd use the Phantom rules from the Spiritualist class as a template for this, and come up with some kind of cost Sergei needs to pay to "summon" a spirit who's body has been discorperated by damage. The Burn/Temporary Hit Points system Telekineticists already use seems like a good option).
At higher levels, Sergei will gain a Magic Jar style ability (from an Oracle Revelation). I'd love for a different personality to take over Sergei's body when that happens.
That certainly makes sense to me.
I have run a number of games where "others" inhabited the consciousness of a PC. In D&D, I generally left the same power set, but a different personality. In Vampire, I had entirely different personalities have entirely different Disciplines.
For the Magic Jar style ability, that can absolutely be added as a trigger for a personality swap, I would suspect an auto trigger.
I'll have to look more closely at the Phantom rules of the Spiritualist class but that seems to be a good idea, there's time for that anyway as Leadership is some time away.
For the current spirits inhabiting Sergei, we should probably decide on a number for now and then can add to that number as the Game progresses. Maybe two from Ravenloft and two from Branderscar just to keep things simple? then as the character develops, add and subtract as seems appropriate to the story.

Teofila Agarici |

"...though I am not sure anyone had their items specifically as a feature of their background beside Sterling."
I'm not sure if Teofila fits this or not. She got her elven curve blade through the Signature Moves trait, which implies she is (or will be) known due to it. To wit, she is the only Royal Accuser who uses an elven curve blade. I don't write it into her backstory though because I wanted to save the story of how she came to have it for sometime later in the game. The handy reason is it is an inheritance from her elven parent.

Teofila Agarici |

In case it matters to anyone, Teofila is pronounced "tay-o-fil-a". It's a name used in Spain, Italy, Romania, and Poland, though it's quite old fashioned to archaic now.

Ragadolf |

In case it matters to anyone, Teofila is pronounced "tay-o-fil-a". It's a name used in Spain, Italy, Romania, and Poland, though it's quite old fashioned to archaic now.
Ok, that's cool.
I may or may not have been pronouncing it "TEE (TEA?) O phila" in my head space. ;P
(Hey, I have an English MINOR for a reason. I loved reading books and got a minor in it, but I couldn't be bothered with little things like Grammar and such!) ;P

Sergei the Haunted |

I'd imagine there's probably more than 4 spirits, but those 4 are the ones that have a strong enough will, desire, and sense of self to be able to take control of Sergei's body.
Some ideas-
Leo Dilisnya (assuming he's actually dead in your game).
Reinhold Dilisnya (Leo's brother, killed by Strahd at the wedding)
Rudolph Van Richten
A Vistani fortune teller that doesn't speak Golarion Common.
A member of the Godefroy household that managed to escape. Both Lord Wilfred and the Dark Powers want to re-capture the escapee.
A former inmate of Harrowstone that was transfered to Branderscar when Harrowstone was decommissioned. This person would likely be from a long lived race, and in life did something to warrent life in prison.
One of the people the Whispering Way sacrificed in Harrowstone (probably wouldn't join Sergei's collective until after we go to Harrowstone for the first time).
Let me know which ones you like best, or tell me some you'd like to see in the game.

Teofila Agarici |

Teofila Agarici wrote:In case it matters to anyone, Teofila is pronounced "tay-o-fil-a". It's a name used in Spain, Italy, Romania, and Poland, though it's quite old fashioned to archaic now.Ok, that's cool.
I may or may not have been pronouncing it "TEE (TEA?) O phila" in my head space. ;P
(Hey, I have an English MINOR for a reason. I loved reading books and got a minor in it, but I couldn't be bothered with little things like Grammar and such!) ;P
Your English is perfectly correct, but the catch is it isn't an English name. The EO vowel cluster is tripping you up because in English you should get the same sound out of it as Theodore. The following O makes the E a long vowel, like with the different E sounds in egg and easter.
The rule is English specific though and doesn't apply to the other languages. The E sound stays the same with or without a vowel following.
Actually the name is originally Greek, Theophila, which is two Greek words mashed together: θεός φίλος = theós fílos = god friend.
There! If you read this far you now know about 1000% more about the name than you wanted to, and which will never even be spoken aloud in the game.

Teofila Agarici |

Oh, one more thing. Anyone who's from Ustalav, or has spent a long time there, might probably know what a Royal Accuser is. Here's the Pathfinder Wiki entry:
"The Royal Accusers are a secretive organisation that serves the Ustalavic crown as investigators and enforcers of the law. The Royal Accusers' jurisdiction extends across the whole of Ustalav and, more importantly, they are completely unbeholden to the labyrinthine laws, rights, and obligations granted to the country's nobility that often effectively shield the noble houses from justice. Secretive in nature, the Royal Accusers have a somewhat dark reputation for administering harsh justice, particularly if the matter they are investigating involves national security. Rumours have it that they have ended entire noble dynasties in their relentless pursuit of justice and protection of the crown."

Ragadolf |

Ha! Maybe too much? maybe not.
Still cool.
I think the hardest I ever researched one of my old toons name was
I got it from Lord of the Rings, specifically from a book of ALL names ever mentioned in LotR, Hobbit, Silmarillion, etc etc.
(NOW it means 'the downfallen', but when I first used it, the book said it meant "Dark child' or something similar.) ;P
Funny, back in 'Everquest' (I called it Neverquest) I ran into a organization that was called Akallabeth. WHILE playing a toon named Akallabeth! ;)
Yes. they invited me to join. :)

Ragadolf |

I remember Everquest. I lost far too many hours to that game. Bad habit to get into when newly married.
YES! EXACTLY! That is what happened to me. :P
One of the reasons that I only rarely play MMORPG's anymore.
IF I have time to play, I usually just fire up one of my old game systems to waste a little bit of time.
Although Champions Online and Star Trek Online keep pulling me back.
From time to time.

GM Dark Shadows |

I remember Everquest. I lost far too many hours to that game. Bad habit to get into when newly married.
I didn't get into Online MMOs for just that reason. I knew I only had so much time on my hands after college and I chose table top over MMOs.

Patrick Curtin |

I did EQ for about 6 years. Then I did WoW for another year. I never really got ‘into’ WoW like I did with EQ. When i started getting into PbP playing in the 2008 area I pretty much gave up on MMORPGS. My chief complaint was that after you got to a high level it really became a job more than a game. It was all about guilds and raids and getting the best loot. I already had a job, i didn’t want the stress of a job that paid me in virtual magic items.

Cole Burrns |

The only MMO I have been playing is Mechwarrior Online since they created the game. Although I have played much since my divorce a few years ago. Great fun in 15min (or less) matches.
I mostly just play crpgs now, like Pathfinder: Kingmaker and WotR. Fallout 4 on my x-box. Things like that. Assuming that I have time for such things…which I usually do not.

GM Dark Shadows |

Did I provide the Legacy Stats for Drakov yet?
Drakov Legacy:
+2 Bonus to ConstitutionHandle Animal is a class Skill and you gain a +2 Legacy Bonus to that skill.
+1 Will Saves vs. Fear, Horror, and Madness effects.

GM Dark Shadows |

** spoiler omitted **
I like most of the ideas, over the weekend I'll formalize something and post.

GM Dark Shadows |

For those perhaps confused by Alain’s cryptic saying:
All things work in harmony with the greater tides of fate. All events serve a greater purpose, even if we can't understand what that purpose might be
Thanks! I googled it as I was like WTF, didn't follow that reference!

Ragadolf |

For those perhaps confused by Alain’s cryptic saying:
All things work in harmony with the greater tides of fate. All events serve a greater purpose, even if we can't understand what that purpose might be
Cool, thx for the info!
(Yeah, I had no idea. I thought maybe it was a Ravenloft/Ustalav reference or something.) ;P
Patrick Curtin |

Alain O'Dim wrote:Thanks! I googled it as I was like WTF, didn't follow that reference!For those perhaps confused by Alain’s cryptic saying:
All things work in harmony with the greater tides of fate. All events serve a greater purpose, even if we can't understand what that purpose might be
Alain is loosely based on Steven Deschain, the main protagonist of the Dark Tower. He’ll be dropping the occasional quote from that epic.

Ragadolf |

GM Dark Shadows wrote:Alain is loosely based on Steven Deschain, the main protagonist of the Dark Tower. He’ll be dropping the occasional quote from that epic.Alain O'Dim wrote:Thanks! I googled it as I was like WTF, didn't follow that reference!For those perhaps confused by Alain’s cryptic saying:
All things work in harmony with the greater tides of fate. All events serve a greater purpose, even if we can't understand what that purpose might be
Oh, OOOOOOOOkay. Cool.
Well I've only read the first book of that series, (And a couple of short stories in anthologies), and that was a while ago. So you may need to continue to drop the hints for us clueless. ;P
Thx in advance! :)

GM Dark Shadows |

Working tonight, I should have time to move this forward tomorrow, if not then absolutely on Monday.

GM Dark Shadows |

OK, moving along now!
The PCs can of course feel free to roleplay among one another. It should prove to be an interesting Ravenloft group with so many non-Humans present!

GM Dark Shadows |

And of course now I must ask, is "Ka" common knowledge?
(Clearly, I do NOT read enough PF sourcebooks or adventure paths anymore!) ;P
Probably not, it's heavily tied to Egyptian Mythological Lore. There are some areas of Golarion where it would be common knowledge I would think (Osirion), but not in Ustalav. You can make a Knowledge Religion check if you like.

Teofila Agarici |

Sorry for my absence. Work due to the end of the school year, and brutal allergies are really cutting into by functional leisure time recently.

GM Dark Shadows |

Sorry for my absence. Work due to the end of the school year, and brutal allergies are really cutting into by functional leisure time recently.
No worries!

GM Dark Shadows |

Great RP so far folks.
I'll give another day or so for feeling out your characters further then move us along. Don't want to bury the lead for too long here :-)

Dark Powers |

Sergei the Haunted wrote:I like most of the ideas, over the weekend I'll formalize something and post.** spoiler omitted **
Last weekend was super busy, I will have some time tomorrow night and get to this. Just wanted to let you know I did not forget.

Sergei the Haunted |

Sergei the Haunted wrote:I like most of the ideas, over the weekend I'll formalize something and post.** spoiler omitted **
Wanted to remind you of this, when you have the time.

GM Dark Shadows |

GM Dark Shadows wrote:Wanted to remind you of this, when you have the time.Sergei the Haunted wrote:I like most of the ideas, over the weekend I'll formalize something and post.** spoiler omitted **
Yeah, ran out of time, hoping to have it done by tomorrow.

GM Dark Shadows |

Hi folks. Sorry, had a long vacation with various mishaps and so I have had a hard time getting in the game. Plus I come back to 60 posts, LOL. A lot to cover. Assume that Alain is being the strong silent type for now :)
No worries.

GM Dark Shadows |

That scene actually calls for a scrum, but your rolls were so damned good I modified. The dice roller Gods favor thee!

Ragadolf |

Hi folks. Sorry, had a long vacation with various mishaps and so I have had a hard time getting in the game. Plus I come back to 60 posts, LOL. A lot to cover. Assume that Alain is being the strong silent type for now :)
Well I'm (we're) glad yer back!
:)I hope the 'mishaps' were more, 'This will make a funny story someday',
And less 'We will never speak of this again' kind of things!

GM Dark Shadows |

Ragadolf wrote:The Dice Goddess always favor good Role-Playing :)Sheesh! NICE 'Bluff' Vaneza!
(I hate to see her if she's SERIOUS!) ;P
How can I know this is your Bluff bonus... :-)
[Hint. Hint]

Patrick Curtin |

Patrick Curtin wrote:Hi folks. Sorry, had a long vacation with various mishaps and so I have had a hard time getting in the game. Plus I come back to 60 posts, LOL. A lot to cover. Assume that Alain is being the strong silent type for now :)Well I'm (we're) glad yer back!
:)I hope the 'mishaps' were more, 'This will make a funny story someday',
And less 'We will never speak of this again' kind of things!
Funny story one day. It was a good vacation and I am going on another next week, so my life is pretty sweet r/n

Teofila Agarici |

Yikes! So sorry! My mishaps are not a funny story someday. Extreme Heat! Exploding Pollen Counts! Holiday stuff I didn't want to be a part of but had no choice! Race against time to get the young feral cat I've adopted vaccinated and neutered despite her best efforts to avoid it!
Okay, actually the last one of those is a funny story, but too long and complicated to go into here.
Anyway, I'll get caught up reading the posts and get one in myself today.