So How Long Have You Been Coming To This Site?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

So how long have you been coming to this site?

I know I came here some time in 2009 but didn't become a member until December 2010.

Silver Crusade

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Long enough that I had given up all hope of someone actually coming over to sit and chat with me!! My fortunes have finally turned!

Silver Crusade

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But yeah. Early sometime around AR 4712.

Aug 26, 2013 was the date of my oldest post on this forum, though I lurked long before I posted. I've been watching Paizo since just before D&D 4e came out.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I started frequenting the boards back in 2007, while I was running my first campaign with Shackled City. Still been chasing the high of that game ever since.

Apparently my first order from Paizo was 2005. I'm still using both of the dice bags I bought then.

Scarab Sages

My first post on the Paizo boards was in October, 2005 about the Age of Worms AP. IIRC, the GM of that AP, Patman, asked a couple of us to respond to his post about a certain encounter in AoW.

Anyway, I didn't post again here until sometime in 2017.

2009 is my 1st post.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Since 2006 during the Age of Worms AP in Dungeon. I stuck around through WotC pulling the magazines from Paizo and never looked back after the 4e money grab.

First post 2012, but I must have lurked for a while.

My first post was June 2015, but I wasn't a regular poster until January 2017, when I started posting about my homebrew setting Pathfinder campaign.

Dark Archive

Oldest post is from early 2010, but I lurked before that

I probably lurked some before making this initial Oct 11, 2010 post. Around tea time.

2010 was my first post, but I probably lurked a bit beforehand

Looks like my first post happened in 2012. I didn’t hate 4th edition D&D, but when the play by post died off after 5th edition was announced, I came over here looking for a game. PBP might not have been dead on the WotC boards, but I couldn’t get a game there.

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